La Peregrinación Sagrada

Yes, it’s happening. The great holy pilgrimage through which one is changed forevermore. I’m going to Japan!!

A few updates about what’s going on at the moment:
– I’m swamped with assignment deadlines as the end of semester is nigh
– Exams for me start in around 2 weeks
– I jet off to Japan 2 days after my exams are over

As such, I have no intention of starting the translation of High School DxD Volume 23, even if I do get source material. I won’t be starting further translation of Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha either, I don’t have enough time to make decent progress of Chapter 4. I’ve already started a bit of Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi Volume 7 Chapter 2, and since it isn’t too long, it will probably be done before I head off.

I’ll be spending just over three weeks in Japan, broken down as approximately one week in Hokkaido, one week in Tokyo, and the other week in Osaka and Kyoto (Kansai region), as well as Hiroshima. Unfortunately, it seems like a bit of a low season for conventions and festivals, though the Gion Matsuri does seem to go on for all of July. I’ve got most of my trip planned out generally, but haven’t gotten down to a full day-by-day itinerary yet, so if you’ve got any suggestions for me, let me know in the comments below. Shoutout to Samat and /u/Venom_is_an_ace for giving me some great ideas! 

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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32 Responses to La Peregrinación Sagrada

  1. Maurice says:



    Well Have a Safe and Fun Trip I’ll be Sad waiting for your Return to Translations in between School and Free Time but Enjoy it while you can and Don’t forget to Eat Lots of Melon Pan for me while you are there. I Make it myself @ home from a source of 3 Different Recipes I found for it online but don’t think it even comes close to the Taste of a Fresh Baked One. Normally it’s made with Lemon/Orange Zest to give it the flavor but I add a touch of Honeydew Melon Extract hint’s the Name. Bye.

    Ps when do you plan of coming back. not an specific date just a Ballpark month.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ll be away almost all of July, so I’ll be back in August.

      • Maurice says:



        Thanks have safe and Fun Trip. Wish a Flight from the US to Japan was Cheap I would go myself but the cost of a Round Trip from here is Outrageous nearly 4k for Coach and 11k for 1st class.

  2. Jabbathehutt says:



    enjoy your trip

    don’t forget to visit the places in volume 9 (HSDXD) whilst you are in Kyoto 🙂


    and remember to enjoy Rias’s Faverate place

  3. Hiiragi says:



    Hi, Have fun in the trip,

    Btw can u set Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha as priority after DxD?? apparently Volume 10 will have sex scene with Mio in the preview

    Onegaiiiii senpai!! volume 10 havent release yet but it is releasing in 2017.

    I want to read dxd and also shinmai maou…But dont push yourself 😉 I dont mind the wait. Please dont drop the translation 🙂

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thanks, but not really. I don’t want to skip anything, but Shinmai can sometimes be really tedious because of how wordy it gets which is why I dislike doing it consecutively.

  4. bypasser says:



    Have fun be safe 😀

  5. Anonymous says:



    Wish you good Luck inn Japan. Cool of you to explore that culture.

  6. Anonymous says:



    when is high school dxd volume 22 going to be posted on baka tuski

  7. Anonymous says:



    Have fun and a nice trip

  8. Anonymous says:



    Do you have the link to the chinese translation of dxd? Cause i wanna read something first during the period.

  9. Alejandro Cruz Morales says:



    Awesome have fun in japan! Just for the record are you abandoning the translation oh shinmai maou to keiyakusha (testament) or is it just a pause?

  10. Joker says:



    Could you at least put Volume 22 on Baka Tsuki?

  11. yourtruly96 says:



    Good luck on your trip, hope you have a lot of fun.


    We will patiently wait for translations to resume when you come back. 🙂 I guess one good thing will be that the chinese DxD source will hopefully be far enough ahead that when you start after you come back that you won’t run out of source material.

  12. Vitor Iturriaga says:



    Have fun man!!!

  13. adris says:



    Good luck with the exams and… ENJOY JAPAN..

    Until the next time.

  14. ravz says:



    JAPAN…how i envy you…hahaha have fun/ hope u have amazing trip
    and thanx 4 translation u deserve a vacation, i am sure u’ll get nice mark in assignments as well cheers !!!

  15. nelus4blood says:



    Wow, that’s awesome news!

    just take your time, try to visit some traditional hot springs if you can, and enjiy your trip.

    and please post some photo’s if your back.

    don’t worry about the translations of the novels, and just enjoy the trip

    good luck and have a great time

    greetings from a nutcase in holland \\(^-^  )

  16. Dan61 says:



    Safe and happy journey my man ✌?

  17. Atamisk says:



    You have a digital camera? If not get one or borrow 1 from a family member or friend and not a cheap one. You gotta take pictures of Mount Fuji, the imperial palace, any of the famous castles and shrines. It would be cool if you posted those on this site, but they don’t have to include you in them, of course you could always do something funny where their are a whole bunch of people in the picture and you are also in it somewhere then check to see if anybody can find you, but if you don’t want us to know what you look like or anything you could be looking away from the camera or have your back to the camera or something. These are just some ideas. Good luck with the exams, mine were finished in the 2nd week of may. Enjoy the trip, have fun, god wish I could go to Japan.

  18. Barko says:



    Have fun :).  Will you be uploading volume 22 before you leave?

  19. Allen Lewis says:



    Have fun and be careful.

  20. Arickshot says:



    While planning for your trip do add your travel  time in vehicle too

  21. Crimson and Darkness says:



    Have fun on that day my man. XD

    Enjoy your three weeks there and give my regards to Samat when you meet him.