Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica

Author: Tetsuto Uesu
Illustrator: Tamago no Kimi

Volume 6

Illustrations (B-T)
Prologue – Early Morning Company (B-T)
Chapter 1 – The Young Girl’s Holiday
Chapter 2 – Melancholy of the Lonely Wild Dog
Chapter 3 – The Late Night Express Train of Youth
Epilogue – The Dawn Before the Storm

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14 Responses to Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica

  1. Sam Konkel says:



    Do you plan on working on Aesthetica in 2020? And PLEASE don’t just leave me hanging dry.

  2. Sam Konkel says:



    Hey, zx. Just wondering how far along you are on catching up with Aesthetica.

  3. Maurice says:



    Hey, Zxzxzx will you be continuing the translations of Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica. Looking forward to reading volume 6 when complete and missing volumes 2,3,9,10, and 11 if you have time to do them. Do you know why or have any information on if the Author is going to finish the series? I heard it kinda has a TO BE Continued or more of an indirect cliffhanger in Vol 11 from what people said long ago on Redditt.  Also, wonder why it never got a 2nd season to the anime. I don’t believe the anime covered very much in the novels so Scriptwriters and Producers should had Material to go on but who knows. Hope you doing well and keeping busy. 

    • zxzxzx says:



      This project is one of my last priorities at the moment. I need to re-read from the beginning so I can remember all the names/terminology and what’s actually going on before I can make a proper start. Needless to say, I haven’t been keeping up with the author’s comments on the latest volume.

      • Maurice says:



        Okay just asking don’t know much about the author’s comments in Vol 11. Some people just say he sorta Groped the series and might come back to it. Another person said he claimed he was going to return to it after Shinmai but that’s not the case because he moved on to The seven deadly sins LN now. @ less, there is some hope the novel will get further translations at some point and not just forgotten by everyone. I have asked around a few sites if they could do Rouge Hero but no will since it’s Incompleted by Author and they don’t want that headache. I’ll just be glad to read what’s available beyond vol 1. I dislike reading out of order so the ones that are finished Tl’ed don’t matter until I get to them. Sorry for asking and making long comments.

  4. Kausai says:



    There doesn’t exist Volume 2-3 so will you be translating it.

  5. Marcus says:



    please pick this up.. It looks like an exciting story.

  6. Mppants says:



    Hey hey, thanks I’ve always wanted to read these novels but seems not a lot of other people do due to the lack of translators. Nobody knows where I’d find translations of Vol 2-3 do they?

  7. Thousand Nights says:



    I hope that this novel gets translated. I’m already years too late but still hoping that it gets translated.

  8. TheReaperD says:



    Thank you for picking this up!  The previous translators must have been sadists [M] and/or on crack [drugs] to leave those huge gaps in the story.  I really love this one and with no hope of the anime getting continued, I would really love to be able to at least read the rest of the story.