HighSchool DxD Volume 18 (Life.4)

Continues on from Fake Hero & Joker.
Continues on to Next Life.

Jump to: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 13. Part 14. Part 15. Part 16. Part 17. Part 18. Part 19. Part 20. Part 21.

Life.4 Burn, Holy Sword!

After I went through the gate of the third heaven, I rushed into the fourth heaven — The Garden of Eden. Looking ahead, there were bright colours, and it was full of flowers and trees. The distant hills and forest also looked beautiful. As I approached the fifth heaven — two figures came into view. One of them was a man holding an aura emitting sword — Yaegaki. The other person who was beside him — Irina’s father. He brought him out from the fifth heaven!

“Dad, Daddy!?”

Yaegaki ignored the surprised Irina, who had to the level of The Garden of Eden.

“…I had wanted to come here, to exact my revenge in this place called ‘paradise’.”

Yaegaki grabbed Irina’s father by his hair.

“What’s wrong, Touji? What do think of the believer’s ultimate wish — to die in Eden? I think it’s too generous.”

Irina’s father did not seem like he had fully recovered from poisoning, enduring the pain of the poison, he said:

“……Yaegaki-kun, if you kill just me, will that dissolve your grudge?”

Hearing him say this, Irina’s expression immediately changed!

“Dad!? How can you say that!?”

“Irina, if I can use my life to save this man’s soul…then it’s a worthwhile trade.”

Irina’s father…wishes to sacrifice himself, to end this man’s revenge, and terrorising actions! However, something like this! How can I sit idly by with this kind of thing! Irina’s father, he — shed a tear.

“…Yaegaki-kun, I really regret it. Not only that, the others who sanctioned it, they must also have such regret…”

After he heard this emotional speech

“So what! So what! Did you think I would forgive you!? How can I possibly forgive you huh!”

He swung his sword, and the aura released made a massive hole in the ground.

(Part 1 of 21)(9/5)

The man shouted to the sky:

“I love her! And she loves me! We…even if we are different, we can still love each other! We love each other!”

The evil sword was already responding to his cries, eight dragon heads emerged from his sword! Compared to before, they heads had now grown to be enormous! Is their power dependent on the wielder’s owner?

“…Or perhaps, it has turned into something like a Sacred Gear.”

Ddraig had said…you mean that: Through the Evil Dragon in the sword, it has gradually turned into something akin to a Sacred Gear…!

“Because as something similar to a Sacred Gear, it can also be classified as a ‘Sacred Gear’.”

Even so, we must stop him. He can’t have any more…hatred! Yaegaki-kun raised his sword towards Irina’s father!


He let out a strange roar, swinging the sword of the evil dragon! Yamata no Orochi breathed out a dark and poisonous aura, towards Irina’s father! Yaegaki’s mind and body had been taken over by the sword, and his body became shrouded in a dark aura.

“Won’t let you aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!”

I opened my dragon wings, and flew at high speed straight ahead! One of the eight dragon heads opened its mouth, and was about to crush Irina’s father with its fangs, then two holy sword wielders flew from behind me to him! In cooperation, they chopped off one of the dragon’s heads — this was Xenovia and Irina’s cross attack. With their help, I was able to successfully rescue Irina’s father! Carrying him, I moved him a fair distance away then descended to drop him down.

“Please, watch from here — we’ll settle this!”

I said, and was about to fly off—


Irina’s father called to me, and pleaded to me:

“…Please…stop him…!”


I replied, and flew forwards. The severed head regenerated, and it now had eight heads once again. And all at once, they turned towards me, and flames erupted from their mouths!

(Part 2 of 21)(9/5)

I summoned cannons on my back, and fired them at once!

“Crimson Blasterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” “Fang Blast Booster!!!!”

A huge red aura countered and dissipated the flames of the eight-headed dragon.
…Whilst attacking, I thought of something.
…If, in the past there was a meeting between a devil and a human, like Rias and I…
…If, we were also forbidden from seeing each other, then it would be a situation like this…
…Well, I, I would definitely be the same as him, running away, fighting.
I…had tears running down my cheeks inside my helmet, as I continued flying towards him.
…I fell in love, Rias Gremory.
…I swore, that I would be with Rias Gremory forever.
I was fighting a dragon head, and crying tearfully at the same time —

“You…are not wrong! But! But! Even if you do such a thing! …it doesn’t help anyone…you will only have, sadness…”

Using Ex-Durandal to block the dragon’s blows was Xenovia, whose face was covered in tears.

“Durandal…! Let’s settle this…!”

Irina was standing beside Xenovia, with a determined look on her face and her eyes full of tears.

“Hauteclaire…if you recognise me as your master, then I beg of you, please lend me your strength! Use the strength which saved dad, the strength to help everyone, as well as — the strength liberated from this Evil Dragon so that I can borrow it haaaaaaaaaaa!”

The two holy swords resonated with each other — and a holy aura continuously rose from the blades. The holy swords swelled in size, then finally became two pillars of light which extended into the sky.

“…Lord, I beg you. I truly beg you…!”

Asia summoned Fafnir, and next to the dragon king she also sent her prayer towards the sky.

(Part 3 of 21)(9/5)

I attack with a heavy punch!

“Ascalon! It’s time for this holy sword to go!”

The dragon slaying holy sword appeared out of my left gauntlet! That man’s body was enveloped in an evil aura with eight heads, while its opponents Xenovia and Irina who were fighting it — an devil and angel who were shedding tears.

“……Can I be an angel…?”

Facing me, Xenovia and Irina released holy auras, and it swallowed him within it — suddenly, I saw a ghost, a woman who gently hugged him — Yaegaki was slumped over on the ground — the power of the Evil Dragon which had taken control of him had disappeared into the ground. Ddraig said

“…Yamata no Orochi’s power is gone…no, it’s resurrection is uncertain. In any case, there isn’t any power of an Evil Dragon still left in the sword. How terrifying, it must be that angel’s sword—.”

Irina’s Hauteclaire, it’s said to be able to purify the opponent’s sword. Coming into contact with his Kusanagi sword, it lost all its evil energy…this is Irina’s new ability…although I think that Xenovia’s Ex-Durandal and my Ascalon helped amplify the effect, but the power to purify was only from Hauteclaire. Lying on the ground, Yaegaki said to me

“…I…also love a female devil.”

He continued, in a low voice,

“…Perhaps, someone will try to come between you and her. Even if that happens…you need to—”

I said without hesitation

“—Protect. Even if the entire world is against my relationship with Rias, even if there are great enemies or obstacles, I will protect her.”

That’s right. I already decided that I would stay by her side. Even if powerful enemies or obstacles come in between us, I will struggle through it and overcome them. Yaegaki then shifted his gaze to Irina.

(Part 4 of 21)(9/5)

“—So, a devil like you, you were able to help heaven’s side?”

This confusion was unnecessary.

“Well, of course. I have no connection to the angel’s side. Not long ago it was agreed — if you don’t want to leave, then stay.”

There was no reason to leave. Just like this. It’s a happy life. This is not good. —Because we were allowed to do so. Yaegaki — wept silently.

“…Is that so. It’s really…you and I are the same…except, what we wanted wasn’t allowed…”

He held out his hand to me. Ah, this is good. I, I and this person — we understand each other. Indeed. Even though it was in a different time, the situations we encountered were similar. Because, we both fell in love with women of another race —

“…In that case, we can definitely understand each other. You and I, you and I —”

Wanting to hold my hand, Yaegaki wanted to get up.

“…Ah, so that’s how—”


A dull sound reached my ears. Just as we were about to grab hold each other’s hands, something flew from the side — and made a hole through Yaegaki’s chest. Yaegaki’s upper body had a large hole bored through it. He made a single “Urgh” and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he fell.

“Woo hahahaha! Ah, oh no.”

An unpleasant laughter echoed throughout the surrounding area. This laughter is familiar. Yes, I couldn’t possibly forget. I turned my head to the direction that the laughter was coming from, the only one there was a silver-haired middle-aged man, and he had a hideous smile. I bellowed out this bastard’s name!


(Part 5 of 21)(9/5)

This shitty old bastard flippantly raised his hand.

“Yo ♪ I came to check it out, the beautiful revenge comedy which turned into a touching scene. And in the middle of it I step in!”

Xenovia held the fatally wounded Yaegaki in her arms. Irina helped her father on her shoulder, and set him down beside Yaegaki.


Yaegaki made a slight smile towards Irina’s father.

“…Having no connection, that’s good.”

Asia quickly ran over, and released a healing glow. However, his wound did not heal…was it because his body was revived with the holy grail, or did he — resist the healing.

“…This is too sad…!”

Asia’s eyes became watery. He still smiled slightly.

“…You cry for me? …Really, you really are gentle…”

Slowly, and gradually, his body began to break down. His body was breaking from bottom to top —

“Ah, I would want—in this day and age…to meet you again…”

And so, his body turned to dust. ………Seeing this, even I…yet…we were still about to understand each other. No, we already understood each other. At the very end…! I pounded at the ground with my fist. —However, Rizevim simply appeared bored and sighed.

“Whatever, he was good at doing his job, what happened between Bael and the church side is now public, and as the user of Kusanagi — he is no longer.”

…Every single word he said annoyed me. This man’s voice, and attitude, was irritating from beginning to end. In a deep voice that even I thought was scary, I asked him…

(Part 6 of 21)(9/5)

“……Why, did you have to kill him?”

He laughed and grinned wildly.

“Oh no? Are you angry? Oops, my opponent is cranky; the Sekiryuutei should be more relaxed! Anyway, he was already a dead man. It’s no big deal even if I do kill him. Oooh how scary!”

“…Don’t joke around. Why, do you have to do such things…to Vali, or the schoolchildren of the underworld…”

No matter who, everyone just wants themselves to be happier…so why does he…does this guy, have to burn everything to the ground…? Rizevim nonchalantly replied

“Hmm — it’s because, it’s to make an old man like me happy.”

…ah ah, yes. So that’s how it is. …I was livid. I seriously cannot understand how this guy thinks.

“Vali. Hmph, I can totally understand how you feel now. It is so. It’s like this.”

My whole body began releasing a burning and furious aura, whilst standing in front of him.

“Rizevim, you’d be much better off dead…!”

A crimson aura was bursting out, I…made up my mind to beat this bastard up! I absolutely won’t forgive you! I absolutely will destroy you!

“Oh wow, those eyes and that look reminds me of Vali…!”

Seeing my attitude, this bastard looked overjoyed!

“Hmm how scary! Well then, how about this old man have a spar with you?”

Rizevim stretched his fingers, accepting my challenge.

“What nerve!”

I flew forward! I rapidly closed the distance, and aimed at the face that I hated —

(Part 7 of 21)(10/5)

Just as I was about to hit him, he gently touched my armour. In that instant, power slowly faded from my body. My armour instantly vanished, leaving me with just my skin!

“Useless. The power you gain from your sacred gear is ineffective against this old man. You forgot?”

—Sacred gears are ineffective! Just a touch, and he was able to remove my armour!

“Hah, Lucifer’s fist! How’s that name?”

He said so jokingly, as he gave me a punch. It hit me deep in the abdomen.

“…Woo hah.”

…I couldn’t resist the pain, and spit out a mouthful of fresh blood…damn, I haven’t had a punch hit me directly for a while…! My whole body was feeling pain! Then on top of that he added a kick, and sent me flying! After I bounced on the ground a few times, I got back up, and wore my armour again!

Even though I was injured, I flew back, and fired out a beam of demonic energy — but that bastard simply touched it with his hand, and my dragon shot disappeared! As long as it’s power is used through a Sacred Gear, even a projectile of demonic energy will be ineffective! After his figure suddenly disappeared, he just as suddenly appeared right in front of me.

“I am the son of Lucifer. Even without my Sacred Gear Canceller, I am still powerful.”
“Hya, Lucifer’s kick ♪”

My armour was released as soon as he kicked me, resulting in a strong blow to my backside! …The impact made me choke! Indeed, this is a pain that I haven’t tasted in a long time! I recalled my previous battles. No, not now! Right now compared to the past are two different things! It doesn’t matter, my enemy right now is stronger than me!

After Asia’s healing aura was sent over, my wounds were completely healed…next, it’s up to you!

“In that case!”

Xenovia and Irina directed their swords towards Lucifer, but they had just defeated Yamata no Orochi, and shortly before that they released a lot of their energy, so the duo’s stamina had not fully recovered yet! Faced with attacks from two holy swords — he used his two fingers to block their attacks!

“A little devil girl and angel attacking me simultaneously! How cool! But but, with this kind of attack, there’s no way you can hit this old man yo!”

He radiated demonic energy from his hands, and sent the duo flying!

“Xenovia! Irina!”

(Part 8 of 21)(11/5)

Seeing her friends being injured, Asia sent them a healing aura! I moved closer to him again, so that I could fire a single blast at him from zero distance — however, he simply touched it, and my armour was dissolved for the third time! I was then hit by a shot of magical energy! …An indescribable pain spread throughout my body, and fresh blood was sprayed out of my body! If this continued, I’ll collapse because of blood loss!

“…Damn, I have to at least land one hit…!”

I once again reformed my armour, and shakily staggered up on my feet. Rizevim “uh uh uh” was shaking his fingers.

“Wearing that armour, that’s a no no. Why, isn’t it pointless? It’s pointless, because—”

He moved his face closer to mine, and said while clearly laughing

“Without your armour, you’re just a shitty devil pawn.”

……What trash, I already understood that. Even so, I’ll still give you a beating…! If I could release that power…! Ddraig, you need to hurry!


Xenovia and Irina although wounded, still picked up their holy swords, and faced Rizevim!

“Durandal and Hauteclaire! Ah, being attacked by these two swords makes me feel nostalgic! When there was Excalibur, that really was…really fun ♪”

Rizevim moved his body sideways slightly, and evaded the fierce slashes of the sword duo! Just how contemptuous is the devil’s son! His light movements are far better than mine!

“Just need to land one hit…!”

With blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, Xenovia was still slashing at high speed, with an incredible destructive power! Although she occasionally used the mimicry ability, she was also predicting and avoiding the enemy! Eventually, it changed into a blade in the shape of a whip which was stopped by his bare hands. Xenovia was pulled closer then took a kick to the stomach!

“Uh ah…!”

Taking the impact of the kick, Xenovia was sent flying a far distance!

“Xenovia! How dare you!”

(Part 9 of 21)(11/5)

Irina increased the holy aura output of Hauteclaire, and slashed it down towards Rizevim. However, reaching his hand, it became nothing.

“To be honest, your technique isn’t bad. Really. In order to defeat Yamato no Orochi, you expended too much energy though. But, even if you didn’t it’s not enough.”

After Rizevim said so, he snatched the holy sword from Irina’s hands, then thrust his hand into her abdomen.

“…Ha ha!”

Irina, like Xenovia was sent flying with a sudden kick.

“……How did it come to this.”

Because of the effect of the poison, all Irina’s father could do was watch as all this happened. I also want to get back up, and face him—

“Hey, I’m behind you.”

He was right behind me! Light generated by magic was gathering behind me! With a loud booming noise, I was blasted by it completely, and collapsed…


…My armour was destroyed, and my consciousness was fading…! I was face down on the floor…this is bad, clearly getting this kind of injury should be painful, but it was dull…and slow. Probably because of my excessive blood loss, my limbs were all numb… I lied on the floor. In my blurred vision, I could only see Rizevim gradually approaching Asia.

“How should I address this lady? Do you want to play with this old man?”

Rizevim continued to get closer. In front of Asia — a Gold Dragon blocked his way.

“—Asia-chan, I’m here to protect you.”

“Oh yeah, a Dragon King. You stand in my way? That’s very interesting. Do you need to play a game with me?”

Rizevim chanted a magic spell against Fafnir. Fafnir didn’t even bat an eyelid, stood in front of Asia, and took the attack head on. The dragon king took a direct hit. Even if he had tough skin, used as a shield, it was spewing fresh blood. Asia immediately began treating his wound. Perhaps Fafnir thought that acting as a shield was interesting, as Rizevim continuously fired magic bullets!

(Part 10 of 21)(11/5)

Fafnir knew that Asia was behind him, so retreating wasn’t an option, and he took all the attacks head on. …The Dragon King’s body was smoking. Almost his whole body had been burned by Rizevim’s magic. Rizevim’s shots became smaller, but they increased in frequency. Taking even one hit, most people would be severely injured. Even if he is a sturdy Dragon King — Fafnir had taken all of Rizevim’s attacks! Asia got up and ran, she wanted to let herself be the target. But Fafnir used his tail to block her path indicating his refusal. If Asia left Fafnir’s side, that man would happily shoot her down. Fafnir also understood this. In any case, he just needed to protect Asia from all attacks —

“Fafnir-san! Please hurry and escape! If you keep going like this…!”

Asia cried out loud. Even if she’s accepting the protection of this Dragon King, she must be crying on the inside. Fafnir, in his usual tone said

“Never mind, this old dragon, needs to protect Asia-chan.”

Witnessing such a scene, Rizevim laughed uncontrollably

“Hm hahahaha! Truly commendable! For the sake of protecting your female master, this mighty Dragon King would disregard himself! But but, just because I saw this it doesn’t mean I’ll be lenient! In fact this is interesting so I’ll attack even harder!”

The intensity of his magic increased! Fafnir’s entire body — sustained injuries that even Asia could not heal.

“Stop! Run! Please!”

No matter how loud Asia cried, Fafnir just said one thing

“To protect, Asia-chan.”

“…Why, do you have to go so far for me…”

Fafnir, while under attack by a barrage of magic bullets said

“…The girl who smiled at me, Asia-chan was the first — so that’s why, I need to protect. This dragon, is willing to devote himself to Asia-chan.”

…You actually believed that…
…To begin with, you had such determination, to stand in front of Asia…
Fafnir’s mouth was dripping with blood, but he continued

(Part 11 of 21)(11/5)

“…This dragon, only had a strong and large body, and was more powerful than other dragons. Before he knew it, he had become a Dragon King. He doesn’t have the pride of other dragons. But, to be able to protect a girl — that is definitely, the pride of this Dragon King.”


Asia, hearing this Dragon King’s determination, could only cover her mouth and begin sobbing.

“…Please…you don’t have to stand in front of me anymore…”

The Dragon King definitely wouldn’t listen to her. Asia couldn’t take it and pushed aside Fafnir’s tail, and stood in front of Rizevim. Now she was protecting Fafnir. The son of Lucifer laughed as he saw this.

“Hehahahaha. You deserve praise. You dare to stand in front of me!”

“…Enough, please stop…! Why, do you have to go so far with these things…?”

“It is simply because I am the son of Satan. If I don’t do bad things then I’ll just be a fake right?”

Asia said with great emotion

“…I, and my friends are a big family, we just want a peaceful life…! Doing such horrible things, will just create hatred, and cause people to get hurt…”

“Mmm Hmm, that’s true. I have to do horrible things. I have to be hated. To cause people to get hurt — so, what about it?”

A “Pwack” sound was clearly heard. He hit Asia.


Asia fell to the ground. This scene…was enough to ignite something in my heart. …This bastard, actually……hit Asia…! …Originally, my strength was already depleted, but I automatically got up! …Dear Asia, was hit. How can I just lie there…! Aarrgh, this bastard, is truly the scum of the scum! — I couldn’t hold back giving this guy a punch yaaarrrrghhh!

(Part 12 of 21)(11/5)

“…You bastard, you dared to hit Asia…!”

Xenovia, I, Irina, everyone who saw Asia in danger had the same look in their eyes! To me, Asia is…an important person! She’s never allowed to get hurt! I got up a bit, Rizevim laughed and said

“Hehahaha, everyone’s face has changed. Oh no, did you favourite character get sent flying? If I keep going, will you get angrier?”

This bastard pointed his hand towards Asia who was lying on the ground! He wants to fire magic!

“Stop! You son of a bitch!”

I was fuming…and got up! He hit Asia…my precious family member, how could I lie there! I won’t forgive you! You hurt Asia and her family —!

“I definitely won’t forgive you ———!”

I yelled out — and suddenly felt a cold chill behind me. …In my field of vision, I could see an extremely scary and dangerous aura being released from a single place. Even if his whole body was bleeding, Fafnir was giving a deadly glare to his opponent.

“…You are not allowed to bully Asia-chan…You are not allowed to bully Asia-chan!”

I could feel the immense pressure released from Fafnir’s entire body! …What happened to that guy…?

“Hehahaha, you are indeed a Dragon King. Even with your body like that, your pressure is incredible. You didn’t seriously ask —”

Rizevim wasn’t allowed to finish, Fafnir suddenly flew up high, opened his massive jaws and dived down! His strength should have already run out. Clearly when he was on the defense he should have used all his power up, the Golden Dragon glowed with fierce eyes and charged towards the son of Lucifer!

“You made Asia cry…! You made Asia cry…!”

From the shadow beneath Rizevim’s feet appeared a very small figure — it was Ophis’s spawn Lilith!

(Part 13 of 21)(11/5)

Lilith stood in front of Rizevim, and made a line of defensive barriers — Fafnir’s charge hit and he crushed barriers under his teeth, and was slowly, slowly approaching Rizevim! Lilith cancelled her barrier, and directly hit Fafnir’s face! A loud noise echoed through the sky, but the Dragon King seemed unaffected. He swept with a horizontal kick, and sent Lilith flying! What a brutal attack! Although Lilith was unscathed, the fact that she was sent flying is true! Before Lilith could get ready again, Fafnir faced Rizevim and blasted out a massive fireball! Rizevim moved slightly and used his magic to dampen the flames — but the Golden Dragon King was no longer in front of him! He flew up into the air! Fafnir’s massive body was strange with wings; he flew high up into the air, and then aimed his teeth at Rizevim below!

What came out of his mouth — were swords with powerful auras, spears, and other weapons! What he expelled were all legendary weapons! Rizevim used magic to deflect the falling weapons, but the weapons that bounced off changed their trajectory and flew back towards him! He was surrounded by flaming or ice swords, spears of lightning, aura releasing axes, and countless other weapons in the air which flew towards Rizevim! But, the attack didn’t just consist of legendary weapons, Fafnir was also charging towards him at a blinding speed! Even with the magic attack of the weapons — the Dragon King was charging as if berserk! His eyes were burning with anger…!

“Hehahaha! What is this, to make me feel such pressure!”

To Fafnir who was charging straight towards him, Rizevim released and fired a large expanding ball of magic! It was an extremely large amount of magic! If hit by that directly…! But, the Golden Dragon King who was charging at such high speed he should be able to dodge — in a flash, Fafnir collided into Rizevim’s magic — and didn’t come out! Just before the magic had hit, Fafnir had disappeared. It was like a mirage — that’s right, it was an illusion! It’s a feint! “—! It was actually an illusion!? So it was an effect of the legendary weapons you have!” Rizevim became aware of his carelessness, and looked around. Then, an enormous figure from behind Rizevim Livan Lucifer charged towards him! When Rizevim created a defensive barrier — the Dragon King opened his mouth wide and crushed the magic circle with his jaws, then continued charging towards the son of Satan!
Wham! — That dull noise echoed.

“……Hoo! Deceptive…!?”

Fafnir’s charge, had slashed Rizevim from his left shoulder downwards —

“The guy who made Asia cry, I will not let you go lightly!”

Fafnir’s suicidal charge — to Rizevim, it seems like it had exceeded his expectations. His demonic smile and attitude from before disappeared, leaving an astonished expression. This Dragon King’s determination — Known as the Dragon King Fafnir, the anger burning in his eyes was scary.

“Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Unforgivable!”

Fafnir immediately began the chase! Rizevim tried to escape, but Fafnir was stubbornly chasing him! …This, is really quite tenacious! Without completely defeating his opponent he will not let go, such passion made my head feel tight…!

(Part 14 of 21)(11/5)

— That guy only did one thing. He hurt Asia. That one thing was enough to make the Golden Dragon King “Outrage”.
I recalled the words that my teacher once said. — we must not offend the dragon, a phrase has been used since ancient times — “Outrage”, what is it? Even a low level dragon, if it was offended, then you would understand. Dragons are creatures that should not be angered.
A dragon’s “Outrage”. Rizevim has experienced it. Fafnir’s anger. As a fellow dragon who watched, I couldn’t help but feel a little chill. The emotionless Lilith frowned slightly in the eyes of the enraged Fafnir. “……Rizevim, this dragon, and Lilith are a flavour.” Hearing her words, Rizevim seemed to understand what was said. He used magic to retrieve his severed limb back to his side, then reattached it.

“…Indeed, that’s is…Ophis’s ‘friend’ is quite troublesome. Because she is the original Dragon God’s ‘friend’ which cannot exist. Nice, I’ve seen something good. I should remember this.”

His expression was different to that of before, giving off a serious feeling.
—Then, Ddraig inside me said

“Partner! We have Fafnir to thank for that! It’s time for me to begin! —The power I released, you should currently be able to use it!”

Somewhat late, Ddraig. The reason was because Asia was hit. But, that’s good. I want to beat this guy up at the peak of my mood yaaaarrrghhh! I wore my red armour, and seeing it he simply laughed.

“Hohahahaha! It’s that again! I’ve already told you it’s useless useless useless!”

I take his words and fly forward. The same as before, I go for a head on attack! Rizevim grinned, and prepared to engage me!

“As long as your power has anything to do with a Sacred Gear — it’ll be useless!”

(Part 15 of 21)(12/5)

He extended his hand to touch my armour — despite the fact that my armour was gone, I still had my gauntlet left! I continued using all my strength to punch Rizevim’s face! A new voice sounded from my gem!


He took the blow straight on, and from the impact of the hit he was sent flying backwards! Rizevim fell to the ground.

“……How, this is…”

He said with a tone of disbelief, rubbing his face while lying down. It looks like blood from his nose had been sprayed all over his face. I slowly approached him as he lied on the ground, pulled him up by his hair, then punched his face again. He tumbled onto the ground again, still in disbelief. As I walked over to him I said

“—This is one of Ddraig’s abilities when he was alive, ‘Penetrate’. The power of my attack was transmitted directly to your body.”

That’s right, this is Ddraig’s retrieved power. Ddraig’s abilities — “Boost”, “Transfer”, and “Penetrate”. Rizevim lifted the upper half of his body, whilst shivering.

“…Using the power of ‘Penetrate’, to bypass my ‘Sacred Gear Canceller’…? How is that possible! My ‘Sacred Gear Canceller’! No matter what Sacred Gear, no matter what divine instrument, all of them! All—of—them, become ineffective—”

Before he could continue his words, I punched him in the face again. In order to better release the power of the dragon, I dragonified both my arms and legs.


…Perhaps my strength stayed the same, with each punch, the body took the impact, and seemed to be falling. But he couldn’t fall. I kept giving him a few more punches, harder! I take a step closer to the weakened Rizevim — then start with a punch, then a kick, then a punch, another punch, a kick!

“Ke! He! …How’s this, this. How’s this, and this!?”
“A normal dragon, a normal Sacred Gear were not able to penetrate your body before.”

(Part 16 of 21)(12/5)

In order to defeat Euclid, I had used Longinus Smasher, and since then have slowly been recovering. So I’m not in my normal state.

“But now, I have the ‘Penetrate’ ability, which will defeat you.”

I stumbled back a tad. As if Rizevim thought of something, he suddenly started laughing.

“……So that’s how it was, it was like that it was like that…! That’s it, the endless dream of someone…! That is, Vali…that’s why you’re so keen! That’s how you feel!”

Rizevim yelled. Ddraig said in a voice that he could hear

“Son of Lucifer. You think you’re his enemy? Even God of the Bible revered their power — dragons. Whether it’s me, or the Hakuryuukou, or Fafnir, you can’t underestimate us — I could if I wanted, to have destroyed the world a few times over with just brute force. But I haven’t done so, because compared to you, my life is more enjoyable like this.”

Ddraig had once told me “—Angels, devils, they once ruined my fun.” Rizevim listened, as he wiped blood off his face.

“…That was when the three main factions were still at war, the two heavenly dragons said things like that to God and Satan.”

I then declared

“I made up my mind — to become a harem king, whether you’re Satan’s son, or a god, I’ll beat them all! I need to be together with Rias, Asia, Akeno-san, Irina and Xenovia to live a fun and happy life!”

As I said that to him, there was reassurance behind me.


Rias, Kiba! Everyone had rushed over here! Even Cao Cao was here!

“Yo. We caught up.”

Dulio was also here! His opponent Crom Cruach, was actually here as well! Rizevim, upon seeing all the members of “DxD” gathered, laughed at himself.

“Hehahaha! So everyone’s here. Then I’ll say…alas, the manufactured Grendel and Ladon-sama were defeated? How scary, the breakthrough of ‘DxD’!”

(Part 17 of 21)(12/5)

Between the confrontation between us and the other side, a third party’s voice descended from the sky.

“—Hohoho, how dare you say such things in heaven, truly the Sekiryuutei.”

Everyone’s gaze shifted to a single point — it was Archangel Michael who was flying down from the sky!


The surprised Irina said. Michael said

“I came late. The issue with the seal in heaven has now been resolved. They have been manipulating Heaven’s various gates, we believe they are using the forbidden technique of Aži Dahāka. Without affecting the ‘system’ we tried to resolve the issue…but my comrade who helped me, at the highest level — the seventh heaven made a high level of protection, so that even if I no longer exist, evil forces will not be able to invade.”

Michael turned to face Rizevim.

“Next is, you. Long time no see. Wasn’t the last time we met during the previous war? Seeing as you’ve set foot into Heaven’s territory, would you please cooperate…although saying so, it looks like you’ve already been beaten.”

Michael’s expression — became rather cold.

“But, I will not show mercy.”

Michael raised his hand to the sky, and in mid-air — appeared an immensely large spear of light! …If one was to be hit by that gigantic spear of light, any kind of devil’s life would be in danger! Michael mercilessly lowered his hand. The gigantic spear of light flew towards Rizevim! In the instant that it hit, a large amount of light was released in an explosion! Michael immediately erected a barrier, to protect us from the impact of the explosion. That was not the case was Rizevim, he took a head on strike from that gigantic spear of light.

“Ha—hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!”

Several more explosions occurred within the Garden of Eden, such that even the landscape significantly changed. In the midst of the explosions, that guy kept laughing continuously. —Then, in the center of the explosions from spear of light, appeared twelve black pillars. They expanded and then bent…like wings. No, this is— After the assault from the spears of light stopped, I saw Rizevim standing in the center of where the explosions were with twelve black wings spread out. The shape of his wings were familiar. That’s right, it was from when the three factions made peace. My rival — Vali, he had these black wings! It was Lucifer’s…black wings! Rizevim survived the attack of light. With his wings coming out of his back, he rested his hand on his chin.

“Oh no, what should I say…ah, yes — so sorry. I really underestimated you. Oh no, because it’s been a few thousand years, a few thousand years without exercising much, my shoulders are a bit sore.”

As Rizevim said that while scratching his head, he then let out a sigh — and gave a callous look that I had not seen before.

(Part 18 of 21)(12/5)

“The fun ends here. I — no, as the son of Lucifer, you are the enemy of my dreams.”

…Whether it’s his tone, or the heavy pressure that he was releasing, he was completely different…! His body, the guilty pleasure on his face, his impression and even his atmosphere had changed. However, I still said with disdain

“—So what. Even if you are serious now, you’ve already committed, and will deeds committed now change the future? So, why don’t you come down here, and end it now.”

—However, Rizevim shook his head.

“No, this time we’ll be leaving — I’ve already achieved what I came for.”

As he spoke, he took out an object.

“—That is!”

Michael had an extremely surprised expression! Rizevim was holding two fruits.

“This is the fruit of wisdom and the fruit of life.”

—Hey! Are those, the fruits written about in the Bible!? Why, would this guy be holding them!? Didn’t they cease to exist a long time ago!?

“How can that be! The tree should no longer bear any fruit!”

Irina said exactly what was on my mind. Rizevim stroked the fruit in his hand and said

“Hmm, it no longer bears fruit — but, if it was ‘preserved’, then that’s another matter.”

He smiled and continued

“My mother Lilith, is the Lilith who was recorded in the Bible. In the past, when my mother was human, she lived in the Garden of Eden. She was also known as Adam’s first wife.”

I know that. I remember she was Adam’s ex-wife. Not Ophis’s spawn Lilith, but the real Lilith. Rizevim continued further

(Part 19 of 21)(12/5)

“…When I was little, I often heard my mother Lilith say: ‘I am carrying God, I have hidden the fruit of wisdom and the fruit of life somewhere’, she was rather conceited. But what was the truth? I tried to find it…it existed. Although they had long withered, the energy which was lost…”

Michael interrupted Rizevim and said

“You’ll use the holy grail to restore them? But, where in heaven was it hidden? I never perceived them all these years.”

“—In purgatory. The depths of purgatory. Hidden in the secret passage to Hades.”

…Hold on. Purgatory…has a passage to the underworld? Then, that, means that there was no reason to attack Heaven— Perhaps guessing my thoughts, Rizevim said

“There was also a passage to Heaven, so after I took the fruits I also came over to take a look.”

—A passage. Just because there was a passage to Heaven, he came here and attacked…! This guy really is the embodiment of evil…! I ran all the way here just because this guy was such an annoying bastard!


Everyone silently stood in front of him with a great sense of morale — however, a small figure stood in front of him.

“…Rizevim, I will protect.”

—Lilith. She looked exactly the same as Ophis, which dampened my will to fight. Because Lilith was standing in the middle, Rizevim sighed.

“…I easily got to have fun, children lose interest once they take a step back.”

A magic circle began to glow beneath his feet.

“This old guy is leaving now. I had a lot of fun — Hyoudou Issei, till we meet again.”

You’re not getting away! Although I wanted to say that, I don’t have any remaining strength, I also have anaemia, and can barely stand anymore. The others who could still move wanted to attack, but because Lilith was in the way, they had the same complicated expression as me. Michael could not attack, also because Lilith was there, and also because an Evil Dragon slowly got closer — Crom Cruach was close enough that his shadow was visible. Seeing this, it was either a draw with Dulio, or a winner had not yet been decided.

(Part 20 of 21)(12/5)

“Lilith, Crom, we’re going back.”

Rizevim said to Crom Cruach who had arrived here. However, that guy didn’t respond.


In response to Rizevim’s question, the Evil Dragon simply rejected the invitation with silence.

“Fine then, that’s alright.”

Rizevim shook his head, as he was about to disappear into the light, I finally gave him these words

“Rizevim — the one to defeat you will not be me, it will be Vali. That fact will never change.”

Rizevim — just as he was about to disappear revealed a smile which looked forward to it.

(Part 21 of 21)(12/5)

Continues on to Next Life.

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124 Responses to HighSchool DxD Volume 18 (Life.4)

  1. SilverCrimson says:



    is only me who think that Fafnir skill’s like Gilgamesh from Fate Series?

  2. Oblos says:



    Awesome chapter. I think I invented a new place for my mind to blow out of when Fafnir started raging

  3. dika0515 says:



    wow faster update…thank you zxzxzxz sama…will wait your another update!!!!

  4. rabi rajak says:



    Dear zxzxzx,
    Thank you so much for the translation. Your help has been water in the waterless desert. We had been waiting for the translation to come so eagerly. Thank you once again! I just like to tell you one lil thing as I guess you are also a fan of high school dxd. But please do it slowly. take your time! i guess, we are missing some details here and there! Otherwise you are doing a fabulous job! Keep it up!

  5. Nya-koi says:



    next chapter question. what will Crom Cruach do ? it seem he isnt going back with rizeveim after all

  6. zephyrus says:



    How about v19? Will you do it or will cz do it?

  7. mpz28 says:



    As always thanks for translating, it has been well worth the read 🙂

  8. DragonOsman2 says:



    Oh, never mind. He just fled.

    So now Vali won’t have to get pissed at Ise, right? Since he can still have his revenge.

    But now I wonder what the Fruit of Life and the Fruit of Wisdom actually do – I’m guessing we can just go for the implication from their names and say that the former will give him longer life and that the latter will give him greater knowledge or something? I can sort of understand the Fruit of Life, if I’m right about what it’ll do, but Wisdom? I’m probably wrong about my initial guess, otherwise I’m not sure what Rizevim could want it for.

    Anyway, thanks for the updates, Zxzxzx-san! And I figure that this is all of Life.4? I’m looking forward to the rest of the Volume, then.

  9. Raystriker says:



    Well Ise HAS become strong to begin with.
    I think Rizvem was too perplexed to even dogde him for a while.

    He’ll probably flee for now…

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      It doesn’t seem like he’s fleeing, though. He just got serious, and it seems like he’s going to duke it out with Michael.

  10. DragonOsman2 says:



    Zxzxzx-san, really, as others have already said, your translation pace his amazing. Keep ’em coming, dude (if you’re a guy)!

    Thanks for the quick updates.

    I’d like to know, though (if you can ask Code-Zero this directly, it’d be great): Will you be the one translating V20 as well, is there a chance Code-Zero will do that one? If Code-Zero hasn’t quit, which I hope he hasn’t yet, then could the both of you work together? Like, one of you could do half of the Volume and the other one could do the other half?

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ll ask him about it but I’m translating from Chinese as my source which is probably behind the original Japanese by a bit in terms of release but V19 seemed to be available shortly after release so that’s a possibility.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        You can’t read Japanese, then?

        Either way, it’d be good if Zero does agree to translate Volume 20. I wouldn’t like if it he’s really quit working on DxD.

        • zxzxzx says:



          No, unfortunately not. Trying to learn right now but I don’t have too much time for it.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            As far as characters, the only new ones you have to learn are the Furigana, Hiragana and Katakana. Japanese does also use Kanji, after all, which they took from Chinese. There are two different readings, on-yomi and kun-yomi, that they use for their Kanji, and apparently they also append Kanji to some of their words when the Hiragana isn’t enough, or vice-versa. [I’ve heard these things from others, so it might also not be completely accurate (at least the part about appending – I’m not sure whether the Hiragana has to be appended by Kanji or the Kanji by the Hiragana, or if it’s both of those in different cases), but I think that’s probably the gist of it.]

            IIRC, Furigana is really more like punctuation to help understand the Kanji, especially for someone who isn’t that familiar with the Kanji but knows the rest of the characters. The main character families in Japanese besides the Kanji are the Hiragana and Katakana; they work dominantly with Hiragana, it seems, and the Katakana are for foreign words written in Japanese (they’d use Katakana to write a word in English, for example). If you’ve read Naruto, you’d know about the Katakana “ta” that Jiraiya used in “tactics”.

            Anyway, I hope the both of you will keep translating the series. It’d be great help to have two people working together on it, I’m sure.

          • zxzxzx says:



            Yeah, it ain’t easy learning a new language though. Besides that, I can only read about 30-50% of what I’m translating. The rest I have to rely on text-to-speech engines to understand.
            If I can’t do V20 then I’ll probably just do the SS until I can do it or someone else does it.

      • fadhil says:



        So , the reason your translation feels a bit off is because it was from chinese. it will be good if you have an editor. Anyway , thank you for your hard work

  11. alien19_99 says:



    nice i like that ise got driag’s power to use but i have a feeling without realizing it he’s being using all along with his “dress break” and “bilingual”. since the first one penetrates clothes and the breast of females.

    thanks for much for the translations i hope you keep working on it through vol. 19

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      I don’t think Dress Break and Bilingual having anything to do with Penetrate, although they do seem like they might. Ddraig only just got Penetrate back from the depths of the Sacred Gear, so it was most likely completely locked away. I really doubt Ise could’ve accessed it up until now, even if unconsciously.

  12. Judge Fidler says:



    Uhhh……damn……Issei, you DO realize you took Vali’s revenge straight out from under him, right?

    Wonder how the Ket…. Hakuryuukou will react to this…?

    • Gary29 says:



      Wait 5 or so updates.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        Is Ise really going to kill him? If he isn’t, Vali could still have his revenge, couldn’t he? But yeah, I’d still like to see Vali’s reaction to this.

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          I already got my answer to “is Ise really going to kill him?” – it’s “No”. I’m looking forward to Michael vs. Rizevim now, though. Hopefully it’ll be a good fight. I’m rooting for Michael all the way.

  13. anifreik says:



    Ahhh, translator dude, you sure know how to pick the spots to stop…

    can’t wait for more!

  14. dark says:



    thanx great work

  15. jopjopjop says:



    Can you check again on the start of Part 13.

    ‘Cause Fafnir is supposed to be a wingless dragon and what impressed Issei on that part should be his jumping ability.

    • mpz28 says:



      i just had another read of what you was talking about but when i re-read it it was the illusion Fafnir that had the wings, didn’t see anything about wings on Fafnir after that as it went back to Issei.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Apparently Fafnir grew wings when he went “Outrage”

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        That’s an interesting ability.

        What might happen to Ise if and when he uses Outrage? CAN he use Outrage? Maybe he can’t.

        • aguy says:



          He is a Dragon. all dragons have the “Outrage”. Ise will be even easier to piss off, just hit Asia lol.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            Some of his opponents already did that, and while it did make him angry, I don’t think it’s made him use Outrage.

            And it’s not just Asia, either. Anyone trying to kill someone – anyone – that he cares about will make him get angry. Rias is the woman he loves, remember? And we’ve also already seen him get really pissed off when he thought that Vali was going to halve the size of her boobs.

            Ise could activate Outrage even when someone tries to shrink a woman’s breasts. That’s just the type of guy he is.

          • aguy says:



            “Outrage” is just a state of mind, not a power.

          • Nya-koi says:



            outrage it seem more like dragon gone to frenzied state, normally docile fafnir become vicious dragon more over it’s dragon king we talking about

  16. SHRAW says:



    with respect
    your translation pace is just AMAZING !!!!!

  17. Code_04 says:



    Your translation pace is amazing. Please keep up your work 😀

  18. Raystriker says:



    zxzxzx thanks for all these awesome updates!

    Ise can obviously not defeat Rizvem right now (nor with penetrate in the future.) Rizvem just got caught off guard I guess.

    Idk why I’d like to see a serious Sirzechs vs. a serious Rizvem.

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      You could be right, but also read the above discussion with Anonymous and others. It’s possible that Ise can bypass not just Rizevim’s Sacred Gear Canceler but also his overall defenses. And Sun Wukong did say that he’d be finished if Vali or Ise could land a hit on him. Sun Wukong is also no joke. He’s on the level of a god.

      Rizevim may be extremely powerful and it’s also possible that most of this is just because he was caught off guard, but it’s also possible that Ise’s raw power is great enough to do this to him and that with his defenses and his Sacred Gear Canceler all bypassed with Penetrate, he’s really and truly getting his ass kicked. Although I do think it’s possible he’ll probably survive this, one way or another.

      Also, if he’s caught off guard, just how much can ONLY getting caught off guard make him get beaten around? There’s only so much just getting caught off guard can do. Getting caught off guard and surprised are part of it, but I don’t think that’s the only reason why he’s getting so seriously beaten up right now. It’s probably also because, just like a typical villain, he’d also seriously underestimated Ise. He must have also gotten caught off guard from finding out that Ise can do all this to him.

  19. Kemm says:



    Thanks for the chapter.

    “A normal dragon, a normal Sacred Gear were not able to penetrate your body before.” <- This sentence is pure fujoshi fuel.

  20. Anonymous says:



    Thanks for the update, you are awesome

  21. Hariharan says:



    Another Big Update?!! Man, You are fast. Seriously dude, Thank You!!!!!

  22. Anonymous says:



    As cool as it is to see Issei gain a new ability, it makes me scratch my head that he is doing so much damage to Rizevim. I get that Penetrte allows him to bypass his Sacred Gear Canceler, but isn’t he the son of Lucifier and a Super Devil? That puts him near Sirzech’s level, who was stated to be multiple times stronger than the original Lucifier when he is in his true form (which undoubtedly puts him within the top ten strongest beings). It’s just confusing.

    • Gary29 says:



      Rizevim isn’t fighting seriously. That’s easy to see when you look at how he was messing around with his “Lucifer Kick”.

      Now, next time they encounter him, yeah, he won’t be messing around.

      • Anonymous says:



        I guess that could be the reason. Still, even if he isn’t serious his durability should be pretty damn high and Issei is just making him look like any ordinary devil. Idk, it’s just weird.

      • mpz28 says:



        I think he is more stunned than Issie being overpowering right now, as Rizevim said nobody with a SG has ever hit him before as he normally cancels it, anybody with that sort of power would be put off big time having that happen the first time 😉

    • mystogrigen says:



      Penetrate bypasses ALL defenses, so he’s getting hit with nothing (canceller, aura, armor) to defend himself. Plus, dragonfied Ise is pretty strong. He took out a group of magicians with just one arm dragonfied, and no sacred gear (vol 14). Both arms and legs dragonfied, the battlemind that comes with it, and his basic sacred gear? He might as well be classified as a true dragon in this circumstance.

      • Anonymous says:



        So it even bypasses Rizevim’s theoretically immense durability ? If so then him getting beat makes sense, even though Issei now has a incredibly broken ability.

        • Gary29 says:



          Being a Super Devil has nothing to do with durability. He’s a Super Devil because of his offensive capabilities + SGC (Sacred Gear Canceler). Sun Wukong is a God and Ise could easily beat him up if he could hit him.

          Power levels are offense, not defense. Keep that in mind.

          Though I’m not sure if Penetrate bypasses the defense of an aura, but based on v19 it very well could… which would mean it could theoretically negate High-class Devils’ resistance to holy energy/light.

          • Anonymous says:



            Now that you mention it I do recall Wukong stating that if Vali or Issei’s attacks hit him, he would be finished. It’s all fun discussing it though lol.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            Yeah, which, interestingly enough, makes him the perfect anti-thesis to Rizevim and thus also the perfect guy to beat him to a pulp. I’m just worried that it seems like he’s causing damage to his own body while he’s attacking Rizevim. Is that something happening due to some sort of drawback of “Penetrate,” or is Rizevim just that powerful? If it’s the former, I hope Ise finds a way to work around that soon. If it’s the latter, then I guess it probably can’t be helped.

    • Hartless04 says:



      Wasn’t it said in one of the other vol that Sirzech even at full power wouldn’t make it into the top 50 strongest beings or was it 100 i cant remember.

      • Anonymous says:



        It was earlier in the series but then Sirzechs revealed his true form when they confronted Hades in the Underworld. It was here I believe they said he could easily destroy Hades (who was listed in the top 10 strongest beings) in that form, which had the power multiple times that of the the original Lucifer. After that, I do believe the author said that while not listed initially, that Sirzechs in his true form and a serious Beelzebub were in the top 10 strongest beings.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        I don’t remember it that well, either, but I’d say that Sirzechs is still on a completely different level compared to what you’d normally call a “Devil” in his true form. He’s something so powerful and out-of-this-world that his father even said when he was newly born that he’s a monster. IIRC.

        • aguy says:



          Sirzechs said that his power is a recent, unexplained mutation.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            He did still get called a monster when he was born – and by “recent, unexplained mutation,” he could also just have meant that he was the first one to ever have developed a form like that.

            Remember, it’s being called as his “True Form”. Meaning that that’s his true power and real face. It wouldn’t make sense if he himself only just recently awakened it and yet it’s called as his “True Form”.

  23. diminishedfifth says:



    That’s not the only thing penetrate can do, if you catch my drift hehe.

  24. Tbolt says:



    Great work zxzxzx your doing great in the translation.

  25. Tbolt says:



    Great work zxzxzx!

  26. diminishedfifth says:



    Nice, this is being translated faster than I could have imagined! Since this is divided into parts. It’s always a cliffhanger lol. Anyway, thank you got sir.

  27. mpz28 says:



    i know i keep saying it but thanks for the latest updates, if it wasn’t for your hard work we still would be waiting, so once again thanks 🙂

  28. DragonOsman2 says:



    Thanks for the quick updates, really. Truly appreciated. I’m looking forward to the rest of the story, too.

  29. dika0515 says:



    wow another big update!!!!thank you so much!!!hope you update soon it getting intersting!!!!!

    • zxzxzx says:



      Indeed it is. I’m in the middle of the next part and it is very interesting.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        I look forward to it, then. I think we all do.

        I hope you’ll think about my suggestion for capitalizing those words I said you should capitalize.

  30. FlappingFalcon says:



    When will Ise get stronger without the Boosted Gear?

    • aguy says:



      sometime in the near future, I hope.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        I agree with you completely.

        It’d be great once – and if – he’s able to access Ddraig’s powers without having to use the Boosted Gear. Then he won’t have to worry about guys like Rizevim who can cancel the power of a Sacred Gear. Vali’s fine because he’s pretty powerful even without the Divine Dividing.

        And plus, Ise also has to learn to use his Devil wings to fly, so that he can go even faster when he adds is Dragon wings on top of that.

        • Gary29 says:



          >And plus, Ise also has to learn to use his Devil wings to fly, so that he can go even faster when he adds is Dragon wings on top of that.

          That’s not how it works lol. Besides, I like Dragon Ise far more than just Devil Ise.

        • diminishedfifth says:



          If he could use Ddraig’s power without the boosted gear, there no point in him having the sacred gear in the first place. Vali is fine without his SG because he’s half devil, so that power was always there. Issei is a reincarnated devil, base human. I think there are limits to what he can and cannot do even with training. Lol, I don’t think it works that way with flying. It’s either devil wings, dragon wings, or one devil, one dragon wing.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            Well, even so, he has to at learn to fly using Devil wings, since, the way he is right now, he doesn’t know how to use Devil wings to fly.

            And he must be able to use both in his case, since his isn’t a normal case. He can only use his Dragon wings while using his Balance Breaker, as they’re part of the armor, but his Devil wings should be able to come out even while he’s wearing the armor. After that, it should just be a matter of learning to use both wings at the same time.

            @Gary29: It doesn’t matter which is cooler/better; I just think he needs to be able to use all of his Devil powers well, including flight using Devil wings. He was finally able to learn to use a Transportation Magic Circle to teleport, so why not all of the other Devil abilities he can’t use well yet, too? Like Devil magic, instance, and flight. I don’t like that he can only use his Dragon wings to fly, and it’s not just because he only has wings while he’s in Balance Breaker armor (but yes, that’s the main reason, as it’s a serious limitation and limitations on something as useful as flight are no good).

          • aguy says:



            this is to DragonOsman,

            Ise sucks at magic. Period.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            He does kind of suck, but he was still able to get Dress Break and Bilingual, both of which use Devil energy (which probably makes them both magic abilities, too, albeit perverted ones), plus he can also teleport using a Transportation-type Magic Circle now, which he couldn’t do before – which was because back then, he sucked even more at magic than he does now.

            His Dragon Shot is also a magic technique, although, mind you, he does need to power it up via Boost to make it worth something in battle.

            So I still see some hope of him mastering more Devil-style magic.

            He’s also got a magician of his own to partner with due to a contract now, Le Fay, so there’s a chance that he could learn some human magic as well.

            Anyway, I don’t care if Ise sucks at magic right now, there should still be some chance for him to get better at it through training.

    • Gary29 says:



      If my speculation’s accurate… volume 20!

      • alien19_99 says:



        i think it’s 19 personally

        he’s base form has been getting stronger he can make parts of his body into a dragon we saw that when the attacked that the school. though everyone forgets he base sucked ise’s (main body did at and the new was was improved but not by much as to what draig commented when his soul was moved into it). he probably has to learn to control the dragon powers when he’s in base form would be my guess.

        As for Ise’s flying i think the reason why he can’t fly is cause he’s a dragon/human at first then was reborn as a dragon/devil it could be cause the devil wings work off the devil powers for humans that turned into devils like the rest of them but i think his main problem is he that since he’s a dragon and uses far too much dragon power rather than demonic powers is the main reason he can’t use them. i betting if can figure out how to grow a pair a dragon wings over devil ones he wouldn’t have that problem. when he’s not in balance breaker form.

  31. DragonOsman2 says:



    I’m happy for this update, Zxzxzx-san! I’m happy for it, even though Rizevim seriously pisses me off.

    Anyway, I hope Ise learns to use more of Ddraig’s powers without having to access them through his Sacred Gear (I say “more of” because he can already fire Dragon Breaths – I just want to see him do more than that).

    • Nya-koi says:



      aren’t flame breath original dragon skill? if i isnt wrong ise able to use flame breath using demonic power and trained to able spew flame by tannin, as for other draig ability they are inside sacred gear, ise without sacred gear only humanoid dragon not sekiryutei as sekiryutei refereed to ise and draig (ise with sacred gear) like saji who able use other vritra power after patch work from grigori to his sacred gear

  32. jopjopjop says:



    Fafnir’s being in the spotlight for a different reason will be up next.

    >Fafnir used Outrage
    >It is super effective
    >Fafnir is confused.

    • Anonymous says:



      it hurt itself in its confusion.

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        . . . Really, even if the analogy seems spot on in context, I don’t like comparing Fafnir to some Pokemon.

        • jopjopjop says:



          You don’t but Ishibumi does.

          Guess you also don’t like Ladon and Grendel being captured inside Pokeballs, do you?

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            That’s fine because they’re villains. And it’s not like I completely hate Pokemon, it’s just that I have a bit of a problem comparing a Dragon King to one. Although it’s true that we do have Dragon-type Pokemon, a type of Pokemon which Fafnir may also belong to. But then all of the Dragons in this series would also have to apply.

            I just can’t imagine the other Dragons, especially Great Red, Ophis and the Two Heavenly Dragons, in Pokemon battles, using their moves as if they were Pokemon moves. Draco Meteor, Flame-Thrower? Eh? Would Ddraig and Albion end up using those (Flame-Thrower only because they’re Fire-Breathing Dragons)?

            Speaking of Outrage, I wonder if Ise will use it at some point, if and when he gets angered enough. What would have to happen to piss him off that much, though? Rias being near death? Asia? All of his friends? I’d hate for either of those to actually happen, but if it angers Ise enough to get him to use Outrage, it’ll probably be worth it.

    • aguy says:



      the first two are okay, but he is confused that it worked?

      Time to look up the raws.

  33. Raystiker says:



    I expect no less from Lucifer’s son, one of the three superdevils.

  34. anifreik says:



    Ahhh, Issei is such a slow learner. How long is going to take him to figure out you can’t fight this guy as a Sacred Gear user, he’ll have to fight him as a dragon…

    • Gary29 says:



      About.. one or two updates?

      • aguy says:



        There should be a fight in the upcoming volumes where Ise gets completely curbstomped even with everyone helping him. That’ll show him how weak he truly is.

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          No need. He already understands how weak he is without the Boosted Gear, which makes it even more painful for him to hear his enemies say it to his face.

          It’s just that he doesn’t seem to know to how to use Ddraig’s powers without the Boosted Gear, which is where the true problem lies.

          • aguy says:



            Except there is no way to use Ddraig’s powers without the Boosted Gear. That’s the whole point. if he could, it’d mean Ddraig is starting to infringe on Ise’s body and soul.

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          Then he needs to train himself so that he can be really powerful even without Boosted Gear, like Vali. Show us what hard work and serious training can really do.

          Ise’s a Dragon, and he also has Great Red’s and Ophis’ powers, so he should learn to put them to good use. Or else what are Great Red’s flesh and Ophis’ power, both of which he got from the two of them, good for?

          And I’m at least hoping that there’s more to Ddraig’s powers than what can be accessed through the Boosted Gear, so that he can use them even without having use the Boosted Gear and not have to worry about Ddraig infringing on his body and soul. If possible. I mean, he can also use Dragon Breath, breathing fire from his mouth, thanks to the training from Tannin, so why not also try to master more Dragon powers so that he can be powerful and useful even without the Boosted Gear?

          And I know I’ve said this before, but I really don’t like the fact that he can currently only fly with his Dragon wings. He needs to learn to also be able to use his Devil wings, as well.

          • aguy says:



            maybe Azazel should kick Ise into the Gap, so that Great Red can beat some sense into him.

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            At least now Ise can do partial Dragonifications at will. That seems like a plus. If only he could increase his overall power and endurance as well, as right now it seems like hitting Rizevim with Penetrate, even with his limbs Dragonified, also damages his own body. Which sucks. I wonder if there’s a workaround for this drawback — or a way to eliminate it, preferably — through training. I hope there is.

            Anyway, yeah, Rizevim getting his ass kicked fora change is good. I hope it keeps up until Rizevim is completely defeated, although I’m not sure if Ise will have it in him to go for the kill despite how much he’s come to hate the man. Maybe someone else, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill, would show up and deliver the finishing blow. That’d be nice.

  35. Hariharan says:



    Thank you so much man. Your work is really appreciated! I am looking forward to how Issei beats Rizevim! 😛

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      That’s IF he can. Which I do he’s eventually able to. I wonder if whatever Ddraig will come back with from the depths of the Boosted Gear will help?

      By the way, I really think all of the titles and names, including the ones such as “Sacred Gear” and “Dragon King,” should be capitalized. Don’t forget about “Golden Dragon,” either.

      And Irina, Xenovia and Ise’s other friends all call him as either “Ise” or “Ise-kun,” don’t they? “Issei” is his real name, and none of his close friends actually call him that. Rias also calls him “Ise”. I think that needs to fixed here as well.

      Anyway, Rizevim seriously pisses me off, and I hope he dies soon. And Lilith should be helped to see that the side she’s currently on is wrong and that she needs to switch.

      • zxzxzx says:



        Indeed, I haven’t read the previous volumes in a while so I’ve forgotten. Corrected it in my copy which I’ll replace here once I’m done with Life.4.

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          Yeah. Thanks. Doesn’t it help to look at the RAWs, though? I mean, otherwise, the other translators, like Zero-san, wouldn’t know to use “Ise” instead of “Issei,” right? Or are the Japanese characters used there to similar to the tell the difference unless you really look?

          • zxzxzx says:



            I really wouldn’t know. Looking at the RAWs is somewhat confusing for me so I tend to stick to what I know.

  36. DragonOsman2 says:



    Thanks, man, and keep up the great work! And I guess I just got the answer to my question from earlier that I posted on the previous page about whether or not V18 is still continuing.

    Well, anyway, yeah, this is good. I’m pissed at Rizevim for what he just did, though. That guy seriously has to die.

    Anyway, I do also think you need an editor, Zxzxzx-san. Baka-Tsuki have some good ones, so hopefully they’ll help out once you’ve posted you’ve posted your translation on Baka-Tsuki. But yeah, sorry if you found my saying this rude or anything. I didn’t mean it to sound like that at all.

  37. mpz28 says:



    as always thanks for the update 🙂

  38. Raystriker says:



    Any more parts coming out today? 😀 (no pressure)

  39. Nya-koi says:



    umm its only me, in part 3 the battle scene kinda rushed or its just a one hit kill ? i really didnt understand what happening there, i only understand rizevim kill yaegaki in the end

    • Anonymous says:



      Irina’s holy sword has he ability to purify individuals, and it’s purifying power was amplified by Xenovia’s Ex-Durandal’s holy aura and Issei’s Ascalon aura (which is super effective against dragons). Thusly, Yaegaki was freed from the influence of the sword and the. Dragon within disappeared .

    • zxzxzx says:



      ^ That’s the gist of it.

  40. Nameless says:



    thanks for the wonderful update
    keep up the great pace

  41. Raystiker says:



    Excellent work brother! Its good to see DxD get some love. Keep up the pace 😀

  42. mpz28 says:



    thanks for the latest update 🙂

    also keep up the good work 😉

  43. dika0515 says:



    wow…so fast thank you so much….you are my hero after code zero sama!!!!
    keep going

  44. Legokill101 says:



    Just wondering would it be helpful to have a editor? Because while I do not have experience I would be more than happy to donate my time

    • anonguy says:



      Well, anyway, he’s gonna publish it on baka-tsuki, there’s so many DxD editors there that they had to put a full staff warning, to stop new editors.