HighSchool DxD Volume 24 (Afterword)

Continues on from Secret Talks

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Long time no see. This is Ishibumi Ichiei. We’ve finally reached the twenty fourth volume. First of all, I must apologise to everyone. In volume twenty three and DX4, I said that ‘the next volume will include the battle between Rias’ team and Vali’s team, as well as Ise’s team against the [Leisure of the Kings] team’, but only the battle between Rias’ team and Vali’s team has been shown this time. I gave that notice because according to the original plan, these two important games would be written together, whilst the background of the game would include the stories of Koneko and Kuroka, as well as the Grim Reapers of the Netherworld. Taking into account my energy, work schedule, and page count, I felt that it was too difficult to include all of that into a single volume, so I decided to split it apart into this twenty fourth volume, and the upcoming twenty fifth volume. Because they’re now separate, the page count has increased. It would have been a major challenge if I tried to follow the original plan. Furthermore, because they’ve been separated, the number of volumes in this final arc has become more than originally anticipated. From here on, please allow me to provide a commentary on the twenty fourth volume.

Koneko (Shirone) and Kuroka becoming brides!
In this volume, it was Koneko and Kuroka’s turn, and I told the story of these sisters’ past. Before, I didn’t go into detail about their parents because they already had something important. In order to face this new family, their past is detailed to Ise and the readers, while their own problems have been resolved and concluded through a showdown between the sisters. Although Koneko has become Shirone…both of her names will still be used from now on. After all, including the short story collections, I’ve already written more than twenty seven books using Koneko. I feel that there is a possibility of mistakes in the future, so I’ve decided that it should be fine to use both. …Well, I think if readers find ‘Koneko’ confusing, then they can make the judgement on which will be better. Please give some love to the two new brides.

Release of new breast techniques!
This time, Ise has gained two breast techniques all at once. [Nyuutron Beam Cannon] and [Pai Phone]. ‘It was clearly a wave cannon, so why is it a beam?’ Perhaps readers might feel a bit puzzled, but purely for the sake of the language’s fluidity, please ignore this small problem. You’ll get lost if you try to look at Ise’s breast techniques in too much detail. This brand new breast technique has allowed Ise to single-handedly defeat one of the strongest among the ultimate-class Grim Reapers. In the process of this, Ise’s grandfather has also appeared. Well, he’s an old man who’s just as perverted as Ise, so he has a clearer understanding of Ise’s potential than anyone else. At last, Ise’s name has begun to resound even in the Buddhist world. I wonder what kind of Buddhist deities will appear next. I can’t guess either.

Vasco Strada and Crom Cruach, Rias’ combination technique, and the new enemies!
This time there were many strong characters. His Eminence Strada having reverted back to his prime overpowered various members of Vali’s team. The Maouified Vali faced Crom as an opponent, while Fenrir (only has eighty percent of its original strength this time) fought against Rias + Gasper who had a great boost in power in a short span of time. I really just wrote whatever I felt was best. It was a lot of fun to write about His Eminence Strada again this time. As one of the strongest characters at the beginning of this work, it is only natural that he should have such strength. The nature of his character would rather pursue spirituality than a youthful body. Crom was also one of the strongest characters since the beginning. Aside from the Dragon Gods, he is only the dragon so far who is able to fight seriously against Ise and Vali. Hence he and a Maouified Vali were able to have a splendid battle. Regarding Rias’ increase in power, just as she said, this is one of the results that she has attained after witnessing the successive strengthening of her comrades. By cladding Gasper on her body, her power can increase several-fold. This terrifying form appears when Rias’ power of destruction and Gasper’s Balor power are used in conjunction, but because the drain on stamina and demonic energy is unusually high, she became exhausted at the end. Rias has gained a tremendous power-up from this, and so her future battles will certainly heat up. Finally, the appearance of the two mysterious Super Devils! Balberith and Verrine are brand new enemies who have appeared because this is the final arc. Please stay tuned to the future volumes of DxD to find out what kind of entanglements they will have with our protagonist in the future.

An advertisement.
When this book is published, I think the airing of the new television anime series of High School DxD, [High School DxD HERO] will have already begun. Thank you to all the fans for your concern and patience in waiting for so long. The PV has already been released I think, and this PV shows the fight against Sairaorg. Cao Cao also makes his appearance at the end of the PV. In order words, the fourth season will include the battles against the two of these people. Both of them are popular rivals, and for the fans looking forward to their battles, you will surely see many more heated battles. The new staff have been announced: the director Matsuda, the screenwriter Konuta-san, and the main character designer Makoto-san. A strong team has been gathered for the production. All of the new staff and the production studio Passione are extremely cautious in handling original work, and I’m truly thankful for their attention to all of the small details. I also participated in almost all of the script meetings and setting meetings, and it is very detailed and faithful to the original work. As the author, I cannot thank everyone enough. I think it will be broadcast next year, so I hope the fans of this original work will look forward to it.

Another advertisement.
Sharing the same universe with High School DxD, and as previously mentioned, <<Dog God of the Fallen — SLASHDØG—>> and volume twenty four are available for sale at the same time. Characters from <<SLASHDØG>> also make an appearance in volume twenty four and there is a bit of crossover. If you are interested, please have a read of <<SLASHDØG>>. I will just say here that the oppai there do not lose to those of DxD! The possessor of the Longinus [Absolute Demise] Lavinia takes on the role of Vali’s older sister. Rather than romantic love, it’s more of a familial love. I’ll feel satisfied if readers enjoy the other side of Vali.

Next are my acknowledgements. Miyama-Zero-sama, Editor T-sama, thank you for your hard work!

Well, next is the twenty fifth volume that follows this. The game that couldn’t be shown in volume twenty four, the battle against the [Leisure of the Kings] team will be illustrated in volume twenty five. Even though Ise and the others have received equipment to boost their strength this time, their opponents will be the strongest line-up that they have encountered to date. How will Ise and the others fight against Vidar’s group? Please look forward to the twenty fifth volume. The next volume will feature Rossweisse. It was mentioned that Rossweisse would be going to a marriage interview, so what kind of developments will occur between Ise and Rossweisse as they progress through this event? Please wait and see! Next time, it will also be released together with the second volume of <<Dog God of the Fallen — SLASHDØG—>>. That volume will feature Lavinia, so if you felt interested in her in volume twenty four and you want to pursue Lavinia’s oppai, please also support her there! Well then, let us meet again in DxD volume twenty five and <<SLASHDØG>> volume two which are scheduled to be released around next spring!

(Part 1 of 1) (24/5)

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33 Responses to HighSchool DxD Volume 24 (Afterword)

  1. Grayfia_Fanboy says:



    Still studying for exams? Best of luck! Say, did you know that translating LN’s featuring huge Oppai and a protagonist’s fixation with them has been shown to improve test scores? So much so that if you “Channel” their “Oppai-ness” while testing you will always get an “A”. So it probably would help your exams if you were to start translating DxD again? At least until you have been filled to the top with Oppai-goodness.

  2. dragongod says:



    Great work zxzxzx,I’m a huge fan of yours.Would you please translate aesthetica of a rogue hero please buddy

  3. Grayfia_Fanboy says:



    This out of left field, but: I’ve often wondered if there might be some crossover in the Brave Saints and Evil pieces system. That because the Brave Saints tech was based on the EP tech and because the Seraphs left behind their Aces and the Maou left their Queens. I just wonder if we will see Irina & Grayfia perform a “Blackjack”. Again, basing this on nothing but the above connections that Ichibumi-San may or may not have intended.

  4. Brad says:



    So am I the only one stoked to know that we will now be getting an extra volume then planned for the finale arc. Also Ise as the Crimson Satan heck yea, plus if Ise becomes a Maou then we know Vali will also. He would never allow his rival to surpass him when he also could be a maou.

  5. bypass says:



    Thank you very very very very much for the hard work

  6. ryu says:



    Awesome as always

  7. Anonymous says:



    Muito bom como sempre excelente tranbalho

  8. qouqou says:



    I can tell you already Issei will mery Rosswaise for sure.

    But I believe he will mery Lefai, Ravel the fox girl as well

    • Czechus says:



      He will marry Everyone who lives in the Hyoudou household. And that is not even a spoiler anymore…
      Oh and btw, The fox girl is named Kunou. Ravel is someone completely different. But, he will also marry them…

    • Equit says:



      in the volume High School DxD EX you can actually get a glimpse of his future wives and children! Pretty cool story !

  9. mpz28 says:



    Thank’s for the final part of v24, as always well worth the read.


    Also thanks to the Chinese translator (i don’t know if they visit your site or not), if the person doing the translation there never picked it up after it got band in China then it would make it damn hard on you to keep translating, anyway once again thanks & can’t wait till v25. 😉

  10. Diabolos Crown Prince says:



    Thank you very much zxzxzx! More power to you and God Bless!

  11. Mr. C says:



    Thank you zxzxzx for all the time and effort you give for translating this awesome series.


  12. Kaiser - sama says:



    gracias por su traduccion

  13. Anonymous says:



    It has been over 10 years and I’m happy this light novel is still going strong!

  14. Anonymous says:



    Zx is this the fastest novel translated by u. Thanks for the wonderful novel and looking forward to meet you in volume 25 translation and btw would it be possible for you to translate vol 25 this year??

  15. J9162 says:



    Excellent update zxzxzx! Thanks! Can’t wait for volume 25!

  16. ARAM's Challenger says:



    Hello and thanks for the update, you are the best.

    May I ask when you’re going to start the translation of Volume 25?

    Thanks once again!

  17. Kyle says:



    Thank you for the translation!

  18. Matthew Scudder Smithers says:



    who is eros ? .. and it seems issei will become a Satan

  19. Raman says:



    Thanks for the volume and when will u start volume 25???

  20. Makeiks says:



    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

  21. Zirnitra says:



    Thanks for your hard work

  22. Anonymous says:



    what about vol-25, when will you start translating it…?

    n yea, thanks for the translation of vol-24

  23. Wafer says:




    Vol.24 finnaly end huh..

    And big war will coming + New Tittle just for Oppai Dragon ?

    Can’t wait for it xD

    • Matthew Scudder Smithers says:



      who is eros.

      • Zerograviti says:



        He’s a god from Greek Mythology, If u convert him to Roman Mythology, he would be the Cupid, but in Greek Mythology he can be considered Primordial God together with Gaia, Tartarus etc

      • DragonOsman says:



        Why do you keep asking this so many times?  Is this a troll?  Either way: again, it’s mentioned right there in the chapter his name comes up in that he’s a primordial god in Greek Mythology and that he is responsible for love and sex.  If you want to know more, try to look up info on the original mythology.