
First and foremost, let me say thank you to Ishibumi for creating the entire DxD universe and for writing the novels. I probably would never have gotten back into anime, manga and LNs if not for you.

Thanks to the team at Studio TNK on pulling off a wonderful first and second season of HighSchool DxD! I really loved it, and despite season 3 being less than what I expected, it’s still alright.

Thanks to Code-Zero for translating most of the DxD novels and stories to English, also Akuma, Eternal Dreamer and zzhk. Your work is amazing and I can only admire the effort that must have gone into doing so many volumes.

Thanks to daniel Yang for translating the wonderful DX1 short stories, as well as DX2. Thanks to JeruTz for EX and Slash Dog, and also Ariel Saeba for EX. Thank you to mrleoo01 for taking over the primary translations for High School DxD from me – I wish you the best, and I’ll continue to assist for as long as is possible.

Thanks ‘Amario’ on JCafe and amtro for the Japanese RAWs. Thanks to Amazon Japan for the Kindle ebooks. And thanks to Kinokuniya for allowing me to buy the physical novels to my area.

Big thank you to Oppai Dragon for helping with illustration compilation, editing and PDF re-generation! With updated PDFs, PDF readers can enjoy the story with all of the edits that have been made on Baka-Tsuki since the original release.

Thanks to the translation team at []. I used your translation as my source for V19/19 so I’m grateful for that.
Translation Team (V18):雨瞳, 淫液 库洛西 ⑩ 雪の翼 AK wujiaao ryuki 曹三俗, 神官 山炮
Translation Team (V19):雨瞳, 某眠库洛西我嫁翅膀AKwujiaao曹三俗老人, 神官 山炮
Illustration Provider (V18/19):马犬女未
Translation (V20): leaf27sky
Translation (V21): leaf27sky
Translation (V22): leaf27sky
Translation (V23): leaf27sky
Translation (V24): leaf27sky
Translation (Asia’s Treasure SS): chengxianguan
Illustration Provider (Asia’s Treasure SS): 百度贴吧三令枫哥
Translation (Student Council’s Decision SS): 终极答案42

Thank you so much to those who donated!
Jibreel F.
Zachary W.
Frederich C.
John D.
Daniel Y.
Aaron R.
Maurice B.
Irene T.
Cevin S.
Yan S.
John H.
Nigel R.
Sven V.
Lorenzo M.
William W.
Joshua R.
Salomon B.
Tho N.
Josh S.
Lucas V.
Shawn W.
Marcus W.
Trang L.
David M.
Chris L.
William K.
Carlos P.
David J.
Leonard A.
(let me know if you don’t want to be listed here or want to go by a different name)

Thanks to those who have corrected my mistakes: jopjopjop, luislock, Gary29, DragonOsman2, Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong, foggydrake03, Diabolos dragon, Xtansia, rabi rajak, aer, LaxusD, Kemm, MonkeyD Ruffy, Drez, Pvm Blueboy, Mario, Wiliee, 54IFU, Ariel Saeba, ShadowDragon, DragonDxD, Saeed, Jason Wander, J9162, Anadi, mpz28, Venom_is_an_ace, RandomReader, Oppai dragon, Brink wave, adris, lonelynightm, Brisk Wave, ROSEISRIAS/ROSS IS RIAS, LOTRfreak101 (let me know if I missed anyone)

And thanks to everyone else who has been supporting me!

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19 Responses to Acknowledgements

  1. Oppai dragon says:



    you missed my name in correction

    It’s always a small desire that I could help you in correction and translation

    Sorry I couldn’t donate as I don’t started earning yet but when I’ll I would surely contribute.

  2. Hellhound says:



    Damn Cliffhanger right at the good part !

    Well i can only hope that Volume 21 will be an amazing finish for the Act.Yet there is still alot of stuff that could happen and i can’t really wait for the next Volumes.

    Keep up the good work zxzxzx!

  3. MauriceB says:



    Hello there Zxzxzx How are you. I know this may be off topic and out of line but i am have trouble finding a good place to buy  physical copy’s of Light Novels. Do you happen to know any website that sells light novels that are not Digital downloads only. I am trying to buy all 12 volumes of  Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo and the Second series just released call Last Embryo. Thanks for any Help you can give out of your busy life.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Amazon would almost be certain to have what you’re looking for, but I know the shipping costs can be a killer depending on your location. Other than that, there are some other places to try such as Barnes & Noble and Book Depository. I’ve used Book Depository and their prices are ok, and they also deliver internationally.

  4. MauriceB says:



    I have a question/ Request of my own to ask you if you can do it or not but first i would like to say Thank You for keeping the Highschool Dxd Translations Going and hope to see many more to come. Now on to the reason for this comment.

    Is there any way you can ask or know the person who uploaded the Web Novel Prequel to The Highschool Dxd Light Novel Series
    Dog God of the Fallen -SLASHDØG-
    to add a PDF Download Link on BT next time you upload your work if it will not get you into any trouble.  I know its not your translation but though you might know the person translated it and found it.

    Thanks you very much.

  5. geoslim21 says:



    I figured I should ask permission before I start doing this so here it goes. I have recently started a blog to post PDFs that I make of light novels. So far I have done the first 9 volume of Campione! and the first 7 of Gakusen Toshi Asterisk. I am currently working on the remaining 9 volumes of Campione! and hope to do Highschool DxD when I’m done. I will be making the PDFs for personal use either way, but I would like permission to post download links for the volumes on my blog. I create a separate Credits PDF, so I won’t be taking credit for the translation (though I will for the PDF), and I don’t take money (not even donations). I’m American so I will be changing some of the spelling and words from British English to American English and also using the standard paper size for America (8.5in. by 11in.) instead of the size that you use in you PDFs. I would also like to ask what word processor you use to make the PDFs since I use OpenOffice and cant use an image as a page like what you do (just look at my PDFs to see what I mean). I really hope that you grant me permission to do this and I’m sorry my comment is so long.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’m fine with it given that you’ll be crediting the original authors, illustrators and translators. You could also ask Code Zero as a courtesy given that he’s translated most of the series. Not sure if Baka-Tsuki has any rules about this either, you could just do a quick check just to be safe.

      For my files, I type them up in MS Word without the images and then when I’m putting the PDF together, I combine the text into a single document, leave a page break where the illustrations go, then convert it to a PDF. I then use Adobe Acrobat to insert the illustrations (from the raws) as pages where the page breaks were left. This gets rid of the white border around them which would happen if you inserted the image into the word document itself and generally makes things easier. Bookmarks can also be added using Acrobat. However, these features are only for Acrobat (paid) and not for Reader (free) so if you don’t have Acrobat, I’m sure there are plenty of free options available as well which can accomplish the same task.

      • Stephen says:



        Thank you very much for giving me permission to do this and for the info on the PDFs I have already posted a request to codezero and B-T seems to be fine with it as long as I give credit where credit is due since they have approved my post regarding my PDFs of Gakusen

        • Stephen says:



          Found a free alternative but it is a lengthy process that I have decided not to use. It involves first splitting the PDF, converting the images into PDFs, then merging them into a new PDF. To split the PDFs I have to go and bookmark every page where I want a split or find the page numbers and type those in it is a pain

          • zxzxzx says:



            Alright, guess not then. I would’ve thought that there would be other software which could insert images as pages.

          • Stephen says:



            There s but you have to pay for it or it works pretty much like how I have been doing things by inserting a page the putting the image on the new page and stretching it to fit

          • zxzxzx says:



            Ah, I see. It should still be fine though. A bit of a border is ok, and you may be able to stretch the image to cover the whole page which I know is possible with word when the text wrapping is set to tight.

  6. RMN_ says:



    Something I have to say after reading your post… Thanks to you for keep the translating going…