• Who are you? What is this?
    • See my about page.
  • Why is a project on hold?
    • A likely reason may be that I do not yet have source material to translate from.
    • I may be working on another project which I want to finish before switching.
    • I am busy or on a break.
  • What about the High School DxD ___ short stories or volume ___ ?
    • EX has been translated by JeruTz and Ariel Saeba. You can find it on their respective blogs or Baka-Tsuki.
    • daniel Yang has done many of the DX stories so far, so do check them out.
    • Any future content is up in the air until a translator confirms that they are translating it.
  • Can I help edit your translations?
    • Sure. I’ll be posting them on Baka-Tsuki or Occult Research Club when I’m done so you can do that there. Feel free to let me know about any errors via comments in the meantime.
    • I also have a Slack workspace that I use for editing communication. An invitation link can be found on my homepage sticky.
  • How fast do you translate?
    • Speed depends on my available time. If I don’t update my pages as frequently as you might expect, I’m probably just going through a busy period.
  • You haven’t replied to my comment/email!
    • If you posted a comment or sent me an email, I’ll usually read it within 1-3 days. I will generally respond to all emails unless they aren’t asking a question but I won’t respond to every comment as that would be tedious. I appreciate them all and you can know that I’ll spend time reading them.
  • Will you translate [this] or [something else]?
    • Current projects are my main priority – at the moment, this includes High School DxD and Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi. I have more than enough content for the foreseeable future, so I will not be taking requests.
  • Can I translate your translation to another language?
    • Sure. Just remember to acknowledge the original authors and where you got it from.
  • Can I post your translation elsewhere?
    • No. Keep a personal copy of it if you like but this stays here or on Baka-Tsuki or Occult Research Club when I post it there.
  • What languages do you know?
    • English is my native language.
    • I learnt Chinese for about 5 years during high school and am fairly proficient. I can hold non-technical conversations in Chinese, but have difficulty reading/writing as I always forget characters.
    • I’ve been learning Japanese for about 4 years. I can hold simple conversations and can read decently well, but have trouble remembering the kanji.
    • I spent about a month in South America learning Spanish and can hold simple conversations, as well as read/write with limited vocabulary.
    • I tend to use a lot of TTS (Text-to-speech) engines and pronunciation tools (like pinyin/kana generators) because it helps when I don’t remember or know the hanzi/kanji, even though I actually know the meaning of a word or phrase based on its pronunciation.
  • How do you translate?
    • I use TTS (Text-to-speech) engines to read out Chinese/Japanese so that I can interpret it in English – see reason above. Sometimes I can also work with a pinyin/kana generator, though I find it slower to do so. I could probably only read 30-50% without the use of pronunciation assistance tools.
  • My comment isn’t showing up   🙁
    • Any comments with 2 or more links in them and certain keywords are automatically filtered. I’ll see them within a day or two and if it’s relevant I’ll approve it.
  • What’s your time zone?
    • There should be a clock on the right sidebar but in case it doesn’t show up or you’re just curious, my time zone is (usually) UTC+10 or GMT+10.
  • How can I contact you?
    • Post a comment, I read them. Shoot me an email via the form on my about page or directly at: admin[at]zxzxzx.info
  • How can I donate to you?
    • I’ve got a PayPal donation button on my about page here.

Last updated: 15/6/19

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87 Responses to FAQ

  1. Anonymous says:



    Are you going to translate high school dxd dx.7 which has some original stories?

  2. Anonymous says:



    Hi is highschool dxd off bakareader ex? It’s an app i use to read light novels.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yes, it is. Since the Bakareader EX app sources content from Baka-Tsuki, and High School DxD was removed from Baka-Tsuki, it can no longer be accessed through the app. You may still use alternative sources such as downloading the PDFs and EPUBs.

  3. Anonymous says:



    why did you take down the original 14 volumes off of baka tsuki?


  4. Yi Han Tan says:



    hi, nice to meet you. i have search the internet high and low and i couldn’t find High School dxd novel in raws from volume 22 to 25, and the side story like the High School dxd dx and the Shin High School dxd. if you had the raws of the novel would you mind send it to me? i only want to read it and i swear to god i won’t do any illegal things with the raws.

    tq very much

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’d recommend buying the novels to support the author. They only cost around 600 yen each, either physical or digital. It’s way too time-consuming for me to scan my books, and you can often find raws if you search with the Japanese katakana title. This is one such place that I have used in the past – you must register for an account to see links.

  5. Jordan says:



    Will you be doing the new High School DxD light  novel series

  6. jjch102296 says:



    I know it sounds and is greedy but is it possible to request books to be translated?

    • zxzxzx says:



      I do have a Requests page, but that has been closed now as I don’t have the capacity to entertain any further requests.

  7. aquamic says:



    um about gakusen toshi asterisk, i heard no one will be doing volume 10, can you please do that and the 11th? I atleast want to read him reuniting with his sister!

  8. Harry says:



    Is the coverage of the first 3 seasons detailed enough to not miss anything if I skip v1-6? I understand that season 3 rearranged the plotline, but not in a manner that affects the future plotline.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I would suggest starting from volume five if I had to skip. Season three had partly original content, it rearranged the plot, and it even removed a few things that become important later on.

      • dragonosman2 says:



        To be honest, I don’t like skipping at all.  So that’s what I’d suggest here.  And yes, the third season did do things that I think make it hard to continue the anime in a smooth way.  They’re continuing it, but I don’t think anime-only people will understand what’s really up if they don’t read from at least Volume 5 onward.

      • Harry says:



        Alright, got it, I’m a regular reader of light novels, but I stayed away from HDXD LN because the translations seemed inconsistent, I didn’t want the series dropped while I caught up. I’ve already re-watched the anime more than twice, so I know seasons 1-3 of HDXD inside out. That’s the only reason why I would skip.

        I’ll start from v5 as you’ve suggest, thanks for the quick reply.

        • dragonosman2 says:



          Maybe read through Volumes 1 through 4 later.  There are some differences.  Like for example, in the LN, there’s only one Fallen Angel attack on Ise at night after he becomes a Devil.  The one from Donaseek.  Then Rias heals him you-know-how and sends Kiba to bring him to the club room later.  And I also felt like the anime was a bit too ecchi.  The LN is pretty ecchi as well, the anime felt more so for some reason.  And Sona’s Queen, Tsubaki, has heterochromia in the LN.

  9. Emmanuel Espinoza says:



    Can u please translate Infinite Stratos vol 9 and 10? take ur time but I hope u continue those great series…

  10. D3M says:



    Hey zxzxzx, can you help me? I’ve decided to learn either Chinese or Japanese in my free time as an extra skill and to hopefully, TL LNs in the future. But I’ve some questions (they might seem dumb) and was hoping you could answer them.

    – How much are these languages different from English? I mean, for example, if I know the alphabets, ‘c’, ‘a’, and ‘t’, I could make the words ‘cat’ or ‘act’. Are these languages the same?

    – If I just know the letters, I still probably wouldn’t be able to TL a well-refined and advanced LN, would I?

    – Are there things like, ‘Kana’ and ‘Kanji’ (I don’t know what these mean, but I have come across these terms in some Japanese TLs) in the Chinese language?

    I hope the languages are not that tough to learn. I’ll try both of them in the beginning and then go for the one which seems easier to me. For now, I am thinking of buying a ‘How to’ book ‘for dummies’ to learn the languages.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Sure thing. Both Chinese and Japanese are very different from English, both in terms of their alphabet, grammar and structure. It would take months to years to truly master either I believe.

      With Chinese, each word has a unique character signed to it and its own sound or pronunciation. This makes it difficult because there isn’t really an alphabet that you can piece words together with. Chinese only has one script, “kanji” or “cangjie”.

      In Japanese, there are 3 scripts. Hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana and katakana you could call ‘alphabets’ of all the sounds that are used in the Japanese language. There are about 50 of them. Remembering these will let you pronounce kana, but you’d still need to learn vocabulary. The kanji is very similar and usually the same as Chinese. There are about 2000 commonly used ones. Personally, I think that Japanese would be more difficult as you have to know all three scripts in order to read something.
      Being able to translate a novel would require a good knowledge of the grammar and at least knowing the kana and some kanji. The rest you could look up in online dictionaries or tools.

      I wouldn’t recommend a book unless you’re a book-type person. I learnt Chinese with a combination of software and classes. I feel like books lack a practical component so an electronic resource such as Rosetta Stone may be better.

      I’m currently using Tae Kim’s learning Japanese android app which is like an e-book, but also includes pronunciation sounds and videos.

      Either way, good luck with your learning!

      • D3M says:



        Thanks for answering my questions and giving your thoughts. I believe that every foreign language will seem tough at the beginning, what with learning new rules and alphabets from the scratch. But recently I’ve realised that due to the limitation of my language knowledge, I’ve been missing out on some really amazing things (not just LNs but almost every foreign content) so I want to learn a few languages.

        Thanks for clarifying what ‘Kana’ and ‘Kanji’ mean. Also, I will switch to using e-sources soon after I learn the ABCs of these languages. Thanks for suggesting the apps.

        Thanks again for your help!!

  11. Peter says:



    hey zxzxzx wondering if your gonna do the rest of the dxd novels post vol 20 now that you have nearly caught up with ishibumi and with vol 21 expected to come out in spring.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yeah, if no one else does them then I plan to do so.

      • Peter says:



        sweet. how long do you think this series has left in it? (unless they start milking it of course) my bets are 4-5 books personally

        • zxzxzx says:



          I’d say 6-7, possible more. It’s been confirmed that v21 will end the current arc and they arc after that may be the last, maybe not. Assuming that it is, it’d probably be 5-6 novels long. That’s just what I think though.

  12. Spacerunner says:



    Hey Triple-ZX, I noticed you are currently reading Infinite Stratos. I hope you are able to translate it sometime in the future. I noticed Volume 9 of IS was never fully translated. I hope you have a little bit of free time to translate Infinite Stratos Volume 9 and Volume 10 sometime in the future. I also would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication translating DxD.

  13. R says:



    Hey triplezx, just wanted to know if you would ever (if possible) translate NGNL, i know its licensed but would u still do it? Btw love the DxD work, keep it up 🙂

  14. TV says:




    will you still translate dxd novel if if… it get licensed (dont dont dont want it to happen because it will take many years till they catch up to upcoming volume 19-20)

  15. Spice says:



    Yo man!! Keep up the goodwork 😀 I want dxd 20 cuz now i can’t let go of the story and i read all of it now i’m bored AF… What to do?? Any similar novels like dxd?

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’d say Shinmai Maou is similar, but there’s only 2 fully translated volumes so far. I also enjoyed Campione! a lot.

  16. Anonymous says:



    Hi authornim, I really love your work with High School DxD as well as Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha and was wondering if you might pick up a new LN to translate. The LN I wish you consider doing is “Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There”. The anime have ended and also the manga is quite interesting too.. If possible, could you read it / look it up? And if it pique your interest I hope you would translate the LN. Thanks a bunch!

    • DragonOsman says:



      Other stuff will have to wait right now, as he currently seems a bit preoccupied. There are also other requests he’s got from other people that he has to think about.

      Also, being that this is for a Japanese LN, shouldn’t you use Japanese honorifics? The -nim honorific is Korean, not Japanese.

      • Anonymous says:



        Opps~ I didn’t mean any harm >< haha I’m already very happy that he puts High School DxD as priority for translation, just wondering if would be interested in that LN. And you caught me, too used to write to korean author thus the -nim came out =x

  17. RFTNL says:



    Umm just want to know what’s going on with the translations for DxD? feel like i haven’t read it in so long.

  18. Twillight says:



    hi ! thx for translating this wonderful novel, btw here is a link of the chinese translation of dxd http://www.lknovel.cn/Lists/index/classid/421.html

  19. Anonymous says:



    once you finish volume 19 are you going to start translating volume 20 right after? also are these going to be up on baka tsuki? much appreciated btw

  20. Dragon says:



    Hi Triple Zx sup man? Tnx for translating DxD but I want to ask will you translate Seikoku no Dragonar aswell? On BT project is stalled and series is lookalike Highschool so wanted to ask is this on your potential translate list or something.

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      I hope you realize that he’ll have to use the Chinese translation to translate to English from.  He doesn’t know enough Japanese to translate directly from a Japanese source.  [No offense, TripleZerox.]  But yeah, if possible, I’d also like to have the rest of Seikoku no Dragonar translated.

      But it’s not really that much like Highschool DxD, though; it’s a harem novel, yes, but the focus is on Dragon Knights (Dragonars).  DxD’s focus is on Devils and Dragons, and the main character happens to be both of those, while Seikoku no Dragonar’s main character is a human who can ride any dragon (he just has trouble with his own dragon, who is actually a descendant of an Imperial Dragon family as its princess and was born in human form rather than dragon form).

      TripleZerox, do you think CodeZero might be interested in translating Seikoku no Dragonar?  Or maybe you could find a Chinese source to translate from. If you’re interested, anyway.

      • zxzxzx says:



        [No worries.] I don’t know about Code-Zero really, so you’d have to ask him. I’ve watched the anime and thought it was ok, it didn’t amaze me like DxD but I’m sure the LN would be better. I’ll add the LN to my reading list, and potential translation list. I’ve been able to find a source for all 19 volumes, including the one that was released a few days ago so it should be ok if I ever get to doing it. Don’t have the raws yet though.

        • DragonOsman says:



          The one you mean, that you have the Chinese source for that was released a few days ago, are you referring HS DxD EX? If so, I really hope you’ll translate it. I wanna know if there are any hints in there as to how they are going to prevent the war against those monsters that takes place 30 years into the future, or if there’s anything they can do to make sure they can win the war if it does happen anyway.

          • zxzxzx says:



            Nope, I meant Seikoku no Dragonar. I haven’t got anything for EX yet except a few photos of the Japanese text.

          • DragonOsman says:



            So you mean you already have the Seikoku no Dragonar LNs? Do you have all of them? Really? Then it’d be great if you could continue the translation project.

          • zxzxzx says:



            Yeah, I’ve collected several LN series that have interested me, so I’ve got all of Seikoku no Dragonar. If I do take it up, it’ll be after I’m done with either DxD or SMnK.

  21. toaneo07 says:



    i have a question: do you know the series Fate? i mean the series fate stay night and the others like that
    i mean, the LN Fate apocrypha have five volume but is only translate two and the serie is super cool, otherside have two chapter of a new novel with the name of fate strange fake, anyway, i will know if you know about the serie fate, its all

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve played the “Fate” route of FS/N PC, and I’ve also watched the Fate/Zero, Fate Stay/Night and Unlimited Blade Works. I quite like it and I’m aware that there are some untranslated novels in that series which I’ve already put down onto a list of potential things to do.

  22. DragonOsman says:



    That one has already been translated. By CodeZero. So I don’t think we need to have TripleZerox translate too.

  23. Anonymous says:



    hi, zxzxzx. could you translate the line before life 0 vol 18, couldn’t you?

    • zxzxzx says:



      The line before v18 Life.0:

      The paradise you live in, is the world obtained in return for many sacrifices.

  24. Prady says:



    You are 14 hours ahead of me, so I’m assuming you live somewhere in Australia? I’m in EST (South-western Ontario, Canada), It’s Australia isn’t it?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yeah, I’m in Sydney.

      • Prady says:



        I saw that you like computers and programming and stuff? Can I know some stuff about that? I’m a Computer Science Major at University of Carleton in Ottawa, Canada. So I feel happy when I hear someone likes to program and stuff 🙂 I feel like we all think alike and could connect

        • zxzxzx says:



          Something else I enjoy doing, though less often lately. I’d consider myself a computer enthusiast and I do some overclocking and benching. In terms of programming, I’ve done a few things mostly in vb.net as that’s the language I’m most familiar with although I also know a bit of c#, python, matlab, html and currently learning js. I’d say I’m fairly amateur when it comes to coding but I’ll post up a few of my works for you to check out.

  25. fadhil says:



    Korewa zombie desuka is good. I only watch the anime because the novel stop in 6. Haganai also good. I suggest either if them for your future plan. (of course i also like infinite stratos)

  26. ToyMachine says:



    Hi zxzxzx, would you translate “DANMACHI” also? after you finish translating DXD?

    • zxzxzx says:



      No, I will not be doing DANMACHI as it has been licensed by Yen Press, especially also because of the DMCA issues the translator had. Not looking for that kind of trouble atm.

  27. Rizwan says:



    Can you translate V9 of Infinite Stratos?
    There is only one volume but no one has translated it on B-T

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve noticed that V9 came out in April but I’ll be doing DxD first before I get around to anything else. I’ll add it to my list but I probably won’t get around to it for a while as with any other requests I’ve been getting.

      • Rizwan says:



        Thanks alot! What is your next project after DxD?

        • zxzxzx says:



          I’ve yet to decide. But if I had to say, probably either Shinmai Maou or Infinite Stratos. I’d also like to do something which hasn’t been done or has stalled as those are the projects which would need translation the most imo.

  28. Antho says:



    Is there a way for us to donate in anyway?

  29. xleMnlx says:



    Good thing i read this again. I’m about to tell you that Mahouka is a license LN. ( actually i saw a comment that they want you to translate it. ) Also, Thank you very much in translating volume 18 and good luck in your exam in July!!

    BTW, do you already have a copy of Mahouka?? i can send it to you (1-13 English Translated (c) BT. / 14,15 just a summary (because of yen press licensed it. T_T) for the RAW only 14,15,16) 16 summaries are everywhere..

  30. Awesome says:



    Hello there TripleZero? How do you doing? Don’t push yourself in translating too much, take your time aswell. I want to ask is there a chance that after Highschool DxD you could translate Seikoku no Dragonar? On B-T project is stalled and wasn’t uploaded in 1 year so if you are familiar with that to translate it. Best regards.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thanks, I’m doing alright. I’ll take a look some time later and I’ll let everyone know if I decide to pick anything new up.

  31. Sutatekken says:



    Whats your Time Zone?

  32. Issei says:



    Where can I download the light novels? And where are the imgs appeared in the other light novels?

  33. DragonOsman2 says:



    I’m glad I read this FAQ. Some good info on here, there is. Thanks, TripleZerox (if you’re okay with being called that; just Zxzxzx, otherwise).

    I think you should also read the Chinese translations afterwords to make sure you haven’t missed honorifics or any other important details (like what I suggested earlier about “Ise” vs. “Issei” and what the others mentioned about how Ise and Kiba call Akeno’s name).

    I also actually think all proper nouns, including people’s names and titles and the names of all objects, weapons, forms and techniques should be appropriately capitalized. See if you can do that when and if you have time. You could also just do it when you add the translations to B-T.

  34. Random says:



    Would you consider translating Sekai no Owari no Encore with Code-Zero?

    • zxzxzx says:



      No, not at the moment. I’m somewhat hesitant trying something other than DxD right now so I’ll stick to it.

      • Anonymous says:



        I think seikoku no dragonar will be more interesting if ash love interest will be sylvia instead of eco.Because if eco will be ash’s loves interest it will just turn out like a copy of “familiar of zero”.