Previous volumes can be found at the Occult Research Club. You can follow the translation of DX volumes over at daniel Yang’s blog, and Slash Dog volumes over at JeruTz’s blog. You can find some short stories over at Ariel Saeba’s blog. Future volumes can be found on mrleoo01’s blog.
Author: Ichiei Ishibumi
Illustrator: Miyama-Zero
Volume 18 – Funny Angel of Christmas Day [PDF]
Life.0 (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.1 The Devils’ Also Celebrates Christmas! (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.2 The Forbidden (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.3 D×D Also Launches To the Heaven (ORC by Code-Zero)
Fake Hero
Life.4 Burn, Holy Sword!
Next Life
Volume 19 – Durandal of the General Election [PDF]
Life.1 Third Trimester Starts!
Life.2 Various Decisive Battles!
Life.3 Fist and Sword (Carnival)
New Life
To be continued…
Top Secret
Volume 20 – Belial of Career Consultation [PDF]
Life.1 A Restless Career Consultation
Life.2 The Truth of the Feast
To be infuriated
Life.3 Hyoudou Issei
Last Life… Poetic Justice
The Beast 666
Volume 21 – Lucifer of the Optional Attendance [PDF]
Encounter White Dragon and Black Angel
Khaos Disaster
Life.1 Amidst the Feast of the Imperial Beast
Life.Ba’al Lion of the Great King —Great King—
Life.2 Team [DxD] Attacks!
Life.Lucifer Dawn of the Morning Star — Deathmatch —
Last.DxD Ani and Otouto — United Front —
Eternal Life. Amidst the White Snow
Farewell Temporary
Y Ddraig Goch & Albion Gwiber
The remaining hopes
Volume 22 – Gremory of the Graduation Ceremony [PDF]
Life.0 (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.1 Those of us that were left behind! (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.2 And thus, to a High-class Devil (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.3 Gremory’s Graduation Ceremony (ORC by Code-Zero)
It begins feast (ORC by Code-Zero)
Life.4 The Opening Ceremony of the Rating Game World Tournament, the “Azazel Cup”!
Team Members (ORC by Code-Zero)
Indra & Sūn Wùkōng
Life.5 Go, the Sekiryuutei Team!
New Life
Volume 23 – Joker of the Ball Games [PDF]
Life.1 A [King] From Now On
Life.2 Dragon Attracts Dragon
Life.3 Before the Decisive Battle
Upsetting sorcerer.1
Team member
Life.4 VS [Brave Saints] Begins!
Upsetting sorcerer.2
Life.Youth Because of this Youth
Each impression
Junior’s preparation
Next Life… And so, The Seating Battle Begins!
The Return of the King
Vidar & Apollon
Team member
Nether world
Volume 23.3 (DX4) – Student Council and Leviathan [PDF]
[Imperial Purpure] Team VS [Spear of the Heavenly Emperor] Team —The Proof of a Hero— (daniel Yang’s blog / ORC)
[Sekiryuutei of Blazing Truth] Team VS [Sona Sitri] Team —Stronger Than That Time, Further Than Now–
Line.1 The Various Differences From Last Year
Line.2 The Student Council’s Secret
Line.3 The Basis of the Dream
Team Member
Line.4 The Revenge Match Begins!
Line.5 Field Break
Line.Maximum vs Life.Maximum Dragon King (Idiot) and Dragon Emperor (Idiot)
Final Line. The Student Council and Leviathan
New Line
Volume 24 – Grim Reaper of the Off-Campus Learning [PDF]
Life.1 Bursting into Summer!
Life.2 The God of Death and the Dog of the Blade
Life.3 The Truth of the Cats, and the Beginning of the Game
Team member
My Princess
Slash.1 Behind the Game —Sekiryuutei and Slash Dog’s United Front—
Life.4 Vasco Strada and Crom Cruach
Fist and Fangs
Absolute Demise. Ice Princess
Slash.2 Slash Dog/Dog God of the Fallen
Life.5 The Death God and the Hyoudou Family’s Breast Technique
New Life
Artificial transcendental
Secret talks
Volume 25 – Yggdrasil of the Summer Courses [PDF]
Transcendental reason
Note: All further chapters for V25 can be found on the ORC or mrleoo01’s blog
Life.1 Resurrected? The Immortal Bird
Unknown Dictator
Life.2 Maid of the House of Pendragon
Life.3 Sleepover Party for the Gifted and Talented
Life.4 Go West!
Salamander Tomita
Life.5 Flower Arrangement of the Princesses
Kimono Girl?
Life.6 White Dragon Emperor of Black History
Life.7 Superhero Trial
Infinity Underwear.1
Life.Infinity First Errand (ORC)
Infinity Underwear.2
Delusion Magazine (Season 1 Blu-Ray Bonus Stories)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Red-Haired Camel ☆ Princess (BD Volume 1 SS)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Riding a Bicycle (BD Volume 2 SS)
New Delusion Magazine (Season 2 Blu-Ray Bonus Stories)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Xenovia (New BD Volume 2 SS)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Koneko (New BD Volume 3 SS)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Akeno (New BD Volume 5 SS)
Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection – Rias (New BD Volume 6 SS)
Dragon Magazine Short Stories / Other
Illustrations (DX and Dragon Magazine)
Precious of Asia [PDF]
The Student Council’s Decision
Limited Animate SS Bundled with Purchase of DxD V24 and Dragon Magazine (January 2018)
Fantasia Heroine 2014 Calendar Book
Fantasia Heroine 2015 Calendar Book
Fantasia Heroine 2016 Calendar Book
Fantasia Heroine 2018 Calendar Book
Fantasia Heroine 2019 Calendar Book
The Shape of Love (Dragon Magazine September 2016)
Pawn Identity (Dragon Magazine March 2010)
Amida Wars
When (or IF) Ishibumi-san gets better, I’d really like if he made his own “What If…?” spin-off (inspired by the Marvel comic books series and Disney+ adaptation) of “High School DxD”, detailing alternate scenarios of the main light novel series (like “What If Riser Won the Engagement Party Rematch Against Issei?”)
PLEASE Ignore the Prior first comment I can’t get the Editor or the Request Deletion to load.
After reading it I sounded like an Ass and didn’t mean anything Disrescetful by it.
Will the Unknown TL be updating with Finished Volumes soon until new material can be obtained once released. Thanks for the replay, Pal.
Everything currently translated is already on the Occult Research Club. Anything new that they translate also goes up there.
Strange because ORC hasn’t updated the site since mrleoo01 finished vol 2. From what I understood from you, another tl took over but is waiting on new material before they will post. Bye and thanks. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Have a happy new year or new years day in Australia.
Hi just wanted to know if you had any idea of Who is picking up Shin Dxd since Mrleoo01 is Inactive and Mr Jerutz hasn’t posted any updates on Slashdog vol 3 in a couple of months. Do you know if anybody has made PDF’s for Slashdog 1 and 2 Im unable to find them. Jerutz said on his blog that someone would eventually post them or he would make them but hasn’t happened yet in a long time. Thanks for any Info you can provide Z.
Don’t think you need to worry about True DxD. Someone has translated all of the most recent volumes and short stories. At the moment, they’re just waiting for new material to be released.
Oh! okay but you didn’t really answer the question of mine. I asked if you know WHO has picked up Shin/True Dxd since Mrleoo01 dropped it. Well I guess you did answer in your own way after re-reading the reply and the WHO part is still unknown until the Person comes forward and releases the Finished volumes on BT or Oracle Research. Do you have any Information on Jerutz by chances. No updates on Volume 3 of Slashdog since Aug. He hasn’t made any PDFS or ePubs for voluime 1 or 2 either and nobody else hasn’t since there completion. Bye.
Ps thanks for the Continued TL of Seikou no Ryuu Kishi
PLEASE Ignore the Prior first comment I can’t get the Editor or the Request Deletion to load.
Will the Unknown TL be updating with Finished Volumes soon until new material can be obtained once released. Thanks for the replay, Pal.
thank you
Epub of volume 3 and 4 shin
Thank you so much for the translation!
just wanted to express my gratitude and its genuine. just pure thanks for not giving up on this project.
Edit :
by the way where is volume 4 of true(shin) ?
for download i meant.
edit : i cant find a full PDF of volume 4 of true on occult research club. i know its just words copy pasted in PDF but i don;t know if im covering them full.
sorry replaying like this my timer went off both times
I don’t make them anymore, but it’s pretty easy for someone to make one for the ORC which I can then upload.
Thank you for all your work zxzxzx. I was just wonder where we go for the other Chapters of Dx vol 5 if you can put a link that would be most appreciat. Thanks again for all your hard work.
Doesn’t seem like they’re available yet. When they are, you’ll find them at the Occult Research Club.
Sorry for the late reply but thank you for the information
Hi, I am new in the High School DxD world, I wanted to ask you If you will be translating the DX vol 5?
I am just curious about it, I really appreciate your work
I am translating part of it, as stated on the sticky post of my home page.
Hey zxzxzx! I have two questions that I want to ask –
1. The Delusion Magazine ☆ Night Material Collection BD vol 2 season 1 to vol 6 have been removed from the ORC page. Where else can I read it?
2. Has dx Vol 5 and rest of shin dxd Vol 4 been dropped for the time being?
And do you need any help with editing and stuff cause I would like to volunteer. I don’t know any Japanese but I have a good grasp over English.
1. I think I just haven’t had the time to upload it in the first place.
2. Nothing has been dropped. V4 is also done.
Hello Mr Z, i was wondering what happened to baka tsuki which had all the volumes and more for DXD? I ask it here as if i recall correctly baka tsuki said to check this place out for future volumes which are being translated?
As far as I know, everything’s been migrated to the ORC.
Mr z are you planning on doing the shin volumes sorry to ask it’s just I’ve looked every where and Mr leo has stopped so are you going to continue
Someone else is working on it. Updates will be on the ORC.
What’s the ORC Z if you don’t mind explaining. I was kinda wondering about Shin’s Continuation as well.
Ps, when will Amida Wars be added to short story pdf file? thanks, Z
I’m not going to make PDFs for short stories like this. People are welcome to make their own though. It’s easy enough to copy the text into a file and then save it as a no-frills PDF.
Occult Research Club
Hey Z whatever happened to the PDFs of all the short story’s I asked you about on May 12, 2019, and you commented back on May 16, 2019, with a reply of pdfs have been made. Where are the pdfs of SS if they were made a year ago or where you just humoring me. please upload pdfs of all Short stories. thanks
PDFs were indeed made and they were also uploaded to this server. I just never linked them on this page and I might keep it that way for the sake of tidiness.
You can access them here.
any word on a new translator for ShinDXD ?
zxzxzx how you walk so long I hope you are well xd. zxzxzx I have a question how many more stories you need to finish the short stories of the high school dxd (those that are outside the novel and the Dx)
Good Day! I tried downloading DXD Volume 19 and 20 but it takes me to “Page not found” page. I’m wondering if its broken or something. Thanks for the good work!
Please use the links on the ORC page – they still point back to my site but have been kept up to date.
Hi when will you ( or mr.leoo ) post the pdf of shin dxd 2 . Thank you very much as always .
Apologies for the delay, within the next few days.
Thank You For All The Translator That Never Back Down on This Work: DXD
I Hope You Translate It Until The True End Of This Novel : True High School DXD
Thank You Very Very Very Very Much Sir zxzxzx
zxzxzx, can I post a link of this site to tieba assisting chinese translation of dxd25 and newdxd1?
leaf27sky is currently working on newdxd2, while dxd25 are not progressing very well and no one work on newdxd1 at all.
I don’t mind. Mrleoo01’s blog may be more helpful.
zxzxzx-san, will the PDF/EPUB of Shin DxD vol. 1 be uploaded here or in Mr. Leo’s TL blog? Thank you in advance for your work.
Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.
Sorry for posting a link to other site
Here is a complete collection of DxD Series
mr zxzxz san why all volume dxd was remove from bakatsuki ?
DMCA request from Kadokawa.
So what does this new Declaration mean for us the Fans of you’res and Leo’s translations now!. Will Leo still continue to translate SHIN for US or due to this Sudden turn of event mean the new series if KIA and will not be worked on anymore.
Ps. Is there anyway for you to make pdfs for SS when you’re done like you did before with normal DxD please. I understand it’s asking a lot and I know your busy but pdfs/epubs would be so much easier to download and read if you can make them if it’s possible for you to do. Thx Zxzxzx.
Nothing will change. PDFs have been made, and they’ll be linked shortly.
Did you saw DXD was licensed and have been took down from BAKA TSUKI ?????????
Kadokawa sent a DMCA notice to Baka-Tsuki. This doesn’t mean that it was licensed.
Hey zx! Good day! Do you have a PDF file for High School DxD DX 4? Thank you for your hard work!! ?
Pdf for DX4 as whole if you get time PLEASE Zxzxzx. Thanks in advance mate.
Hey zxzxzx thanks for translating highschool dxd.I am a big fan of the novel’s and I am a fan of yours too,will you please translate aesthetica of a rogue hero too . It’s a great novel and I hope can translate the novel’s.
Thanks for all your hardwork!
Zx, i have few questions?
You would be printing DXD. So, will you license the entire series or you will just do fan printing?
If you are going to licence the series, will Shin DXD also get licensed?
High school dxd vol 1 edit and print ?
Pls refer sticky on home page
I just recently found out that you won’t be translating the rest of the volumes, so I’d like to say thank you for translating DxD for us through all these years! Your work was great!
Yeah, Zxzxzx will you be making pdf’s for all the SS you been releasing Lately. Just asking cause the only pdf I see is for Precious of Asia.
Nope, I don’t want to have to make and manage dozens of small PDFs – content on my site isn’t going anywhere, and it’s mirrored on Baka-Tsuki anyway. If anyone wants to make them, they can go ahead.
Wow Okay sorry to ask. Some people don’t have time to sit online all day to read novels or Short Story’s that’s why I asked. Just because there Mirrored on BT don’t mean Someone else is going to make epubs and pdf that’s usually up to the Tl’er since it would get done quicker and besides BT and its forum have been DEAD for a while now nobody goes there anymore. I asked to have a pdf make 4 months ago and I’m still waiting for it to show up. Luckily I found it on Justlightnovels instead. But thanks for the Hard work and Translations so far. Guess I just wouldn’t be able to read any of the SS anytime soon. Be waiting for the updates on Seikoku by email then. bye have a happy Holiday.
Pls translate shin high school dxd or pls tell me where I can read the translated version
If you would have read the announcements on the home page you would know Z don’t translate DXD anymore and hired a New Translator that goes by Leo to pick up where Z left off. The blog to Leo site is @ the top of the homepage. Leo already said he would start translations on Shin at the END of December. There are NO English translations yet for anybody to read.
At the end of the November
It’s already December eta for starting Shin seems more right on for now.
I recently found out that you’ve stopped translating dxd, so thank you for your efforts. I hope you succeed in your life while bringing smiles to others faces.
Shin dxd 2 will be released on 20 Dec 2018
any epub version for vol 25?
A link is now available on Baka-Tsuki.
Thanks, Zxzxzx for having time to update file with the pdf and epub.
Also I am aware you no longer translate Dxd and passed it to Leo but are you interested in TL’ing Harem King Memorial volume. I don’t know if it’s a bunch of Short story’s complied into a Volume but JeruTz has a Small pre-view from it called Top Secert. Have you heard of it ? I asked him about if he would translate the whole thing and he replied eventually someday. Would Leo be interested in Translating it before he starts Shin? it seems to be good judging by the teaser. Should I ask Leo on his Blog instead. Maybe you guys could do a Joint translation if you decide too have a go @ it.
The memorial consists of two parts.
The first is a sort of recap/summary of everything that’s happened so far with a profile page for each character.
The second part is EX (a re-release of all 6 parts together), along with a new mini-chapter called ‘Top Secret’, which JeruTz translated.
In short, the entire volume has very little new content and is really just meant to be a special commemorative book. Will I translate it? A definite maybe at this stage.
Hey z i was wondering that in dx4 chapter named
[Imperial Purpure] Team VS [Spear of the Heavenly Emperor] Team —The Proof of a Hero— (hasn’t been translated and the chap coming after it has been translated first i didn’t get the logic did you know about it? Why this particular chapter is not translated). Sorry for my terrible english
It’s actually just a heading, not a chapter. The first translated chapter is indeed the first chapter in the book.
thanks for the clarification
is mrleoo going to be able to upload the translated chapters to the Bakareader EX app? thats what i usually read on because reading on my phone in bed is easier than sitting at my PC
Anything on Baka-Tsuki os automatically available via the app. The app is really just a browser that downloads and saves the pages off Baka-Tsuki.
i only ask because i checked his website and there appears to be more chapters translated for volume 25 than on the app. maybe its a problem on my end?
The chapters you see in the app should correspond to Baka-Tsuki, not Leo’s website. You may also need to hit the refresh button in the top right corner of the app the reload new chapters.
Zx its an humble request that can you pls make a pdf of volume 25 pls?
I know it take some time but will you pls upload it to B-T.
Hey so zxzxzx I read the email that you had sent out the other day and I was wondering, are you still translating high school dxd’s main storyline? If not do you know who will be?
I’ve already handed over to
Hello Are you interested in translating the Shin High School Dxd?
Mrleoo01 has expressed interest in translating that series.
can anyone tell me which chapter Kanzaki make his debut? and will he encounter Issei somewhere in vol 25?
Spoilers are off-limits here. I only read as far as the translation goes.
still waitting for last volume to be translated 🙁
You know he DOES this for FREE right? you can’t expect him to translate 24/7. He has a real life and is taking a break from finishing up the last volume MAYBE. What I mean by the last volume maybe is the sequel already released here but not picked up yet by any translator. he’s on the fence about translating it if people don’t leave him alone about his translation speed and progress. when you leave comments like still waiting for the Last volume to be Translated or things like How much longer before Chapter ??? is posted it’s just plain disrespectful to ask by anyone’s standers. If the Progress Z is making at his own pace is too slow for anyone to deal with by all means please make a blog to post, Buy the Raws, Learn Japanese, and translate it yourselves then for faster results otherwise be patient and wait for it to be posted whenever it gets done. Have a nice day!
Hes not translating it anymore. The new guy is and is posting directly to baka.
It doesn’t matter who does it They work for FREE and post it for FREE. It’s just disrespectful to ask.
bro i see u on these comments every time why do u have such a big stick up your ass? lol
There’s a stick up my A** because I and your mother was playing who can be a popsicle longer. So bro until she removes it from my Cornhole there it will remain. Wanker!
Интересный парень
hello zxzxzx i really want to thank you for ur work on highschool dxd novels i am a huge fan of the novels i am not able to support your work bt i can only hope that the novel gets licensed and i will also be very grateful to u if u can continue translating it in the future.
High school dxd volume 25 is the eng translation coming out
Wen LL we get 25 total translation
i’m brazilian, sorry for the rough English
zx there must be enough work, a lot of expectation
as well as criticism
is my first post, I’m a fan of dxd and I intend to read Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi
I started vol 24 from dxd … my despair to vol 25 … I do not want to put pressure but … I read the post at home … I will read everything that translate with a smile on the face … please … as a fellow fan I had already started learning hiragana and katakana but the road is long, I hope you change your mind
Hello zxzxzx-san. Are you interested translating DX4? You know, your work for High School DxD, as if you are not its translator but more like you are its author. Good work.
No, I’m not interested. Daniel Yang is currently translating DX4, and you can find the beginning of it over on his blog.
Eventually, it looked like you’ve DX4 done and complete. Well done. So, no more DxD spoils your days. Well, thank for your good work, zxzxzx-san.
I’ve always wondered zx, when you’re on hiatus like this, do you ever get the urge to just read ahead without worrying about translations just because you’ve gotten hooked on the story?
Also, thanks for the tips on learning how to read Japanese.
Nope, strangely not. If I’m going to spend some amount of time reading, why not spend a little more time to translate while I’m at it?
Hi there zxzxzx, I really love your translation work so much. Thank you for translating these novels for us all. I may have to wait for who knows how long until the next chapter posted, but I will wait patiently just for you.
Hi there zxzxzx, I really love your translation work so much. Thank you for translating these novels for us all. I may have to wait for who knows how long until the next chapter posted, but I will wait patiently just for you. Keep up the good work mate!
I think it should be said that it takes a unique skill to bring us these story’s and not everyone can do it. It is forever possible that we may never get to finish the story of ise. I for one am truly heartbroken. Your work is immortalized in not only the fans minds but in the internet itself. Now for you xzxzxz. I will not be so fast to begin a story you have started, for the fear of you not finishing the journey you have started leaves holes in ones imagination the size of planets.
Hey z, so sorry to bring to bring this up but if you are going to stop translating dxd is there anyone you can recommend to continue on with your wonderful work over the years.
I was going to not comment but I seen this dumb question. To answer you NO there is nobody else who does the translations of Dxd Fully in there FREE TIME like Z does now there used to be but that person quit for the very same reason Z is Quiting to time comsuming and a lot of bitching. Infinite amount of People asking for when the next update will be RELEASED when they can’t Read it saids ON HOLD or when to expect. Code-Zero the old translator only Helps out now and then when Z needs extra help and he has refused to pick up the series fully ever again. I pray Z will perhaps change his mind on continuing the series after v25 but people got to stop with all the BULL**** about when the next chapter will be and let him do the TL’ing @ his own speed. It will get done just don’t nag.
okay, so the GRADE A SUCK UP is online; do you even know why i asked that question, its because he may know people who may want to continue translating the series which can make UNNEEDED A-Holes like you happy that it is being continued. Now i appreciate what he has done over the years also I never rush him to finish translating and i never EVER nag him to get it done, i just patiently wait for him to finish just like you and everybody else who uses this site. So your comment was just not needed so BITCH BE HUMBLE AND SIT DOWN, no one asked you anything, i asked Z.
Well fyi you ungreatful SOB if you did any research you would find that there is nobody doing the series for FREE to US like Z does outside the Paid TL it’s commen knowlage when doing a Internet search so there is no one he could even recommend to pick it Up. If your patiently waiting like you claim don’t ask dumb-ass question if you don’t want the A-HOLES like me to reply. Don’t get your panties in a bunch while waiting for the next update whenever Z gets around to it. If he continues after 25 it’s wonderful. If not we are all FUCKED.
First of all, all gratitude to The Z-Man.
Second of all, @Maurice,
Dude, you might think that you’re sticking up for justice. Don’t do that. You come across as tryhard and kiss-ass-ish.
If you want to actually make a difference, learn Japanese (Or something else that makes his work easier. If you know the TL world so well, make yourself actually useful) and help Z with his workload. That would be a more prudent use of your time, rather than doing whatever it is that you think you’re doing.
If you still wanna keep doing this, that’s fine as well. I always like coming here and see you get swatted on the nose. Funny as hell.
Don’t assume you’re the smartest person in the room unless you’re really really sure you are. Especially with the grammar. Do a grammar check (or a spell check) before you post dude. Otherwise, you it just looks like a baby hijacked his dad’s work laptop to read a bunch of Ecchi novels.
I’m sure Z has reasons for the break he’s taking. I love his work as do most if not all of his readers. We’re all loyal and the only reason we would ask him is if we loved his work, and if we wanted to read more. Anyone with half a brain would understand that it’s a complement to his skill and dedication. Don’t be the sanctimonious asshole who thinks he/she knows everything. There are enough of those out there.
Cheers, She-Man.
First of all, all gratitude to The Z-Man.
( You Say that but you don’t have any gratitude or respect for Z.)
Dude, you might think that you’re sticking up for justice. Don’t do that. You come across as tryhard and kiss-ass-ish
( Maybe so and I’ll stick up for Justice as long as there are people who can’t READ prior comments before asking the same dumb shit questions over and over. )
If you want to actually make a difference, learn Japanese (Or something else that makes his work easier. If you know the TL world so well, make yourself actually useful) and help Z with his workload. That would be a more prudent use of your time, rather than doing whatever it is that you think you’re doing.
( If you actually want to make a difference you could learn Japanese yourself if you wish and want to read more before Z can complete his translations. Nobody is Stopping you to do so. I never said I know or Knew the TL world but anybody with a quarter brain would understand it’s not easy to translate any Raws quickly. fyi Z don’t TL from the original Jap Raws but the Harder Chinese ones fool.)
I’m sure Z has reasons for the break he’s taking. I love his work as do most if not all of his readers. We’re all loyal and the only reason we would ask him is if we loved his work, and if we wanted to read more. Anyone with half a brain would understand that it’s a complement to his skill and dedication. Don’t be the sanctimonious asshole who thinks he/she knows everything. There are enough of those out there.
( His reasons are as follows – Too many damn people asking for updates on Dxd like you that’s why he’s taking a break. You say We’re all loyal WRONG. Only 50% of his readers are loyal to him and they are the ones who don’t ask weekly for when the next update will be but let him do his work at his own pace. So asking is not a Complement but a stressful discouragement and a waste of his time to answer peoples concerns about the next update. If you want to show support then just leave him alone and he will update when possible.) The only sanctimonious asshole’s are the ones who think there entitled to something for nothing and always download his pdf’s for FREE but never donate and I’m guessing you fall in well with all those sanctimonious FREELOADERS that are the other 50% but not the loyal ones. If you half to ask your not loyal to anyone but yourself and wanting HANDOUTS.
So Piss Off MATE. You bloody Wanker!
Can we calm down please. I feel as though all of this is quite unnecessary.
Your right it is unnecessary but I did not start this topic only addressing you’ve answered the same question about Shin Infinite times already and it needs to stop until you make you’re finial decision on if you will continue after 25. But yes No more Flaming and goes for EVERYONE not just me right. I’ll be the bigger person and Stop while I’m ahead. Peace Z
Z hasn’t actually said he was quiting DXD he said he was taking a break and doing Testament of Sister New Devil so he could do a volume or 2.
Z stated he Prefer not to translate the next series of Dxd witch is Shin (aka) the Continuation after v25 is complete. Prefer is boarder-line for not Sure. Also since people can’t read prior comments before they asked the very same question that was already addressed many times He really considering not Continuing the series after the End of 25. With everyone hounding him for the eta on Life 0 that he has no obligation to give and we are not entitled too until he gets it done when he can If I where in his shoes I would consider quiting too because of ungrateful people like the ones who keep asking weekly when it clearly said’s it’s on HOLD. As for Testament I’m not really stressing over if it gets TL’ed by Z or Not because I joined the Paid Translation site a few months back that are already finished up to volume 9 and 10, 11 are 90% done and volume 12 is 50% TL”ed.
Hey zx, instead of pestering you for more translations, I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done for us until now. I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into each volume. It’s fine if you want to stop translating DxD. I’m just glad we had someone doing this out of the goodness in their heart for people everywhere. Thanks again, and I wish you good luck in life
Hey zxzxzx,
I’ve been somewhat inspired by your message about equal exchange in the translation community.
I’m fluent in English and when i find some time i’ll try to improve the grammar of your translations if there’s anything i can improve.
Thanks for putting in so much effort, this series has been amazing for me as well and i’m really glad someone like you picked it up and translated it for us who can’t.
Keep up the good work mate!
Zxzxzx can you tell me the info about this Shin Highschool DXD light novel like many people been talking about this but is it true or fake?
I don’t really know anything about it, and I don’t really want to right now either. But yes, it does exist.
Then is no known info outside it’s a Darker Continuations from Vol 25 atm. It’s due to be released this Summer unless the street date has changed or already out in Japan. Z don’t know if he is even going to TL it or Not until Vol 25 is fully Translated and read by him. So don’t ask.
Whan is Life 0 is translated
See my reply to the comment just below yours.
When the life 0 is coming out?
It’s on hold. Don’t expect it any time soon. That way, you’ll be in for a pleasant surprise when it is released.
i have a question will you also translate the next serious of the High School DxD i think it is called Shin High School DxD.
I’d prefer not to.
Thanks a lot People for ruining our only hope of getting the next Installment of the Dxd series Translated by Z. This is the very same reason I kept TELLING all you illiterate people to Stop and Read Prior comments before you ASK the same Damn questions that’s been asked Over and Over again and Z has given you the answer too with his reason. His Answer and Reason was He would not give us a Yes or No until after V25 was fully TL’ed and he read it. But now thanks to all of YOU and YOU know WHO you are for asking that same question he’s finally given a Defent NO reply this Time. We can all thank Jjch102296 he or she is the straw that broke the camels back.
I am sorry for bothering you. Maurice was right, i should have tried to look for the answer before bothering you by asking the same question that you have been getting over and over again. An i am sorry for basically pushing you over the edge like Maurice said. If so i am also sorry for everyone else as well for ruined the DxD series for zxzxzx and everyone else. I hope you guys can forgive me.
There is nothing to forgive. You Lady or Mister have single handed doomed the Shin Highschool DXD series before it ever got 1 line of word Translated all because you could not stop and take time to read prior comments. So thanks for the Death of SHDxD. Just like the Ones asked for life 0 ETA. If you don’t stop Z will quit TL’ing that too and say screw us all I’m done TL’ing for Ungrateful wankers.
okay fine i messed up now shin won’t get translated by anyone but that doesn’t mean i am ungrateful. I am extremely grateful. I suffer from bipolar depression besides being autistic. whenever i am feeling sad or over the edge i read one of the dragonar academy and high school dxd translations he has done. I again i am super extremely sorry that i made zxzxzx not want to translate the Shin High School DxD series. i didn’t know he would feel that way if i asked the question and again i should have read the other questions before asking. I hope maybe after he reads High School DxD volume 25 he might change his mind about translating the shin high school dxd series or hopefully someone else will translate the series. How knows only the future will tell but, we can only hope for our wishes to come true
There you go again not reading the entire comment. I did not say you where Ungrateful I said All the People ASKING for life 0 of v25 eta are Ungrateful. Because they have no clue how much time and effored it takes to translate a single line of the Raw Z is working from. If EVERYONE don’t stop Complaining about when Life 0 will be ready Z might just Stop doing Public releases and just translate the remaining of v25 for Privet reading then gives Us the middle finger. As for about having Shin TL’ed by someone else Fat Chance. Z is the only Person doing the DXD series and Updating in his free time other then Code-Zero who did DXD a couple of years back but Quit for this very reason of beginning pressured by people bugging him next Update on his blog. He went from having a Monthly Update to bimonthly to 1 volume a year then just Quit. This will Exeremely Blow if Z is set on not wanting to Translate the Dxd series into Shin witch is the Continuation from v25 ending.
Z, I know people keep asking questions you’ve already answered. That sucks.
@Maurice, If this account/poster is an alias for someone on the inside, then you just made fun of someone with a mental illness. I’ll leave the interpretation of what you’ve done to you. Is this the benchmark for decency in this community from someone who’s in the inner circle?
If not, and you just stay here and post stuff, dude, get a life. There’s an entire world out there.
If you’re a TL, and if you’re running/working on a TL Blog that relies on readers, then yeah, all of this comes with the territory. If you can’t handle comments, then why do this? Certainly not for the money. People are people. Some people are more patient and attentive and some less so. That doesn’t give you the right to make less of them.
Let’s not forget that Z does this because he shares the passion of his readers for the source material. I don’t think he does this because there’s a gun to his head or there’s a potential payoff of a million plus dollars waiting to be transferred into his account. If he feels that strongly about the so called ‘stupid comments’ then let him share his grievances.
Be more than a mouthpiece, mouthpiece.
Take care, Dildo-man/woman. 🙂
All I hear from you is BULL**** coming from that Codpiece you call a mouth. Go get some Spoted-dick and call it a day will yeah. Wanker?
Wow, @Maurice, You kiss your mother with that Codpiece? ;P
That tracks.
Okay, I’m going to stop on the account of not bullying people with learning and mental disabilities. (Seriously though, dude, get yourself checked for Dyslexia and also go to the urologist to get your Spoted-dick checked out. That’s not how it should look. Normal ones are Spotted)
Douchebag did Z not just say a couple of days ago that the flaming was unnecessary. Apparently, you don’t or Can’t understand the English Language enough to respect anyone. Lol, learning disability Wow you have me mistaken with you. You’re one of those people that I was talking about who don’t read prior comments before putting their FAT foot into there Big mouths. So I’ll say this 1 more time if came here to whine about when the next chapter will be done or ask for an Update DON’T. You as the Reader are not Entitled to know when the next release will be. Z will have it done in time. If you can’t wait then learn Japanese and read the raws yourself.
cant wait for complete translating XD
When will life 0 will be complete
Just go and translate it
Hooray you finally started translating vol 25!!!!!!!!
thanks for translating high school dxd I am a big fan so I got quite the shock reading on Wikipedia that volume 25 is the last volume for it. Only get this big surprise . Hope you can continue translating I look love your translations as they have almost no language errors and still keeps and perfectly delivers the comedic theme of it . I just hope this month goes by fast
Vol 25 is the end of the 1st series called dxd. Dxd is continuing in the new series this summer. New light novel called Shin High chool Dxd. It will continue from where v25 leaves off but the new storyline in this series will have a darker telling/ fell to it from what the author has posted on tweeter.
link for official twitter DXD can you post here i looking it
Look for @ishibumi_ddd
bro, how are the studies? We need to wait for you to go well to continue the translations, so it’s good to know how you’re doing.
Don’t worry about him. He is just having a wee break after finishing the exams.
I hope you will finish v25 fast, i’m actually translating your eng pdf’s to italian because the italian translator community is dead 🙁
Y is Issei Hyoudou such a dumb ass in HERO. Dude stop calling Rias the prez.
Boyo, unlike other animations’ storylines, DXD makes sure to provide something called character development There is a reason why he does that though.
High school dxd hero blu ray/dvd vol-1 (price 82.07$ for blu ray and72.06$ for dvd) will be on sale on 25 july. Do anyone know how much sale of 1 vol of dvd/blu ray is good for an anime series/movie
Shin High School DxD Volume 1 will be out on July 20th
I am so excited
Lucky for you me and for many anothers there will be others season in 2020 or 21
There is no confirmation yet beyond the current hero season. Don’t believe anything until it is 100% confirmed.
Yeah it is now also available on baka tsuki…
But does that means highschool dxd will end at volume 25 and continue as shin highschool dxd
You know Mr. Z, you should set a Patreon page as a joke so that impatient people can commission you to translate the light novels. Anyway, good job mate. ( ಠ‿ಠ )
hey z, whats going on and im sure your doing really well even with your exams and i am sure you are gland that they are over right know. So all i want to say is glad your back translating and hope you did really well on your exams. CHEERS!!!!!
Now that Hero is about to finish.
I continue to read reviews and Ratings of DxD Hero and many western viewers dislike season 4 yet many Japanese viewers seem to like DxD Hero
So, what is the actually truth, Did DxD Hero with Passionate studio sale well with viewer or not?
Someone please explain to me this confusion
I am a true DxD fan and hope to see season 5 announced.
I am hope that the blur ray and merchandise of Hero sale well
DxD forever
We’ll find out once the BDs go on sale. Anything that you hear or read right now isn’t worth much until the numbers to back it up exist.
I believe that many Crunchyroll members that are DxD fans do like season 4 because it follows the true LN story directly with less fillers than the previous seasons. Most negative comments posted at the CR pages are related to the animation and faces. I like the new faces because they are more like the original illustrations of the LN. I see little reason not to like the new season. I am also very excited to see if season 5 will cover the “death” and rebirth of the Red Dragon Emperor, and may includes Issei’s former proposal to wed Rias.
Thank you for all your translation work, and I do hope to read volume 25 and the next volumes translated this year.
This new season, while follows the LN more, feels completely rushed. However I am glad to see it get more airtime.
I am lying if I say that myself and others are not impatient for Volume 25. Yet, we are also very grateful for you taking your time and effort to translate the novels. Cheers man.
I have a question, when will you start translating volume 25?
Not soon enough if people don’t stop asking for a eta on vol25. Every ime someone ask it’s only going to make him not want to continue the translations after vol25. So please STOP ASKING People!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is what I’m hoping for, even with his personal life that he must first think, but he could try to arrange a time to translate the volume, I’m holding myself here, I can not wait to read the volume 25
I have a question how have viewers seen season 4 Hero compared to the light novel now that the season is about to end?
I have read for many thread online that Passionate has agreed to 2 seasons of DxD.
but WHAT ABOUT BEYOND SEASON 5 which mostly likely cover the long desired volumes 11 and 12.
Based on Hero is there any real hope of volumes like 20 or 25 getting adapted.
Hope that DxD anime continues as long as possible
In my opinion I think Highschool DxD is popular enough though it is difficult to say if it will continue as far as possible since based from my observation more of its fan base are watching it illegally though if it could get a good profit from the Blu ray releases then another season would be possible since it seems that this season is not for the the light novel promotions since older volumes is quite difficult to obtain in Japan however this is just my opinion so guys please be gentle with me 😀
Hope you are right because DxD is the best light novel
Not getting as many anime seasons as possible would be sad
I hope that 2018 is not the end of the light novel adaptations and season 5 comes in 2019 or 2020
Why will it take so much time to release a new season for them?
hello translator, first I have to thank you for the translations of dxd so far, but I have a question, have you started translating volume 25? or will it start? but I’m not complaining, just asking and once again, thank you very much for translating.
Please check my home page for details on that.
I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to translate this LN for free, I know many appreciate it. And try to not get pressured if people start getting impatient, take all the time you need, just knowing that someone is doing this, is highly appreciated.
I hope than on the continuation of volume 25 they focus more on Rias and Issei 🙁
Well, Rias and Issei are basically settled until the wedding or her finally taking the role of the legal wife (less she be usurped by Ravel) and setting the sex schedule. The author is trying to get all the other girls settled and official before this main DxD line is finished in a few volumes.
Yeah, but at the same time he is proposing to everyone, I would like if he only marries Rias xD
And I like that the author is giving some screen time to every heroine, but sadly this DxD finished in this volume. We’ll have to wait what’s the next DxD
Can he translate Japanese, because the vol 25 are now available on ebay ???
Yo Z, appreciate everything you’ve done so far. Thanks, man.
Thanks for volume 24
I hope that maybe 1 day the anime reaches volume 24 and adapt as many volumes as possible
Here’s my epub version of volume 24 : Mediafire
Thanks mate. Can I re-host your files?
No problem. Thanks for the translation.
Can u give me the other vol in English, pls ??????
When will be EPUB of volume 24 available?
Someone has made one. Check the comments above this one (newer) for the link.
Take your time and do your translations according to your convenience. We definitely don’t want to pressure you. We are just lucky that you are taking your time off work to do it for us. Thank you very much
Can you please translate the V25 little bit quickly?
Hi zxzxzx can I know when volume 25 will be start translating as it is in hold?I don’t mind getting on hold but want to know what’s the expected time till it resume.
WTF? REALLY? I’m i reading your comment Correctly. You just did not ask for a ETA on V25 did you. He’s not going to tell anybody a ETA for when he will start v25. Be thankful someone is taking there Free time to Translate this series for Us and call yourself LUCKY. Fan Translations is a HOBBY and Very Very Time Consuming Process to pick up in the first place. So asking someone who gives this to us for Free is like slapping them in the face when you wine for a ETA on the next Installment.
Dude I am just asking out of curiosity for reading next volume I don’t have intention to force know.indeed I am asking what’s the expected time but not in a demanding manor.if zxzxzx feels he can answer if not there its nothing.i will wait till it will resume no problem simple.i am grateful just as you for his translation.
Just asking for the ETA for V25 is beyond rude to begin with. You’ll just need to wait like the rest of US until he starts it in Time. Like he has said many many times he Read’s each Volume as he Translates each chapter. My guess would be end of June b4 he starts the translation and will be done with v25 by Mid August or Early September. Then if he decides to Continue the Translations of the New Series True Highschool Dxd he will tell us when he’s finished with volume 25.
Chill, yo.
First off – Friend I don’t need to Chill. Asking for when He will start v25 right after he finished v24 was beyond rude.
Secondly – It don’t take a lot of brains to scroll down the comments and find simple answers to peoples dumb ass annoying question they keep repeating when they have been already addressed many times by Z.
Thirdly – All announcements about status updates can be found on the Home Page on the right hand side of the screen where Z is currently @ on each translations when he gives his monthly update. But for some reason most of you repeated offenders don’t Comprehend that and it’s been pointed OUT BEFORE. look on the front home page before you ask you dimwitted questions.
Lastly – People gotta understand he does this for FREE and it’s a Hobby. People like Z have personal Lives outside Fan Translations that take priority over anything else. Be grateful there is still someone like Z who is still actively translating this series without asking for any type of Donations or turning it into a Paid TL like many other groups do.
When I said chill I meant that it wasn’t worth it to pick a fight with someone who doesn’t know better, friend.
People come from all walks of life and not all have the same sense of decorum you believe you have.
I’m grateful. Please check my comment above before giving me that holier-than-thou shpiel. But since you’ve decided to get offended by every thing small and big in the world and crusade against said evil without any prior research, I’m going to heed my own advice and stop here.
Good day to you, sir.
Just be thankful we have him and those like him who give a shit about others . For those of us who cant read in kanji he is a god send. It takes time to translate so be patient.
Fyi – Apropo Zxzxzx translates mostly from the Chinese version of the novels and only refers to the Japanese one’s Occasionally with the help of Google or some other translate program when needing to I believe and I’m not sure what the style of writing is called in Chinese outside the Official JP kanji. You hit the nail on the head about begin lucky there is someone willing to take time and Resources to translate the series. My point was just DON’T ask it’s rude.
Mandarin and Mainland Chinese both are very difficult to learn but yeah zxzxzx gives alot and has asked many times not to ask and some still try leaveing us no choice but to say something rule of thumb when you see it its there this is his hobbie its out of kindness he does this for our benefit just . Just be respectful and dont ask ever.
Hey guys I have read up to volume 24 completely. Can anyone tell me when volume 25 will be updated to this site.
Well it is still never fixed the link for PDF. please thanks
Check the sticky post on my home page. I have not made the PDF yet, and that’s why there is no link to it.
Thank you very much for your hard work for us. It was nice reading and i am like it was been finished before June. Is there only volume 25 for now. You gonna translate it too right? Them good luck. One more times thank you
Cant read it for some reason. The newest light novel, can you check why?
Is there any source where I can read dx 4 ? And I would like to support you finical. How can I donated to your bog ?
DX4 has not been translated, though I believe daniel Yang will be starting on it soon, once he gets the book. You can donate to me via my About page.
what does 25/5 mean and thank you for your hard work for the community
It means that next update will come on 25 of this month
5= may
25 = 25th day of may
It confused me at first. He has it with day first then month
Most of the world aside from America uses this convention, right?
thanks for finishing v24 Zxzxzx. Will you be updating with a pdf by Monday. Looking forward to reading v25 when it’s done too.
I honestly do not know lol
thank be waiting for complete translate of volume 24 and be waiting for volume 25 XD
Thank you so much for translating this. You have no idea how much appreciation you’re getting besides the comments here and I’m hoping you will be able to continue your translation when the new High School DxD series comes out later this year.
Again, we’re really grateful for your work, and do take your time when translating! We will never force you to rush things which brings down the translation quality 🙂
Thought I have to wait for another Half year or so read then I found your site, Thank you so much for translating for us, really appreciate.
Will you also Translate V25 ? And Is anyone Translating Dx4 currently?
As Zxzxzx has stated before He translates as he reads so v25 will be translated while he reads it. The Continuation after v25 called SHIN HIGHSCHOOL DXD that comes out this Summer is in the MAYBE stage if he will translate it or Not. As for DX4 Zxzxzx don’t translate it Daniel doe’s. You can find the Information on Daniel Yang’s blog @ the top of this page. But fyi he already said he will start DX4 as soon as he buys it next month.
i was starting loss a hope that this part will be unfinished …….but i and many others finaly have it. This part was wery emotional including reconciliation between shirone a kuroka. I was even much surprised when Kuroka confessed that she loves Issei. But One thing is definitely clear. it will definitely be interesting in next part to see how Issei
will be manage master his newly enriched harem.
ZX thank you very much for another excellent translated part
we look forward to the next.
Thank you for your kindness doing this for us
hey z do you also watch dragon ball super and high school dxd hero anime as well?
Yeah, I finished watching Super. Currently following Hero.
man hyped for life 5 , i especially love long ones
Thanks a lot zxzxzx 🙂
90% :3
Life.5 The Death God and the Hyoudou Family’s Breast Technique
please hurry with the translation
Can’t wait
Trust me life 5 is easily 30+ pages update and zxzxzx is really translating it a very good pace and talking about that % he must be really busy so he isn’t getting time to update it ☺
Can’t wait, too much suspense
And about the %, well I meant where did @WerewolfDxD found that piece of information.
I didn’t saw it being posted anywhere
Sticky (top) post on my homepage.
What exactly are these Dragon magazine short stories. Are you ever gonna translate them?? If yes then when? Pls reply if read zxzxzx
They’re just short stories like the ones that you find in DX volumes. No timescale in mind for these.
Most are already translated on baka-tsuki if you want to read them.
OMG! The Life 5 is 60%!!! Can’t wait for it to be 100%! Hahaha btw thank you for translating HSDxD! I really appreciate your works! 🙂
Btw I’m a girl from New York, I’m turning 20 this May 15th and I’m really a fan of HSDxD 🙂
Alright so first time commenting on here but after reading that volume 25 isnt gonna be the end of the series, and that the author plans on another series (Shin Highschool DxD? Supposedly) i had to ask. Will you also be translating this new series’ volumes as well? To go a long with that question, i would also like to expeess my sincere gratitude for the hard work put into translating these volumes. I wouldnt have been able to enjoy this series as much as i have without that so i can say from the bottom of my heart that i appreciate all that you’ve done! After learning that the series doesnt end with that 25th volume, i had to ask if there were plans for its translations or not, because i truly look forward to the continuation of the story, but that aside, my appreciation and admiration for whats already been translated i felt needed to be spoken, so once again, regardless of what your response is toward the new series translations, i sincerely thank you one more time!
@ Josha
I’m not Zxzxzx but I can tell you he has already addressed that concern. His reply was He is undecided until he is finished reading vol 25 because he reads as he Translates. When volume 25 is Complete he will decide but we all hope that is decsion will be Favorable to us the readers of his Translations.
Ah, i see! Thank you, I didn’t know he read as he translates but i suppose that would make sense to do. I have to wonder if it’s to see if he still feels as motivated to work on the translations as he has been, I could understand it being tiresome since it’s something he uses his own free time on. I’m very thankful that because of his translations that I’ve been able to follow along this story. I think someone before said people could use some site to get copies of the original and Google Translate them and they probably would get the gist of whats happening, but i will say from my experience with GT in the past, its not as reliable as Zxzxzx has been throughout this endeavor. I’ll stick to being thankful for his translations even if he decides not to continue, but of course it’d be a lie to say i wouldn’t be disappointed. I truthfully do not mean disappointed in him at all, just that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the series anymore for probably a long time would be the disappointing part. I guess I’d try to teach myself to read the original printings is what i’d like to say.. although at this point, i feel like i’m rambling on ha ha. Again, appreciate the response!
Yeah I would say away from google translate it’s shit compared to someone who can do the Physical Traslations. Well I mean what ever Language the TL’er chooses to do them from. Originally the Raws are Japanese and Zxzxzx translates them from Chinese. Learning Japanese is not a easy task if you choose to TL yourself. Sure there are many sites claiming they can teach you the language but having someone who Speaks the native language as your tutor would be a better way to learn it correctly. Time will only tell if Zxzxzx will continue after vol 25 or if he will choose to quite because it’s very time consuming. We the Readers hope He will continue but it’s not our decision in the End.
Is there a link to the DX volumes???
(Cause I’m waiting for DX4)
For the LAST time because PEOPLE keep asking ZXZXZX Does not do the DX side Story’s he only Translates the MAIN SERIES for now DX is done by another Translator named DANIEL go to his Blog. Fyi DX 4 is not out yet and DX 3 is only half done. SO please STOP ASKING when the NEXT DX story will be done because Zxzxzx don’t do them.
Ofcourse you are right but DX3 is fully ready in PDF form
When did he Finish it. Last time I was on his blog it was only about 50% complete and when I asked how long before he got around to completeing it Daniel say he did not Know. Oh well my mistake Dx 3 is done but DX 4 is not out yet [So please stop asking Zxzxzx about it he don’t work on them.] You know who you are?
Sorry I didn’t know.
can you give me the link ??? Is Daniel’s Blog for the DX side Story’s
Dude enough with asking when next part will be Uploaded. You know that Translations is a hobby he does in his spare time apart from his Job and School right ? Like the Side bar to the right on the Home pages saids Next part will be Soon. If you can’t wait for Zxzxzx to finish he translation download the Raws from Jcafe24 and use Google Translate to read it.
Yes. I agree with you. Its really annoying…
By tee way zxzxzx, when will next update come??
Hmm, how about today?
Didn’t you already given the update seems like you are in competition with kiba #goodspeed
Btw always love your update it was really a lovely chapter
Hey where do i get raw materials for this DxD series?
Well if you can Translate them you could get them for Free off of the Jcafe24 site after making a free account then writing 2 post to unlock download links or you can buy the digitals from any Japanese online book store that sells manga/ Light novels. or ebay if you want hard copys. there is also Comic or Book walker , but I don’t think they sell them in digital format. Don’t forget that there is a Pre-qual to the Highschool Dxd series out called Slash Dog Vol 1&2 + the New Series this summer Shin [True] Highschool Dxd.
thank you for translating this novel 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi zxzxzx always appreciated your work….. When will you upload next part life 4???
Can any one tell me shes can buy an epub or even a hard copy of this series in English please?
Unforuntly there are NO english version of the Light Novels currently Published by a US/UK Company. Only the Manga has been picked up for in the USA and it’s behind in it’s releases too. Only suggetion i can make is just wait on these Translations to be done and read them then.
I guess I just realized that the DX1 to DX3 works are already translated and available and that daniel yang is working on it but he still need to buy a physical copy of DX4 before he can start and he just said that translation may start late this month… but I am thinking it will really be sometime next month for the first release of the translations, so yeah… it’s alright.
I just want to say thank you for your continued efforts to translate this great work! We are highly indebted to you and can only hope that we can assist you. I just want to say thank you to you from now for every update.
I know it may be too much to ask you now but translating DX.4 (Volume 23.5) is going to make me very happy. Hahahahaha. But do you have any future plans to translate that work? Of course, you are still trying to finish this volume and you have another volume to go as well so yeah… never mind. Hahaha.
I just wanted to say thank you for translating the light novels. Thank you!
Hi z.thnx for all of translation till now.
I want to confirm will future shin series also be continue translate?
I cannot confirm at this stage.
Hi to all DxD fans and readers
I like to hear readers’ opinion on how far DxD anime could go?
Other similar anime like Freezing, In another world with my smartphone and Date Alive all seem to not reach the level of DxD anime.
Even though the light novels of smartphone and Date Alive sell better than DxD.
I personally think that DxD anime will reach up to vol 11 and 12.
But wish DxD anime gets as many anime adaptation as possible
What are DxD light novel readers/fans thoughts?
DxD forever
This my first attempt to post sorry if i made a mistake
Season 4: Hero will be awesome Crimson Red Armour
Are you ToBe2050 from my anime list
Comparing LN and Anime actually foolish reason. Industry of anime saw how well their products sell not the how much LN copy is selling.
It will depen on how well(in business) High School DxD can do in Hero season. If it success then we will see another couple or more season. Even if it is fail in market I am hoping that we will see at least one season more.
No matter how good is LN, if anime adaptation fails then industry won’t be interested in revive those. But more than 75% anime lover watched High School DxD I bet, and it is also somewhat popular than other ecchi based harem series in Japan, so I don’t see it will stop at Hero season.
But well anything happen in this world, I donno the future.
DxD’s anime adaption is very popular in Japan. In the pre-screening of Hero, the event was sold out (many girls also attended), and Issei’s voice actor has said he loves voicing the character (and even said that at one point he became rather obcessed with the Oppai Dragon Song ~ LMAO!)
Nnnn you are wrong.
Light novel and anime are related to each other very much. Most LN anime are not made to make profit, but to advertise the light novel (a fact- manga/Ln industry make more then anime). you can see the LN/manga sale of series on myanimelist/animenewsnetwork that how much boost in sale a series get when they get anime adaption, if the boost is very much then there will be very good chances of having second season even if anime sale is not good. Also due to this reason anime does not caught up lightnovel. Most of time anime success is determined how much LN sale increase. some example where sale increase tooo much are SAO, NGNL, etc.
Due to this reason only, you may have noticed that once the LN/Manga is completed or is in climax than chances of next season become very low.
you may have also seen that many popular series in japan have an alternative ending although they were successful, anime which cover only good part of ln, made like any sequal is impossible. it happen because after this sale of LN increase too much (best example Youkoso Jitsuryoku shijou shugi no kyoushitsu e- one of the best seller ongoing LN). Just think that if DXD anime has not stop at that time and season come out every 1-2 year then most of us would not be hear.
Dont get me wrong, I am not saying that all anime are made for LN sale boost. there are some whose target is profit or was to advertise LN but become a big hit that next season start coming (like SAO). but for most LN anime target is LN advertisement.
In the case of passion studio dxd. profit is the target as LN is so ahead that only previous volume may get some new readers.
edit: after reading my comment it seem i am repetitive (and also very boring). well cant help. writing comment after a long time
Would you please take your dissussion somewhere else besides Zxzxzx blog. Your both right and wrong. We Yes LN and Anime are connected in most ways but are also apart in the same ways. If sales are High for the current Hero Seasons when it comes out on BD then we might get another season later on but that don’t mean it’s gaurneeted. The same logic is implyed to the LN if sales are high enough we might see another installment but it’s not 100%.
What’s wrong with this discussion? As long as we talk about dxd, it’s fine….
Fyi This blog is about the dissuction of the Dxd Light Novels and the other novels Zxzxzx is working on without spiolers. Not a #general anime blog SO it’s not fine. If you or anyone wish to carry on the topic outside the LN please do so somewhere else like a discord channel where they welcome it.
Thank for your comment
Hope the new light novel Shin DxD sale well too
So that anime continue getting adaptions especially season 5 and volumes 11 and 12
DxD forever
I hope you are right
And Hero blur ray sales do well enough to inspire more DxD seasons
Like you said at least 1 more to finish an arc
DxD forever
I know it has nothing to do with the Light Novels updates, but I just you all to know these infos about the pre-screening of DxD Hero:
>the design works really well in animation
>some quite prefer it since it’s cuter including Ishibumi (DxD Author)
>event was just about sold out
>girls were once again present at the event
>animation quality was drastically better than anything Passione did before AND the previous seasons
>they got that creepy vibe from s1 back with the hero faction and that guy with the darkness sacred gear
>Yuki Kaji (Ise’s VA) said he became a bit obsessed with the oppai dragon song at one point, he loves dubbing the series, one particular scene left him with a sore throat from yelling for days (LOL)
>Ishibumi and Kaji never expected the oppai dragon song to be put on iTunes,
>there was a bit of a cheer when the Issei vs Sairaorg spar hit its climax due to the animation
>the ED song is good
>there difference in tone between the fanservice/comedy and action/plot is very nice, it’s unsettling in a good way like the LN at times
>Ishibumi said the first and foremost target of Hero during production was LN fans (Yey! Ishibumi going to spoil LN reader fans)
>Ishibumi made the staff read all the way up to the newest novels so there wouldn’t be any inaccuracies (LMAO~)
Hate new Character design for Hero. Makes it look less Sexy more Cartoony. Art designer and Author must have been smoking something very Strong if they both think it looks good.
So? He already kicked the bucket, unlike Albion and Ddraig who are sealed therefore mentioned in top 10
And ishibumi even forgot to put the god of the bible in the top ten even if he died it seems like he was quit the existence to the other gods
And one more question sirzechs and ajuka are said to be in the top ten strongest in the world, if u had to rate them what number would you give them
If you go by old rank list they were on 6 position but since after Issei and Vali powerup they could be ranked on either 8 or 9 position.
It doesn’t mean I am including Issei and Vali in top 10 but still it isn’t confirmed:)
Same answer as the other question you asked. Ishibumi might have answered this though, or at least I seem to recall that he did.
Zxzxzx if you read volume 13 afterward you will find the answer
Thank you for your translations
I hope that Shin DxD new light novel is also translated.
As your fan wish i could help to translate but my Jap level is too low to translate.
Hope that volume 25 is not the last time we see your great translation work zxzxzx
Hey z who would you think would win in the rating game tournament between issei team or rias team and it is said that sirzechs is one of the strongest in the world so if u were to rank him how far would you rate him and ajuka
I’m not going to speculate or make any bets. I just like to enjoy the novel for what it is.
Hey z I have a question that has been bothering me, Asia and xenovia left raises group to join issei’s right but he is still rias’s pown so wouldn’t xenovia and Asia still be under Ria’s if there in Issei’s group know. Thanks for answering if you can
It depends on your own perspective I’d say, there’s no explicit mention of how it works. Technically, neither Xenovia nor Asia are Rias’ servants anymore. Just because their master Issei is still a servant of Rias, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all of Issei’s servants have to obey Rias. Anyway, there isn’t really any information on this so it’s just speculation.
When did you start translating again? I know you took a break for like a while and I can’t remember the last chapter I read but it was the last one done for a while when you were on hiatus
I leave the date at the end of each chapter I do. I suppose there was a break between V23 Life.1 and Life.2. I finished V23 Life.1 at the end of August 2017, and resumed in January. I’ve basically been translating ever since then.
Hey zxzxzx I just wanted to say thanks for translating hs dxd man and I wish that you can continue doing it with even shin is dxd as well and if I could even help out with translation I would. But sadly I just speak pure English language
Zxzxzx the link to dx3 cross x crisis extra life 2 is not working. Pls see to it. Thank you
Where? Not sure that has anything to do with me. daniel Yang tends to manage DX.
What is the short story known as Flower Arrangement of the Princesses?
I’m not entirely sure myself. I’ve only read the first sentence so far.
Zxzxzx if you know that there are only two joker in highschool dxd including Dulio and so called extra joker earlier I was thinking that they were three in no including dulio
Confirmed by code zero
That was a mistake that’s now been fixed.
I found it some time ago on shinmai masou translation project but I forgot when. But anyway it posts news about shinmai and from what I read someone is translating it hopefully and my guess is when it’s done translating volume 8 it would move on to volume 9 and so on. And I think it will be on baka tsuki. So that way zx u can focus on translating dxd novels more.
No disrespect but that’s not Proof enough that Someone else it doing it just because you read it somewhere. Baka-Tsuki already post who is translating Shinmai Series and there only 1 Active translator shown. Guess Who? it’s Zxzxzx. I read somewhere that Volume 12 was the Last volume of the Story but until I get a hold of a copy after Translations are complete to Confirm the Storys is Ended That’s just Here Say. As of right NOW Zxzxzx is the Only Reliable person Translating the Shinmai Novels Unless this other person wants to Step up and Register themself on BT as New TL for it there is Nobody who is @ the moment.
There is another site that is translating it, but they have hired someone to do it so you have to contribute a donation to get access to the translations.
What Sites ? Do they Offer pdf and epub downloads after this so called Donation to get it. Why should we have to pay for something Zxzxzx provides us for FREE when he completes a volume. How far are these other site. Are they above or below where Zxzxzx is now. Zxzxzx is trustworthy and Reliable while those other sites are clearly Not if they don’t offer the novels to the Public. Donation don’t mean they will get the novels translated any faster if there not Translating them but paying someone else who could Stop for any Reason at anytime.
I don’t know anything about their quality or the format they use. I didn’t pay it, I was simply providing the information that there is a another translator but you have to pay to access it.
Okay so you can’t provide a site address , Price , Format or even know if it’s Reliable then another Translator don’t Exist outside What BT has listed as a Active Translator. The Only Proof someone is Working on the Shinmai Series is Zxzxzx. If you have to Paid to get Translation from someone other then Zxzxzx it’s not Trustworthy to use. Please don’t start Rumors that it’s begin translated somewhere else without proof to back up the claim. Zxzxzx is the Active TL and Only TL for this series.
This is why I mostly ignore comments here. Just because you didn’t know about it before doesn’t mean that it isn’t true or doesn’t exist, and definitely doesn’t mean that you can then get sarcastic or bossy with other commenters. I’m fairly positive that I found out about it myself from a comment here on zx’s blog. With that said, the site is and the minimum contribution is $10 to gain access to content. I didn’t pay to get access because, on this point, I agree with you, zxzxzx’s translations are superior to most fan translations I have found and with them being free to us, which I am highly appreciative of, can’t be beaten.
I won’t be commenting back about this so if you want more info you can go to their site.
I get bossy because your just spouting nonsense. If it’s a Paid Site it’s not going to be trustworthy enough to be called a Translater. Have you ever used that site. There is no way to tell if there on the level that Zxzxzx is and if they will even attempted to finish the novels to the End. If by chance there is someone doing them good it would re-leave some of the stress off Zxzxzx but bad for Us who depend on Zxzxzx for these Trans because he doe’s them for Free. Don’t Spread Rumors that this series is begin done else where there is a catch for getting and your not sure if there on the Up and Up. This is Zxzxzx blog not your personal Facebook page so don’t post about where to find novels in other places. I’m not 100% sure Zxzxzx would approve of his hard work going to waste for nothing.
Well, I appreciate the thought, but the other translation team has been commissioned to do the work, and that prevents them from putting their translation on Baka-Tsuki, even if they wanted to do that. Baka-Tsuki does not allow paid translations.
Say zx I’m new here and I want to let u know that I don’t think u have to translate shinmai masou volume 8 because someone else plans to translate it.
Great. Is it going to be freely available?
Who plains to translate Shinmai Vol 8. Is it only volume 8 or are they planing to translate the rest of the volumes all the way last volume 12. Is this persons going to make the them Free to read Like Zxzxzx does with download links for pdf’s and epubs included. If not then it’s not worth waiting for this other Translator to do them when Zxzxzx is more Reliable.
Zxzxzx do you think at this rate you can translate 3 volumes each year of highschool dxd
Let’s say two for now…it depends on how much time I can spare for translation.
Please zx don’t say that you will not translate after volume 25. Pls translate shin highschool dxd it is it continuation only andalso pls reply
Please zx say that you will not translate after volume 25. Pls don’t translate shin highschool dxd it is it continuation only andalso pls reply
Highschool dxd v25 is last light novel of highschool dxd now name have been changed to Shin highschool dxd and next volume will be volume 1.
Can you post a link to that news. I thought shin highschool dxd was fanfiction.
Yo Oppai Dragon I believe you would get bad information but don’t you have any proof that v25 is last novel and why is it begin changed to shin HS Dxd instead of just Continue as is. If the proof you provide is none english can you translate or @ less sum it up.
Ignore prior post OD. Meant to say I believe you would not give false Information about Vol25 is Last before it changes Names But Why is it changing. Will the change be a Contiuation where Vol 25 leaves off or is it more of Reboot / Spin Off.
I never mind as you are my mate
Shin Highschool dxd is a sequel of original highschool dxd means in summer new volume will come with name SHIN HIGHSCHOOL DXD VOLUME 1 will be continuation from where hs dxd v25 left
Saying about why name changed it is question better directed to author… But we may only guess due to
1. Publishing issue as ichei ichibumi wants more volume than 30 as publishers restricted to publish beyond 30.
2.high school dxd name as basic and max powerup would be DxD but author want AxA and ExE.
MAURICE if you want spoiler I can tell you with due permission of zxzzzx if he doesn’t mind
No spoilers please. Take it elsewhere.
ok zxzxzx no problem
Thanks for the Info. Like Zxzxzx said No spoilers please. But do you know in what Month the change will happen. I also wounder if Zxzxzx will pick up Shin Highschool Dxd or just fouces on other Novels he’s still in the middle of TL’ing. He deserves a break after vol 25 in complete I’m only guessing here but it would be a shame if he don’t continue it. Acourse I would like to see Shinmai Maou cought up sence vol 12 is the last volume and I don’t recall how many are left of Seikoku no Ryuu kishi before starting a new Series/ Continuation of the next chapter of the Dxd line. But this is just me and wishful thinking on my part. I have no clue what Zxzxzx will do or when. The suspense of waiting for what happens next in Shinmai is KILLING me thou. I hate waiting for long periods of time to read another volume but I can’t read Japanese so there is nothing I can do.
heh it seems HS DxD Vol 25 has Rosseweisse in the front cover…
Thats nice, now you had picked up some speed boy..
well there were some misunderstanding before like speed of daniel Yang (i forget to see the year in which he started and thought he took 3-4 months to translate 2-3 volumes). well it happen because of one of my bloody oppai loving friend.
and i will continue to criticize you as i have the right to criticize things (hence other people has right to criticize my comments) as soon as i get chance, motivation(man it requires lot of motivation. you guys will not understand) and time (well i am too busy as someone give me idea in replay to my old comment for reading hentai novels. Thanks(cumming soon(ohh!! spelling mistake, coming soon for next comment)))
its criticize* ,not critize in previous comment
and also i would like to clear some things-
1st – someone said that i am indin. how the hell you get that in you small foolish mind, making things of its own. well i am from- ‘why should i tell it to some morons’
2nd-To those who think that like them i am free things eater. well to make it clear i am having yen press first three manga of dxd(not having plan to buy more), rias mouse-pad(google it if you dont know what is it). I have all volume of deadman wonderland(manga), accel world(light novel) and much more manga.
You idiots said “buy dxd light novel” well to let you know i am not a BAKA like you who will buy a book written in another language to throw it in trash. really i always thing that are you really moron, who would do that, at least tell that for supporting author buy English DVD(which i will not), bed cover(planning to buy of other series), manga which would be of any use to me.BUT NO ‘buy lightnovel to throw it in trash’ really a foolish thing. I want to know why you people show this level of foolishness.
and a thing to zxzxzx. why are there font, size, picture option for comment section if they dont work.
Why are you ranting about nonsense that has nothing to do with this blog or topic of Highschool Dxd novels / 1 of the other novels Zxzxzx is actively working on. Don’t you believe your begin disrespectful.
Hey Maurice don’t you there is something wrong with this person mishikun whatever zx does for him is nothing
In my opinion we should ignore such guys like ‘p’ in pneumonia XD..
Well I try really hard to just Ignore dumb comments. Compared to last year where I said my 2 cents worth on every disrespectful post asking Zxzxzx about the next Chapter or Volume would be done. Some people are Ungreateful and rude about the way they ask for FREE public novels it’s sort of nerve recking to just sit and not say anything. What people don’t seem to understand is Zxzxzx does these Translations in his spare time bewteen Work and Collage and post them for Us Free of Charge. Where if you went and Paid for a single novel to be translated by a Paid TL person it would cost up to 400.00 per volume because they charge by the page trust me or not I’ve know made that misstake myself awhlie back. Translating is not Easy and very time consuming. Plus Zxzxzx don’t translate the JP raws very offten but uses Chinese Raws when they become availible.
yes. i am agree with. you
like ‘o’ in enough, rough, tough.
like ‘d’ in handkerchief.
Oppai dragon your’e right there is something very wrong with them. Fool write back again rambling. Not sure but think they might be a mentally disturbed person.
didn’t I told you just like a dog whose not getting his bone and barking again on and on and on……
Bhaw whaoowawaooo woooaoaowaoo…. -dog barking but not for bone, for humanity.
well you are just like 99.94% people who think they are fit n fin and remaining are mentally disturbed. but [spoiler title='Reality'] in this cruel world 94.46% people are donald trump, 5.31% people (oppai dragon,maurice) are king jong, and remaining % are the so called dog which in reality are trying to open eyes of humanity and save it.[/spoiler]
Hey zx!
Who updates the page on bak-tsuki??
I think the character introduction needs an upgrade now like adding new character change in the peerage etc
I don’t actually know who did the initial character intro part…could be one of the previous translators, editors or even a contributor.
The great thing about Baka-Tsuki is that anyone is free to make changes, so anyone can add to the character intro section – you included 🙂
I didnt check for a while and you completed 23rd volume, thanks a lot man ,really appreciate this
Thanks for the finishing volume 23 zxzxzx
Hey before you go on to translating V24, could you please translate this short, short story? Many short stories don’t get translated so it would be great for any that can be translated when they can.
Will take a look shortly.
When will you translate DX4? or is is released in english already?
P.S Thank you for finishing off Volume 23! looking forward to seeing volume 24 in April
Hey mate
I may guess that zxzxzx will not translate dx4 rather it could be done by Daniel Yang. He is the only one who is translating dx3.
I don’t have plans for DX4 at the moment.
hey zxzxzx, is there a fan translation in chinese or is it licenced. Do you have raw of volume 24, is there a way to get volume 24 raw for free?
It’s a fan translation. I haven’t got a Japanese copy yet, I’m planning to buy it next month when I’ll need it. There might be somewhere that you can find it, but it’s usually quite difficult to locate one within the first five to six months of release so I wouldn’t bother at this stage.
can you plz send me the link of fan translation
leaf27sky is the translator, so just follow their posts.
When is vol 24 coming
ZXZXZX states he’ll start in april
thanks 3zx for your awesome translations
how long is the eta on the PDF
please ignore this post I just read your post (main page) and I see it’s answered there my bad
Within a week.
Thanks as always for the translation. Here is my epub version of v23 on Mediafire.
Thanks and would it be possible for you to make a pdf version as well.
Thanks! Can I re-host this one and the v22 epub on my site and link to it on Baka-Tsuki?
Thank You Very Much for your hard work Zxzxzx !!!
Thank you so much for your hard work to share with the fans. It is appreciated!
When will Volume 23 be available on Baka-Tsuki?
Either this weekend or sometime next week I think.
Pingback: Latest Updates [2018] – zxzxzx's blog
Just an announcement for all mates broadcasting of dxd season 4 will start from 10 April 2018
Yes it’s official announcement
Thanks for the Announcement about Season 4 of Highschool Dxd. But for anyone who watches the Animechart Sites they would already knew it’s Release date back in January 2018 when it was Officially announced.
Thanks ….
Actually I was not knowing about info that you gave and let’s hope best out this season and yeah they should really stick to light novel original content…
Yeah I agree they should stick to the light novel story as much as possible but that don’t always happen when the anime is producted. Most of the time the story is chopped to shorten the time frame to fit Tv time slots. I could name about 100 different Animes that had a Original ending that the Manga / LN did not or they just lefted a To be Continued ending of the Story.
In January, it only listed the month of April, not the exact date, which was just announced last week.
I hate to tell you but it was not official announced just last week. The official release date has been up on the Anime Chart site’s and site’s meaning more then 1 since January 1st 2018. I know because I follow all of them believe me or not i don’t care all that really matters is How this season will play out if they following the Light novel story or make up a New ending after 12 episodes. But as apart time Otaku I hope they stick to the novels and less filler story.
what Maurice said is correct
And it would be defined better to stick to novel otherwise it could be like season3 shit happening all over
hey zxzxzx. do you have any idea that how much money a person can make if he become a light novel translator by working with j novel club, yen press etc
I’ve got no idea. I’ve never looked into that kind of work and don’t have plans to. You might be able to get a better idea of that by checking the job ads that they post.
hey zx,do you plan to translate v24 after you finish v23?thx for your translations btw
Please see the sticky post on my homepage. I post all schedules and plans there.
When do you think you are going to finish volume 23 of highschool dxd? Im dying to see it
I usually post estimates on my homepage.
So volume 23 will finish by march 12 or is it only next life?
Next Update: High School DxD V23 Next Life ~12/3 or earlier
That means Next Life will be done by March 12th or earlier not the entire volume.
Is it just me, or does Volume 23 seem much longer than the others? Maybe not in actual content, but it looks like it has a lot more chapters than usual.
V23 is around twenty percent longer than V22, and roughly the same length as V21. It does have more chapters, though many of the upcoming ones are quite brief.
This means life which you are doing right now (youth) is roughly big than upcoming ones like – return of king , singularity, vidar & Apollon etc. which are small.
Thanks a lot for translation 3 zx
Oh I see! Well hey, that just means there’s more to enjoy haha. Thanks for all your hard work zx, we all appreciate it so much!
why the volume 23 is not finished in translate, I am waiting for the volume. Please
Hey man
Thanks for translating Hs DXD.Really appreciate it.
I just wanted to ask if you’ll be translating the DX series too ?
Daniel yang translates those. He’s finished volume 1 and 2 and is working on 3. His blog is
wow…..the battle will be coming soon…..sooo much excited
so excited for the fight between dulio and issei
Thanks for the translation.
Maurice is ryt. Y do u guys keep asking for updates? He has his own life outside translating.
Stop putting pressure on him n go read manga or watch anime. U might see it as being an enthusiastic DxD fan but it also feels like u rushing him for next update.
Better still u can learn Japanese n help him translate.
I think we should just be appreciative of the FREE work he’s doing for us n stop this updates updates issue. We all wanna read not just u guys
Finally Someone with a Brain can Understand WHY? I keep telling you people to stop asking for Updates it’s annoying and not gonna make zxzxzx translate any faster. Real Life and Real Life Problems are top priority over any hobby and if every ungrateful person keeps asking it will turn him away from doing them for Us all the enjoy. Thanks Jerome for the Support.
I totally support you Maurice.
Translation will be done when they are about to be done
Why to always keep on asking for updates.
Hey Zxzxzx thank you for your hard work as always !!
Please I would like to suggest that you ban trolls like “Maurice” who is Annoying everyone In the blog comment thread !
A good Blog being damaged by Trolls 😐
Hey Zxzxzx thank you for your hard work as always !!
Just One thing wanted to suggest , Please Ban Trolls Like “Maurice” who is literally annoying everyone on the blog !
A Good Blog is being damaged by trolls 😐
See I was going to Ignore these Comments until A few Douchebags got to put there 2 cents into Stuff that has nothing to do with them. For Anyone calling me a Troll it’s your Mother’s are the Troll She literately Lives under Bridges and you can find her from California – Japan in all the Local legends.
Just shut the fuck up man!!
Your ranting has nothing to do here
it doesn’t help anyone , better you FO
We all are grateful to Zxzxzx 🙂 and don’t need any unworthy Scum like you shitting around here
Hahahahaha Nicholas I like your comment dude! Maurice is so gay he’s like a GIRL who keeps nagging hahaha shut the fuck up maurice we dont need you here and especially we don’t need your ranting comments!
Thank you for all of your hard work zxzxzx 🙂 take good care of your health dude! 🙂
Hey zxzxzx, any idea who this ‘Maurice’ person is?
I’m a person who TRY’S to not Comment on People STUPID Update questions all the time. But some People can’t understand simple English to Stop asking for Updates. When Zxzxzx post them it’s on the Home page and the one who are subscribers get a email notification too. So Translations is a Hobby not a Full time job that takes his FREE time to do for Us and he don’t get paid for doing it. Real life problems happen they come before anything else so sometimes that means Translations will be delayed and most Fans coming here don’t seem to understand that point of view. Zxzxzx knows I try not to be rude on his blog but it’s hard to do when people just don’t listen and keep repeating to same question. ” When will Vol ??? be Done” or ” how long does it take to finish a Volume I’m waiting to see it complete”. That’s the same as asking for a ETA witch he can’t give since it hard to judge on the time frame if he hit’s any snags along the way. This year I’m not gonna reply that often to comments but will still be watching. When he post a Update it’s on the Home page where announcements can be found concerning Translations and When you ask for any type of eta/update it’s consider disrespectful. They will be done when there done.
Hey Maurice, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP dude, you’re so annoying! most of us here don’t like you the most! YOU ARE SO RUDE AS ALWAYS AND IN ALL WAYS! DUH
I’ll Shut up when Retarded People like you and 40% of the Other’s Who keep asking for Updates Stop Harassing Zxzxzx about it. When the Next Chapter or Volume is Finished it will be DONE and No ETA will be given. Don’t you think asking repeatedly over and over and over is Disrespectful to him. He always updates to the Home Page when he can and Personal Life comes before Translations so Sometimes This (HOBBY will be Delayed and he don’t need to be Reminded there things he has left Unfinished until he gets to it.) I Don’t care if you don’t like me your just 1 person in this Big Big World.
eagerly waiting for the complete translated volume 23 hope you are well fit and kicking zx
We are ALL waiting for the Completion of Vol 23 not just you get over it. In the mean time READ something else or find a New Hobby to Start. Zxzxzx not gonna rush through the Translations just to please people who can’t sit and wait Quietly until he finds time to finish. I do believe people have the right to Personal Space.
chill man I am reading other stuff and waiting bro don’t be angry btw give my thanks to zx for shouldering such a heavy burden
1) I don’t need to Chill it’s the People like you who keep asking for Updates that need to Chill. (eagerly waiting for the complete translated volume 23) is the same as asking for an Update. It don’t help him get through the Translations any faster.
2) Not angry only annoyed when People can’t understand simple English. He has a LIFE outside these Novels and When he gets Free time He’ll Update the Blog.
are you intentioned to translate highschool dxd till the end or you will stop at a certain point
btw thanks for the work you did until now
I am determined to finish everything that I start.
Hey ZX!
Thanks for hardwork you have done till now
Just wanted to ask weather SLASHDOG is related to dxd in any case . Is it beneficial to read it.
SLASHDOG is something akin to a prequel of DxD. It’s set a few years before where the MC is Ikuse Tobio and from my understanding, it should be more about the Five Principal Clans, the Grigori and Sacred Gears. There are quite a few characters that cross over so I think it would be an enjoyable read.
Hi zxzxzx thanks for your hard work !
I just wanted to know how many famous Highschool dxd LN translators are still active ?
daniel Yang is doing the DX translations over at
JeruTz who did Slash Dog and EX is now working on Vandread and ‘A certain…’ stories over at
Ariel who also did EX and and is now working on some short stories can be found over at
I’m not sure if Code-Zero is working on anything at the moment…but his blog is
I’m not sure if Akuma is working on anything at the moment.
I’m not sure if Eternal Dreamer is working on anything at the moment.
zzhk is still fairly active on various projects over on Baka-Tsuki last I checked.
So I was wondering how long does it take a translator to usually translate a whole volume. I also know that each translator is different, but if you could give me a time-frame of how long it’ll take then I’d gladly appreciate that.
Four to six months? I’ve never really paid too much attention to such time frames as my pace can vary, as can the length of each volume.
I really admire the work done by zxzxzx in this novel, translating novels for free requires courage and grit and the way novels are translated is outstanding. I have become fan of your work. Till this time, I refrained from commenting here but I think it becomes my responsibility to say thanks to those who have made this novel great.
I have one request to make? It is kind of selfish but please bear with me.
After reading the completed volumes, I came across High school DX, Please clarify what it is about? Is it somehow related to main story, should I read it?
P.S. :- Thanks for work you have done till now zxzxzx and thanks in advance for your future work.
Hi I’m not Zxzxzx but I have read the 1st DX Story. The DX series are FUTURE timeline story have not happen yet but do later on Most likely after the Dxd Novels Stop @ vol 30. Where getting them now because When it ends finally there will be no further Volumes published. I believe there are 2 finished Dx story’s currently and the 3rd is not Translated yet and the 4th is TBA or not Released yet. Someone else asked if Zxzxzx was gonna translate the 4th Dx story but Zxzxzx don’t translate them another Translator by Daniel does and his blog is @
Just a correction, they’re not all future stories. The DX stories are events that occur throughout the current timeline but are not written in the main volumes. Also, daniel’s blog has moved to
The DX series are short story compilations. References are sometimes made to events that occur in these short stories from the main volumes, so it’s a good idea to read them as well.
Happy 2018 dear author!
Wishing you the best this year!
Will you do a translation for DX.4 (Volume 23.5) ?
Just curious… maybe after finishing Volume 23 itself though Volume 25 is already coming up.
Do take your time though my friend.
sorry but out of curiosity zxzxzx when will you translate volumes 23??? jus asking please take your time thanks
This month.
F**king People just can’t wait for you to Find Spare time to work of Translations. They don’t understand you already told Us Sometime after the New Year you would Continue. God Damn Retards. Sorry but Demanding People Piss me Off. Thanks for all your Hard Work Z and Take your time. When it’s Done it’s Done like I keep telling them just wait.
I haven’t made plans for DX4 yet…I may focus on volume 24 though.
nice work though I wanna know at what time of the year 2k18 the 23th volume is going to be completed, salute to the translator for his great effort
I’m really Trying not to sound Rude since it’s the Holiday’s but Can’t you Read the Headlines on the Homepage where Zxzxzx has already explained that there is No further Updates to Dxd vol 23 until sometime after the 1st of the New Year. That Means he will pick Up where he left off to Finish Vol 23 soon. Translations take time and if Everyone WHO Keeps as for Updates AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE is that much in A Hurry to Read Vol 23 Complete. Download the Raw from Jcafe24 and Use Google Translate to do it yourself otherwise Just sit back Drink some Hot Chocolate or Spiced Eggnog and Read something else Until Zxzxzx gets the Time to Finish Vol 23 in his Spare time. You all do know that Vol 24 has been out since Nov 17 2017 and Vol 25 is soon to release Probably Feb-April 2018. My Point is Everytime someone ask when will it be updated it only Slows him down in Translating the novels to answer your Consent Complaints about (Update ETA). People like Zxzxzx have Real everyday Life’s that Take Priority over a Hobby like Fan Service and I for 1 believe Zxzxzx has earned the Right to take a Break every now and then too Chill from this Hobby. Updates will Resume After the 1st of the New Year Sometime.
wtf are you taking it negatively? I just asked when will zxzxzx will finish volume 23!! so that I will do some other stuffs and wait for it!! in other ways I’m anticipating the date of release fool!!
Because it’s people like YOU who think Zxzxzx owes you something I can’t Stand. He’s not gonna tell you when Vol 23 will be Done if he has not already Stated it on the Homepage where you can Find simple Information. If you took the time to read through Other Comments you would have Seen your not the only Person who I’ve Told to STOP asking for UPDATES. When it’s DONE it will be DONE. He can’t give you a Eta cause Translations are not easy and if they where anyone could do it. If you have time to complain and ask for eta’s learn to Translate and download the raws from Jcafe24. If your anticipating it’s release then do it in Silences. If you think I’m rude to you it’s only because Zxzxzx is too kind of a Person to tell you himself. So just Be Quite and Wait until he post More Updates Sometime AFTER the New Year. I’m not gonna continue the Comment because I too am not begin Disrespectful to Zxzxzx when i keep addressing and Asking people like you who don’t understand to Stop with the Question for eta on next Update. Topic Dropped.
who are you to say such things?? If you said release is a bit delayed I could’ve happily agreed with you and don’t portray yourself as not being rude you are rude, have some etiquettes thanks
And Who the Hell are You to DEMAND Updates from Zxzxzx just because you can’t Sit and Wait until after the 1st of the New Year. He does this for Us for FREE in his Spare Time have some Respect and Common cents since it’s the Holidays Jack***. I can’t tell you it’s been Delayed cause it’s been this ways for awhile now. When it’s Done it’s DONE so S.T.F.U.A.W. (shut the fu** up and wait).
Merry Christmas
Thank you, hope you had an enjoyable Christmas too 🙂
Can i get pdf links for vol. 21 & 22? thanks in advance
PDF links should be available next to the titles of each volume.
Hope the next update is soon. So bored without any dxd in my life.
Just Read Other Novels in the Meantime there are Hundreds besides Dxd to Choose from on the Internet or WAIT Silently like the Rest of US until after the New Year like Zx Said he would Re-start Translations and No further Translations until then.
waiting for the next update………………………..
Your waiting that’s nice to know so Keep on Waiting! Next Update will come when Zxzxzx has Free time from Everyday Life not when people demand it. Fan Translation is a Hobby you know? Zxzxzx has the right to take breaks in Between School , Work , Family , Friends, and Everyday life. I’m sure he is working as quickly as Possible to finish what he can get done in spare time so he can post it but Real Life Comes First. Please Have Some Respect for Him and Stop asking for Updates to EVERYONE.
i did not see him demanding uptades nor disrespecting zx
When you ASK for Updates Knowing Full well Zxzxzx Does this in Spare Time as Quickly as he Can outside Real Life Problems THAT’S DEMANDING and DISRESPECTFUL since he does this for FREE to US. I also included STOP asking for Updates to EVERYONE not just Him. The next Chapter will BE DONE when it’s DONE so Stop ASKING. Zxzxzx already replied to a Prior comment there will be No MORE Updates to Dxd This Year Meaning He will pick it back Up after the first of the New Year. Please get a CLUE he Has his own Life outside this Translation HOBBY that is Priority.
I’m trully sry if it was disrespect….
I agree with you some people just ask but some know zxzxzx is trying his best on his spare time cause zxzxzx will do it however when people ask him again again he will not do it but he awesome and nice and people take it for granted maurice at least us who respect zxzxzx and look up to him and we truly grateful towards him to translate these novels cause i seen some people translate the novels and they stop cause they are done with it however zxzxzx keeps on to make the fans of the novels happy i think he should do what ever he wants he can wait 5 months or 6 months or a year to take a break from translating to behonest i can wait that long to have novels be translated it might take 2 years but i will still wait what about you maurice.
Thanks. People just don’t understand How hard Translating these novels are and it takes time. My Point is If people don’t stop asking for updates it’s gonna take longer for him to finished because He will feel Pressured and Might lead to Him Quitting altogether when Ungrateful Fans Demand updates. I don’t know if others are Translating this Series it’s News to me since the ONLY active Translator is Zxzxzx outside Code-Zero who Helps Sometimes but not Active because he quit fully Translating this series more then a year ago so Zxzxzx picked it Up.
To EVERYONE PLEASE STOP ASKING FOR UPDATES Zxzxzx already address there will be NO further Progress on any chapters until AFTER the NEW YEAR on the HOME PAGE.
Hey I have an important question. I don’t know if you heard but we may no longer have net neutrality. If that happens will we have to pay to access your blog?
I can’t say. Surely it won’t be that bad…but I don’t decide what ISPs will do.
In that case will you have the next part done before the 14th? That when it will be decided if net neutrality will remain or not.
No, I don’t anticipate any further progress on DxD this year. I doubt that net neutrality will have that much of a significant impact in the near future. Even if we lose net neutrality, ISPs don’t yet have the manpower or technical ability yet to implement it.
Zxzxzx, i want to thank you for your work thus far and your future work. I am not a very active reader so i originally started the anime after my little brother had mentioned it was a good show. After i had finished the seasons avalible i was caught up in “what happens next”. I then turned to the internet and found your translation of the volumes, i desided to start at volume 1 and now after 2 weeks i am at volume 23 life 2 part 4. I understand that the translations take time and that you only have so much time in your day to spare. Please do not see this as “Hurry up”, i just wanted to thank you for what you have done for those of us who are wanting to read the series. I greatly await the rest of volume 23! Again, Thank You!
Anonymous Clearly Said Chinese Translators So he Insulted Zxzxzx on his Progress Speed. You don’t Insult people who are doing this for FREE to the public if you except it to be released. His Comment was Very Disrespectful and Inappropriate. Nobody cares if he is Off to Military Boot camp Soon or Not. Translation Speeds are done by How much Free time a Person has to spare from there Daily Lives not on someone Demanding it be done. It will be done when zxzxzx Finishes it and Hopefully People like Anonymous don’t discourage Zxzxzx from any further Release because of his Comment.
No offense taken from the comment. I think you’re misunderstanding. Anon is talking about the Japanese to Chinese translator, not me.
I don’t know but it clearly read Chinese Translator but I’ll Drop it. People just need to have more Respect and Common since to not Complain about translation speed regardless of Who it is. You Guys do this for Free and it could Vanish @ any moment if another DMCA is Issued. Sorry for any Trouble I have Caused.
Whoever the Chinese translator is fucking sucks. This volume was released in Japan in March 2017, it’s not even two whole months until the end of the year, and not even one whole month til I ship out to boot camp, and we still don’t even have half of it. Not mad at zxzxzx, just frustrated with the Chinese translator and wanted to vent.
I also feel the same.But I wonder how is bakapervert so fast at translating.He has already finished prologue,chapter 1 & 2 of HxH Volume 12
Hi, is the vol 23 being translated? i know this might be annoying to read every time but pls try to answer me. and thanks for all the work u do. someday I will try to do the same
Sorry if this sounds Rude but have you tired looking on the Home Page and the Right hand side Colume it always Tells US where Zxzxzx is @ on the Translation. For an Example ( Last Update – Dxd v23 Life 2 Part 2 of 4 3/10) Then a little further Down Reads (Aim) Don’t have one at the moment…. That means Right now He Probably Busy with School and Don’t have any spare time to Finish the Translation but will be done @ some point. And to answer your Next Question there is No other Translator working on This Novel the Other person who did only Does Co-op Work when asked because he Dropped the Project a while back and Zxzxzx picked it Up after that. Please always check the Home Page for any Updates.
Is Cord-Zero still active?
Hi I’m considering becoming a translator and I have a few questions.
1) What are the requirements to become a translator?
2) Do other translators give the untranslated version of chapters to be translated to other translators? I only ask because I don’t want to have to spend any money translating
I’m not Zxzxzx but can Part answer your question. Zxzxzx would need to answer your question Fully since he knows best.
1.) A lot of Time. also it depends on what Language you choose to Translate from. Stick to what you know. (Example is Zxzxzx Translates from Chinese Raws because he knows some Chinese.) There are Some Tools out on the Internet that can Help Like Goolge Translate but there not always 100%. So Having Knowledge of the Language you what to Translate from or Having Someone Help you Translate would be best before Starting.
2.) No Other Translators don’t give Raws (Untranslated) to Other Translators unless you plan on working with another Translator that Translates Half and you do the Other. There’s only a couple of ways to get them. Wait for Months and Months after there Released before Someone Uploads the Raws for Free either on jcafe24 or or Buy the Digital Copy’s yourself from sites like Bookwalker,, and other online stores that sell Non-English Light Novel Books. Nothing is FREE in this World and Translators doing Translations are no Expectation.
1. Okay, your question is really broad…so I’ll give a more general answer. If you’ve got a more specific question, feel free to ask.
• Language: I’m going to assume that your question refers to fan-translation of light novels and manga. Most of these are released in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean as their original or licensed translation language. If you are interested in becoming a translator, you should be aiming for fluency in one or more of these languages. Learning a language takes time and devotion. Each language is different, and it also depends on how much time you can spare each day or week to learning. As far as these Asian (and Arabic) languages go, it usually takes 2 to 3 years (assuming time set aside for daily study) to reach an intermediate level (can read manga and novels) because they are so different from English.
• Patience and perseverance: You will need patience when learning a language, and also when translating. You will get frustrated that you cannot read things, or aren’t able to understand a sentence. You might spend hours mulling over a particular phrase. So be prepared for that, and have the mindset to see things through to the end.
2. I’m afraid things will be tougher for you if you don’t want to spend any money on translating. Translation comes at the cost of your time to begin with, but in order to obtain the material that you want, you either have to buy it yourself (unless it is publicly available, e.g. a web novel), or get a copy from someone who has bought it and is willing to share. There are plenty of raw novels and manga available on, and they are uploaded by generous contributors. You may also find them on other sites, though they it may take some more digging. Do note though that not everything will be available for free – the series that you really want to translate may not have raws that you can access for free, and you will either be forced to buy it, or translate something else.
I can’t speak for all translators, but I’m personally okay with sharing my raws with other translators and helping them out. I’m happy to see something that I like being translated, so I’d gladly share if asked. But each translator obviously buys the novels or manga that they want to read or work on, and it is less likely for a translator to have raws of a series that they are not working on. So if you were working together with other translators on the same project, they might be generous enough to share their raws, but they might not. And if you wanted to work on a project on your own, it’s more likely that you’ll have to buy the raws.
Thanks and I would like to help you out if you can send me the raws or parts of the raws of some your projects for Highschool DxD then I can translate it. I know a decent amount of Chinese and Japanese. Also quick question when translating to english why are words like sama and chan in the English translation?
I’ll send you an email later today regarding those. Japanese honorifics and some words are kept in the English translation because there is no sufficient way to represent them in English without losing some of the original meaning.
When do you think you will be able to start and finish translating life 2?
When he feels like it. Translators do this for FREE in there spare time they don’t get paid and can stop @ anytime for any reason. When people don’t think before they ask for eta’s on this kind of stuff it only puts the Translators off on wanting to do them even more if they already don’t like the series.
You really need to stop. Some people donate to zxzxzx and your rude behavior is not helping. All you need to do is reply with “look at the homepage” or “Zxzxzx already posted a plan or reason why Life 2 has not been released”. Over the past several months I’ve seen your post with similar replies and some of them have been so rude that zxzxzx called you out. You need to stop.
I don’t need to do anything nor do I need to listen to you. Just because someone Donates to this blog to help Zxzxzx buy his Raws don’t mean your entitled to harass the Translator. When people keep asking WHEN WILL IT GET RELEASED it falls under Harassment. News flash buddy there are thousands of Maurice out in the World with my name and 45 in California where I live dude. Zxzxzx never called me out because i was not the person leaving rude comments. The Funny person using my name was get your information right. I only comment when necessary on others reply’s when they can’t read down this section to find simple Information. Also if you look it clearly read for the past Month while Zxzxzx was on Vacation there where NO PLANS for when he will start or finish Vol 23. I meaning Myself told everyone who could understand plain English that a Assessment of when Zxzxzx would start vol23 is Late August Early September and would most likely been finished in October since Zxzxzx paces has slowed some from back in May-July on releasing the novels. If you don’t like my reply I don’t care but I’m tired of the same Jokers always asking the same darn thing week after week after week. Get it through your Heads it will BE DONE WHEN IT”S DONE. For example I asked Zxzxzx over a year ago to pick up a Special project if he could and it’s been nearly a year since his last update but you don’t see Me Demanding for Status on it do you. NO because I know Zxzxzx is very Busy and does all this in his spare time and when he updates me he updates me.
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Hi, it’s my first time doing an epub so it might not be perfect, but here’s v22’s epub:
Better version: v2
When life 2 of volume 23 will release?
When he gets back from Vacation sometime in August or Later since he’s not gonna work on Translations the moment he gets home from Japan. If I had to guess i would say Mid September late October for Full Vol 23.
3 months…..its tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong…………..i read the whole 22 volumes countless times………….i wanna read the rest……………
What are U 2 years old. So what if it takes 3 months before he finishes it. Be lucky He does this for FREE in his Spare Time.
ya……i forgot that…its just i cant controll the excitmnt u knw…..
No I don’t know. It’s Just a Book and you could do other thing in your spare time while waiting like the rest of us. The World is not going to end Probably before Zxzxzx gets back Hopefully depending on if North Korea wants to Start to fire of those Nukes they claim can reach California (LA), Chicago and New York If this Dumb*** President can’t do something before it’s too late and we are all dead besides play Golf Everyday.
Hi, thanks for translating and all the effort that goes into this. Without u, I would not be able to continue the fantastic DxD
plzzzzzzz….i’m desperately waiting for the next life…when will it relase?????????????…..
i would like if a modern day descendant of eve from the bible will be joining the occult research club her name would be eve twelves she is given a chess piece by the angel Micheal who now serves as the current god of heaven and represents goodness love peace after god has died to seal away a great evil that would end life in the universe. eve twelves wear the academy girls uniform when at school she has one teal green eye and one turquoise eye she has very long blonde hair and a huge set of breasts she like her ancestor enjoys being nude and she never wear any undergarments expect for sticky leaf pasties to cover nipples and her ass.
How long we need to wait for vol 23-Life.2?
He’s on Vacation in Japan right now and Translations on all Series have stopped until he Returns sometime in August but that don’t mean we’ll see any progress in Vol 23 maybe for a bit more. A guesstimate would probably be September if not later for life 2+. hopefully by November or December all of V23 will be done and pdf made but that’s just me Hoping.
that much time…uuuuuu…….i cant wait…………..
well I’m sorry if you think your entitled to Zxzxzx Translation to be done on your time-frame. If you can’t wait until he Returns to pick them back up you and anyone else Who are impatience Can go buy the Japanese or Chinese Raws to Translate them yourself Otherwise Shut Up and WAIT like the Rest of us. Complaining is not going to make Him come back any soon. People have the right to go on Vacation and don’t need anyone’s Permission to do so. Just be glad there is someone out there taking there Spare time to still translate these light novels after they have been licensed. Sorry if i sound like a asshole but i hate when people feel like there entitled to something for Nothing.
I agree with you he does these things out of good will and I think it be best if people don’t bug him while he on vacation cause he got license to make copy light novels and he got permission to translate these novels as well we owe a lot of things to zxzxzx cause he give us these novels to read.
Yes he is on Vacation and will return sometime in August but no he don’t have a Licensed to copy Novels no Publisher will give you a License to do that. These are Legit bought Physical or Digital copy’s of the Light Novel online in either Japanese where these things come from or as in Zxzxzx Case Chinese Raw witch he Translates from. As for Translating them it’s self only if the Novel is not Published it’s safe to Translate without the worry of a DMCA notice begin sent to you. With these Novels on the other ARE LICENSED by a Publisher witch makes it illegal to translate them without the Authors Consent. So Long Story Short if the DMCA found out these novels are begin translated and where the Person is Zxzxzx he could get in a lot of trouble and forced to Remove all Content of this series from the Internet Permanently and his Blog shut down and his Internet Access under government watch all the time for illegal content. So the People here just need to quit bothering him and Thank GOD or whatever Religion you come from when using this blog that he has the balls to continue the Series without worrying about the What if possibility.
Please read my other posts for information.
Did you Update something today. ???
Sorry to bother you Zxzxzx but since I’ve been waiting patiently do you have any idea when someone will get around to uploading a PDF. been waiting to read volume 22 until one is done. Thanks for any reply and please keep the translations coming with all you work. have a great day mate. sorry Friend. did not mean to stereotype with the whole mate thing.
Please see the Latest Updates post on my home page. Someone has posted one in the comments, though I plan to make one with the Baka-Tsuki edits next week.
No Problem will wait until next week when you releases yours I trust your pdfs over others.
Well I m new here and recently started reading light novels ..that translater guy zxzxz how many volume are there of dxd and why it took u so long to translate them I mean if u are Japanese then it wouldn’t be a problem for u to translate them why searching for Chinese to translate it and taking so long,, can u please clarify it for bro..thkx
There are currently 23 released volumes. I am currently translating the latest volume. Please see my FAQ for the answers to your other questions, though to sum up, I am not fluent in Japanese or Chinese, therefore you shouldn’t expect translations to get pumped out like a machine.
I’ll answer your question
1. There are 22 finshed volumes but only 21 PDF’s Made so far.
2. Most likey there will be a total of 30 volumes before the series Ends
3. Zxzxzx is not Japanese.
4. Chinese is the 2nd Language he learned to translate from so that what Raws he gets to work with.
5. Doing translations is not easy and very time Consuming. I do agree volume 22 took way longer then Zxzxzx normal speed but I’m sure he had a reasons for it’s delay. Plus Real Life like Work , School , Family and things of that nature come before any Hobby so that Contributes to some delays.
Can you answer the following for me:
Azazel councils Issei about 10,000 years. Particularly about Azazel warning Issei how 10,000 years is a really long time and harems alone is not enough to live it well. I’m not sure if it in the career counselor chapters or before that?
Best place to ask might be the DxD wikia or a forum. I’m afraid my memory isn’t good enough to remember all the events that have transpired thus far in the series.
Sorry for the late reply and Thank you!
It’s in volume 14 after I search for it in both of those locations you gave.
Just want to say thank you translating this series into English. This is my favorite series right now and I don’t think another 1 will top for awhile. Once I found out the story was much farther ahead then the anime and manga, I had to find it, but people send it was only in Japanese, until I found your blog and translating them. It must be hard and time consuming to do this. Can’t wait to see how the series will go, so thank you again man!
admin can you make pdf version for volume 22 ?
It will probably be made this month.
Hi zx,
I would like to ask where can you buy english copy of vol. 23 in amazon if there is any. Thank you very much for your efforts.
You can find a Japanese copy of volume 23 on Amazon JP. If an English version existed, I wouldn’t be translating this.
Oh man, i’m happy you’re back after your break. Or it would seem you are back. Either way thanks for all you do. I really enjoy this series and don’t know Japanese (although I’ve started to learn it).
Uhmm, I haven’t even started my ‘break’ yet…
Hi this question might have already been asked. but do you know when volume 22 will be available on baka tsuki?
It’ll be available when Code Zero and I upload it. I guess it’ll be sometime this month.
I couldn’t find volume 22 epub anywhere. Do you know where to? Or PDF?
And thanks for your work, zxzxzx.
Neither have been made yet. There might be fan-made ones around somewhere, I think I’ve seen one in a comment somewhere. As I mentioned to another, you can also load each page on your mobile browser while on wifi, and then save them as HTML onto your phone so that you can load them without a network connection.
quick question is there an app that you got or something that i can download on my galaxy so i can read the volumes baka tsuki doesnt have? if not thats fine but if you do sweetness
You should look for an epub or PDF instead, like me.
If I couldn’t find any of these two, I might just copy the text to a txt file and read it. Via phone.
Which volumes are you referring to? For PDFs, there are plenty of apps on the Play Store, such as Adobe Reader. You can also load each page on your mobile browser while on wifi, and then save them as HTML onto your phone so that you can load them without a network connection.
Please tell us when the vol 23 will be finished translating.
Sorry, can’t make predictions of something I don’t even have yet.
is anyone else translating volume 23?
The Short answer is NO. Z and Code-Zero are the only one’s doing the Translations for Dxd and Like Vol 22 they each took half to translate. It will be done in due time just wait.
Keep up the good work! Yea the wait is real but its usually worth it!
When will you do volume 23?
I’m busy + Chinese TL will need some time to get ahead first.
Is anyone else translating it?
Not that I know of.
He already answered that awhile ago. Vol 23 will be started in a Few Months because he either wants to take a Break or Finish other Translations first that’s been on hold since he Started Vol 22 back in September of Last year. Vol 22 was delayed for School work and Holidays witch is Understandable but Unusual for him to delay it so long. He’s always been on top of getting the material out asap.
hi! is there some epub file for vol 22 if I, remember zxzxzx post a link of a site for epub and pdf file but I can’t find in this site.
thank you! zxzxzx
I’m not sure about any links that Zxzxzx might have given out in the Past but for Now there is NO epub or Pdf made for volume 22. the site will be updated if and When someone makes a High Quality Pdf and Zxzxzx approves it to be added. If people can’t wait for the pdf then by all means stop asking and make one yourself otherwise WAIT.
You can find epub and pdf links on Baka Tsuki. There are none for 22 yet.
Thank you for your response Maurice I, actually stop reading light novels for 6 months and I ended up reading manga and more on anime. And now I’m eager to read again, especially dxd hope more arc story for this dxd one of my favorite fantasy story. Thank you for your help.
Also, thank you again zxzxzx keep up the good work! good luck 🙂
well I’ve been reading Manga and watching Anime for more then 10 years So it’s a good way to pass time when waiting for a LN to be translated. Where only on volume 23 when it gets translated so there still more to come. Zxzxzx was asked 1year ago about how many LN of Dxd would we Except to see before it Finally End’s and his reply was up to Volume 30. So there’s going to be along time before it’s over and plenty to Read.
Just wondering when Vol 22 will go to PDF? I know this is one of those dreaded when questions… but i only ask this because it seems that all the hard work (being all the chapters) are done.
And this also must be said. THANK YOU. It’s a big thank you for all the hard work done on the English readers behalf. Without folks like you we would be so worse off. so thank you.
Probably after it’s been on Baka Tsuki for a good few days. Gives people a chance to make any edits or corrections that they want to make.
This is just me being super lazy but could someone get me a pdf of volume 22?
Thank you.
Um NO!
When one finally gets made it will be uploaded otherwise Wait like the rest of US or Make one Yourself.
What a nasty cunt you are.
Zxzxzx already stated that the people over @ Baka Tsuki has to edit and do changes as needed before Someone will makes a pdf for it first but if you can’t wait like the rest of us make one your DAMN self nobody is stopping you and if you don’t like my reply I don’t care since you obviously are Ungrateful for Zxzxzx hard work Translating this series so that makes you Untitled for making Demands regarding pdfs. Demanding for People to make you a Document file because your lazy will get you nowhere. Before you start calling people names since I did not insult you might want to watch your mouth or you could wined up getting yourself Banned and don’t think it can’t happen it’s not hard to trace the IP your using back from Z’s end it’s called Ip Ban Mr Me. I was going to retaliate with Some foul language of my own but I have more Respect then you do for other peoples blogs.
Thanks for Finally Finishing V22 it seems you have been very busy and this volume took longer then Usually to get done. But Real Shit happens and Real Life that is out of ones control and need to be dealt with before hobbies can be completed. Hoping when you get around to starting the next volume it will not take so long to finish. Thanks for always updating and thanks for the resent update about internet Security. Makes me think how Secure my PC is with current Configuration. Should I Keep using my Nortons Security that I pay to renew every year to keep me safe on the old Interweb or Try a New Program I’ve heard about but not sure if it’s better then what I have already. ( Bitdefender).
Bitdefender has a better reputation and performs better in testing environments consistently. Norton probably isn’t too bad either, and many people would rather stick with what they have than go to the trouble of switching.
true but I’ve recently been told that having any Norton’s AV or Security Program is more Harmful to one’s PC then the Other and Better AV programs like Bitdefender and that Norton’s don’t protect as well as i though it did. Like it add’s unwanted files , lets some Viruses in undetected and Installs Rootkit files without permission that Slows down the Performances of the PC everytime it Live Updates. That’s why I’m thinking on switching asap but wanted your Opinion.
I don’t follow the news of Norton or Symantec much nowadays, but that all sounds like a hoax to me.
Hey does anyone know when Ise met Elmenhilde again? Azazel mentions Ise meeting her a second time and Ise mentions meeting her during the New Year when going to Sobo-chan’s place in volume 21
i think its when ise was hospitalized
it part of short story which is published in magazine
This story is placed in DxD Dx 3.
thank you Czechus!
just a question when will the pdf for volume 22 be available ?
When the Afterword is available to me, I don’t know when that is at the moment.
Thank you very much, zxzxzx.
Hey Zxzxzx are you going to make volume 23 the last volume of Dxd?
I really hope that it’s not the Last Volume Zxzxzx will translate that would be devastating since it would leave the Remaining 7 untranslated. Volume 30 is the Finally to the Series and something I’m looking forward too begin able to Read in English as a Translation.
New Life of Volume 22 cannot be displayed.
It appears to be working for myself, and most people here. Are you able to give more details on the issue?
When I click on the link, it takes me to a blank page that only says: Error Code: 112-1035 Could not display page.
It sounds like you’re trying to access my site on a Nintendo console, but my site uses a newer encryption certificate that is not compatible with the browser on the console because it’s somewhat outdated. I’d suggest trying on your phone, tablet or PC.
You might see it from above but I been wondering Are you going to do volume 23 I know i already posted it but i need to know i am a huge fan and want know what gonna happen.
Where all Hugefans of Highschool Dxd. He still in the Progress of completing volume 22 and has addressed Volume 23 would be worked on after a few months of completing v22. Dxd is not the only project/ novel he has on his plate and the one’s on Hold with be finished before his starts 23. please wait until then. when people keep asking the same question that been asked and answered 100x it slow down his translation time to answer comments.
I plan to continue translating DxD until the end.
your my hero
You sir deserve an award for your work here,you help disperse these amazing stories for those of us who like them but can’t read the original. Thank you very much
I havent read any spoilers on volume 23 actually havent found them yet but i just soo wish to see ise to propose asia this time.. and how he is going to do it.
In the same way he proposed akeno and rias.. and if not asia then which he will propose in this volume as ichibumi said each volume for each heroine.
Um type Highschool dxd vol 23 spoilers here
Don’t you people freaking READ the Home Page. It saids not to Leave Spoilers on this BLOG. for 2 very good reasons 1. Zxzxzx don’t want to have the next volume ruined b4 he reads it and 2. It will discourage him from Translating any further volumes because you can’t follow SIMPLE rules. If he do not Translate the Next Volume It will be Your Fault. Thanks Jerk.
It’s alright matey, I don’t mind links to content because I still have the choice on whether or not to click on it. I just dislike it when it is posted directly here.
Sorry, if it did make you mad tho, i thought if it wasnt a direct spoiler u would’nt mind but if it bothers you delete it i only put it there so people who couldnt wait would’nt complain. Sorry and thanks for the tls
hey zx!
just for the info
whenever you start translating next volume…. which one will you take first
LN vol 23 or DX3
Volume 23 will be next. daniel Yang plans to do DX3, just as he has previously done DX2 and DX1.
you will translate the v23 or some other translator has made available to do such a translation or it will be you, although i do not want to be rude but can you give an estimate of the time is ready? (sorry if any words are incorrect because English is not my native language…)
I plan to translate V23, but will delay it for a while. I estimate that it will be done this year, but not in the next few months.
Thanks alot Sensei, I’m waiting ur updates.
To everyone who thinks Zxzxzx was Serious about not Translating v23 it was a JOKE. He’ll get to it sometime after v22 is Finished trusted me. He may be a Busy person but he always comes through for US but things happen in real life that come before hobby’s like School , Work , Girlfriends and ect.. So please be patience.
thanks for the heads up maurice.
i will look forward for your translation zx.
and thanks for your recent work
finally volume 23 is here…
I would like to thank you zx for all your efforts till now.
we will wait for your return after volume 22.
Hi do you plan to translate highschool dxd volume 23? I think it came out on March 17th.
No, I already got spoiled so I’ve lost my motivation to translate it.
[spoiler title='No, really']I’ll start when I feel like it…[/spoiler]
Sorry to interupt you but who spoiled you but not my intention make you feel disturbed
Don’t worry about it.
We have to worry. We are dependent on you. Who else will translate it , if you don’t. Please don’t give up on us. We are counting on you.
Hey zxzxzx! I just want to stop by and thank you for everything, i just have 1 question. Where do you translate highschool dxd from? From specifically where? I’m inpatient and can’t wait and so i would like to know that so I could translate life 5 and new life from. Anything would be helpful from japanese pdf’s to images.
I actually go from a Chinese source, which is why I’ve had to wait for it myself lately, but I have the Japanese copies as well. I usually get the Japanese ebooks from the Japanese Amazon site, or if I’m getting the physical book, from Kinokuniya.
Hey zxzxzx! Just wanted to stop by to thank you for the awsome translation! I’m from Argentina so my main language is Spanish, but as I know nobody would ever translate to Spanish I was looking for the English versions (fluent in both English and Spanish), and finding your page has helped me out a ton! So thanks for your enormous effort !
Hola FedeLuche. No te preocupes. Aparentemente hay traducciones de español, pero gente ha dice me la calidad es variable. Me gustaria intentar truducir a español, pero no creo que estoy listo.
Muchas gracias! Estas haciendo un trabajo increíble de todas maneras, segui asi!
yeah umm so high everyone i will just going to ask one question why is it that ise who has not even mastered true queen suddenly receives a new power up and said power up is too much for the protagonist so it has to be toned down my question is what is the author planning what is up with these ups and downs has he forgotten about true queen or is he planning some big event in which finally masters the red dragons power and when is vol 23 going to be out can u add your opinion zxzxzx if it is not a bore
You are the greatest.
It’s gonna be the last series of light novel High School DxD,it title:- “Red Dragon Emperor of Blazing Truth x White Dragon Emperor of Morning Star:The True Dragons of the Kuoh Academy.”It cover all volume 22~Final volume.
In the next few years,the era of High School DxD will end and….I’m gonna to miss them (even my heart is still feel lonely).However if DxD series is end,I wonder that the author will make another new series,like “DxD EX” or something,who know? Well I wish that DxD can still continue the series even futher more.
Thank you.
” It’s gonna be the last series of light novel High School DxD,it title:- “Red Dragon Emperor of Blazing Truth x White Dragon Emperor of Morning Star:The True Dragons of the Kuoh Academy.”It cover all volume 22~Final volume.”
How Did you find this Information ? Zxzxzx mentioned Something Close to that very thing once before but a little different. If I remember he said when i asked if he knew how many more volumes would be released until it ends and he Replied. The Author wants to do 1 Volume for every Main Girl in the Dxd Series so it should end around Volume 30 but that’s a guess.
Howdy, I wanted to know if y’all know where I could order the light novels and or preorder the new ones? I know it is in Japanese, but that’s what I’m looking for. Thanks!
You can buy the novels @ any online Japanese Book store. is the best option I recommend but they only have up to volume 22 and no new Volumes like 23 yet for Pre-order. If I’m not mistaken volume 23 might be already out in Japan. Zxzxzx Gets JP Raws when he can’t get the Chinese Version he Translates from Sometimes.
The Japanese Amazon site would be your best bet. I’m not so sure about the regional specifics for you though.
Pingback: Highschool DxD Novela Ligera en Español | Gallarxtion Translate
When this volume 22 is finish,I wonder if volume 23 is being process. Maybe volume 23 is available in middle 2017, I guess so.
ahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahhhaahhaahhahahahaahahahaa Yes, but the wait is good. It’s a saying!
I heard that volume 23 will be released in March. Would zxzxzx translates it too?
Well Zxzxzx is the Current Translator for the Dxd Series so I assume Yes but only if people leave him alone long enough to Finish Volume 22 in His Free Time. People assume that Translators have all the time in the World and do nothing but translate all day but the Reality is they Have a Real Life That consisted of Some type of Schooling and Work that Comes b4 there Translation Hobby. If you look You’ll see like 100 people in comment below yours with people complaining Why is Vol 22 Taking so long to Complete and When will it be Done. They don’t understand when they complain it’s not helping it get done any faster. Zxzxzx Had to Wait 4 Code Zero to Finish the First 4 Chapters before he could start his half and Zero Took 4ever to complete Chapter 1-4 or Zxzxzx would have had the Whole volume done already by himself.
I’m sure Code Zero tried his best too. At least he decreased the workload on zxzxzx! Both are awesome to at least translate it for us. Don’t sound so rude for Code Zero. If some day zxzxzx faces some issues and starts giving translations slow, nobody should be able to quote your comment and say the same for him!
Let’s just bow our heads to these senpais 😀
What I said is the Truth. Zero is a Very Very Slow Translator and If zxzxzx had been working on the Whole Volume by himself it would have been finished Months ago. Besides that Zero is the 1 Who Quit Translating the Series over a year ago all because he Could not Deal with RL and People always asking When will the Next Chapter / Volume be done on his Blog and Disappeared until he Resurfaced to help Zxzxzx not because Zxzxzx asked but Because he wanted to try Translating again. But it’s still the same old Code-Zero all over again.
I will only give thanks where Thanks is due and that’s only to Zxzxzx the Fastest and Currently Translator of Highschool Dxd Series Light Novels. He and He alone has my RESPECT.
Well, respect your opinion. But I don’t care if zxzxzx is the fastest translator out there or not, he has already done enough for us!
Your words kinda put a lot of expectations on zxzxzx, I mean, he may not feel it(and you may not be doing it intentionally), but I would freak out when somebody says I’m the fastest translator when I’m planning to go on a holiday and planning to postpone the translations. I mean, let’s not talk about speed of translations at all.
He gives updates, we read them. I don’t expect anything from him, he may stop doing the translations tomorrow and I will not blame him. He is doing all these translations with his free will and without worrying about receiving similar comments if he did the same thing as code zero.(I hope that’s the case).
Let’s just say, code zero did the translations for free, be optimistic.
I guess this could turn into an argument so let’s both agree to disagree!
I probably will.
Well I came here because baka tsuki didnt have volume 22 at all and was just wondering anyone have an idea when volume 22: new life will be done being translated?
Baka-Tsuki don’t have it Jeff because the Translator’s Code Zero and Zxzxzx have not Completed it yet. there is also Proof Reading and some Editing that will take place before it gets uploaded to Baka-Tsuki page. Zxzxzx is the Only Translator doing these light novels and Posting them. Code-Zeros part was most likely a 1 time offer since he Stopped Translations on the Highschool Dxd Series over 1 yr ago due to Stress and other Reasons. With that said my Guesstimate would be in a week or 2. Zxzxzx a fast and reliable Translator he’ll get the job done as quickly as he can in between Collage and Work.
Hello, I would like to know from where I have to resume reading the light novel to start reading just after s3, thanks in advance ^^ bye.
Well Zxzxzx can tell you where to start from but my advise would be to Start from the Beginning because the Anime Leaves a lot of Information out of the Light Novels. 2 or 3 Novels Could Cover the 1st Season of the Anime and So fourth. It’s just a guess. Lets just see what Zxzxzx Said’s.
The [FAQ] over on the High School DxD subreddit has a fairly comprehensive guide. This thread also has some good suggestions and discussion on that topic. The general recommendation is to start from the first volume, but volume 5 if you really don’t want to read a few extra volumes.
Start from volume 7
Ok thank you ^^
3zx.I wanted to ask u somethings
Who do u think issei’s queen is?
Do u think ophis will be a part of issei’s harem even tho they dont have a kid from the future?
Will the dragon gods have more interaction from onward?
Cheers. Love ur work bro.
I just want to say that indra can’t go against shiva because first they are from same mythology and it was shiva who appointed indra as the king of gods. There were situations where shiva almost going to destroy indra but appointing him as a king and to replace it was not easy so he was given punishments to make rights to what he caused problem. They were many times when indra always go to shiva to seek help. It just according to hindu mythology thats what happen. Rest the translation is too good man keep up the work. Seriously highschool dxd is awesome man…
Any idea as to how long the wait is for the life 5 update.
As he said in his latest update on the home page, probably mid Feb. But he did say that a small part will pe published in between…
Thank you for your updates on vol 22 I cant wait for the next parts to be translated and hope that you had a good Christmas and a happy new year 🙂
Zxzxzx thanks for your work on novel 22 .I will be Eagerly waiting for updating of Life 5 ?
When will the translation for Life 5 be finished
I don’t know. Reason will be made clear when I update the main post in a few hours.
Thank you so much for your work, I only recently found your blog so I don’t know your update speed but seeing the positivity in this comment feed bodes well. Looking forward to rest of DxD 22 translation myself haha, thanks for your great work 🙂
Thanks for the translation man!
Awesome work. Just wanted to know whether I will get an email notification as soon as you post Life 5 as I have subscribed for email updates 🙂
Currently I am opening this website ~5 times a day and yeah, your speed is completely fine 😀
Just you know, for peace of mind.
EDIT: Got the answer in Site Features section. Thanks.
I was wondering that too Zxzxzx do you perhaps know the Release Date for Vol 23. I tried Looking for Vol 23 on but all they have listed is up to Current 22 and no Pre-oders for it as of Yet.
Not officially announced yet. Best guess is March/April.
Will vol 23 be coming out shortly or it still has a few months to go…(talking about Japanese version of course )
So far there is no information about the release date for volume 23. Please do not annoy zxzxzx anymore about this issue! If you want the info, just go to the highschool dxd wiki site.
No official announcement yet. Estimated release is March/April.
happy new year zx
Thanks for this wonderful year
Have nice day and a blastful year 🙂
por que nao lançou life 4 p 2
Estaba ocupado.
just how many languages do you know bro…hahaha
English is my native, I’m semi-fluent with Chinese and still learning beginner-intermediate Spanish at the moment.
Do you know whether anyone is translating mahouka koukou no rettousei vol 18
I know it has been partially translated but do you know the current stats
Sorry for bothering you
Do you know where can we find vol1-17 of mahouka koukou no rettousei cause I can’t find it on baka-tsuki
The wayback machine at is one of the best places to look for old pages. I’ve personally found some old pages from the 90s through very precise search queries. This link has up to volume 16.
Sorry, I’m not too familiar with the status of Mahouka’s translation…might be best to ask on a Mahouka related forum or thread.
hey 3X who will be translating dx3 or you already have that covered
I was Kinda Wondering that myself Zxzxzx. Since Daniel Yang Did 90% the Translations on Dx Vol 1&2 Could he Possibly be Doing Dx3 Too.
Daniel has plans to do DX3 when a Korean copy is available, and when he has time for it.
There is a Korean version of highschool dxd?
if yes can you tell me where I can read it? I’m learning Korean as my second lang and I want to see if I can read it.
There is indeed. I believe Daniel gets them shipped from Korea, but you’d have to ask him for the specifics. Best to drop a line over at his blog (
Is there a raw version that I can read for this novel?
where do you get the raw version of this novel? (Vol 1 to 22)?
can you please tell me?
I know how to read Japanese a little so I want to try it without translation.
There are 2 Sites to Find Raws @ when available both my have 1-21 but not 22 uploaded yet unless you get it from a Paid site like where you Buy it Digitally or any online Jp Bookstore who sells Digital Books.
1.Is and you need to have a Torrent Program to Extract the Files
2. Is jCafe24 the Official Raw Manga and Light Novel Site but you need to make an Account to become a Member and make 1 Welcome Post & 1 Comment on a Post b4 they will let you Download because download option is Hidden until you Complete there requirements.
What should I search in
highschool dxd light novel collection good?
sorry I’m not very familiar with
Just Checked only has Vol 1-2 and 19 available right now in Raw and Jcafe24 links for 1-20 on Mediafire are Broken. Sorry I don’t know where you can get them if the are Dead on both Sites. 3Zx might have a Better Answer for you if he reply’s. Only way I know about getting them now is to buy them Digital on for around 7.00 Each and Hard Copy’s 13.00 USD.
As far as I know, volumes 1-21 can be found on the net, but volume 22 probably hasn’t been uploaded by anyone yet.
I’m honestly too lazy to scan my copy so you’ll just have to make do with the first 21 volumes as practice material.
I said Might Have Them but I was Wrong after looking they Only have the First 2 and 19 for now. They might have had 1-21 before I looked but Not anymore unless I did not look under the Right Subject for Raw Light novels but Sure I did. Besides I think another Member already left link to download the Raw Thanks for Replying Zxzxzx.
Copy-paste the following URLs and click on the download links :
– Vol. 1-20 (Sakurafile’s link) :
– Vol. 21 (New link) :
Didn’t find vol. 22, maybe it’s too soon.
haih, the author or 3zx didnt even bother with you so why all of you started arguing with others? I know the feelings want to hit someone because there are some people who keep running their mouth because they think they are obviously super very right. annoying right? but i think despite reply their comment which can makes my eyes aching all the time, why dont you peoples who feels annoying just try to block their ip address or you can make sure all of them when try to access this blog got cut the connection so they cant read or reach this blog? well the last option is like me, read, say thanks to the one who translated this novel, and off.
btw im sorry if my grammar sucks, well im still learning english recently. bestregard and thank to you for your hardwork translator
Thank you zx for the translation the guys from Brazil thank you
Will yoy upload the part till life 3 from code zero’s site or will you do that again on your own.
I know stupid question still for confirmation
I will only provide links to the content on Code Zero’s site. It will be collated on Baka-Tsuki once the entire volume is done.
You must have gotten a Break from RL to Work on this Thanks for Starting Life 4 Look forward to Reading the Finished Volume when you Upload it to Baka-Tsuki.
I feel so happy knowing that some awesome dude is translating this kickass series for free! LONG LIVE ZXZXZX
Vol 22 will be translated soon so I can’t wait to read as soon as possible.
volume 22 sucks.I saw it on zeros blog.Its so boring.I wonder is ishubumi is losing his touch.Hopefully volume 23 will be better
1. Vol 22 is not even Finished yet Since Zxzxzx has not Started Life4 or Beyond and therefore is Incomplete.
2. Your Opinion is Unnecessary and Unwanted on this Blog so Keep all Remarks about what you can or Can’t Read or Heard about any Spoilers to yourself . If your going to Complain about the Speeds of witch Zxzxzx and Zero Translate Go somewhere Else.
Ur so retarded
1.i never said 22 was completely translated.But i was translated till life 3 and it sucked.If my opinions hurt you feel free to ignore them or go jump off a cliff
2.I dont care if my opinions are unwanted unlike you im not desperate for people’s acceptance or triggered or feel the need to respond to every comment on the blog.Get a life lol
3.Didnt mentiom any spoilers and didnt comment on zx or code zero work this time.Go back 1st Grade and learn to read.
4.Not even gonna bother reply or talk to you.I feel like im losing brain cells when i deal with ur stupudity
And ur a Douche bag.
1 you implied you read it on Zeros blog but did not State it was the First 3 Chapters So basically your Claiming it’s Was Finished but 3Zx has not Completed his Parts.
2. I feel the need to Reply to Every Dumb Ass Comment left by Retarded people like you because I Hate COMPLAINERS. Because when complainers like you Feel the need to Bitch about Shit you don’t have Control over you Still Complain. fyi I do have a Life unlike you Mr. Miner who can’t even get a Bank account and still lives with his Parents. Who’s loling now!
3. You may have not Said anything about what you have read or Mentioned the Slowness of Zero’s Translations this time but you have before and still do on every comment and as for Spoilers – Meaning do not Tell the Fans what’s going to happen in the volume before people read it there-self so your Opinion of what you Read Sucks Don’t Matter since it’s a Clear violation of Blog Rules if you were to do so.
4. if your loosing brain cells by replying after I Comment then Why? do you bother Coming Back day after day. It’s not me who is making you loose brains cells because you had none in the First place from your own Stupidity.
I’m tired of this Flamming War about your Complaints so I’m Done with You So Stop Bitching and whining when volume 22 will be done. Zxzxzx will get it done When and ONLY when he feels he can Spare the Time in Between RL and This Hobby he provides us for FREE and if you can’t Understand that PLUCK OFF and or Translate it Yourself like you claim you could be but can’t Since your under age and your Mommy and Daddy will not give you the money to buy Ecchi things. Boo Who Who Baby want a Wally Pop. If you Reply I’ll still be here to fire Back because your a nuisance. Like a Cockroach that just will not Die.
Half of Volume 22 is already Translated so Hopefully Zxzxzx will Progress quickly on the 2nd half soon. But if a Certain Person Keeps Disrespecting him there might be some Delay.
And who the hell are you maurice , ?
Zxzxzx not even have coment about it but you ?! ..
Every one has their own opinion okay …
Who are you Anonymous ? A nobody like me Just a Fan of 3Zx work and the only difference between me and you is I’m not the one Harassing Zxzxzx about when Vol 22 will be done but You are. Just Leave it alone and Wait Quietly like the Rest of Us.
Okay everyone does have their own Opinion’s but Opinion’s don’t matter when it comes to the Translator’s Progress it’s just Disrespectful.
Sorry Zxzxzx Last time I comment for awhile. I apologize if I have Broken any Blog Rules but I just can’t sit by while people get away with all this BS about work you provide us for FREE. These people don’t understand Translations are not Easy and Take a lot of Time and Hard Work to Complete. Bye.
No body has harrass anybody … we just asking and giving our opinion , even of write cant wait pr anything its doesnt mean were harassing anybody ,
Youre theone who make thing worst okay
Just read it if you think its not good .
Just to clear up the confusion here – “Maurice” and “Maurice Bartlett” don’t appear to be the same people here in the comments sometimes (I can see more detailed info about the comments). I suspect that someone is just trying to impersonate someone else to cause confusion.
This is weird. There was a “Maurice Bartlett” back at CodeZero’s who was not the nicest of people (someone who basically believed he personally owned Code Zero and got quite mad at him and at everyone else because the was a time CoZero went MIA due to a card game). He was someone who was banned from FFFansub, wasn’t banned fro CodeZero because he didn’t like to ban (or didn’t care) and the Facebook profile he used to comment there has been since deleted. Maurice doen’t sound like him (iuf it is him, that’s quite the 180 or an awesome acting gift) and the sole comment of this MAurice Bartlett is completely incompatble with the personage.
Some kind of ironic reference? The greatest change of heart in history? A brain bug? Just a coincidence (two coincidences)?
EDIT: you can find the original Maurice Bartlett TM (no imitations) at Ariel-Saeba’s blog homepage under the name mjbartlett.
I don’t see what makes the name so attractive. There appear to have been various people who called themselves Maurice, though they acted like polar opposites.
hey why were the first three chapters of volume 22 deleted, was it a glitch or something we should be worried about?
They were unauthorised posts. Unless written permission is given, only the translator should upload chapters, and that will be done once all of volume 22 is complete.
Any guess on when it will be realesed? Sorry I’m just really excited to found out who joins ises team lol
When it’s Done Shut up and Wait just like the Rest of Us. Real Life Comes before any Hobby and 3Zx has not Started his half Yet.
@Maurice & various different “Anonymous” people – please calm down. I don’t mind or care if you ask harmless questions, though the answers are usually on my homepage. I’d also prefer if we use respectful language and refrain from arguments. That can be taken elsewhere.
Patience my friend patience.
Patience is everything.
Keep calm and wait.
To start with, thank-you zxzxzx for the translation work you do. For those of us that only know/speak the English language, your work is much appreciated.
I can only guess the amount of time it takes to read it and understand it in one language, and then figure out how to word it in another language that uses a completely different sentence structuring. On top of that, then you not only have to spell-check things, but also make sure the grammar is correct.
Between work/school/personal life and general down-time, I imagine there isn’t much time left for translating. So again, thank-you for making the time to do this. Please don’t let the impatient people cause you to stop translating, as they are only a fraction of your readers.
I look forward to your next update,
Mr. C
Guys if you wanna fight take it on other social media not on this blog
Anonymos stop using bad words in the blog or you’ll loose the access to the blog
An for others if you can be calm till the translation is completed it will be appreciated
Don’t bother to reply to anyone who speaks I’ll language here as arguments leads to fights
So please be patient thank you
Your not the Admit so you can’t Really tell anyone to do anything but I Understand Where u r coming from. It is Just So Freaking annoying that Anonymos has to Complain so much and is Very Disrespectful to Zxzxzx and his Hard Work he does out of Kindness for Us All. If he can Speak Japanese like he Claims to then he Should be able to Read it as well to Translate it Volume 22 Himself if Z & Zero’s Speeds are To Slow for Him. I agree that Zero’s Translation speed is down right Ridiculously Slower then Zxzxzx but that’s Exactly Why he Abandon the Highschool Dxd Series over 1 year ago in the First Place Because of People Like Him Contently Bitching about When Something was going to Release and When Zero Fell Behind due to School Exams then complained some more When ETA was Pushed Back another Month. I Said it Before and I’ll Say it As Many times as I have to Zxzxzx is the Best Translator Out there and When he tells us it will Be done you Better Believe it Gets done and He always Makes his Deadlines. If People Keep Up the Complaints Zxzxzx Might Pull a Code-Zero on Us and Just Abandon the Series altogether if People Can’t Shut Up and Wait. I’m not saying he will because I don’t Think Zxzxzx is Like that but it is a Possibility.
Ya I get your point but what good will come if we argue in the blog it gives more stress to zxzxzx than the crap that guy was saying about zxzxzx and zero and ya having more arguments reduced the reputation of the blog
Agreed but again your not an Admit so Telling Others to Stop there Flamming is not Helping Either. I never meant for this to Get out of Control I Just Want Everybody who Keeps Complaining to STFU and let Zxzxzx Do the Translations and Post them when he gets them Done without becoming Stressed out over Peoples Bullshit. I know How Hard Juggling Work, School and a Personal Life can Be. I myself work an 60+ Hours a week Job and Go to School Part Time to Get my Masters in International Business and that puts a lot of Stress on Anyone then Coming here only to Read Peoples Complaints is not Something anyone should have to deal with after a Very Long Day. We Take the Light Novel Crap for Granite and It could End in A Flash if Zxzxzx decided to go Awhile just because of a Hand Full of Demanding People who are Not Entitled to Anything.
1.Loose access to his blog.Who The Hell Are You lol.
2. Exactly what bad words did i use.I just said the truth.I didnt insult 3zx and zero should put up a notice saying hes done with dxd AGAIN.Its the LEAST he can do.
3. Btw “I’ll language here as arguments leads to fights” ur grammar skills can give someone cancer.
4.And to all the trigglypuffs saying i should translate myself.Trust me i would love to but im not eligible for a bank account or a credit card and dxd is an ecchi manga hence i cant request my parents to give can i.
5.Criticism induces improvement and creativity so i believe im doing zero a favour on how to handle a blog better.Byee.Srry if i offend u 3zx in any way ill view you next time you update
01. Loose Access Means you will no Longer have the Ability to Comment not be Banned from Site.
02. The Bad Words You Used no longer Matter if there where any because you now have become a Cancer to Us all and the Translations Zxzxzx Does in his Spare time between RL. We are all aware that Code-Zero is a Very Slow Translator and it’s people like you that is the Reason Why he Dropped the Series in the First Place because you can’t Wait for it to be released patiently. Zero Never Released a Statement on his blog Confirming he was back to Continue Translations this Collaboration between Zxzxzx and Zero is only Temporarily. But fyi Zero has Completed His Half and we are waiting for Zxzxzx to pick up the Other half when he gets the chance after Exams finish like he said he would.
03. This Blog would not Lead to any Fights If you would do us all a Favor and Shut Up. Nobody whats or Needs to Hear your Opinion.
04. We Keep telling to Translate it yourself if you can’t wait for them to be done because you are a Impatient Spoiled Child. If your underage for getting a Bank account and Credit Card then why the Hell are you even reading a Ecchi Manga in the First Place go read something more your own age like a Tom and Jerry Comic.
05. You talk about others people’s Grammar Try reading your own from paragraph 5 Worst of all. Criticism and creativity do Help improve Websites and Blogs but is not always need because it could lead to the Translations becoming Abandon again then it would be Your Fault. Your Comment may or may not Offended Zxzxzx to the Point where he Gives up the Translations but your Condense Complaints Have OFFENDED the Rest of us Who are waiting for the Release as well.
06. Zxzxzx if you are reading this like I know you will be doing ASAP please Ban Anonymous from making any further Comments on your blog since he is the Source of the Trouble here. Thanks and Anonymous lol on that?.
Hey simmer down.Your nothing more but an insignificant fan.I see u getting into a lot of fights with people and replying on 3zx.So wannabee with all due disrespect gtfo cuz im not gonna waste my time arguing with insects like you
3zx if ur reading this i believe in criticism and free speech and so do many authors, editors and translators. I never gave a slang that wasnt given to me and i alwayd addressed you directly.
And tell maurice to shut up if u can check down the comments he argues and calls for a ban on anyone who doesnt agree with him and thats just pathetic behaviour so someone like him shouldnt speak for tou.As always love you and ur work 3zx byee
stop complaining ’cause it wasn’t an easy job u know
I really appreciate your work mr zxzxzx, thanks. we understand that u have somethin’ you have to do in your daily life
Guys guys simmer down don’t start a drama here it’s a blog not a battle field and learn to be patient till zx translates it or hands it to someone for translation don’t rush patience is virtue they say so. have some patience.E everyone is waiting so why can’t you all wait for a little more time give him some space to breath. And as far as life 3 goes I think code zero didn’t post it properly so it was a problem I did my own translation And send it to zxzxzx and if he approves it he may post it too and as far as the life 4 and others go if zxzxzx approves my script style I am ready to translate it too just I need the PDF so that’s all folks so be patient and don’t bother zxzxzx
People stop harassing code zero and zxzxzx. Look for something to entertain there are many novels.
We have to thank code zero and zxzxzx that translate it stop complaining if it is fast or slow, they have a life in which they must take charge. If you do not like to translate lenton, buy the volume yourself, learn the Chinese language and translate it well. Sir zero code and zxzx ignore those people imaduras of short mind the only thing they do is annoy it seems that they have mentality of child of 9 years.
Take your time translating the novel.
And mucas thanks for their great translation that always give us of heart.
I think it’s better, I’m sorry for my lack of English
Please stop complaining Anonymous or don’t you have a real life of your own? Translate everything on your own or do something to over bridge the waiting time instant of complaining, like a 5 year old child
Zxzxzx please take over dxd translatiom code zero is soooo damn slow.I believe i could do a hell of a lot faster and better job than him and i would if i only had the copy.
Look mate, no one feels enthusiastic about anything when you complain like that. The translation was already on me as soon as Code Zero finished Life.3 because that’s where we agreed to hand over. If you want to blame someone for being slow then you can blame me. People have been generous enough to buy the book, and translate it for you to read. If you think you can do it a hell of a lot faster, then have the commitment to buy the book yourself and translate it.
Dude, he finished life 3 a month ago…
Stop Freaking Complaining Right Now Before We all Lose the Best and Fastest Translator Out There. Your Bitching about When He Gets to Life 4 in Vol 22 is Clearly Disrespectful. Real Life Shit like Work, School and Family Comes Before Anyone’s Hobby’s. When He Gets to it Then it will get done. Zxzxzx Doe’s All this For Himself and Us for Free and If He Stops Translations it Will be Because Of You We Loose Our Chance of Reading it. If your So Much in a Hurry to Read By a Copy Yourself and Commission Someone to Translate it for you. Commission Translations are 2.00 Per Page and the Normal Size LN is 200-250 Pages Long and Around 400 dollars to Complete.
yo Shutup man they’ve been doing a good job and like everyone else keeps saying they have a life. Your probably a dam highschool kid who has nothing better to do with his life but complain because he can’t get what he wants when he wants it
Nigger I am a 22 year old supporting his drug addict mother and his boyfriend, as well as both his younger sisters by himself while paying off $40,000 in debt that cunt put me in. I have no power and work 90+ hours EVERY FUCKING WEEK, for your info, because of that, around tax return time I’ll have the shit paid off so I can commission someone to do it, hell, I speak Japanese myself, I don’t have the time to fucking translate it myself like I was doing with the no game no life light novel,as my Japanese is rusty at this point and I’m subpar with kanji. I thought he didn’t know Life 3 was done and was trying to inform him, but if he already does know, since you fuckers want to get on your high horse, I’ll go ahead and piss him off, fuck you. HEY JACKASS, STOP BEING SO FUCKING SLACK, MY GREAT GRANDFATHER COULD’VE FINISHED THE ENTURE THING ALREADY AND HE’S BEEN DEAD FOR 15 FUCKING YEARS. Like, that? Yeah, fuck you.
Your 22 then Act like a 22 year old and Stop Whining about Shit that is out of Your Control. Real Life Comes Before this Hobby of Fan Translations. If you Speak Japanese Take Your Lazy Ass to By the Light Novel and Translate it Yourself because Zxzxzx Don’t Need to hear your Damn Complaint about Why he has not Started his half of the Volume. When it Gets Done it will be Done now Please STFU.
Wow forgot posted on your blog just saw the reply.Hey man i didnt know you took over DXD 22 translations.He didnt say anything on his blog.Oh well carry on 3DX.I love your work and reading your translations from DXD 21 and i know your consistency and dedication well.Thnks.And Zero if ur reading this man i didnt like to diss you but you should let us know on tour blog someway that your not gonna translate anymore.Ciao
Bro if you start to complain your not gonna get it done if you can do it then why wait for code zero to translate you can get the copy and ya both zxzxzx and code zero have personal lives too do you think they get anything by translating it no if your so pushy then donate them and do their works and then they will do a 24\7 translation for you because of you guys code zero stopped translating ya as a fan I do wanna read the story but patience is virtue
Wow i just remembered i posted this and forgot to see your reply lol. Hey man i didnt know he was supposed to hand over to you. He couldve at least mentioned it on the blog i dont know about ur guys communications. Ive been visiting his blog for months and no activity. Oh well looking forward to the next chapter.Thnks and bye 3DX
hey zx!
is Highschool dxd EX is completed on BT?? or is it still just incomplete because there is a link for EPUB file now so i just wonder
Last I checked it was still incomplete (parts 4 to 6 are a draft). I simply added an EPUB link there because DragonDxD made one for it anyway.
Due u know if there has been any recent Progress to Finish Chapters 4-6 on the Translators Part Zxzxzx I Myself Have not been able to Check because 1 I forgot What Translator is Doing it and 2 Last time I asked When it Could be Release They Locked me out of the Comment Box. I really wish they could finish it so I can Read the Entire Shot Story altogether and not Parts.
No, I’ve been out of the loop due to exams for a while so I don’t know about any progress or updates yet. read here not best quality but still better then nothing
Umm…I’m not sure if you know this, but those are Ariel’s original summaries that he posted on the forum. They have been superseded by the newer versions which are available on Baka-Tsuki.
It’s Still Just the Summary Thou Right not the Finished Translations. I wanna wait for the Whole Release not Read a Summary of What Someone else has Read then Reworded it to post on there blog. Hope Eta for Finished Translations will be Soon like before the End of the Year Only 1 month away.
Hye zxzxzx I’m a fan of your work and I do translate the text from Chinese and some other languages recently were on a project of translating date a live series and posting on Facebook so I was wondering if the script you get is traditional Chinese or simplified and if you need any assistance on the 22nd volume I’m ready to help in the translation and if you have a Chinese copy of the volume could you send me a copy in PDF or text please and thanks for your translations
I believe Zxzxzx Buys the Chinese Dxd Light Novels Digitally From an online book Store Something Similar to or another site but not sure how he gets them.
If I’m buying the Chinese novels, they’re usually hard copies from a Taiwanese supplier, and if they’re Japanese, either from Japan, local or as a digital copy from Amazon JP.
Which page you post date a live translation in ? And is Vol 15 translated ?
It is not done yet due to the scans were pics instead of script so we’re still trying to use ocr for getting the pics script and we do post it in Facebook date a live Ln translations
Is this a machine translation?
It tends to vary. Lately, it has been simplified Chinese in the form of a fan-translation on a forum. Some previous volumes and other series have Taiwanese releases with Traditional script. I don’t have access to the Date A Live FB page, or the latest translations, but I’d like to get a sample of your work. You can send a link to me privately on my “About” page.
I do use the machine translations and I do use my brain cells to translate as I do write imaginary novels so ya It may not be as good as your translations but I think I can give the viewers a good story to understand and ya I do use Britain English
The latest issue is 14 volume and we are in currently volume 15 translating so ya and the main editor is Fabio you can just get into his work by searching for volume 14 as he is the one who posts the PDF volumes till now and ya as for me I am currently in a short story project called Rinne bath time of date a live it’s a ps3 short story I did post it on the group about 65 % of the story is completed and was posted but I stopped posting due to some health conditions and work problems in my hospital but today one of the fans asked me to complete the story so Im gonna start it and complete it soon enough and after that I can send you a PDF if you like
Sure, I look forward to it. Hope you get better as well.
I have posted life 3 of volume 22 in your comment section below so check itout it may notbe that much good translation but ya I did my best to do it as I did get it from some random translator in an unknown language
Got it…I’ll read over it and tell you what I think in a few days.
So did you sent it it or causei didn’t get your mail in both
It was to the former (vizddraig). Might need to check the spam folder? It’s marked as sent from my client.
Zxzxzx do you have a fB account itßhard and annoying to post and to get in touch so if u have it then send me your id
I just sent you an email. You can attach or paste it there.
I know your hands are full , but will you start translating Campione after High School DXD…
I checked your request page and it is there so i couldn’t stop myself from asking..
Thanks a lot for your translation so far
I Second the Request after Z Fully Finishes the Translations for the DXD Series Novels. I Was Pissed to Hear the Project got Abandon on Baka-Tsuki Because of that Damn DMCA Notice Forcing the Translator the Drop it. I Watched the Anime First then Started the LN only to be LN BLOCKED by BT and the JP Government. Many Series I was Reading @ the Same time also got Removed because of the DMCA or Do to there have been no Project Updates in more then 6 Months of Inactivity.
To Vyom
If You Remember Correctly Campione Was Never Finished Begin Translated Due To the Take DOWN NOTICE BT was issued a DMCA from Shueisha. There For it was left Volume 17,18,19 and 20 Untranslated for us to enjoy reading. So I truly Hope Zxzxzx Does decide to pick this up After the End of the Dxd Light Novels are Completed.
you can find 18 19 on BT Archives i dont know about 20
The Baka-Tsuki Page was Abandon After the Take Down Notice was Issued So They only Finished Up to Volume 16 but Volumes 17,18,19,and 20 are listed but can’t be updated. As Zxzxzx Said in another Comment Volume 19 Just came out a Few Weeks ago and Probable be Translated in a Couple of Months. Volume 20 is Still TBA for Release Date. If you have a Direct link to where you Found a Translated Volume 19 in BT Archives please link it in your comment.
hey aditya!
campione is already translated i have few pdf of that series and i also lost few
there are few sites from where you can actually find them
there are 18 volume, 7 SS, 7 BR SS translated in english
in my personal collection i have
18 main volumes
7 short stories
7 blu ray special stories of campione
Nope, not happening. Campione is an absolute last priority. I don’t want to translate it because I already have enough to do. But…if it goes untouched for more than 7-8 months, then I might consider it.
hey Zxzxzx I know That Campione LN is a Last Priority for Translations I was Just Agreeing that Since it is on your Request List you Could pick it up after Other Priority Projects Get Completed. Also Campione has been Untouched for about 1yr now due to Every Translator Working on the Series on BT was Forced to Abandon it because of the DMCA Notice and it was Removed from the Site and no further Translations can be Found in Raw Passed Vol 16 and there are 20 Volumes in total Out. 16 was the Last volume finished before BT was Forced to Abandon the Project and Now no other Translator has Done anymore then what can be found since then. I’ve looked a lot for New Raws but only can Find Vol 18 on but Volumes 17,19 and 20 have not been uploaded anywhere for free downloading.
hey Maurice !
i am attaching the link for all Campione! LN
vol 19 &20 are the only ones w/o translation
Volume 20 has not been released, and volume 19 was released only a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the Link
Volume 18 was the last translated volume. I have that one sitting on my computer. The reason why there were no translations for so long was because the author was working on other series and volume 19 was released only a few weeks ago.
Okay but for Baka-tsuki to Have the Information before they where Forced to Abandon the Project sure is Strange. Since I looked on BT to See Where they Stopped before I wrote the Other Comment. BT Shows translations on there Site Stopped at Vol 16 and no Further Volumes where to be Released but the Have been Updating a page that Should have Been Removed During the Take Down Notice was Given.
That may have been an old version of the page? It stopped after 18 was translated, and no further progress was made because there was no new content. I believe someone also mentioned keeping DMCA’d pages up to date as well, but I’m not sure if that actually happened. Anyway, the 19th volume was released only a few weeks ago, so there’s still a good chance that someone will pick it up within the next 9 months.
that’s good to know that new volume is just released and someone will translate it
and don’t mention it maurice
Can anybody tell me where can i read life 3 from volume 22 as i am not able to read it at code zero
That is the only place at which it is available at the moment. It should be available from the menu on his site.
hey zxzxzx, long time fan here. I was wondering if there is any possiblity that you might take over as the translater for highschool DxD volume 22 life 4+? I only ask because of your past professionalism with the other DxD volumes and the fact that code zero has be inactive for quite some time without any updates nor any news. please, at least consider this offer.
Z is Picking up @ Life 4+ Mid November like he mentioned before. The Collaboration between Z and Zero is Only Temperately. I don’t Believe Zero has any intention of Continuing the Series past this 1 Volume because he has Dropped it Once already due to way to many demanding people asking him for Updates for the Next Chapter /Volume Release so He Decided to drop it last Year and has made no Further Translations on it since then until Now. Maybe he has had a Change of Heart but how knows lets just be Grateful Z is doing them now and keeping on track when making his Releases. Thanks Z for all your hard work and Commitment to this Series.
Yes, I will be picking up the rest of volume 22 now that my exams are over.
I do have the life 3 rough translation but I don’t think it’s good to post it in this page without zxzxzx permission so what should I do??
I don’t mind. Feel free to post it if you like.
Hey zx from which language you translate from Chinese or Japanese?
Well i was wondering if you have taken any classes for these languages ?
I am trying Japanese but it is taking too much time and understanding
I’m not Zxzxzx but I do know what Language he does the Translations from. Answer is Chinese. I’m not Sure but I think he has taken some Classes on it. I also Tired those Online Program for Learning Japanese but the Programs are Very Difficult to Learn from and Taken Way to Long. From What I understand there is 3 different types of Japanese with 3 Levels of Difficulty to learn before someone understands enough to try Translations themself. My Opinon would be Make Friends Either online or In School with Somebody who can Read and Write Japanese and Have them teach you the Basics. My luck so far would be have not Found anyone to learn from yet. Sorry I can’t be more help. Zxzxzx would be better to ask when he gets a minute or 2 for Replying.
Hehehe thanks Maurice!
My luck is not that good in this case as well. I do have friends who can teach me French or German but no Chinese or Japanese.
I translate primarily from Chinese. I was lucky enough to attend a high school where the language options were French, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Wiradjuri (Aboriginal). I took Wiradjuri during my first year iirc, but for the remainder of my time it was Chinese, and by the time that I started translating, I had been familiar with the language for about four to five years. So yes, I did take classes, and they do make it much easier than trying to learn a language on your own, so I would recommend that if you are truly dedicated to it and are willing to continue with it for several years.
Thanks for the heads up zx. I’ll try to learn as much as i can.
In my college there is option for french, german, spanish and arabic and i have opted french.
Can you give the right date of November ?
No Because He Does not Have a Set Date he Just told Us a Month Ago He would Start Mid November. Just Be Lucky there is Someone Out there that Does this for all of Us to Enjoy reading and If He wanted to he could Quit anytime leaving Us Hanging. Real Life Problems come before Fan Translations. If your in a Hurry to Read it Try Translating it Yourself From Chinese Then like Z does in Between Work and School. Code-Zero is Probably not Going to stick around after the Completion of Vol 22 since he has already Dropped the Series Once because of People Complaining and Bitching When he was Going to Release the Next Chapter/Volume so He Quit and this Collaboration is only Temperately. Zxzxzx is Our best Hope of Getting these Volumes Translated Until the Very End so Please Stop Asking when he will Start or Finish a Volume it only SLOWS DOWN THE PROCESS OF GETTING IT OUT SOONER.
Thank you very much and good luck to zxzxzx
People have a question.
In the end the vol 22 of high school dxd Mr. Code zero will finish it to translate it and step 2 weeks or more without any updates. Or you will translate it zxzxzx
Zxzxzx will be picking up @ Life 4 and Onward Starting Mid November to Finish the 2nd Half. Learn to Read Prior Comments before asking the Same Question Over again Infinite Times when it’s already been addressed.
How did you get the PDFs so small? They are only a handful of MB but the size of the pages is the same as other LN PDFs I have but they are 10-40 MB. Some of it I am guessing is because of the smaller LN size (139 pages in the case of Vol19), but the one I am comparing it to is Campione with ~260 pages a novel. There are more pics in the Campione novels but the difference in size between them is somewhat large even with similar numbers of pics…Did you compress the PDFs?
Testing: [spoiler title='test']Will you kindly…[/spoiler]
Do you think you could link me to one of those PDFs for comparison? It’s hard to tell at the moment. I don’t usually use the compression option, unless I find that the size is ridiculously large. It also helps to use universal fonts which don’t need to be included in the PDF, and I resize images to be the same as the text pages.
When is life gonna be posted cause I found till life 3 on code zero page.I think you both are translating volume 22 together so do you have any idea when will it be posted?
Thank you both for translating so other fans can have fun by reading it.
Zxzxzx and Zero are Sharing the Translation not doing it Together at the Same Time. He already told Us he would be Starting his Half sometime in November. So When it gets done it gets done and if you can’t wait for Z’s to Finish the 2nd half go to Code-Zero’s blog and read it there.I’m not trying to be rude or sound like a jerk but frankly you really need to read the other Post before yours when Asking a Dumb question that has been addressed a dozen times. Have a Goodday and Happy Halloween Wherever you Are in this Large World.
Thanks maurice I haven’t read all the comments below so I had no idea that zxzxzx is going to start his half from mid november.i just checked a few comment which were just people asking zxzxzx to translate volume 22 from Google translate.Well I literally had no idea that my question will make somebody so angry.Still Happy Halloween to u too .
Well I was not Angry just annoyed that people Keep asking the Same Question Over and Over and Over again without reading Prior Comments First. Announcements are always on Home Page of the Blog and it was there when he First Updated all of Us when he finished the Last Volume a month ago also if you Subscribe to this Blog he sent Emails with all Comments and Reply’s he makes right to you every-time anybody ask a question that’s how I knew you posted a comment without Coming here to read it. Don’t get me Wrong and I’m Sure Z will feel the same way that your comment is Important in a way but every-time he has to stop translating to take a moment to answer the same question he gets like 100x a day it’s time better spent working on his light novels and slows down the progress of getting them done any faster for our reading enjoyment. I’m Sorry if I offended you but Instead of asking when something will be done try asking about other things like How many novels are still left in the Series , How did you learn to Translate Chinese , Is learning to Translate Chinese Easier then Japanese , Things like that would be better and more appreciated instead of the Pressure of trying to keep up with everyone’s Expectation of an ETA. Z is the Fastest Translator I’ve seen on the Internet out of all the Light novel Site blogs I’ve come across over the last 8 months and always meets his goal when he set one for a Release. Other Translators Don’t even Compare and all Fall Behind on there Monthly goals and always have a Excuse for Why something could not be done. My opinion is Z is the Best and when he said he will do it believe me it will get done.
Can you translate it on Google and send a link
If you’re asking me to plug the text into Google Translate, then anyone can do that, including you.
we can also translate it but for example I’m from India and unable to buy any anime novel easily, if you can send a link to download volume 22 it would be great otherwise you can just snap a photo or 2 and translate it via Google translate and send us the link . Thank you for your hard work.
Is it possible for you to translate “Nejimaki seirei senki”?
I just loved the anime so much
Not really, given that my hands are full. It’s been added to my list though. Requests like these belong on the requests page.
Wouldn’t putting Raw Text into Google Translate be a little Difficult to do. How would it Read it without having Errors. I tired That on Raw Manga text before and it could not read it. If google Translate was Correct and did not contain Spelling Errors anyone could be a Translator then and buy Raws them-self instead of waiting for someone to post it months after it is released.
Thank you for your hard work we really appreciate it. I have some questions like if the whole volume has already been realesed then why do you take so much time to translate it I mean it could be translated quickly with the help of Google translate? If you can translate the rest of the volume 22 then it would be great I mean code zero is fine but your speed is superb.
Well, if you wanted to try putting the text into Google Translate, then you’ll find that it’s mostly gibberish. It would be more difficult to try to interpret a machine translation than a proper human translation.
I’m so excited for the rest of this book. This is my first time reading before a book is fully translated, and there are so many questions I have, and further information I’m waiting for about the upcoming events in the story that I’m seriously chomping at the bit practically. I have some worries and hopes too that I’m praying ishibumi can smooth out for me promptly. Here’s hoping
You just said that volume 22 life 2 is completed then is it posted or it is about to post…..??
I believe he said Life 2 from volume 22 is Completed not Posted Maybe but in my opinion Just wait for the Full Volume to be done before reading it. Parts are Okay for those who Can’t Wait but a Full Volume to read is more enjoyable.
Yes Life.2 is done and available to read on Code Zero’s blog. I’m on mobile at the moment so it’s hard for me to post a link, but you should be able to find his blog if you Google for “Code Zero Translations”
What about the rest of the volume how much time till it completes…
I mean I am waiting patiently for it but can’t kepp my excitement calm so please tell how much time till volume 22 life 3..??
Well, I don’t know about that myself. Code Zero is working on it at the moment, and it’ll be ready when it’s ready. Either way, I won’t be starting Life.4 until mid November at the earliest.
Okk Thats fine with me and thanks a lot for the info….
I will be waiting for your life 4 and code zero’s life 3
Yes, like he says, thank you very much for this effort its because of you guys i’ve gotten into literature and I thank you from the bottom of my heart
This is a suitable place for this so, I’d like to thank you and all of the people who translate these for all of us, otherwise I’d be unable to read and enjoy these books and the characters and everything. I appreciate it a great deal, especially since I almost never can get into a book near as much I’m invested in this series. I can get impatient like I’m sure many of the readers but I never complain, pressure, or forget that you all do this out of the kindness of your heart without any compensation. I just wait eagerly for the next update and until then I think about the possibilities for the series and all the possible outcomes for all these beloved characters. If you could let others who translate these stories know how grateful I am that would make me very happy. I’ve never been good at ending these kinds of things.
Zoom zoom iyaan!
Thanks mate 🙂
When is highschool dxd volume 22 part 3 going to be translated
Life.2 was completed just two days ago. Translation is currently in progress. Please be patient.
Is highschool dxd volume 22 still being translated?
zxzxzx can make pdf for dxd ex? Thanks =)
Zxzxzx is Not Responsible for the Dxd Ex Side Story another Translator is but they have not Finished editing Chapter 4-6 yet to post Completed Chapters. Nobody Knows When it will get done because the Translator has been on HIATUS for awhile due to School and has no ETA for when they will have the time to Edit Chapter 4-6 on there Blog. Drafts for 4-6 are done and Baka-Tsuki Has Parts 1-6 Posted to there website but Chapter 4-6 are not the Full Translations only Half Summary’s Fan Made Work not the Complete Translations by the Person working on them. Chapters 1-3 are real Translations by a Real Translator. Zxzxzx Probably will make a Pdf and epub when all the Translations are Finished. All we can do is Play the waiting game until they are DONE. I really really really want to read and download a pdf too for it but I’m not going to read half finished work.
hey zxzxzx big fan of your translations but i am just wondering if you know what happened to codezero because its been like around 3-4 weeks since his last update and i understand that both of you have other things to deal with in your lives like girlfriends to attend to but i am just worried that he might have just stopped translating again
Hey mate, it’s only been two weeks. His last update was on the 21st. I spoke to him very recently, and I can assure you that he is still translating.
thanks its just that i am used to you telling us that you my not translate for a specific time and i will wait happily will watching db super but codezero just stops with out a heads up but thanks anyways and i hope you continue with your translations
Can you give me the original link Japanese of the High school DxD light novel?
Thanks you very much!
Are you looking for volume 22? I bought my Kindle version here. You’ll need a Japanese Amazon account with a fake Japanese address if you don’t live there.
Thank you zxzxzx for your work!!! I appreciate vol. 21 A LOT!!!! Thank you!
Thanks for the volume 21 zxzxzx I have a small question Will code zero illustrations be updated here in this blog
What do you mean by that? The illustrations for volume 22 will be added here later if that’s what you were asking.
first thanks for your translation work on high dxd. I read novel upto volume 21 and i am following your blog for volume 22. I see other blog but they are not active. Can u give the link or hint when will volume 22 will translated in English.thanks again.
Code Zero is currently translating volume 22. He even updated Life.1 today.
Thanks for replay and i really appreciate your and code zero work thanks once again
Thanks for Volume 21’s Speedy Translation like always. Question do you know whats going to happen to the Unfinished Drafts of the Ex Side Story that Ariel was working on because there Blog has been Closed Down when I clicked on the Link in Baka-tsuki Page. It was up a few days ago I wounder what Happened. Will another Translator pick up and Finish Ariel Drafts. I hate to think that Chapters 4-6 on BT will remain just Summary Drafts and not the True Translations.
I think it was just a temporary issue as his blog is working fine for me. Ariel is still working on them as we speak, so they will be complete soon.
cheers I’m drinking a bottle of vodka to celebrate my heros zxzxzx and codezero the 2 heros of DXD translations (for the main story) and proper thanks to those that to the DX and EX as well credit where it’s due anyway cheers to you all 🙂
i wasn’t able to respond in line
you can post them the way you like, after making this pdf and epub i understand how much work you guys do i am no help in terms of translation so i thought i should try to help this way.
i would love to help again if you want
thanks 🙂 🙂
No worries, I will mirror them on my site then. Thank you for making the PDF and EPUB, I’m sure many will appreciate it.
hey ZX big fan of your translations but i am just wondering when will codezero finish this volume and are you really not taking it up again HS dxd that is
I don’t know.
Can you estimate how much time will it take for completing the translation
Can’t comment on this as I’m not currently translating volume 22.
Hey Zxzxzx I know your very busy at the moment and might not have Checked your Email lately but I send a Reply a few days back and Just wondering if you got it since I did not Here back. Have a Goodday Mate.
Yeah, I check my emails at least daily. I received your email, didn’t think I needed to reply though. You can assume that I’ll read every email.
I zxzxzx have a question.
I spend the end with the translation from vol 22 High School DxD, step a problem or left waiting.
if left waiting how long will
I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to ask so I’ll have to guess. Code Zero is currently translating volume 22, you’ll find his translation on his blog. I don’t know how long it will take for the completion of the volume, and I don’t think it’s something that a timeframe can be given for.
hey zx!
I tried to create PDF and EPUB for slash dog but i don’t how to upload it in BT or is there anyone who can tell that i made it correctly or not??
looking forward for a little help
Hey mate, I think there are permissions on the High School DxD page so I can add the link on if you’d like. Just reply here with a link to them and I’ll check them out and add them on. If they’re on a file-sharing site, I might mirror them on my site because I would want the B-T links to be direct and reliable.
you will be able to find them here if you can’t just give me your mail ID i’ll mail you
Hey Vyom, had a look at them, but I think they’d be better if you reformat them a bit. At the moment, there are numerous links throughout the files to the source on Baka-Tsuki. These aren’t necessary, so I’d actually remove the hyperlinks since they won’t work within the document. I would go with either no hyperlinks, or if you want to use hyperlinks, make sure that they work internally.
got that
I’ll try to resolve it and then let you know
here is the link for re-corrected files
do let me know if some errors are still present
Thanks for doing that Vyom. It looks great now! Would you want me to link directly to each file via your GDrive link, or would you prefer that I host them “here”?
Are you going to translate Volume 22? Just to let you know code zero has translate life 0 and most of life 1
We will probably switch over at some point. It hasn’t been decided when just yet though.
thanks a lot zxzxzx for sharing the EPUB links
do you also have any idea from where i can find epub for highschool dxd EX and SLash dog’s LN
Sorry mate, I don’t currently have EPUBs for any of them, and I don’t know either.
Sorry to bother you when you have Lots to do Zxzxzx but is there anyway you could Make an PDF for The EX Side Story Since all 6 Chapters have been Uploaded to Baka-Tsuki now when you have extra or Spare time in Between Translations and Work/School. Thanks Pal.
No, I won’t be making one just yet. You may not know this as it isn’t written explicitly anywhere, but chapters 4 to 6 of EX which are on Baka-Tsuki were actually posted there without Ariel Saeba’s permission, and therefore, they are really just summaries, and not the complete translations. Ariel is busy with his thesis at the moment, but will be free soon, so I would wait for him to finish the proper translation, rather than make a PDF with the summary.
Okay thanks but could you let me know as soon as you do when Ariel gets the Finished and Completed Translations on Baka-tsuki for a PDF to be Made. Much appreciated Mate. I’m guessing it’s Morning or Afternoon where your At so have a Good-day.
you will translate the story “Worldly Desires of Steel”?
I believe it said in the Afterword of V21 that the short story involving Elmenhilde’s introduction would be compiled in the third DX volume. That should be coming out next, after V22, so it is likely that daniel Yang will translate it.
Does Code Zero will take over volume 22?
We plan to switch over after a while.
Great job guyzzz …thank you very much for your hard work…
Thanks a lot…. Can’t wait for the next one.. hope you start soon
zxzxzx and code zero hope u guyz are doing great….i literally can’t thank you enough….if it wasn’t for you guyz we (dxd fans) wouldn’t have able to read great the great story thanks again for that..i can atleast say for myself it feels like i am thanking “Ichiei Ishibumi” himself…for ppl like myself who don’t know much japanese (kanji) you guys are (Ichiei Ishibumi) to us thanx again
Cheers mate, glad to hear it.
just finish reading what codezero-sama posted btw 3zx-sama which parts are you planning to translate
p.s. Sorry it seems like im viewing the mobile version of the blog so i cant see the sticky
It isn’t certain yet who’s going to translate what, it’ll probably just be decided as things go.
Oh, man. I know that there’re quite a lot of gratitudes in the comments, but I still want to write this one. Thanks a lot! I and many people besides me really appreciate what you’re doing. I’ve just finished vol. 21 and while waiting for the 22 vol’s translation gonna read your other translations. You and Code-Zero really are cool guys and that’s for sure. Looking forward for vol. 22!
[spoiler title='off top']A little off top… What do you think of new Metallica song “Hardwired”?[/spoiler]
You’re welcome mate. I’m not really a Metallica fan, but I just listened to it and the guitar riff in that song is pretty cool. I usually listen to electronic music, western pop, or J-pop and anime OSTs.
Thanks for your hard work . 3zx Now i can read the whole vol 21 . Hope you can also translete vol 22 . Hope the best for you
hello, I wonder if you guys have the volume pdf 22 in Japanese? if so would you guys send me, thanks
Might have to look somewhere else for it or buy it, I haven’t gotten a copy yet, but I’ll probably pick one up this Friday.
the page is setup for 22 on TB so they must have a raw 22
Did you mean Baka-tsuki? I think Code Zero set that up because he has a physical copy of the book.
I’m from Brazil
here the light novel is hard, not yet published.
nor can the Japanese version on the Internet in pdf
Unfortunately that’s the way that things are. I have yet to obtain a copy of V22 myself…so until someone uploads it, or I find the time to go out and buy a copy myself, there won’t be one available.
Epub of vol 21 here
Volume 21 HighSchool DxD Epub
when the pdf version of high school dxd v21 will be available?
Please read the sticky post on my homepage.
I have a question for zxzxzx . You will translate the vol 22 or this is your last volume of high school DXD I ask because I like the results
sorry for my English if there misspelling
Code Zero and I will be collaborating on this volume so that the translations fits in with our other projects. I can’t say for future volumes, but I intend to continue if no one else volunteers to translate.
I see, thank you very much .
also when we found out, when it comes out the next publication of the translation yet of high school DXD because on the website of Mr. code zero says nothing the anucias your
Not quite sure what you mean there. Code Zero will just be working at his own pace and updating his blog as he goes. If it’s easier, Español is fine too.
tell code zero he spelled Grigori in life 0 wrong.
Tell Him Yourself on His Blog.
Thanks for you Had work … Will you start volume 22 as soon as this one os finished or there will be a gap?
Code Zero has already started translating volume 22 and will continue for a while. In the meantime, I will be finishing off v21 and working on other projects.
Will U be Making an PDF for Vol 22 Translated by Code-Zero and Adding it here when he Finishes since Other Projects will be your top Priority to finish or will u be translating it yourself later on as well. Hoping U will be doing the Easier Route and Just make a PDF for his when it’s done to Post. Looking forward to read SMNK and SNRK again.
Yes, I plan to make a PDF for volume 22. Depending on how things go, Code Zero and I will probably split volume 22 as he plans to start translating his other project, Sekai no Owari no Encore again.
Thanks and Can’t wait for you to return to work on the On Hold Stuff Soon.
Good work bro..thanks a lot,it is my fitst noval that i intrested to read.
By the way i want to know when you will post the eng translation version of volume 22? how much time,i am curious for that.
it might take to long since zx-dono’s gonna continue the project’s that got on-hold
You can find the first part of volume 22 on Code Zero’s blog. I haven’t read any further than Life.0 so far, so I don’t know how long it will take right now.
Hello, not to be annoying or anything but I was wondering what time today were you planning on uploading it today?
eu quero saber a hora que começa a lança os capitulos
Approximamente dos y media and en la tarde, utc+10
2.30pm, utc+10
Damn it you’re crazy fast, two or tree days ago V21 was only translated to “Life.Lucifer Dawn of the Morning Star — Deathmatch —“. Thanks a lot again!
When you update next story
That information can always be found in the sticky post on my homepage. And if you’re using a desktop browser, it can also be found in the sidebar.
i just remembered the sleeping dragon king. why didnt odin geezer didnt use him??
I think he actually decided to preserve the sleeping dragon if someday another terrbile things appears u know. And i also think they are going to gather all of the dragons to unseal Trihexa, including Great Red, Ophis, the dragon kings, “maybe” some evil dragons and gather together to fight at the dimensional gap.
I love your job zxzxzx!
3zx can u give us a summary of the next chapter.Its title unlike the others doesnt give anything away
You can wait until tomorrow for the full chapter right? Giving a summary of this chapter would defeat the purpose of its title imo.
The lastest translation update was glorious, great @zxzxzx. is it the entire chapter?
Yes, that’s the entire chapter. If you are ever in doubt, just check the bottom of the page as I usually have something like “(Part x of x) (d/m)” and from that you can see whether it is the full chapter.
I’m sorry for asking this , but can you give me a exact date when will you finish the pdf version cause , i can’t wait to read the whole volume .
A PDF will probably be available early September. I can’t give an exact date yet, but I plan to finish V21 in August, then upload to Baka-Tsuki, and then make a PDF after a few days.
I’ll consider the other islands next time, but my sister already booked flights to Bali so its kinda set.
i,ll wait than thanks for the reply.
Can’t wait to see the whole volume ..
Keep spirit , and thanks for all your hardwork.
When you update v21 last dxd crimson. I am from Indonesia
I just updated Last.DxD a few hours ago. That’s nice, I’m planning to be in Bali for a week next year.
Are you done posting this series on baka tsuki I was just wondering so I know if I have to set a bookmark for this LN
I have not uploaded any of V21 onto Baka-Tsuki yet, but everything prior to that is there. I will upload V21 to Baka-Tsuki once I finish the volume.
3zx could u tell me where u get the light novels(raw) i cant find them anywhere for purchasing or downloading
Which ones? In the past, I got them from a site called jCafe, but nowadays I just buy a hard-copy and scan them just so that I can keep everything on a USB or in the cloud.
Also, I have downloaded raw electronic versions of DxD from amazon Japan (needs an account on the jp site, and also the title in Japanese). So it’s only difficult to find because they are unlikely to be on English sites. is where i buy all my physical copies of Light Novels and manga. Shipping is somewhat hefty since I live in the US but is extremly quick.
I personally like to see issei go to the universe beyond great red make new enemies gain more power dominate more meet new women.I mean really already introducing isseis kids how lame
Zx i just wanted to know what happens after volume 22.Is this over.Is this the end of dxd from issei’s pov.I dont want his kids or milicas life introduced later
Really who gives a damn about isseis kids.Rias and issei are barely dating (ik theyre engaged and all).But still introducing isseis kids SOO EARLY and a deal breaker.Ishubumi might be reaching too far one this one i hated DXD EX.So 3zx is volume 22 the last or what.
Well, I don’t know the author/editor/publisher or anything, but from what I’ve heard, there is still another full arc to go. Volume 22 is just the end of the current arc, but also the beginning of the next arc. I don’t know how long that arc will be, but it was said that there would be around one volume per harem member. Looking at the way things are right now, I’d say there are still a few years before DxD ends. Also, EX was a special sort of short story series which was bundled with the BDs of BorN as an explanation for why it differed from the light novel storyline. Technically speaking, the DxD universe and the current timeline function perfectly fine even without it. It has become quite a big thing, and I see that as just a bonus.
Thnks 3zx btw what do you mean by volume per harem member.Was that term meant to state about the number of more volune he’s gonna publish or is each volume after that is gonna be based on just one girl.If ishubumi is interested in side stories i think he should do side stories on the Dragon Gods past where they came from.Or a scene on the infinite meeting/fighting the dream.Also a story on the great war on why draig and albion fought,on their past such as their birth or their parentsand god and maous dying.I think this is more interesting than isseis kids or stuff like that.Dont u
Those could be side stories or spin offs of the future. By one volume per member, I mean that each volume will still be part of the main arc or storyline, but a particular girl will get more focus/development than the other, and this is usually indicated by who is on the cover of the volume.
Thnks 3zx.I do hope side stories are more meaningful and add more background to the canon.I would like to know about dragon gods wouldnt u.I would love romance between issei and ophis and a brotherly relationship between G Red.I mean he is LITERALLY a part of them
Volume 30 is the last volume
How do you know and what proof do you have to back to nonsense up. Meaning where did you read that Information. Just asking.
Wheres the other half of volume 21??
Translation in progress.
3zx i hope tou post united front as soon as you’re done with it.
Yeah, I don’t really see any reason why I would delay it if I was finished with it.
I dunno i th8 maybe u were not gonna post until you finished the whole volume so
You may want to change your aim for completing the translation of volume 21 because I have no idea how you’ll be able to complete the rest of that volume by the end of august.
Don’t worry, I almost always stick to my completion aims.
so ah zxzxzx whats your incentive for translating dxd ( i love your work) is it because of the interesting plot or because pretty soon starting from vol 22 onwards the ecchi is going to expand where issei couid get lucky and this novel couid be some really gooood fap material not that it isnt right now
Well, DxD is simply the first light novel series that I ever read, and it introduced me to a whole new world of LNs and other things that I now enjoy. I feel that as someone able to translate these works for a wider audience, I should do it, so that other people can enjoy what I’ve been able to.
and we appreciate the work you do for us. considering its unlikely that the entire series will ever be animated, the only way we will ever rly be able to experience the series is via VN, and your work is the only reason people like me who cant do moon runes can read it.
I hate dxd fans who are in this for the ecchi stuff(not that i hate it i love it) but what about the background,the buildup of the story.I love dxd dragon and god lore as well as issei powering up.Broaden ur minds perv otakus there more to this than ecchi
3zx feel free to upload the next chapters u dont have to upload the whole novel at once.Or else the suspense might be too much for me hehe
hello ZXZXZX
Will you star translating the high school dxd volume 22 imediately after finishing translating volume 21?
Sorry if it sounds like you own me something it just that I cannt wait for the translation
Yes, it is likely at the moment that I will move on to V22 as soon as I am done with V21.
When do you think you will be finished translating “Last.Dxd?” Also how did you learn Japanese? Did you grow up speaking and writing it or did you learn it in college or something? I’m really considering taking it in college just so I can read more light novels.
I’ve put up my estimated completion dates on the sticky post of my homepage and also in the sidebar. I actually translate from Chinese, but try to check my work with the Japanese version. I learnt Chinese for about four to five years throughout high school, and have tried to learn a little Japanese through a multitude of apps and programs but have been less successful. I also spent three weeks in Peru learning Spanish in a local school. If you plan on taking any language in college as a newcomer to the language, I would really suggest having the commitment to take it for more than a year to make it worthwhile, and also trying to learn more on your own, as that will really consolidate your understanding of any language.
Do you know who is going to finish the highschool DxD EX series
JeruTz has Finished there Parts 1-3 and Posted them on BT and Ariel has Finished Parts 4-6 but has not or will not Post on Baka-Tsuki. Because he or She can not be Contacted on there Blog or will not reply to any comment since like 3 months ago when it reads they would post 4-6 when finished on BT and JeruTz has been waiting on Ariel to post to BT so they can make a pdf for the whole Ex Story not a Half one. As of right now there is NO ETA for a Finished PDF.
The first 3 chapters have been completed by JeruTz, while the last 3 chapters have been translated by Ariel Saeba.
Hey Zxzxzx, are you just now starting to translate more of the new volumes again? If so, thank you so much. I love you~<3
P.S. Keep up the good work, you do a really good job.
Yep, just started to resume translation. I’m about a third of the way through Last.DxD
Nice, heheheh. Really makes me happy, glad to have you back to translate, although do take your time with it of course.
Somethings bugging me.Why doesnt Ophis get more time in the comics this sucks.Ophis and tiamat should be part of isseis harems.Rias and akeno lovelife pales in comparision into what issei and ophis lovelife could be and draig and tiamat have history so they should meet already dammit.Ophis acted cool when she came into rias’s home but the author turned her into a little loli.I mean r u serious.Making the dragon god into such an insignificant character.She should get more screentime
Well, from what I remember in one of the Afterwords, Ophis was actually meant to die, but Ishibumi decided to keep her on as a mascot. Ophis and Tiamat however are extremely powerful existences, so I don’t think they will join Issei’s harem.
I think ophis makes more sense than rias.Keep the dragon god as a mascot what!!ehat is ishubumi thinking.I read fanfics on issei and ophis and frankly i like that couple wayy better.A dragon god cant be kept as a mascot thats basically an insult.She should definitely get more time.Shes been around more A LONG TIME.How can u keep her as a innocent loli kid.Thats just nonsense.This is the only reason for why i would hate ishei ishubumi
But Ophis is a Dragon God.U cant turn her into a loli girl r u kidding me shes been around since the start shes ancient.Ishei Ishubumi has issues.I dont why she cant enter isseis harem.If people like Kunou or that vamp girl elmenhinde or smth can enter it so easily then i think ophis deserves a chance.And when is Great Red gonna come into to the story i mean the Trihexa wants to fi8 him.How long is the most powerful existence in this universe going to be ignored wth.Ishei should respect Dragon Gods more instead of insignificant people like sirzechs barakiel or michael.(i like azazael tho).Issei soul was placed into a bod from Great Reds flesh ri8 so shouldnt issei be like his brother or son to him.He should naturally come into the story and like be like azazael is to him now A GUARDIAN
It feels like Issei does respect both Ophis and Great Red very much. For example, Issei knows how strong Ophis is, even after having most of her power taken from her, as he doesn’t like borrowing her power. While Kunou and Elmenhilde may join the harem, that is because they are insignificant beings in comparison to a Dragon God like Ophis.
Great Red hasn’t really had much character development, and that’s probably because it never will have a personality that we can see. It simply drifts through the dimensional gap, without a care or worry for the world because it doesn’t need to. Issei may have used Great Red’s flesh for his body, but it doesn’t seem to know or care too much about it, illustrating that it is indeed a superior existence.
I like the solar god fanfic better.If ur a fanfic reader im pretty sure its inevitable u’ve read it.That writer actually treated the dragon gods ri8.There is practically no reason for great red not to appear.I mean Trihexa does wanna fight great red in the end after all.I think trihexa should be defeated by Great Red.If there was a way the bible god would’ve known.Getting issei to perform a miracle and stop tri is stretching it.
Ophis is genderless so why should she join Isseis Harem? To give him the shock of his life when she changes herself to a old dude the next morning!! Stupid idea
Can you please put “the student council’s decision” on baka-tsuki please?
Yeah, sure. Will do that now. I’ll add v21 once I complete it.
Can you add a pdf link for Student Council’s Decision please to baka-tsuki or here for downloading. Thanks Zxzxzx.
Would you like a PDF for just that short story? I know Daniel’s on holiday at the moment, but the entire DX2 volume is almost done, so you could wait for the full volume PDF.
No Problem can wait for DX2 entire PDF 3Zx.
I just wanna ask is it true that vol 22 of h dxd is already publiished ?
I’m not Zxzxzx but Yes it’s true Vol 22 is already out for Sale. 3Zx will finish translations on the remainder of Vol 21 when he returns from Vacation and will most likely start Vol 22 shortly After but remember he also has other projects that have been on hold awhile he might spend some time on before starting vol 22 of dxd. I don’t know for sure when vol 22 will be completed but can say lets hope to see it done by no later then November but am Confident @ with Zxzxzx Translating speed we could see it much sooner so Cross your Finger.
Owh Thanks for the reply can’t wait to see vol 21 and 22 . Hope that 2zx will be able translet asap .. XD
Your welcome but like I said he has other Translations that have been on hold awhile he might work on a bit first before starting Vol 22. With his translation speed 3Zx will get it done as quickly as possible before vol 23 release hopefully.
Hi guys! First things first thanks for all the hard work with the traslate! I been reading all dxd saga since novel 1 on baka…i want to know and ask if there is anything we or I can help you guys with the translate work! Thanks again i will be waiting wainting for the end of vol 21! Diying for it!
I’m Guessing Zxzxzx could use the Help to Finish volumes quicker if you knew or Know how to Translate from Chinese Raws to English that would be a Big Help. He might even have something else you could do instead of the Translations But that is Something you need to ask him. As of right now he is on Holiday with Family in Italy. He will get back to you asap when he can get Internet Access or you could leave him an Email in the About Section so you can Talk about Helping more Privately. I’m not a Staff Member just a Friendly Helper.
Thanks man!
Thanks for the offer! You can always help out by saying thanks and if you can, do some editing on Baka-Tsuki or the wiki. You don’t need to be a big contributor to help, as every little thing will make it a better experience for everyone else.
Before I ask my question, thank you for your work. I am able to read the stories I really enjoy because of you. *bow*
There have been several times on Baka-Tsuki where I have wanted to edit something because the grammar or general concept of some of the sentences is wrong. I’ve avoided doing so because I don’t know the original text or meaning and I’m afraid of trampling over the translator’s intent. I’m also aware that some prefer an absolute literal translation, even when the result doesn’t work well in English. Since you’re one of the main translators of the ones I read, what is your opinion?
Personally, I usually prefer a more literal translation, but that’s because I usually understand it better as a translator who understands the conventions of the source language. Although, I do also appreciate more localised versions as it feels more like reading a novel and it runs smoother. If you intend on editing consistently with a particular project, it may be best to consult with the current translator as each of them have their own preferences. Minor grammatical errors or spelling mistakes are usually safe to fix up without having to worry too much though.
Bem que rápido Você PODIA lançar logo o proximo capitulo, 3 vezes POR semana Que Eu entro e Vejo se TEM capitulo novo
English Please this site does not Use or have Auto Translate. Can’t Answer your question if it can’t be Read.
Comments of all languages are welcome here. Not everyone can speak English, so they should use whichever language suits them.
i understand but what was saying is if there concern can’t be read then how can help answer it correctly that was my point did not mean to offend anyone.
Yeah, but I’d prefer that people just use the language that they are good at rather than one that are not or using Google Translate as that affects the accuracy of the intended meaning.
hi vol 22 of dxd?
Vol 22 What? Not trying to be rude but I’m 100% sure Zxzxzx knows that Vol 22 is out and Don’t need to be Reminded. He will be resuming Translations on Vol 21 and will Hopefully get it done soon So he can start vol 22 ASAP. He plains on Finishing Vol 21 by August is Possible if he is left alone to complete it. Right now he is on Vacation with his Family So sit tight and wait.
I haven’t studied Portuguese for about 14 years but I’m almost certain that the basic meaning is that he wants to know when the next upload will be and that he checks 3 times a week to see if it has been updated
Topic was addressed already. He will resume when he gets back from Vacation.
sim está certo mas vou falar em ingles dessa vez
that’s right , thank you per traduction
I’m currently on holiday overseas and don’t have access to a computer. I will be resuming translations at the end of this month.
just enjoy it bro! and thanks for all of your hard work translating LN!! 🙂
Happy Holiday to you ^-^
Apologies for the late reply, I’m in the Italian countryside right now so I’m just borrowing Wi-Fi from a coach bus which has stopped by. Please remain respectful and civil with your comments and refrain from posting any possible spoilers. There is spoiler code on my “site features” page if you need it. I know that EX is related to DxD, but some people may or may not have read/know about it. The same goes for the next v21 chapters and v22 spoilers.
It’s Fine I know you would pop in sooner or Later. Thanks for the update and asking people not to spoil others reading. Have a Great Vacation.
divertiti 3zx
Grazie 🙂
are you in my country??? Where? I hope my nation will like you! Bye bye
Yes, indeed I was. Had a great time there. You can see the cities I visited on my latest post.
Highschool ex is horrible.I cant imagine issei being busy working hard turning into a typical working man no longer a fighter.Ishei got way over his head he should cancel ex.I mean kids already lol
Please re-frame from leaving Spoofs/Spoilers on this blog. people who have not read it yet do not wish to hear about it from somebody giving there opinion on the subject. Besides How could you have read it before the ending Chapter 4-6 are even posted on BT. Only one’s up are Chapters 1-3 and unless you can translate or Read Japanese or Chinese raws yourself you could not have finished it. This Blog here translates from Chinese raws and Ex is not posted here since Zxzxzx is not the Main Translator of the Ex Side Story another Person is and they are not done Editing Chapters 4-6 before it get’s posted anywhere. So please don’t leave comments about it if you have the raws or Read the raws. Thank you.
Parts four to six are on Ariel Saeba’s blog, which is where everyone is probably reading it.
Only the Unedited drafts are up on Ariel Saeba’s Blog. Finished chapters have no eta since he/ or She seems to be too busy with Real life and have not answered comment or updated there blog in over 3 months. last update said they would finish editing chapters 4-6 then upload them to BT 3 months ago. Not even JeruTz could get a reply from Ariel for an ETA on when they plan to completely finish and upload there chapters to BT. Sorry if i sounded like an ass but I don’t like people leaving Spoiler on Thing I have not read yet. Because it tends ruin reading it for others.
I know ex isnt posted here genius i just gave my opinion.Many fans have already read ex and probably share my opinion.If u hate spoilers dont come down to the comments section lol.Plus i bet some people would actually thnk me for the heads up.The dxd light novels are wayyy better
Yeah you read the Unedited pre-post version of Ex not the Finished One genius unless they where the untranslated raw’s you can find anywhere. I really doubt most people coming here would thank you for ruining the Ex side story for them if they like me have not read it yet since I’m still playing catch up on the Novels. Ex is part of the Dxd light novels if you did not already know and is begin consider as the next plot/Arc to Season 4. Please don’t leave Spoilers here you have been warned and next time I will not be so nice to you in my Comment only reason I have not Said what I really want is because i Respect Zxzxzx and his blog.
(To 3zx-Im sorry if im being rude or abrasive on tour blog but this noob got on my nerves)
I hate stupid noobs like you.You losers act like hot shit but ur just waste of oxygen and human potential
1.Ex(last 3) was completely edited and was posted on saebas blog 3 days ago
2.U still havent read all the novels and you have the audacity to question me lol know your place
3.Season 4 hasnt even been confirmed yet let alone plot.Its just a fan theory season 4’s plot will be based on Ex
4.We all respect 3zx.Ive been following him for a year now
5.” You’ve been warned” , “ill not be so nice next time” what are you twelve jeez ur just a worthless oxygen breather.My juniors can threaten better than that
6.Dont even bother replying cuz i wont losers like u arent worth my time or my joules.U havent even been to saebas blog,dont know about season 4,havent read the light novels.Ur practically a wannabee so buzz off.
It’s takes a Wannabee to Know a Wannabee. I’m no Noob Fag I’m an Otaku and Been one in my Spare time when i Not Working for Many Years Now unlike some smart ass Collage Know it All like your self . Who has not been let into the Real World because your still suckling at your Mommy Boobs Leeching them for money to put you through school.
1. I’m not going to Get into this much but Chapter 4-6 are not Fully Edited yet according to saebas themself only the Drafts are Up. When and Only when they are Fully Completed Saebas will be Uploading them to BT as FINISHED.
2. Yeah Sure I have not read all the LN and neither have you because they are still begin Written past current Vol 21. Know UR PLACE under my Boot.
3. No Duh Season 4 has not been confirmed yet its only Fan Sites who are saying the Plot for the next season MIGHT be the Ex Side Story. Hopefully it does since Anime Never Follow the Same guide lines as the books – Manga or Light Novels do so anything can Happen.
4. Who cares if you been following Zxzxzx for Years good for U. Do you need a Metal or award to celebrate you noble service.
5. Reply with – Ur a Waste of Space as Comment.
6. Reply with – Same from above plus I know more then you when it comes to Light novels Translated and Raws.
7. Zxzxz Sorry to bother you on Vacation but could you put a Stop to any further Commenting on this Subject before I Say Something that Gets me Banned from you Site before anymore retards decide to elaborate on the Topic Please. You been good to me and I do not wish to Disrespect you or your website Thanks.
Highschool DxD EX isn’t canon. It’s just a side story, it’s not happening in the story timeline for now. If, like a lot of people from HS DxD Fan Websites suppose, this side story become the plot for the season 4 (and correct the crap season 3 was), then it will become a part of the HS DxD timeline BUT would still be a side story. If you did read it (at least half of it since it’s not entirely translated), then you should know that Issei became like that because of some events and that…
*SPOILER ALERT !!!!! You’ve been warned.*
Asia, who’s dead in HS DxD EX, would be revived using time traveling by Issei’s kids.(strikethrough cuz maybe people can still see it clearly by scrolling down)
I said it might be the next Arc to the Dxd in Season 4. It’s only hear say according to many undisclosed fan sites. Out of respect for Zxzxzx I will not retaliate will rude-full and unnecessary comment to you but will say for you not to spoil any further of the Ex side story on this blog or go somewhere else if you can’t understand to follow a simple common Curtsy rule to others using this site that do not wish to have there future reading ruined by you or anyone else. If you can’t then I will be asking Zxzxzx to step in to control this little problem we are having with this Issue. I’m holding myself back not to say what i finding it really hard not too but you and anyone else who pulls this crap because they think it’s funny spoiling everyone Enjoyment is testing my Patience’s.
Damn dude ! Don’t get so upset. I guess it’s half my fault for writing it, but it’s also half other’s fault for reading something they were warned not to read if they don’t wanna get spoiled.
hey maurice do u have any idea when zxzxzx’s gonna resume his translation? I know he has exams and an overseas vacation.
well it does say he aims to Complete Dxd V21 by August in upper Right Corner on this page. But Since me and him last spoke and i asked that very same question he say no later then September. He has a lot on his plate to deal with and is trying his best to finish as quickly as possible. When people keep asking when he will be done with the translations and he has to take time to answer your question it only slows him down on the Progress of completing it quicker. If you are asking when he will resume all his translations in general then most likely when he gets back from Vacation. As for Vol 21 of dxd best answer I can give is Late August early September.
Will the volumes after 21 be translated when they release
I will try to translate them as soon as I can, but that depends on availability and my schedule.
awesome work translating these, its a lot of work and know that we all appreciate your work for doing this for the fellow fans of these novels. just make sure to kick ass with school, work and everything else, your personal life also takes precedence, and again, from a fan to a translator/editor and fellow fan of this novel, thank you very much for your hardwork and dedication
Cheers mate.
Dear Friend
Le want to thank you for your excellent work and for sharing it with us , thank you.
Is dxd ex a possible future shown as a special or is it the future?
Dxd Ex is a Side Story to the Novels nothing more for now expect the subsumption that it could be the Possible plot to the next season of the Dxd Anime season 4 rumored by more then 1 Fan based Highschool Dxd Website. It’s not Official at the moment but it is then next best twist to what the future holds for the Anime if the Anime continues to follow the Novels story line. By now Season 4 should have already had an Eta for release date on any 1 of the anime chart sites but for some reason or another there is no date set for when it will be Aired yet and I find that Strange because every season so far has been released 1 year apart each and you can search the anime charts all the way put to winter 2016 releases and still no Eta date set for Dxd Season 4. My opinion is Season 4 might not happen since the producers of the show have not Official set or can’t come to an agreement on when to make the announcement for the release date and time but I’m still hopeful since last season did not have a ending but an Continuation Ending as did Seasons 1&2.
Ayo dap sek semangat, ben lek rampung
Ojo loyo mas…lanjutke
Is it possible of you tell us the reason why you can’t update until August? Thanks
I’ve still got exams next week, and immediately afterwards, I’ll be leaving for a trip overseas with family.
When you do update, will it be the whole volume translated, or just a portion?
Have I ever released a whole volume at once? I release chapters or parts at a time because it takes several months for me to do a full volume.
My bad, I’m new to these kinds of things. It also says that it’s your aim to finish it by August, which is why I asked. Anyways thanks for replying
Plzzzz update life.lucifer n last.dxd this month plzzzzzz
Please Stop Bugging Zxzxzx about Vol 21 Updates. When it’s done it’s Done He can’t go any Faster on the Translations. If you or anybody thinks they can Translate from Chinese to English any Faster then do it to prove us Wrong and leave him alone if you can’t until he is done. continuously bothering him from his on going Progress will only slow him down. People who translate do have real life’s outside the Light Novel world and that come’s first over translations. So for the last time Stop Asking for Updates until they are done and next time i have to repeat myself on this blog I’m not going to be so nice about what i say all you ungrateful SOB’S.
Good to see you back in the translations game zzxzz. Thanks for the latest translation.
update life lucifer and life dxd plzzzzzzzz
And thanks for ypur work zxzxzx. We appreciate your time for the series so please give your time for now for your exams as if they go well we will get our translations faster. Hehe joking. Well good luck for exams and also if you don’t mind then you should release the complete novel rather than part by part.
Thanks for your work.
Some people don’t like to wait and prefer reading it bit by bit, that’s why he isn’t releasing it fully translated when he’s done. You can still check later to see if everything is translated.
And yeah, zxzxzx, we’re very grateful of your work !
I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your hard work. I watched the high school dxd anime, and ended up liking it so much that i had to go read the books, which would not have been possible without your efforts. they are much appreciated
Which One’s have you seen because there are 3 Seasons out on Blu-ray and the 4th is coming out soon possibly early Q1 or Q2 of 2017. Seasons as follows so far S1 Dxd , S2 Dxd New and S3 Dxd Born. There is also Manga that follows the Anime and these Light Novels that are the True Whole Story not part story like the anime. Zxzxzx doe’s a great Job Translating and always comes through on his Dead lines when he said’s a volume will be done on time. I for 1 have not found a Better Translator then Z anywhere and hope he keeps going until he can no longer do translations for Us to read which is a few more years if possible. If that time ever did come he could not be replaced as a translator.
i watched all 3 seasons of the anime, both subbed and dubbed, the little specials, read the manga, and all the light novel stuff that has been translated. high school dxd quickly became my favorite
i heard about season 4 and i am stoked
Season 4 was going to be called Highschool Dxd Ex after the Ex Translated 6 part short Story’s involving issei hyoudou Children coming from the future But now I’m not to sure if that name will be official or not. But the Ex chapters are real and almost fully completed to read translated. you can find them on 2 different sites 1-3 on the first and 4-6 on the 2nd or wait for finished pdf like I am. If you like this Series a lot have you read To Love Ru and To Love Ru Darkness is ongoing. Lots of Ecchi and Very comical at the same time.
ooh will do!
I don’t know where you got that info. but I don’t think there hae been any confirmation yet for season 4. If you a link please share it.
As of now what have been there for news and everything there is no news for new season or of its content other then vol 22 release in july or something like that.
@ Aijaz – You don’t need to know where i got that Information from since there are many Dxd sites out that are not Official. All you need to concern yourself with is that a Season 4 will becoming Soon and that I said Ex Might be the title but it could change. read the comments fully. Plus if you are keeping up on reading the LN its a no brainier what volumes the next season will contain story wise.
Season 4 will suck bad.Children isseis really.If its like that its gonna be lame.I would hate issei to end up like that.
Zxzxzx can u please complete the volume 21 and post the PDF all at once cause reading bit by bit is frustrating I know that your busy but your the only one were relying on so please can u spare some time for it and do It for the fans please
Sorry Zxzxzx if I am out of order for replying for you but People keep asking the same question even thou you have already said Volume 21 is ON HOLD for now Can’t you read Commenters. There might be personal reasons for why he put it on hold so leave it as that. Volume 21 will be done when he has time. You do understand that Dxd is not the ONLY Light Novel Translations he does right. Think about it if he put his main project on hold it might be because he trying to catch up with his other work or Personal matters. Please don’t bother him again until you see Vol 21 Completed with PDF file on site unless it a Really Important Question the needs to be answered right away and he will get back to you. Every-time someone ask when volume 21 will be done it’s only going to take longer to finish if he has to keep replying to the same question.
Dude check 3×zx blog.i feel your eagerness but he said he has exams coming so try and understand he has a life other than a translater.
Thanks Maurice, saved me from saying it myself.
Sure, I can post the finished PDF instead of releasing chapters one at a time if you like, but it’ll still take the same amount of time. I spend a lot of my time every week translating, and that’s not something I can keep up all the time.
why is hgh school dxd on hold
Because He has Work and or School plus Real Life problems that come before Translating Light Novels. Just be Glad he Chooses to do them for us for Free. Without him we would be screwed so don’t Bother him to much. The more you bother him the longer it’s going to take to get done.
it might be exam time as well or coming up that will take a lot of zxzxzx’s free time. still he does an awesome job.
Can i download the light novel?
There are PDF links next to the title of volumes 18-20. The rest can be found via the details in the spoiler at the top of the page, or on other sites.
Tnx i admire your work bro. Keep up the goodwork.
Hello Zxzxzx
Quick Question about the Light Novels. Did the 6 part Side Story entitled EX about Issei Children Coming from the future ever get Translated yet because i don’t remember reading it or i might have skipped it. If it has what Volume is it in or where do i find it.
Hey Maurice, the EX chapters have been fully translated now. Some parts are still a draft, but they should be fixed up soon. JeruTz did parts 1-3 and Ariel Saeba did parts 4-6.
JeruTz has finished his 3 parts but Ariel Saeba has yet to finish Pt. 4,5,or even 6 as of yet. According to JeruTz he plans to make a pdf but not until Ariell gets done with there 3 parts to make a Completed file. But eta for when it will be done is a ??????????????.
A ‘draft’ of parts 4 to 6 is already done, and available on Ariel Saeba’s blog. It will probably be on Baka-Tsuki once they have been finalised.
Yeah just seen that thanks. But I’ll still wait for JeruTz to make a Finished pdf with Ariel parts 4-6. He might wait like you said for the finalized from Baka-tsuki before he makes his File first. That is what i would do I wrote on Ariel Blog asking when they going to upload it but have not heard anything back since i wrote a few days ago. As Always thanks for the quick reply and time. Have a Great day Triple Zx.
And i forgot thanks zxzxzx for the pdf i really appreciate it your the best and i hope that well get more soon your team is the best
Is it me or the translation is a bit slow now a days well its ok but i think were in a suspense hope the volume 21 will get completed and also the other short stories with a pdf
You do Know that Translators do this for Free in there Spare Time Right. By free i mean for us to View not as in Free for them. Most Novel can be found via Website to get for Free but some due cost them money to download out of there own pocket not yours. Also this is not a Japanese Translation it’s a Chinese Version Translation which i remind you is more difficult to get a hold of every-time a new volume is released and if only you know where to look for the raws. Real Life Problems come before translations be so just wait like the rest of US. Besides Dxd he most likely has other translations to work on so it takes time. It will be done when he finishes it probably in a few months time since he did say in his last update that translations are going to slow down for a bit.
Hello, so on volume 19 I noticed the illustrations on the pdf were a bit blurry. Is it okay if I make a new pdf with clearer image quality? I won’t post it anywhere just for personal use.
That’s fine, feel free to do so.
egarly awaiting the new section… Plzzz update soon
Triple ZX when are you going to update the next chapter.Thnks in Advance
Sometime later this month.
3×ZX when r u going to update again.Its been so long.Hope ur okay
I’m fine. It’s really only been a little more than a week since Life.Ba’al…
Might just have been temporary. There doesn’t seem to be any problem with accessing it for me.
Thank you for your hardwork.
Hello zxzxzx , are you translating volume 21 at the moment ? Volume 20 ended so bad that i look forward to volume 21
Yes, I’m currently translating it. Please see my “Latest Update” post for details.
Can I ask one more question what does 24/7 mean?
it means 24 hours/ 7 days a week
hello zxzxzx, I wanted to know when is the release of the episodes, if you know please, is to tell me?
I usually update the sidebar (full site) or “latest update” post on the homepage with when I’ll next have an update. I’m rather busy this week and haven’t yet started on Life.2.
hey guys i found raw manga of dxd in here
raw. senmanga .com / High-School-DxD/ u have to search it bcoz it didn’t showing on commets if i did something wrong i sorry zxzxzx sir!!
but it only starts from 35.5 and doesnt have previous chapters anyways thanks
why my comments are not showing up what did i do wrong sir zxzxzx
Sorry, I just checked and they all got stuck in the spam filter. It doesn’t normally happen, even with a single link so I don’t know why. If it doesn’t show up next time, just give me a comment about it or post one without the link.
Hello, are you translating DxD EX too?
No, JeruTz and Ariel_Saeba are translating it at the moment.
When will u be finished with dxd volume 21.Im eagerly waiting.Cud u please tell me a date.
Nope, I don’t know. It’s far too early for me to give an estimate.
if you get your hands on the short story ‘Maid of the House of Pendragon’ then would you please translate it ASAP.
I so want to read that story
I’ll keep everyone updated on which short stories I get my hands on.
Can i please get a link for v21 spoilers?
Here. Please refrain from discussing spoilers here as I haven’t read them.
Will you be working on Vol 21? And also is it available in chinese as if ain’t then you won’t be.
And also wanted to know if anyone was working on DX2. Thanks
Yes, I will be translating it, but not yet. No one is working on DX2 as far as I know.
Thanks man. Hope you pick it up soon. Or divide the work with ariel or jerutz so we get to read this ever hyped and long awaited novel. Isibume really did a joke for the fans. If the next volume isn’t released in next 3 or 4 months it’s gonna be boring as hell, unless we gt season 4.
Daniel Yang (the DX 1 translator) said he would translate DX 2 (emphasis on would, since he needs the Korean Raws to do so).
Yeah, he did tell me that it would be at least a month before it has a release.
Yeah, he did tell me it would be at least a month before there would be a release.
Do you have any idea when volume 21 and anime season 4 will come out?
V21 is released on the 21st of March, about a week from now. And there’s been no announcement for S4 yet.
He’s right on that There has been no official announcement concerning Seasons 4 release yet but on another website i was reading they gave a hint to what it is going to be called if it continues to follow the LN – Highschool Dxd Ex and released is sometime this Fall 2016 like most of the Dxd series have been. And for V21 of light novel i can’t agree or disagree with Zxzxzx said date because i can’t read Chinese to look it up to confirm it so we just need to trust and take Zxzxzx word on that one.
Sorry for earlier Comment I should have asked your permission before leaving that statement. Please ignore perverse comment and i apologize deeply if i have gotten myself banned from here for that. I mean no disrespect i just am very upset to how unknowledgeable some scan groups can be when it come to finding raw Manga they claim can be found but don’t want to help if they can.
Thank you for always translating Dxd LN so people like me can continue enjoying them.
Question 1 – Do you know anything about Manga since you translate LN
Question 2 – If you know anything about how to scanlate manga would you or if you personal know anybody who does it professorially could you or they be willing to help me as favor well can’t say favor since you don’t own me anything but as a commissioned agreement.
Question 3 & 4 after reply if you can help me with a Raw manga I wish to buy for personal reading that need to be scanlated unofficially since the official scans are not available. It not a illegel manga it’s just no scans can be found anywhere online after volume 4. The manga is 天元突破グレンラガン (aka) Gurren Lagann.
Don’t worry about it.
1. No, not really. I read a couple of manga myself but not the DxD or Gurren Lagann manga.
2. I don’t really know any scanlators. I could probably do it myself, but I translate from Chinese, not Japanese at the moment so it’s probably not possible for me.
3. I’ve tried a quick search for it on my usual sites. That’s probably because it has been licensed, and is published officially thus the ‘unofficial’ scanlations would likely be the subject of DMCA takedowns.
You would not get a DMCA if you worked on them privetly without uploading them here but to a different kind of server for me to download using a false upload name instead of Gurren Lagann volume ???? just put Volume ?? as name them send me a privet link through my email when you complete each book to a site like as download host. If you make a decsion to help me i can send you the first book or 2 next month if you are willing to try. not in a hurry and you can take as much time as needed.
DMCAs are not an issue with me. It’s simply that there is an official English version available to buy. They’re less than $10 per volume too so it’s not unaffordable. Also, I am unable to translate from Japanese and there are no available Chinese copies.
yes i already know there are English versions out but only up to volume 4 on internet and volume 6 to buy but in limited numbers anything after is in Japanese. You said you could probably do them and i said i was in no hurry if you wanted to try. i am not forcing you to agree to anything i just asked if it was possible and how much you would charge me for fair compensation of your time. I have no ware else to turn to once you turn me down as well but i can’t change your mind once you have giving your final say so.
I’d have to decline. I would not mind doing it and I wouldn’t ask for anything in return but the problem is that I can’t translate from Japanese. I could probably do them, but only if a Chinese translation was available.
well i can’t say i am not more then disappointed but i have to respect your decision. I did know what your answer was going to be from the beginning since nobody else on the net was going to help me either that i have pleaded with who do work for scan group. I don’t think Chinese one’s even got published and don’t know where to start looking to find them if they did. I thank you for not wanting to charge me anything since buying the manga was going to be costly enough. You wouldn’t know any Japanese to English Translators friends or someone who can read Japanese do you by any chance. Just asking for the heck of it.
No, I don’t really know anyone like that. Well, there are other translators such as Code Zero, but I seriously would not bother him about it.
I found Volume 8 & 9 in Chinese on but they don’t have 7 or 10 in Chinese but do in French & Spanish.
You could send me a link to one of them and I’ll see what else I can find through my usual bookstore.
I would not bother Code-Zero either because he never once replayed back to any of my comments from last year when he was MIA for 6 months end of 2014/2015 year durning the release of volume 18 before passing the torch of Dxd off to you.
Here are the links for the 2 i did find in Chinese
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Vol 8 @
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Vol 9 @
102.00 Euro each book is like almost 300.00 USD and that is ridiculously expensive. the JP version are 30 x less expensive then these Chinese one begin sold on a UK Amazon website. I don’t even know if i could afford 1 let alone all 4 I need for you to complete.
I can’t find Vol 7 or 10 needed to complete the manga collection in Chinese only in French and Spanish. Maybe you will have better luck then I when it comes to this stuff you are good at.
I can only find volumes 1-7 at my bookstore. They’re about 16 AUD each without post. Given that’s the case, I don’t really know where else I could find these books.
Volume 7 is one i need done And i found 8 & 9 on the site did you take a look @ links i left you asked for. If i did some how get the funds witch might be sometime would you still be willing to do v7 you found and 8&9 i buy. How much in USD is the 16 AUD for volume 7 and how long do i have before it sells out.
Yeah, the pricing on Amazon is ridiculous though. I honestly wouldn’t even consider them. I’ll add v7 of GL to my list for when I buy my next set of LNs. v8 & 9 I won’t worry about right now. I usually try to buy all my books in a batch to save on shipping. I’ll probably do that again towards the end of this month. I do what I do because I want to, so if you enjoy my work, feel free to send me a donation.
Sure but it would not be until next month donation and probably a few months after that before i can get v8&9 hopefully but not sure if they will still have them then since i just looked again to check price once more and they only have 1 copy of vol 8 left and 3 of vol 9. I could possibly buy them next payday but i have other more important expansiveness before hobby related one’s like Rent , Power, Gas, Water you know real life bills. I pray that when i do averagely get the 319.69 usd for those 2 books from save a little out of each check they will still be there to buy so i can ship them to you but in the mean time thanks for picking up v7 and i contacted you when i do get ready to buy them and please keep me informed on when you buy v7 and when you complete v7. thank you
Ps where do i send donations to again.
Look, please don’t go out and spend a few hundred on a few volumes of manga. You could put that to much better use for RL like you said. If I decide to really continue with it, I’ll get them at my own expense. You can find donation buttons on my about page. I do this of my own volition, and take donations simply for gratitude or appreciation.
Okay but If you decide against continuing on with them after you finish v7 i am going to be back where i started and S.O.L on the missing 3 books since Chinese one a rare to find. About donation i will see what i can do in a few days if don’t differently after i finish paying my RL monthly Bills. next month for sure.
I know this might be asking too much of you but since you did say you could find volume1-7 is there anyway by chance i could get you to pick up and do v5&6 as well when you get v7 in bundle. I was going to buy them but i can’t find cheap English copy’s since the ones i had in my shopping cart are no longer available that i had saved to buy. Thanks and very sorry for asking anymore of you.
No worries, I’ll get whatever I can when I order next month.
Okay but Volumes 5,6 & 7 are the only you can find in Chinese so please do those when you order them. Thank you and i will try to find a different soruce to get 8,9,& 10 from but not right not maybe end of year or next year.
Sh yourself?
Hello Zxzxzx and Good Morning From me in the US.
Firstly – Thanks for continuing to Translate Dxd for us all to enjoy reading. Secondly I know this off topic of LN but I thought you or someone here reading this might know where i could get the downloads for Raw Gurren Lagann Manga Volumes 5,6,7,8,9,10 that where only Published by Bandai Japan and never released from the US bandai here since they stopped publications of all dvds,BD, Toys and Manga in 2012. I have asked other Scan groups and some translators from but know one is willing to help because they will not work on licensed manga or help and who don’t read Japanese. I was not asking them to work on the manga only asked where i can either download the raws for free or buy the digital copy’s in raw. I found the Kanji Translation for Gurren Lagann manga 天元突破グレンラガン but still not luck using the english or kanji words to search. has the physical manga to buy but they cost way to much to have shipped to me here in the US and i don’t need all books just 5-10 that did not get an English translated already. Can you Please or Anyone help me find a website to download from that has the Gurren Lagann Manga. thanks and very sorry for going off topic since i don’t know who to ask or where to look myself since i can’t read Japanese to find them myself and though since you helped me before you might have the time to help again. I have tired looking but have become very stressed out over this matter.
Don’t reply to this comment read 1 from above please and ignore this One.
nice background,it looks better this way
Would you mind testing something for me? Is there a settings tab on the left side that lets you customise the appearance of my site.
there is.
Good to know it’s working. Does it save the changes that you make, or does it reset every time you visit?
it saves.. i changed it once and every time i visit this page the same bg and settings show.
Awesome. Thanks 🙂
Where’s the PDF version.. Can’t wait to read it
Hello I’m doing PDFs of this series with the permission of zxzxzx and will make a PDF as soon as it is up on B-T. check my site for the first 13 volumes if youd like
cool.. can’t wait to read volume 20
done just click my username to go to my blog the zip will also have volumes 1-13 and 19 plus the slashdog web novel
Do have pdf’s of volumes 14 through 18? If not, do you know where I could find them?
jessie, here are my copies
I forgot where I found them already. But volume 18-20 sure are from zxzxzx. I just changed the illustrations resolution.. So give him a thanks. He’s awesome, man.
ow sorry wrong link.. here..
Thank you. You guys are awesome. I’ve been trying to find pdf’s for awhile so I can read them when I’m on lunch at work.
Can’t wait to find out what happens next.
Although he’s doing a great job with the story one of the major criticisms I have aside from Ise not having sex yet is the fact that Ishibumi is really skipping out on the illustrations. I mean in volume 19, I really wanted to see what Yasaka looked like. I also wanted to see what the arch angel Gabriel looked like in volume 18. Also in this novel, I wanted to see what Rias’s dragon armor looked like as well as Issei’s Infinity Drive armor. It’s like Ishibumi only gives us illustrations of random events in each story instead of the moments and characters that we want to see. Also in volumes 18 and 20, there were only like 3 or 4 illustrations at all. I mean it seems like the illustrator for the story is getting extremely lazy.
Agree with most of that. It would be nice to have more illustrations but afaik, the illustrator miyama-zero has been sick or something.
Do complete the translation of the volume 20. Eagely waiting to read the last part.
Elmenhilde could possibly be one of ise’s harem. Lol. So random.
I wouldnt be surprised to see kids from these..
Bennia + Ise (Grim Reaper)
Kunou + Ise and Yasaka + Ise (Youkai)
Kiriyuu + ise (just to have one ordinary concubine)
Ise + Any future great house members as they seem to impact the future.
Hi zxzxzx,
First of all, I want to thank you for all the efforts you have worked on translating DxD. I fully appreciate it and hope things will go well for you and all of us.
It’s a pity that jop reached his nadir point for this series, but he had made amazing contributions to the English DxD lore and fans in general. Salute for him.
Oh, and in case you wondering, I am the one taking over jop’s work to write the summary for EX. I will also translate the last three chapters after the series is finished, splitting it with jeruTz.
Finally, have a safe trip to the Latin Americas. May Ophis’ blessing be with you on your travels 😀
Hey there! A shame about Jop, but I hope all is well for him. Thanks for helping out with the translations, good luck 🙂
Thank you!
I love high school dxd and even if you pause translation It`s OK because you already told us when you are able to continue so we can read other things and when Febrery comes read what`s next 😀
I really, really thank you and please keep the habit of telling when is the next update >.<
Although I’m unhappy that I’ll have to wait till February to see how this volume ends, at least your reason is a good one and not some lame excuse like I was too lazy to do it or I was playing an online gundam card game videogame like a certain code zero. Plus I can always just read the summary that was posted on animesuki by Jopjopjop
Well, he’s made an incredible contribution and I think it just reached a point where he was tired of it.
But you have to admit, he kind of left us hanging with the series. I mean it took him like 2 years just to translate about 1/2 of volume 18 before finally looking for someone else to do it. I mean he kept us waiting for months at a time for an update where he would only add like 10 or 15 percent of that chapter. And his reasons for not fulfilling any of his deadlines were always lame excuses that made us fans frustrated. Frankly all of us fans are thanking God that you stepped in to take over the translation of the series. Furthermore if he was really fed up with translating, he could have gotten someone else to do it or brought together a team to share the work much sooner since there are a lot of translators who are fans and willing to translate the series.
Still this is awesome ive read other good ligh novels but some of them take more than one or two years after it came out tofinish the english translation high school dxd vol 20 came out on July 18 so he might be able to finish it in less than a year after it came out so i really dont mind he is still way faster than others
thx for the update and have a great time in south America If it recreational. take care of yourself. looking forward to febuary it’ll be a nice birthday present (feb 10) to see how this volume ends.
so we’ll only see the end of v20 in February? aahh, I need to know what happens next
next february?really?is it that long or just lazy?
See my updated sticky post on my homepage.
i hope so..
how about kuroka? is she gonna endup with vali?
she gonna endup with Isse
hey there zxzxzx thnx a lot for ur translations. Could u plz translate the words on collured novel illustrations plzzz…
Sure, I’ll take a look at it sometime in the coming week or two.
Thnx dude…
I’ve put a rough translation into the captions below the images. You’ll see them if you check the “Illustrations” pages for 18, 19 & 20.
Thnx a big time for ur translations
Are you also going to translate the DX Volume 2?
From what I read on reddit it seems to be a really interesting side volume
I’d like to do it if I am able to, but nothing is certain right now. It won’t be coming out until December anyway though.
Thanks big time for the translations. You are doing gods work 😀
Hi zxzxzx, can I translate ur work in another language? & tnx for ur wonderful translation. I am ur big fan
Sure, go ahead. What language are you translating to?
can you tell me where I can read high school dxd spoiler XD 1 and 2 while waiting for the translation from vol 20
i’m more intrested in after he finish translate vol 20, if he can translate infinite stratos light novel volume 10
Sir thx for your wonderful translation of volume 19 🙂 keep up the good work. We’re waiting for your chapter 20 eagerly. Hope you finish soon godbless sir thx a lot.
hii zxzxzx thanks for your great work in translations voh 19, keep up the good work, but i m just little curious about your two preview of ( love song to reincarnated angel) & (asia’s treasure) when will you finish them translating…,
Anyways thanks again for your hard work….
I don’t have an eta on those. I intend to work on SMnK for some time as I’ve picked that up but haven’t made much progress with it.
Hi guys,
I’ve prepared an epub file for volume 19 translation done by zxzxzx.
I haven’t edited anything from the translation.
Waiting for vol 20 release
Keep up the good work man! I just want you to know there are many who appreciate all hard work you do to translate all this for us! Hope your studies are going well too!!
Possible eta on vol. 20? Not even fully sure if that’s even out yet
Btw great work. Keep it up!
is vol19 fully translated? could you make a pdf file for it? THANKS A MILLION! YOU’RE THE BEST!!!
Yeah, I don’t mind doing that once I’ve finished. There’s still a little more to go.
is it alright if when your done i compile and add an epub version to baka-tuki’s pdf appreciation forum
Sure, that’s fine. I’m planning to upload the rest of the volume to B-T when I’m done and give it a few days for anyone who wants to edit it before making a pdf.
kk thank you so much for your work, again I’ll state the obvious but you are awesome
thank you zxzxzx! YOU’RE THE BEST (Y)
here is the resume of wht happens on volume 20 if anyone is curious
I found the Chinese version of DxD here:
Other than main series there seems to be short stories as well.
It seems vol 20 and EX is not published here yet.
The Testament of Sister New Devil:
Do you have any info regarding this highschool dxd EX? Is it canon? Is it part of the main timeline? Any info on this? Been searching the net for a couple days now but I got nothing. No official stuff either. Please share some info regarding this if you have any
EX is a series of short stories released with each volume of the BorN BDs (6 in total) which detail the future where Issei’s children come back in time to deal with some enemy. It is canon in that it links the BorN timeline to the LNs. I don’t have any other info on it besides this really. Jopjopjop has made a summary of the first part here.
Hmm. That helps a lot. I read that summary of part one. Will jopjopjop upload the rest of the parts too? And last question. Its more like asking for your opinion. Even this its canon, is it really necessary for me to read it? I mean it links the born timeline to the novels but sooner or later the novels themselves would reach a point where they will portray all of this. This thing has been bugging me. I don’t mind reading these short stories but will it affect my experience of reading the volumes and watching every season of dxd that comes out in the future? If I choose to not read these short stories… please give your opinion as it would clear a lot of these puzzles in my head that I cant solve em. Thanks a lot for the info btw
Personally, I don’t yet know if they are necessary as that depends on how the light novels conclude. Since EX intends to correct BorN, the events of the light novels are entirely unaffected and EX could be seen as nothing more than another side story. But, that depends on the ‘true’ ending of HighSchool DxD. The light novels are still ongoing and we don’t yet know how it’ll end. I hope that we’ll have an epilogue volume depicting the lives of the characters after all the events which transpire in the span of the novels. That would result in EX serving as a link between BorN and the novel, but if we don’t get to see an epilogue or ‘after’ volume then EX would be highly important as the only work which details the future. Will it affect your reading/watching experience? It most likely will as you’ll have a bit of a clue about what happens in the future but I would still recommend reading it.
I see. You’re saying ‘correct born’. I get what you mean but isn’t born supposed to be just an animation of the light novel volumes? Are you implying that born is a different timeline that needs to be corrected through EX? I mean yeah they screwed up born but.. ugh idk anymore. Guess I’ll just read em. Jopjopjop will upload the summaries on that forum right? Or is there some other way to read em?
Yeah, the implication is that BorN is what it is because its set in an alternate timeline from the LNs. Yes, Jopjopjop and Gary29 will be providing summaries which can usually be found on that forum or the wiki.
Oh damn.. alternate timelines kinda mess things up. Oh well, thanks for the info and the translations and EX, bro. Really appreciate it
I hope Ishibumi makes it into as Spin-Off novel like he did with SlashDog.
Can someone please explain what dxd EX is all about, and is it related to dxd born anime, and when will it be released.
Check my reply to the comment above.
Hey do you think you can translate a new DxD novel called Highschool DxD EX ???
Perhaps. I’ll only be able to do so if I get a Chinese source though.
Hello, Can you translate No Game No Life Light Novels. Specially Vol 07. Would this be possible?
No, not in the foreseeable future. I already have enough to work on as it is for at least half a year.
Awww. Such a shame, it such a good novel. Great job nevertheless.
Anyway, NGNL has been licensed, and any one who tries to translate it right now will probably have to handle constant lawsuits, so it’s probably best not to.
yep, volume 20 is going to be hell of fun, finally 666 is going to awaken.
I’m sure the non supernatural will find out about their activity or at least only Ise classmate will only know about Ise activity.
Zx is Code Zero going to translate VL. 20 while your translating VL 19 ??
Will you be translating the short stories for Highschool DXD DX volume one. If not, I think you should at least translate the extra life since it reveals the fates of Ravel and Reiser after the rating game and relates to the main story.
I’m sure that they will be translated at some point, whether by me or someone else. I haven’t got a source for everything yet which is why I can’t be certain.
Zx what about picking up overlord? It’s currently being translated by skythewood, but it’s 4 volumes behind. There are chinese translations.
Sorry, I don’t have plans for another series right now. Doing two at once will already be a lot of work.
Jop just releasedvthe full Voulme 20 Summaries here:
You are awesome, just wanted to state that fact.
The only reason why Isse didn’t cut loose was because he would have hurt or killed Rais. That was what Loki wanted. Ophis only removed Lokis curse on Isse. For Rais it was hearing Isse say her name. Isse could have killed Rais with his pure power. I enjoyed the 3 season and waiting for the blueray set. Also from what I read that next season will follow the light novels more. Don’t forget in his armour and boosted to max he is capable of killing a god.
okay, if ise was capable of killing a god, in the Trinity forms+ the queen form, shouldn’t he be able to match sirzech true form plus he can kill hades and Indra if they thought about destroying the world, and let’s not talk about Loki, it was obvious in the LN and the anime, that Loki was much stronger than ise, if ise didn’t use Thor hammer, he would have been killed, but for ise to kill/rival he needs to discover the full set of abilities of the red dragon emperor, and the white dragon emperor, plus to unleash the full power of the great red and dragon god inside him, after doing all of that, ise can rival or overpower any god even Shiva doesn’t stand a chance against the absolute god of the dragons(( future ise, if he fought the 666 head on)), I think we all know that the great red, is the anti-Christ, which Lucifer/satan created plus the 666 which also he created, but that was not mentioned, and until now, we didn’t hear anything about the four horsemen, if they were mentioned, than the dxd are in for a hassle.
so, whats up?
Nothing much yet, but I’ll be resuming at the end of this week.
So, you will resume translate “love song to reincarnated angel”?
I tough it already finished….
Yes, I will at a later time.
Yep finally highschool dxd born has came to an end, to see rias balance breaker beat ise so bad, has got me really annoyed, but to make it up, we saw ise dragon fang blaster, before the beginning of the next season, and also saw the jaggernut drive again, plus the first close up look on grear red, next season the hero faction, and there leader will make there first appearance, i just hope, they don’t ruin the season four, and destory the character of cao cao, which will play a big role, in season four plot, bur shouldn’t ise get his balance breaker upgrade from the current Beelzebub, after his fight with sirzech, oh well can’t wait for ise vs sirzech fight ova of season 3 or it’s epsiode from season 4, but to sum things up, it was a great ending for the Third season of dxd ,i hope you all enjoyed the ending ,so what’s your thoughts about season three and pridictions of season 4.
Is a plan for season 4 already announce? I don’t think there will be another season
Why so.
I don’t know many anime have more than 2 season. Having 3rd season is good but don’t expecting too much
i agree
Who ever told me, keep watching dxd born, thank you, I always wanted to see rias in ise balance breaker form, until yesterday it was only in my imagination, but now it reality, I hope all of you enjoyed epsiode 11, and finally dxd born is coming to an end next week.
I also imagine it , but i never want it to be reality. Man, they mess it.
Your welcome i really enjoyed it as well also alot of people are talking bad about it and are upset that they are changing thing i feel as long as the key points are hit i like the suprise of not knowing whats next
Btw Thank you for translating High School dxd ….Thumb up for u
your job is great ^^…and anyway maybe i am bit rude…do you know what happen to Code Zero..its seems he is gone to hiatus mode???kinda wait Sekai Owari No Encore also ^^
No worries. I don’t know about Code Zero at the moment. He translates as he likes and it’s probably best to simply wait it out rather than bug him about it.
This may be an idea, don’t know if you like it, but can you possibly make a FB or Twitter page for this website? That way it would be fairly easy for people to see when you update a story. If you want I could probably even help out with it if needed.
Sure, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll add it to my things to do list which I’ll sort out in a few more weeks.
I hope you all have seen epsiode 10 of dxd born ,because finally they f***** up the whole anime, I don’t remember another issei, or loki revenge ,and where is the breast god, that should appear in volume seven after his battle with loki.
We should wait and see i dont like what they did but the anime is based on the show not a exact recreation. They may just be setting it up so they can bring it to a abrubt conclusion if it does not get a 4th season. And who know you may fell differently by the season finale.
Thank you for your hard work, in completing the dxd volume 18 and for starting volume 19, but may i ask, will you start translating the side stories of dxd, after finishing volume 19.
Check my faq.
Thank you, and one more thing is slash dog wroth reading.
Is that a question? I wouldn’t know though as I haven’t read it yet myself.
Thank you very much for translating volume 18.
It has been a while since I read DxD and am glad that you picked it up.
Man , i miss your translation. I hope after you finish volume 19 , you’ll do all the short story (i just hoping). Your visitor alredy at 310k+!! That’s show that your work is a fullfiling every dxd fans that can’t read japanese. I will keep visiting this site while waiting your next work
Thanks! In actual fact, my total visitors are around 89k. 310k would be individual ‘hits’, though I already find these numbers incredible. I’ll be back to translating in around a month but I actually made a start on Life.1 (~10%) and some other parts. Perhaps I should publish it? It’s just that I thought I should stop with something complete rather than incomplete.
No don’t publish it. It’s better for you to publish it if it’s really done. Don’t share it in seperate part. I know it might be easier for editing that way but you leave us really curious. Well that was good part to raise the visitor tough haha
Thanks for the translation. I just started from Vol 1 two weeks ago and went straight through all of them in 10 days, i thought there was no 19 yet cause i couldn’t find even the raw… is there any chance you can share it? it will take way longer to read the raw but at least that way I won’t feel like I’m still waiting? Also, just wondering if there is an estimated time for the releases of the next chapters, I mean, should I check next week? next month?
I might be back to translating in around a month’s time. If you want to read the raws, I got them from here.
First I want to thank you alot for translating Vol 18 and starting Vol 19. I look forward to seeing the rest when you get to it. I was just curious, though, if you plan on translating the DX1 and DX2 volumes also. I would love to read the short stories also.
Yes, I plan to do them in the future.
What do u think rias would do if issei left her
I think she would be in an even worse state than when she thought he was dead.
Rudra still isn’t showing up on your page. Is there something wrong with it?
i cant read chapter rudra 🙁
Sorry, try now.
Hey also when you put up the dates, you are using the date according to you am i right?
Yes, they would be according to me.
Your latest update says rudra complete but it isn’t showing up
Should be working now.
Still isn’t
I see. I didn’t realise people were trying to use the link on this page but it’s updated now.
With all the spoilers I’ve heard about this volume, I kinda don’t want to read the end of this volume :\
Volume 20 will be out before or around the time volume 19 is finished, don’t worry.
So i take it this Volume is about Xenovia and the previous Weilder of Durandel and also about the Student Council elections Maybe just maybe Xenovia will make her move on Issei now as well.
If u translate Mahouka kokoua no rettousei Pl try to translate as whole volume and post t as whole volume together as off pdf file not as u translate Dxd since it is licensed just a suggestion my friend
And Volume 19 will be update soon. Uuggghh I’m looking forward to reading this volume
Thanksgiving is at least not you refuse to do so at least when you’re pueto daily with high school dxd
Where can i download the light novels, and where are the imgs of the LN’s?
Try Baka-Tsuki.
As far as I know, there aren’t any other images in this volume. I have not checked yet though so I’m not certain on this.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei brother to see if you do not like to translate this novel after that to catch up high school dxd
I agree, would you mind translating this or looking into it? I could email you the chinese raw.
With anything else after DxD, it will probably be a while before of get to it. In the case that I do, I’ll put up a poll or something of the like to decide what I’ll do next.
That sounds great! I’d much rather you translate what you want, because it affects the translation progress. I could email you the already completed parts, if you haven’t read the series before.
Sure, I’ll probably read it when I’m on the train.
I rather they make a Season 2 of Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Anime.
Just letting you know, Mahouka was licensed
Also, Seriously, thanks for Translating DxD
Butts and boobs…you got a good point there.
lol 😀
does anyone think that maybe the fight between the red and the white dragon, started because they were having an argument about which is better Butts or Boobs?
Don’t think he will stretch it that far, but it’s an amusing idea 😀
if possible could u make it into pdf file after complete? THANKS ALOT FOR TRANSLATING THIS!! LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!
I might let the people on B-T do that as my work is incomplete. It’d be better if it was combined with the rest of Volume 18 into a single PDF. But if you really want, I’ll make one.
If possibe, thanks alot ^^ And thank you again for your hard work 🙂
Thanks i have been waiting for this volume for almost a year. Great translations
Thanks a lot for this man. I’m a huge fan of this series too but don’t think I could read Japanese even if I spent 100 years studying, lol. Yes, I’m that kind of guy.
So thank you very much for helping out Code Zero man. I’m looking forward to your translations.
Hey do you have any plans translating sekai owari no emcore??
Nope. I’m doing DxD because I’ve been a fan of the series but I don’t know a thing about sekai owari no encore. Code Zero is working on that one though.
Thank you very much for all the hard work you are doing :D, keep it up.
Any chance of you translating the dx stories?
Possibly, but not anytime soon as I’ll go on to V19 after this.
do you plan on translating the volume 19 as well?
please do say.
See my new faq
mmmm its was cool, thank dude for everything xD