An update on translation and other things

Hey there,

It’s been a while since I last made a post I think. I’ve just finished Top Secret for V19, all that remains is the Afterword which I should be able to get done this week. In regards to V20, I still do not have a source for it and I’ve just read an announcement that the Chinese translation team is looking for Japanese to Chinese translators. Apparently, their time-frame is usually 2-3 months (6 translators + other staff) so with the assumption that they have nothing now and they are able to meet that target, it will be 2-3 months before I could start. Code Zero was originally going to work on V20 as well but has said that he will be busy this year so there’s nothing which can be done at the moment. Summaries and spoilers can be found on the Animesuki forums (thanks to jopjopjop and Gary29) Thankfully, we also have a new Korean to English translator and editor team – daniel Yang and Alexis138. They have been doing short stories from DX1.

I’m nearing the time for exams again (November) and have been flooded with assignments which is why I’ve slowed down. After V19, I will probably try to make some progress with Shinmai Maou, and then short stories from Dragon Magazine/other which haven’t been translated yet.

Also, the same goes for the EX short stories from BorN’s BDs. I haven’t seen any Chinese sources around for them so they will have to wait until there is a source or someone else translates them. In the meantime, jopjopjop’s summaries are excellent.

I have had many requests for LN translations, none of which I expect to even look at until December. I don’t mind suggestions, but please do keep in mind that I may never get to them. As for life, besides uni four days a week, I’m now working a day a week in IT, and have recently got some new watercooling gear for my PC.

Anyway, thank you to everyone, especially for donating and pointing out my mistakes. Suggestions for the next anime season?

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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39 Responses to An update on translation and other things

  1. Animedecoder says:



    Can you do translation for Irregular at magic high school. These are available in chinese.

    I know you are translating 3 novels. I just wanted to ask you.

  2. Anonymous says:



    i hope that once zxzxzx finish translating high school dxd v20, he can start translating IS LN V10

    • BarryBB says:



      We still need someone to finish off Volume 9, Daupao only got up to about 2/3 of chapter 2 finished unfortunately. No update from him/her since.

      • greg says:



        forget about volume 9, it just a bunch of harem anticcs; volume 10, stuff happen,

        got some info on madoka history with chifuyu aka white knight vs black knight

        ichika was crying

        2 students at the academy are actually phantom task agents

        if you’re reading this ZX, this isn’t the usually harem antics in this volume, izuru finally came through!

        • BarryBB says:



          Wow, I see your point, but I’d still like to see someone or other translate it (even if done badly) just for the sake of order.

  3. BarryBB says:



    Hey ZX, I’m not really understanding what you said here or what’s on the discussion but do you have any plans for translating Volume 20? I ask this because I just finished reading 19 and I think you know why I’m a bit anxious

    • Cardinal Crimson Queen says:



      I understand that you do not read earlier questions,  but this post you commented on literally anwers your question. Imagine a guy who walks into the McDonald’s and asks where the McDonald’s is… yeah, that’s basically you right now.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yes, I would like to do V20, but since I translate from Chinese, I need to wait for the Chinese or Taiwanese translators to finish first and I don’t know when that will happen.

  4. Kage says:



    Kenshin no Keishousha was being translated but translater had to abandon it because of rl would you be willing to take a look vol 1&2 already translated.

    • zxzxzx says:



      It’s still marked as active on Baka-Tsuki since it was last updated 3 months ago. In the case that I do decide to pick something up, I might go for an inactive or idle project as those have been waiting longer.

  5. Leandro Lima says:



    Translates Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei or Rakuday Kishi no Eiyuutan Light Novels are very good

  6. Leandro Lima says:



    A request I have for you is Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei has several people behind him are not more would be good if you translate because it is one of the most sought Light Novel.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve been asked about Mahouka several times before but I don’t plan to do it as I believe there are other people working on it and the most recent volumes have been translated.

      • Leandro Lima says:



        Everyone stopped Mahouka translation in volume 14 searched everywhere but she is inactive, and with no one to translate,LN has released 20 volumes and everyone stopped translating in volume 14 from 06.23.2014

        • zxzxzx says:



          Is that so? Volume 17 was only released this August and I found translated copies of volumes 15 and 16, though I’ve forgotten where I got them from now. Nevermind, found it. MknR Rec:

          As promised, reposted links to the v15 and v16 docs. These are the latest versions, partially TLCed and edited. There will be no further previews.

          Use only these links and do not mirror. If someone asks for V15 and V16 inform them that they are incomplete, copy paste this message and give them the links, do not redirect them to this forum.
          If I see any modified versions, or mirrors, then you can forget the V17 and V18 previews and eveyone will have to wait until the volumes are finished.

          Also a shout out to my man, Paul Li. Go pound sand.

          [spoiler title='Spoiler']

        • 54IFU says:



          For Info,

          Mahouka will be release officialy this october by Yen Press

  7. luislock says:



    Well monster musume is getting uncensored updates on anilinkz so that’s one and Dragon ball Super has made some progress. But I have to tell everybody about Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni “Shomin Sample” Toshite Rachirareta Ken. It was a hilarious manga and is getting an anime this month I believe. It’s a school/comedy/ecchi/harem but the concept is funny and the characters are hilarious. Definitely give the manga a read, it’s translated to ch 45 I think.

    • luislock says:



      Oh and as far as translation suggestions, PLEASE consider finishing Code Zero’s translation of Nekomata☆Ninja Scroll? It’s not part of the short story volumes but it already has some progress.

    • zxzxzx says:



      That does sound like it’ll be funny. I’ll be adding the anime to my watch list.

  8. foggydrake03 says:



    I recommend rakudai kishi no eiyuutan, GANGSTA., sky wizards academy, also noragami is a good one. If you were to translate another series I think rakudai kishi no eiyuutan would be a good one. I’m a sucker for an underdog story.

  9. necronomikon says:



    i have quite a few for the upcoming season: one punch man, shinmai burst, heavy object(same author as toaru), Rakudai kishi no eiyuutan, and Gakusen Toshi Asterisk.

  10. UlisesFu says:



    I always try to see your translations as a regular TV show. Where we have to wait a week or so for the next episode. And now is like the end of the season. I guess we have to wait until the next season starts.

  11. Anonymous says:



    Take your time, you deserve a break. I will be reading from SlashDog and DX series and other Light Novel that are being translated now.

  12. Adridezz says:



    Thanks for the update and all the hard work you have done. I dont mind waiting seeing as i haven’t even read vol 18 yet lol. College really keeps you busy

  13. vejtornado says:



    Thanks for the update man, u r awesome. don’t mind the wait for v20 translation as it means it will be of good quality and not rushed

    • necronomikon says:



      you could always read the summaries for V20 too since you get about as much as you from the actual full translation.

  14. Gary29 says:



    Don’t worry about it, with Ishibumi taking a break it feels natural for our translator-kun to take one as well. To tack onto what ZX brought up, if you can’t wait 3-5 months to read v20, go ahead and read jopjopjop’s summaries (link above). They’re incredibly detailed, way better than mere spoilers and easily the next best thing to an “official” translation. Volume 20 is also by far the best volume of this arc and one of the overall best vols in the series. DX1 is being translated and updates are first posted on the Higschool DxD subreddit. Meanwhile, most EX discussion takes place on animesuki, summaries included. I’ve found the sub to be the most overall fun place to hang out until something new happens in DxD so I recommend checking it out.

    >Suggestions for the next anime season?

    Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry, One Punch Man, Shinmai Maou Burst, and Noragami Aragoto if you watched the first season and enjoyed it.

    • BluDrifter says:



      Upvoting Rakudai no Kishi – Also if you are looking for suggestions on what to translate next then I would say Rakudai, it has an amazing story, characters and illustrations but it barely gets any attention from the translators. Would love to see more material for it.

    • 0


      If you also like Slice of Life (Like i do) check out “Is the order a rabbit??” second season and Yuru Yuri third season.

    • Marcus23 says:



      I’d vote for Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan. Currently there are only three volumes translated into english and I think the chinese translation is up to fifth volume. I hope you can pick it up.

      And thanks for your hard work translating volume 19.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thanks! Noragami sounds interesting so I might watch the first season. I’ll be watching Shinmai Maou, though not sure about One Punch Man. Probably Rakudai Kishi as well given how many upvotes it’s gotten, although the MAL synopsis sounds very familiar and cliched.

      • BluDrifter says:



        I know right? That’s the first thing that came to my mind but honestly once i’ve read the novels mind=blown. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.