HighSchool DxD Volume 21 (Farewell Temporary)

Continues on from Eternal Life. Amidst the White Snow
Continues on to Y Ddraig Goch & Albion Gwiber

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Farewell Temporary

Japan — on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, the [DxD] Team and their allies who fought against the Trihexa which threatened Japan now bore witness to the scene before their eyes. Trihexa was gradually being dragged into the sealing field—. After a retreat was issued to return to this coast, all members received news of the final battle plan. The higher ups of each faction prepared themselves for an eternal battle with Trihexa, and then set out for the Isolation Barrier Field—. Once inside, unless they defeated Trihexa, regardless of whether they were a god-class being or a Transcendent Being, they would not be able to come out. In order to defeat Trihexa, which was capable of repeatedly regenerating itself, it would require several thousand years, or even—.

Sona Sitri was standing on the coast in one corner while crying. She did not know that her ane [1], Serafall, would also depart for there. Not even a single word of farewell was conveyed to her.

“…Onee-sama…no, I hate this…. Why did you leave me behind and go ahead by yourself…? My dream…I also wanted you to see it, onee-sama…”

The sorrowful Sona Sitri wept without any of the visage that she normally had, but instead showed tears befitting a girl of her age. It was only natural. She was eighteen years old. As a Devil, she was still a child, and from now on, she would be waiting for an eternity without her ane, and a world without her ane.

At the same time, standing beside her to comfort her, Rias Gremory was in the same situation. Her ani [2] Sirzechs had also departed for the Isolation Barrier Field—. No parting words could be conveyed either. Her ani was Lucifer. The King of Devils, Lucifer. So, in order to protect the Devils, he made up his mind to participate in the eternal battle against Trihexa. However—. Her ani…he was also a Gremory. He was originally a Gremory. Even if he was called a Super Devil, he was originally a Gremory. It’s just that he was a gentle and strong person.

Yes, he was gentle and strong—.

No, precisely because of this, Sirzechs had such determination. Precisely because of his gentleness and his strength, he departed for the sake of protecting everything.

“…Onii-sama…you really are, hopelessly stupid…”

A stream of tears flowed down Rias’ cheeks as she conveyed her own thoughts—.

Soon, it would be her high school graduation ceremony.

…I am going to depart on a journey from there, and I originally hoped that you would see that moment….

This battle, and the scene before her eyes, it was something that Rias would not forget for the rest of her life—.

(Part 1 of 1) (7/8)

[1] ane: Elder sister.
[2] ani: Elder brother.

Continues on to Y Ddraig Goch & Albion Gwiber

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18 Responses to HighSchool DxD Volume 21 (Farewell Temporary)

  1. mamatorinq says:



    Oh boy… For someone like ise who is extremely aware of his weaknesses, I can already picture him scolding himself for not being strong enough in the end. This gotta be the heaviest blow he’s received thus far, and probably not one that he will heal from.

  2. Ahmad says:



    Man , This was one feelsy volume. I guess the positive is that Sirzechs and Azazel are not dead but still it had me crying as if a ninja was here with a bowl of onions.

    Also does Sirzechs support Vali Lucifer as the “Lucifer”. I dont think it would be such since i believe that Issei would inherit the title of Lucifer if someone had to .

    Anyways. Waiting for the Y Dddraog Goch and Albion chapter


    • (Diabolos dragon)dragon -maou says:



      Sorry for crushing your hopes but I read volume 22 spoiler and EX and I came to the conclusion that  issei won’t become  a maou. Also he doesn’t have any such ambition (his conversation with elder of house bael ). The author always pointed to us that vali was always more devil than issei and issei was more dragon than vali. So I came to the conclusion that issei if anything will probably be recognised as a Dragon god . Also milicas and vali are far suitable as maou.

  3. Dress Breaker says:



    This is depressing I hope they return coz Azazel is my favorite character alongside Sirzech. The time has come for the Crimson Dragon Emperor.

  4. That One Guy says:



    The feels are great with this volume. I appreciate all the hard work you do translating, zxzxzx!

  5. (Diabolos dragon)dragon -maou says:



    Just a thought what would happen if issei took sirzechs place and went with sirzechs peerage

  6. J9162 says:



    Man this sucks. So sad. I guess the only positive is that they’re not dead but on the other hand, I’m assuming they can in fact die if they have to spend thousands of years fighting Trihexa. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen and we get some kind of information about them surviving in the future. Granted, I don’t see that happening anytime until the very end. Well, I guess it just means that Issei’s generation will have to step things up now and begin to take over and such. Anyway, thanks zxzxzx for the great update as always.

  7. Anonymous says:



    damn u onion cutting ninjas to hell sniff

  8. Anonymous says:



    Dammit they better return what is ishubumi doing.Even Serafall and Azazael wtf

    • JeruTz says:



      I’m guessing he’s looking for an opportunity to shake up the leadership roles without killing everyone off.

      • Anonymous says:



        Theres no reason to seal em off for that.Sirzech is adding more members to the yondai maou.Issei or Vali wouldve just been 2 more

  9. Anonymous says:



    This is sad when leaving siblings behind.

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