HighSchool DxD Volume 19 (Afterword)

Continues on from Top Secret

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Hi everyone, I’m Ishibumi. As agreed, the fourth chapter is about Ravel → Gasper → Rossweisse → Irina → and Xenovia as the heroine (+α). I was finally able to have an in-depth description of the group. I was wondering if she would be able to take on the role of the heroine. I’m sorry that a character which was introduced a few years ago has taken a few years to develop. I sincerely thank the fans who have stayed on til now from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, I’ll move onto the commentary of volume nineteen now.

About Xenovia

I hesitated on whether to make her cute or cool. But I thought that I would go with the latter. Not only was she running as a candidate for the Student Council President, she also surpassed the previous wielder of Durandal, so this was the solution to her own style. I’m very happy to be able to write about her relationship with Griselda. My editor also praised the relationship between those two who are like sisters. But one of the most difficult parts was on where to insert their dialogue. Similar to life, it needed to have Xenovia’s style of speech, which I thought about for a long time, but it wasn’t like a politician’s election so I wrote something which would suit her style. But what happens after Xenovia becomes the President of the new Student Council; even the author himself is quite excited by imagining it.

Kiba, Gasper and Dulio

Holding dark expressions and being troubled before the final were the two people Kiba and Gasper. Doing something like that without a break first in the climax, I was a bit worried as the author. Both of these people have had a certain relationship with the Church, so there was a settlement by using His Eminence Strada. The boys of the Gremory household need to be protected by girls. And then Dulio. Like last time, he was on the front lines as the leader. He’s a guy who is more naïve than Issei. I always thought that his character went well with soap bubbles, so I tried to make one of his skills together with his character.

The two giants of the Church

This time, three of the Church’s leaders debuted, but within those, Ewald Cristaldi and Vasco Strada perhaps felt too powerful. This volume brought up the topic of the holy swords, so naturally, the wielders of Excalibur and Durandal also had to be mentioned. The two wielders of those holy swords appeared here. The topic this time was to put Team [DxD] against a topic as serious/heavy as humanity, but because it was so serious, it didn’t suit the story of this work, thus it was changed to [Challenge from the incredible previous holy sword wielders] which was simple and easy to understand. Afterwards, the character/role of His Eminence Strada was naturally formed. The sentence [Chikara is power] reflects that old man very well. If Cristaldi and Strada were actually using the original holy-swords…or if they were in their primes, then… I guess a reckless plot was possible because they were just a guest character.

The truth is, since this volume was centred around the Church, I originally had an idea to have Freed resurrected by the use of the Holy Grail and had him merge with a Evil Dragon in order to cause destruction. But since he left the story smoothly already, I had him stay that way without touching him.

About Top Secret

This volume’s last chapter about the monitoring of the game used a video recording…and as everyone saw, it contained a lot of secrets. The last Dragon King Tiamat finally appeared. What will happen to Ravel and Raiser in the end? Diehauser’s lines, and Ajuka’s appearance is also a hint, so you can enjoy imagining what will happen while you wait for the next book to come out.

Next time’s fourth chapter will also be the climax, with the final battle beginning. The hints/foreshadowing so far, the remaining formidable enemies, and the legendary evil dragons will all appear, so please stay tuned. As the content will be related to Rizevim, Vali will become the male protagonist of next volume. However, the previous volume about Heaven, and this volume about the Church’s warriors was originally supposed to be in the fifth to seventh volumes after the alliance of the Three Factions in volume four, but now 18 and 19 have come out….

Here, I thank everyone who has always taken care of me. Miyama Zero, editor H. Perhaps because of the impact of increased workload, it’s always night time when I finish writing so I give you trouble every time. I sincerely apologise to all the relevant personnel. After this, I will work hard with writing.

Now then, we will finally enter the 20th volume in the next volume– but before that, a new series, ‘High School DxD DX’, will commenceǃ This series will be a compilation of only the DxD short stories and it was finally seperated thanks to the support of all of you, the fans. So the plan from now is to have DxD continue in the form of the main story and the DX (compilation of short story). With this, uncompiled short stories may reduce quite a lot. If there are short stories which you would like to see published, then please send your opinion to the edotorial department since it would be a good example.

Regarding the DX volume 1 which all of you are curious about. It will include the Onsen trip story (mixed bath with Grayfia) as the main focus as well as the story which first introduced Sister Griselda and originally written story. Since the main story will enter the climax and will become serious, it would be great if you will read the DX volume which is a combination of the romance-comedy and the daily lives in order to balance it out.

That’s how it is, so it will be great if you can support the High School DxD main story and the DX volumes.

(6/10, updated 9/10)
Thanks everyone! This is the end of V19.
Thank you to Code Zero for translating the missing parts of the afterword!

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25 Responses to HighSchool DxD Volume 19 (Afterword)

  1. geoslim21 says:



    This afterword makes it sound like the series is ending soon with the talk of a “final battle” but that will leave so much stuff to cram in during that time. I hope it just leads to a new story arc and bad guys though how can you follow this up. Issei still has the high class promotion test, trades for Asia, Xenovia, and Ravel, his relationship wit Rias and when everyone at school will find out and when he will learn that he has been engaged to her longer then he has been dating her (remember the ritual he and Rias went through the Extra Life of Volume 8), a final fight with Vali, and so much more. I hope this doesn’t end with a rush job and that the final battle is just for this story arc not the series.

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      There are going to be at least 7 more Volumes after Volume 21 that we know of.  We’re only approaching the end of the current story arc.  And Volume 21 is going to be Vali’s Volume; Ishibumi originally wanted Volume 20 to be Vali’s, but he made it Ise’s Volume so Vali’s will be V21.

  2. IndividualEleven says:



    Hey have you found a Chinese translation of Volume 20 yet?

  3. Diabolos dragon says:



    thank you for your translation zxzxzx

    I can’t wait for vol 20,diabolos dragon, crimson dragon extinction princess

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      I’m not too sure about the E word, but if I recall, the name of the armor Ise gives Rias in Volume 20 is “Crimson Extinct Dragonar” (the E word could also be “Extinction,” which is why I’m not sure, and I think “Dragonar” means “Dragon Knight”).  I agree with you, though.  I’d also like to read the full Volume 20. It should be good and also very epic.

  4. RedDevil says:



    Hey ZX-senpai,

    I know, I know, I haven’t been commenting at all lately, sorry for that 😛

    I actually just had a bit of a difficult time in my life and wasn’t really feeling in the mood to comment.

    This of course doesn’t mean I am not extremely grateful that you completed Volume 19 in my commenting-absence 😛 In fact, if I had any money to spare atm I would definitely donate something.

    Looking forward to be reading more of your work and more of HS DXD, the best light novel I know 🙂

    btw, if I ever stop commenting again as mysteriously as this, know that I am still happy with your work

    thanks again, RedDevil out

    edit- feels good to be commenting again 😀 and forgot to say this, good luck with your school and everything else

  5. Prototypeffx says:



    zxzxzx, thank for the great work translating the novel and i have a inquire. Are you going to finish the translations of the missing parts, of the chinese source?

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’d like to have it complete, but I’ll have to ask someone else.

      • Gary29 says:



        I tried responding from Edge, not remembering that it doesn’t work, and ended up creating a duplicate comment glitch.. here’s hoping it doesn’t show up 3 times.

        I’ll go get my Jap raws and see if I can provide a rough translation.

        By the way, what’s the link to the new Chinese source site? The old one (lk.lightnovel.cn) had the entire Afterword so that’s surprising.

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          So there’s a Chinese source that has the complete Afterward?  I see.

          Well, hopefully TripleZerox will see it.

        • zxzxzx says:



          Is that so? I’ll see if I can find a cached or archived page of it.

          Edit: I’ve looked through at least ten different Chinese LN sites and can’t find a full V19 afterword. I’ve also asked Code Zero about it so he may be able to if he’s free.

  6. DragonOsman2 says:



    Thanks for translating this.  I’m interested in the missing lines, so do you think you could maybe ask someone who can translate directly from a Japanese source and ask that person to provide a summary?

  7. mpz28 says:



    Thanks for your hard work on translating v19 along with what you done on v18 it has been well worth the read. Now i know you said at this stage you’re not sure on v20 because of no chinese version of the LN right now but as most of us know jopx3 done a great job on a summary for v20 so even if we have to wait for another few months for the full version at least that will take the pressure of you for a while so you can do what really matters right now and that’s your schooling and exams, so with that all the best for school and i hope a chinese v20 pops up sometime in the future 🙂

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thanks mpz28! 🙂

      • DragonOsman2 says:



        I agree with Mpz28.


        You should focus mainly on exams for now, but when you have free time and if  you can find Chinese sources for the short stories on DX, could you translate them?  If it’s not too much trouble.  If it is, just rest on your free time and otherwise focus on exams and stuff.

  8. Emad says:



    Excuse me but what do you mean by draft preview does it mean your not done translating because the afterword was to short the other volumes where longer