HighSchool DxD Volume 20 (Life.0)

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Continues on to Life.1 A Restless Career Consultation

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The [DxD] team was currently gathered in the VIP room which was in the upper level of the Hyoudou residence.
I — Hyoudou Issei, the Gremory household that I belonged to, the Sitris, [Brave Saints], Azazel-sensei, and other members were all firmly focused on the video which was projected onto the screen in front of us. Shown on the screen were the Underworld’s TV channels, all of which were news programs, the text at the bottom of the screen read things like:

[Sudden accident in the Rating Game!?]

[Champion Belial has disappeared during the middle of the match!]

[Phoenix family’s third son, eldest daughter and Champion have disappeared together!]

……That’s right, the information that Sona-zenkaichou received was the same as that which was displayed on the bottom of the screen right now; something had happened in the match between Raiser and Champion Belial. During the match, in a corner of the arena which was a blind spot for the camera — the two people had continued their fight in a dome shaped cavern. Raiser, the Champion and Ravel who was also present had all suddenly disappeared. After we learned of this news, we once again confirmed the information. We then watched the video recording of the game. Indeed, after they entered a cave which was not captured by a camera, something which we could not see occurred, and the three of them had simply vanished. Only by looking at the recording from outside the cave, it may have been related to a blue light which was emitted from the entrance of the cave. It was determined that the light came from inside the cave.

There was still no news about the three people who had disappeared. Taking into account the current situation, the game managers, the Underworld’s government, army and police force had all begun to take action. …To stop my body from trembling, I was clenching my fists. ……Ravel! Raiser! My precious kohai, and manager Ravel. She had agreed to support me in my path to achieving my ambitions… …Raiser as well; after his trauma, it was finally his comeback match. He had once given up, but he had now stood up once again with a reignited passion. He was obviously looking forward to the match with the Champion more than anyone else… Having noticed the anger, sadness and anxiety in my heart, Rias wrapped her hand around my fist. Rias asked Azazel-sensei

“So, the whereabouts of Raiser, Ravel and the Champion Diehauser Belial-sama are all unknown right?”

Sensei raised his index finger and said

“Firstly, what can be confirmed is that before the three people disappeared, the game system’s emergency program was triggered.”

—Hmm! ……The game system’s emergency program? What was that? I had never heard of it before. Aside from Rias and Sona-zenkaichou, some people knew about it, but all the other members were the same as me and had clueless expressions. After Sona-zenkaichou saw our reactions, she began to explain.

“Originally, in order to respond to any kinds of situations, there was a corresponding set of procedures for professional Rating Games. For example, if the location of the match was destroyed more than was expected, then they would initiate a procedure to repair it.”

…That is to say, these emergency procedures were designed to respond to events and situations which went beyond what was expected. That was what happened in the match between Raiser and the Champion.

“So what happened?”

After Rias asked that, I went forward to ask sensei

“Is it possible that Qlippoth attacked the match!?”

“That aspect is currently being investigated, but one thing which is certain is — there is a high possibility that there was improper conduct during the game.”


Hearing this, everyone was just as surprised as I was! Improper conduct; which meant that something illegal happened in the game!?

“That’s prohibited! Could it be the Champion!?”

I couldn’t help blurting out that I thought it was the Champion. I didn’t think at all that Raiser and Ravel could have improper conduct. But, sensei undauntedly answered me with a serious expression

“……The managers believes that it’s the opposite.”

…Raiser had improper conduct? No, that wasn’t possible! That man, although very arrogant, as a noble he had a lot of pride, and didn’t think much. But, he was absolutely honest towards this Rating Game. At the very least, I could understand that attitude. He also had Ravel with him. It was impossible for such a thing to happen. She was my precious manager. She had promised that she would do a lot of great things in the future with me. An outstanding girl like her couldn’t possibly have improper conduct, it was impossible for her to have some conspiracy plan. After Rias realised my thoughts, she gripped my hand even tighter.

“Ise, I understand. You and I are the same. …For Raiser to have improper conduct, that’s impossible. It wasn’t easy for him to get over things and stand up again. And he also has Ravel by his side, those siblings would definitely not allow improper conduct.”

“Well, then it really is the Champion Belial…right?”

Kiba softly said as he used his hand to support his chin. He had an expression which couldn’t be read. Although Kiba couldn’t match up to Rias, he still knew more than me about Rating Games. Especially for the Champion, his familiarity and knowledge would be even greater. Kiba had seen quite a few of his matches. Kiba had said before that his games were very honest, his tactics were well refined, and that he preferred winning fairly over a surprise attack. Just as his name suggested, he was a true champion. …Whether it was Raiser or The Emperor Belial, it was hard to believe that either side would engage in improper conduct… Towards this emergency situation and the unknown safety of the Phoenix siblings, I was both confused and uneasy. Then, Akeno-san calmly asked Azazel-sensei

“…Azazel-sensei, don’t you have any ideas about this?”

Everyone’s gaze was directed towards sensei.

“Is that true?”

Hearing my question, sensei raised his hands and sighed.

“…I can’t say it. But, if it’s really as I think, the Phoenix siblings whose whereabouts are unknown shouldn’t be as bad as its being imagined. I’m really sorry that I can’t say any more right now, but if you believe in what I’ve said, then believe that those two are safe.”

—What! Really!? Raiser and Ravel are both safe!? Sensei really did have an idea about this situation! I didn’t say it to sensei… Azazel-sensei, he’s dealt with all sorts of situations up till now that he’s not only been able to cope with, but also handle well. If even this sensei said so, then there was no reason not to believe it…. A small communication magic circle appeared beside Rias’s ear. After listening to the report which came through, Rias told everyone

“It was from onii-sama. The Maou’s side are beginning to search for the whereabouts of Raiser, Ravel and Emperor Belial.”

To be honest, I really wanted rush out immediately to look for Ravel. But, even the Devils’ side was moving out, sensei also said that they were safe, so I would just be causing trouble for everyone if I rushed out there…if I allowed my emotions to dictate my actions…the enemy might just be waiting for that. Because the enemy that I was going up against was just like that—. As I was unable to reach an important mediator or opponent, I could only grind my teeth, with my right fist pushing heavily against my left hand. …Raiser, Ravel, Ravel! Rias placed her hand on my shoulder and said with a melancholic tone

“…Ise, it’s painful right now, but we need to believe in onii-sama and Azazel.”

After a deep breath, I nodded in response. Raiser, Ravel…please, you must be safe.


Continues on to Life.1 A Restless Career Consultation

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45 Responses to HighSchool DxD Volume 20 (Life.0)

  1. Emad Ayoub says:



    I dont know why but i have a feeling Issei will fight Hades one of the this day because Hades of Hades actions in the past volumes and he would probably try something else although im hoping it happens

  2. Zero Virus says:



    Umm in this text Umm in this text [Phoenix family’s third son, eldest daughter and Champion have disappeared together!]. Who the eldest daughter? If I remember Ravel is the youngest Phoenix not the eldest.


    That’s all I want to pointing out because it disturb me when I read that.. Thank you for your hard work and always stay healthy

  3. Nico says:



    Thank you a lot again for translating this masterpiece 😀

  4. Dark_Walker says:



    I want to thank the translator for translating this work. Many of the light novels I have enjoyed over time have got the licensing hammer. Usually way before the 19th volume. I think however do to all the titty shots and other naughtiness in DxD, that reduces the chance that some arsehole will pick it up and force us to pay to read the end of the series 5 or 10 yrs later. So Gracia to the author for all the titties which makes it unpalatable for those looking to turn a buck. Also Gracia to the translator for translating a really good story, and titties, so we can read it. 🙂

    • DragonOsman2 says:



      The LN Sword Art Online has also been licensed (by Yen Press), but they’re letting the fan translators continue working on the Volumes they (Yen Press) haven’t reached yet.  If Yen Press also licensing this LN, they might do something they did to Sword Art Online’s fan translations.  But yeah, rather than risk it, it’d be best if it doesn’t get licensed.  Or if it does, it should do so after we’re done reading all of it via fan translations.

      I agree with you, though.  It’s good that TripleZerox is working on this.  It’s much appreciated.

  5. Anonymous says:



    So anyone have any idea when 4th season of dxd coming out?


    • zxzxzx says:



      No ones knows as of now. It hasn’t been announced yet, and I personally don’t think an announcement will be made until next year.

      • Conrado says:



        I heard that it will be released soon, here is my source http://daterelease.net/high-school-dxd-4-season-release-date/

        • zxzxzx says:



          That is incorrect. A fourth season has not yet been announced. That site seems to have confused the date of a fourth season for the OVA which is scheduled for release in December.

          • Anonymous says:



            I wonder if they are going to announce it like they did Born. In which they first release the OVA then they announce the next season

      • Emad Ayoub says:



        I doubt they will make a 4th they did good in the beginning but it went down hill there was supposed Sona vs Rias rating game they tried to put like 4 volumes in one season Loki was not supposed to be in until next season the last four episodes weren’t part of the LN.(the first four volumes where part of the first two seasons so its normally 2 volumes per season sometimes 3)

    • peter says:



      each series were 5 seasons apart so your looking about summer 2016

  6. oz says:



    is v20 is the last one of the current story arc or there will be more in the future?

  7. Grafia_Fanboy says:



    Did Riser have a King piece?

    • Stephen says:



      Yes he does considering the fact that he has had his own peerage since before the start of the series. Ravel used to be his bishop but after Issei beat him and his engagement to Rias was cancelled he became a depressed shut-in so she decided to leave by having her mother trade an unused bishop piece for her but she is considered a free bishop meaning she can choose her next king and her mother will trade her to him. She has decided on Issei as her next king since she has fallen in love with him and became his manager

      • Gary29 says:



        There is no King piece in the way that you’re thinking of it. You don’t get a King Piece when you get a peerage.

        • Stephen says:



          But you need a king piece to have a peerage otherwise Rias would not have one.

          • Stephen says:



            Never mind just checked the Wikia king there are only 9 unused king pieces and one cannot have one if they have other evil pieces because they interfere with the king and possibly lead to death the use of them is banned by the current government out of fear that devils would use them to pursue evil desires

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            Yeah.  You just answered your own question.  The King Piece is outlawed and is not given to High Class Devils with a Peerage.  They’ve also already stopped making them, and Belial has one of the only ones remaining.

        • Emad Ayoub says:



          the king piece is supposed to make whoever u give it to 10-100 times stronger not like the pieces that issei or Ravel have which only increases their power by a certain amount no matter who it is

          • DragonOsman2 says:



            Yeah, but the point we’re trying to make is that it’s already been discontinued and that only a very low number of people, which includes Diehauser, still have one.

      • RK says:



        no Riser does not have a king piece. I am very sure that I read somewhere that Shalba said there were only 10 king pieces. he had 4 of them and a few were with the top 5 rating game ranks. also the king piece grants enormous amount of power that if riser had it he would not have been defeated by Issei in volume one. Apparantly the King Piece multiplies the power by more than 50 times, so only Issei in his Diabolos Dragon form would have had a chance.
        Belial is not using the king piece. he only found out about it from his cousin who was killed.
        and the Kin piece is a secret that most high class devils don’t even know about it. it will be explained later but the Maos changed it so that when a high class devil will get a peerage he touches a stone that gives him that status. but that stone does not grant him the power that the original king piece would have done

        • DragonOsman2 says:



          I don’t remember Shalba saying that.  Diehauser and maybe one of the Maou were the ones who told us about it, in Volume 20.  Shalba died much earlier than Volume 20, and the existence of the King Piece hadn’t been revealed to us at that point.

          • RK says:



            so sorry I meant Ajuka!!!!!! not Shalba…… I always mix tose two toether…..I am such a moron. and yes you are right Shalba died long long before the king pieces were mentioned.

        • Emad Ayoub says:



          Diehauser dont have it anymore he gave them to Beelzebub

  8. Infinity says:



    Volume 20 is the latest work right?  Or is there a 21?  If not, when does he typically publish his volumes?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yes, Volume 20 came out in July. Looking at the previous release dates, it seems to be ~ 5 months between the release of each volume but I believe Ishibumi is taking a break for a while and there probably won’t be a new volume besides DX2 until 2016.

  9. DragonOsman2 says:



    TripleZerox-san, thanks for the translation of this chapter!  This is all of it, right?  I hope it is because it really doesn’t seem like there’s more of Life.0.

    By the way, I noticed a small typo:

    Only by looking at the recording from outside the cave, it may have been related to a blue light which was emitted from the entrannce of the cave. It was determined that the light came from inside the cave.

    In there, the word “entrance” has an extra N before the C.  There should only be one N before the C, not two.  The correct spelling is e-n-t-r-a-n-c-e (without the hyphens, of course).

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yeah, that’s it. Life.0 was rather short. Thanks, looks like I missed that one even though Word had underlined it for me.

  10. Pvm Blueboy says:



    “It was from ani-sama. The Maou’s side are beginning to search for the whereabouts of Raiser, Ravel and Emperor Belial.”
    Just a question, is that intended to be ani-sama or is it supposed to be onii-sama? as i believe its supposed to be onii-sama referring to Rias’ brother.


    As usual, thanks for your translations, ZX.

  11. Gary29 says:



    Great translation, thanks for your effort as always ZX.

  12. Deathdxd says:



    I hope the Chinese translation for dxd EX gets out soon, after the Chinese translation of vol.20, and {{ BOOST OVER 9000}} for translating vol.20 bro. And keep up the good work.

  13. Allen Lewis says:



    Where can I read about Issei’s children?

    • zxzxzx says:



      That would be the 6-part EX series which comes out alongside each volume of the BorN BDs. There should be 2 out so far, with a third coming this month. They’re not ‘translated’ but jopjopjop has done some excellent summaries which can be found on AnimeSuki here: Part 1. Part 2.