I was cleaning up and reorganising my hard drive today (mainly all of my light novels) and stumbled upon various High School DxD short stories that I had saved up or downloaded – some of which have not been translated. So after removing duplicates, searching the web for missing parts, and correlating it to the already translated stories, I’ve got it down to a sizable list. Combined, it’s actually quite a lot of text…but I’ll keep them as a side project and hopefully I’ll be able to release one every once in a while.
I’m not going to read any of the stories unless I start translating them, so I won’t be able to tell you much about them aside from the title if there is one. Some of them are full-length stories similar to those compiled in the DX volumes, while some of these are much shorter. I’m going to list all of them below with a poll, and I’ll work on them in order of popularity, with the exception that all of the short ones take priority over any of the longer ones. Also, some of these are Japanese only, so while I could take a stab at them, it’s more likely that I’ll be passing them onto the other DxD translators should they wish to do them.
Which short story would you like to see first?
- 13. Dark History of the Hakuryuukou (Dragon Magazine January 2018) (Long) (15%, 379 Votes)
- Done - 25. Rias (New BD Volume 6 SS) (Medium) (12%, 305 Votes)
- 1. Flower Arrangement of the Princesses (Dragon Magazine January 2017) (Long) (12%, 294 Votes)
- Done - 24. Akeno (New BD Volume 5 SS) (Medium) (12%, 290 Votes)
- Done - 14. Red-Haired Camel Princess (BD Volume 1 SS) (Medium) (6%, 155 Votes)
- 12. A Mad Tea Party (Dragon Magazine November 2012) (Long) (6%, 142 Votes)
- Done by Ariel Saeba - 2. Class Change (Limited SS exclusive to Animate for V22 and Dragon Magazine Bundle) (Medium) (5%, 119 Votes)
- 6. Familiar Master ~I Choose You!~ (Limited SS exclusive to Animate for DX4 and Dragon Magazine Bundle) (Short) (4%, 111 Votes)
- Done - 22. Koneko (New BD Volume 3 SS) (Medium) (4%, 110 Votes)
- 21. Xenovia (New BD Volume 2 SS) (Medium) (3%, 86 Votes)
- 18. Asia and the Blue Electric Dragon (BD Volume 5 SS) (Medium) (3%, 78 Votes)
- 7. Pavilion Kingdom (Limited SS exclusive to Kingdom Books) (Long) (3%, 66 Votes)
- 16. Sunday of God (BD Volume 3 SS) (Medium) (2%, 60 Votes)
- Done - 3. Untitled SS (Limited SS exclusive to Animate for V24 and Dragon Magazine Bundle) (Short) (2%, 51 Votes)
- 9. Untitled SS (Limited SS exclusive to Animate for V24 and Slash Dog Bundle) (Short) (2%, 51 Votes)
- 20. Asia (New BD Volume 1 SS) (Medium) (2%, 40 Votes)
- 19. This week, he messed up? (BD Volume 6 SS) (Medium) (1%, 30 Votes)
- Done - 5. Untitled SS (Fantasia Heroine Calendar Book 2018 SS) (Short) (1%, 26 Votes)
- 15. Riding a Bike (BD Volume 2 SS) (Medium) (1%, 25 Votes)
- 10. Untitled SS (Included with Miyama Zero's High School DxD Artbook) (Long) (1%, 24 Votes)
- 23. Kiba & Gasper (New BD Volume 4 SS) (Medium) (1%, 22 Votes)
- 17. Powerful Punch (BD Volume 4 SS) (Medium) (1%, 20 Votes)
- 4. Untitled SS (Fantasia Heroine Calendar Book 2015 SS) (Short) (0%, 10 Votes)
- 8. Untitled SS (Fantasia Bunko School Fair Heroine Folder SS) (Short) (0%, 6 Votes)
- 11. Untitled SS (Unknown Source) (Short) (0%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,079

You can choose up to 3 to vote for, and the poll will close at the end of this month.
Thanks man…like really…..i cant wait for these aswell as 25 and dxd4
Honestly you spoil us. Ty man for the hard work and gl at uni
Just wondering, I see under the short stories listed on Baka-Tsuki that there are 3 listed in red as untranslated, I wonder which ones on your list match up, as the only one that seems to be close is the one that mentions “tea party”.
Any way, thank you for compiling that list and being willing to take on translating some of them.
With 25 untranslated, are the only ones that are translated already listed on BT, either alone or as part of DX, or are some missing from that site?
The one about a ‘tea party’ might actually be the same as the one listed on Baka-Tsuki, though that will be confirmed later on. All of the currently translated short stories (either standalone or DX) are listed on Baka-Tsuki, but BT does not have a full listing of untranslated stories. A more complete listing of known stories can be found on the wiki.
Thanks for the information.
At least I now know that I haven’t been missing anything that is already translated. 🙂
Yo Zxzxzx don’t they compile these short stories into those DX Volumes?
maybe you could do a collaboration work with the guy TLing the DX Novels?
A few of the long ones might be compiled into future DX volumes, but that isn’t certain for now. Both Code Zero and I a few short stories in the past, and these have obviously been integrated into the various DX volumes where daniel Yang has done the vast majority of the other stories. However, the vast majority of the short to medium length stories are ‘limited’ and will never be compiled into a DX volume. Hence why the short ones take priority over any of the longer ones.
Ah I see.
will you be posting these on Baka Tsuki if you complete them or they an exclusive to your page?
They will of course be added to Baka-Tsuki as I will be collaborating with Ariel and JeruTz on many of these.
Hey Zxzxzx if you don’t mind me asking where did you find all these Short story. 25 are quit a bit that’s gone unseen. Could you possible post a Mega link or google drive link for people who wish to collect these storys until you find time to Translate Some since not all will be by you. Also I don’t remember if this question was asked but Will you be Continuing Dxd when it Changes over to Shin (True) Highschool Dxd novels sometime this summer. I found out that Shin is the Continuation of Vol 25 not a Re-boot like I first though it was.
I don’t really remember, but most of them have come from forums, various Chinese and Japanese sites and so on. I’m not going to post any links. I’ll only be passing them along to other translators who express an interest in doing them. That last question was asked a few weeks ago by someone else, and once again, I won’t be answering it until I personally finish reading volume 25.
okay thanks but I’m kinda sorry to hear you wouldn’t post a link to get those short story cause I don’t think anyone is going to express interest in them because you and Code-Zero are the only main TL’ers doing Dxd besides JeruTz who does the DX story’s. CZ has dropped doing the Dxd series Solo for a long time now and I doubt he will Solo them again and if he did he would take 3x as long as you do to release a single story. Np on not answering if you will continue Dxd after 25. I did not expect a direct answers @ this time. I rather see you Finish some other novels you been working on like the remaining Seikoku no Ryuu Kish novels then come back to TL’ing the New Shin Dxd after a long deserved Break during Free time in between Real Life.
Just the clear things up a bit, daniel Yang does the DX volumes primarily, while JeruTz is going Slash Dog at the moment. We also have Ariel as well who has done some of the short stories for the series.
Wait so the DXD line will be concluding at volume 25 and a Shin DxD series will take its place?
I don’t want to be spoiled about future story events but if you can answer one thing will this SHIN DXD Series be a college version of the series now?
This is the 1st time I’ve heard of SHIN DxD
Don’t know it’s just a continuation from the end of Vol 25. Shin means True in Japanese and from what I’ve read in other places the Shin (True) Highschool Dxd novels are going to be a darker Story telling that’s all the Info the author has given. All we can do is wait and read when Zxzxzx decides to Translate them or not.
Ah I see
in the end we wait and hope