Last update(s):
High School DxD: New BD V3 SS (14/11)
Denpachi: V1 Last Chapter 2 (13/11)
Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha: V8 Chapter 3 (10/8) & V8 Afterword (8/10)
Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi: V8 Chapter 7 (27/12)
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
No spoilers please, I only read as far as I translate.
A lot of people have asked me how they might help to contribute so I’ve set up a Slack workspace to act as a platform for discussion.
TBA – circumstances have changed, and so will my schedule.
Next update(s):
Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi V8 Chapter 8: ~10%
Thanks for the tanslations!
And Merry Christmas and happy new year to you as well.
Just a random question are you going to update Chapter 6 & 7 together ?
I might just try and finish the rest of the volume all at once to save a bit of time.
Hey z its been a long while since I have been on this site, but I hope you are doing well. but I’m just wondering if u could translate hundred if its at least one volume it would be awesome considering that there is just 3 volumes left in all on that entire series and each volume is short compared to dxd for example. But anyways if u could help out that translator a little and help that series finish faster that would be awesome but if you can’t I understand.
Thanks in advance and I hope u continue translating for people like me who has almost no access to Light Novels.
If I remember correctly hundred is translated by a translator named taeken . He is pumping up new chapters every week and in which speed he is going he gonna finish hundred in less than 5 month.
And their is a unspoken rule in fan translator world that never touch anyone else project unless it is fully dropped .
Wanted to ask few things
Now that you have transferred 2 titles to others, are you going to pick a new one like you did denpachi? (Plus would you continue denpachi further or do some other series?)
There are many of your posts not available on baka tsuki (eg: short stories), if possible do make them available.
If possible could you or anyone from community make pdf/epub for snrk?
Can you tell more about the progress in dxd print version?
No, I’m not going to pick anything up…my workload has actually increased as I’m still looking after all of my previous projects, just not in the role of a translator.
I’ll add any missing content to Baka-Tsuki most likely at some point before the end of the year. I’m not in a rush to do it, and my content will not be going anywhere in the meantime anyway.
As far as I’m aware, there are already PDFs for Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi here. If there’s another PDF you want, feel free to make one yourself – it’s really quite easy.
As for your last question, I can’t answer as there’s not much to speak of…you’ll hear about news when it’s available.
When are you going to restart translating ??
Fret not, I’ll try to follow the schedule outlined in my post, though I’ll re-adjust slightly now that I’m only an editor for Shinmai Maou.
Greetings, zxzxzx,
i just had a random thought: have you consider translating as a job? I mean, did you consider applying for a translating business such as yen press?
I just bought their volume one of strike the blood. After reading the introduction and a few pages of chapter one, already I can tell that their quality are below yours (although not by much).
I suppose what I’m trying to say is you’ve excellent results. Your translation is most definitely the best I’ve had the pleasure to read, with the group translating mahouka coming second. I just thought that it would be a… waste to see your fantastic translation stop.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Wish you a good week!
Hi there, I don’t think I’ll enjoy taking up translation as a job. Working for any kind of localisation company would impose deadlines on me, and it would just make me dislike something I actually enjoy doing. However, the biggest deal-breaker for me is the fact that any company would likely force me to stop all fan translations, and that’s not something I plan to do until I finish everything I’ve started.
Someone is Petitioning the Licensing of the Novel
Personally i am going to avoid it for sure. I assume that most people would feel the same, since their requirements/demands are quite a high. I mean no one would waits for another 5-6years for something they had already read! (That too with top notch quality).
For those who are signing this petition for physical book did you forget what (mr z) is working on?
Just because of some people its impact may feel bulky to fans from non western countries like me and many more……
But we dont know how will print of zx would look like. And would he able to print all the volume. Also by official we can support the author also.
And dont forget that IF j novel license dxd, i dont think they will licese shin also (as it will be a lot of risk to license a sequal of this many volume) so fan translation can keep working on shin.
So it will be like we are getting our regular shin translation with old translation with better quality (and dont forget we will also get limited edition thing also. ZXZXZX plz tell me were limited edition thing were in the fan translation or not (i dont know).
Also i think j novel club dont want to license it as again it would be a big risk to license something which has fan translation for years as it effect sales in a bad way (they tell this as a answer to someone ques about fan translation factor in licensing)
And dont forget licensig dont mean we will get print. For print, digital need to preform well for JNC case.
But again we would get our regular shin translation (if they dont license shin also) so i dont see and problem with this.
(Also i dont think petition will reach its goal.)
And what if they license shin?
Are you going to wait for them to reach such enormous volume count ?
Should they ever get the license I’m going to buy the ebooks, as I did for the manga. Supporting the authors when we can is important.
For that why not to buy merchendies???.
By this we can support as long as our wallet allow
That’s an option too, but it doesn’t diminish the importance of supporting the original work.
Hmm, looks like I had better “save” the web pages for SMnK before it gets taken down.
On the plus side, whatever is happening with SMnK looks to have freed up quite a bit of time for you, good luck deciding what to do with the free time.
are you no longer working on Shinmai Testament?
He’s crossed them off, so it’s safe to assume he isn’t anymore. Either it’s been licensed or someone else is picking it up.
From what he’s said on reddit he’s just not doing it anymore and instead found a new translator to do Testament. I hope the new guy can this and the author’s other novel that he did the prologue for.
Would you link to that please?
He says it here
Hmm…I’m guessing Shinmai has been licensed?
Has it been licensed??
Best of luck to you for exams.
Did you license the DXD LN series?
So happy you’re continuing Shinmai Maou No Testament. The donating site is something I just don’t agree with. Also from what I’ve seen the translators are really bad and are really slow with updates. Those guys are getting ripped off if you ask me.
Can’t see a schedule for Highschool DxD volume 25…. Does that mean you are dropping it now?
Appreciate your hardwork, I would’ve loved to help but I don’t know the languages…. Don’t overwork yourself…and Best of Luck!
I mentioned a few weeks ago on my home page that I’ve handed it over to
Oh! I missed the update then I guess…. Appreciate your hardwork anyways!
Hii zxzxzx when are you going to upload SnRK v8 c1?
Because it’s at 95 percent for past few days…..
And chapter title is very interesting…
The first three chapters are still drafts at the moment, and they’ll be ready once I have another read-through and proofread. I plan to release the first four chapters some time this week or early next week all at once.
Really appreciate all the hard work you put into your translations, I’m looking forward to all of the projects you are working on. I also hope you don’t overwork yourself though.
Hello and i just found this site through a facebook page i have never used it and am not trying to promote it but as you have said you want to publish or try to publish high school dxd i was hoping it might give yku more options. Btw im not doing this entierly to be selfless in truth i would love a physical copy of high school dxd in english translation. Best of luck to you and i hope im able to get a copy once you announce the sale start of volume 1.
Thanks. I’ve found a printing company that I’m happy with actually, as most of the sites online appear to be US-based and don’t deliver globally.
SnRK 2 volumes in a year I have no complaints……
Thanks for your hard work……
Oh!…..wasn’t sure what that DxD v1 print was about….then I remembered you were putting together physical copies :\ I feel dumb.
Thank you for the schedule outline, and thank you for not dropping SMnK.
I wish you the best of luck in keeping to that schedule, seems pretty full, and if it takes longer it takes longer, I won’t complain 🙂 .
Zx thank you for not dropping Shinmai, the only other people translating a those based on “donations” that I don’t want to be involved, I have been accompanying your work since 2016 and just want to say thank you for all your hard work this far
Best regards
Zx i am really grateful that you are still taking your precious time out to translate dxd short stories.
Thank you for translation you are the best?
What’s the time frame look for Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi V8? I know you said you need more time but like are we taking months or years or maybe never?
I probably won’t even start on it this year. Now that I’m no longer translating High School DxD, I should be able to divert my attention towards Shinmai Maou to finish the last couple of volumes by the first half of 2019. After that, I’ll be able to focus on Seikoku.
Ok thanks! I’ve been following you for awhile so keep up the good work and thanks alot for taking the time out of your day to do this ?
Can you please hive a idea of so as to how much time will it take for vol 25 of high school dxd to come
Dyimg here plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hey Zx is there a chance you could speak to the community so we can rally up and spam the sites such like yen press, etc so that we can show them how much we want DxD licensed ?? We trying to spread the word around and it will be a big help if you get involved. I believe that showing how much the community cares will probably make them reconsider.
@zxzxzx will Leo move forward to translate Shin High School Dxd after he completes translating Volume 25 of highschool dxd
You’re asking the wrong person.
Question @zxzxzx Leo is taking over DxD and posting right 2 baka is there anyway we can know how far along he is on translations so we dont have to check every couple days like can u put on ur blog how far along he is or can he make a page that lets us know?
Not sure you’re asking the right person here. What’s the point of me stepping down if I’m still the go-to person?
well is there anyway 2 ask Leo ? and you are being a editor so….
Just checked Baka tsuki and it just said that mrleo001 is going making a site very soon so stop asking zxzx pls
just wait for leo to put it up on baka i am sure it won’t be long. besides the way you are sounding it sounds like you are ungrateful
I do apologize if it is rude of me to ask!! But will you be finishing shinmai until the last Volume ?? There’s like 4 books left if I’m not mistaken.
I don’t know right now.
May i know if the new translator has any blog?
I don’t know for certain, but the “New Blood” blog post says Leo will be posting directly to BT, so that would suggest that Leo does not have their own blog.
No, not at the moment.
Hey zxzxzx…thanks as always…i just wanted to ask you …well….not that I’m bitching but can you ask the new editor of high school dxd to use japanese terms a bit
For eg. Okaa-sama except for mum(specially beacuse konou is a japanese yokai ..her calling her haha as mum is liilte….you get it!!!
because while reading the whole i got the feeling that i was reading something else rather than a japanese light novel( with the mum it felt british)
I edited it though….hope that wont cause any problem
Well, I’m one of the new editors. I’ve decided to keep it as is. While I also used Japanese terms in the past, I feel like it’s not necessary in a translation, and it can make it more difficult for some people to read.
Thank you for your translation. Are you not going to Translate high school did volume 25 anymore?
I’ll only be assisting as necessary.
I haven’t seen the information, so out of curiosity I have to ask, who is taking over that you will “assist as necessary”?
A new translator called Leo
Ok, I look forward to reading it.
Whoa, that was strange, I returned to the home page of the blog and suddenly the “new blood” post showed up, I swear it didn’t show when I posted that question.
I don’t know if my browser didn’t properly refresh or what.
I feel a bit foolish for asking something that was answered in the blog, just because I didn’t see it.
All good. I’ve got a pretty long cache time set for my site.
Comment: Just want to say thank you for the translations you do now and for the ones i hope u do in the future my favorite translation you do is DxD and hope u go on to translate shin. as for the workshop i wish i could help but my translation would be shit. however i will be donating in the future so i hope u stick with DxD and other translations
Will you translate High School DxD Shin?
Thanks so much for the hard work you put in I was really grateful to be able to read your translations.
Are you still continue to translate hsdxd volume 25 ?
Yall got spoiler link for shin volume 1?
No spoilers here please.
Are you going to translate high school dxd zero soon?
No, I’m not translating that one. Pretty sure Ariel is.
I’ll be waiting for the translation of highschool dxd since this series are not available at my country, kinda sad tho there so many good light novel but aren’t available sobs
Thank You for translating zxzxzx’s and keep up the good work 😀
What does 31/5 mean
The USA normally reads dates as Month/Day/Year, other parts of the world read dates as Day/Month/Year so 31/5 is 5/31 or May 31st.
So it means that the next update would be on 31 may or it was released on 31 may.
Shouldn’t it contain when the next update would be
It was released/finished on May 31st.
Zxzxzx does not usually give dates for “next update” as translating is a spare time hobby for Zxzxzx and the amount of “spare time” varies and is unpredictable.
can anyone give link to the chinese translation page of high school dxd?
man…..thank you for every translation so far, eagerly waiting for vol 8 SMnK
Please forget Shinmai and get back to Highschool dxd.
I only read DxD too and I too want him to soon return to DxD, but what you asked is disrespectful. There are others here who read Shinmai and want it translated as well. Just wait until he returns to DxD.
Zxzxzx has said a couple of times now, that he is waiting for the Japanese to Chinese translator to finish vol 25 before Zxzxzx will start working on the Chinese to English translation.
What Zxzxzx works on while waiting for that is a bonus. Zxzxzx could just as easily take a well deserved break and not work on any translations.
If you want vol 25 faster, you should go encourage the Japanese to Chinese translator to finish quickly, nothing starts here with 25 until then.
Hello zxzxzx just a question after finishing shinmai V8 are you going to start translating SnRK V8 ???
Hi zxzxzx,I have one question,are you going to wait till chinese translitors finish transliting DxD vol 25,and when you finish translation poste it on one go like you planning to do with Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha v8,or?
I’ll be posting DxD chapter by chapter as usual once I start translating.
Thanks for replying.
what are you going to translate next? Dragonar academy, high school dxd or both? I can’t wait thanks for the hard work i enjoy the reading.
Just let you there’s a new light novel for High School DxD that place after Vol. 25 called Shin High School DxD
no updates of lately you taking a break zxzxzx?
Yes, he’s on a break due to his exams
I finished my exams about 2 weeks ago. I’m working on Shinmai V8 at the moment and plan to release the whole volume at once rather than incrementally.
God bless you !!! I’m reading the volume 6 right now and I begin to be sad because I’m not gonna read the next volume after the seven before a long time.
I just finish HDxD V24 just before I start reading Shinmai and I almost fell in despair because I can’t read the last volume just after lol.
But you are still here and I am very grateful ! Thank you for your hard work ! I’ll be patient for what follow ^^
(PS: Sorry if my english is bad I’m french ^^)
@zxzxzx since Shin High school DxD is coming out on the 20th on this month, when you get back to translating DxD vol 25 will you also be translating Shin DXD at the same time or will you wait awhile? or if there is no plans for translating Shin DxD do you know who will or will you inform us of someone who is at the time it gets a translation ? Thanks again for the awesome translations btw
I know it’s sudden, but it literally just hit me: Some fans say that High School DxD EX (the storyline that Issei’s children come from the future) is canon, but I don’t think it is. Because, I just remembered. Kurenai (Issei and Akeno’s son) said that Azazel was the one who named him at Akeno’s request, but how could have he done that if Azazel was still trapped in the Barrier Field to fight 666 alongside the other myth leaders? So, I don’t get how it could be canon, if that’s the case. I’m just sharing my thoughts. Just… super sayin’… (bad joke, I know)
It was one of the possible futur ^^
Issei can still talk with everyone who are trapped in barrier So I think he talked with Azazel and made some random story to convince Akeno that Azazel had said something like this in past because he can’t reveal that he can talk with Azazel and Co.
Another possibility is that at sometime during that 30 year time period, the EXE intelligence agency is formed and others ,like Akeno, are now “in the know” and able to communicate with those in the barrier.
Maybe they finish the battle sooner than expected. I thought I remembered a hint of that. Besides they are still in communication.
Anyone can tell me what this High School DxD Zero project is? I checked the HS DXD wikia, and it says it would be released on July 9th. Anyone can tell me what it is? A side-story? A new EX chapter? What is it, exactly?
No no no its an false date ( I’ll edit it later on) but original release date is July 25.
It’s basically a spin-off of sirzechs , old maou faction. You must have heard that love romance story of sirzechs and grayfia it’s about that , it’s about time when great war between 3 faction broke out, its basically has timeline when young devil’s even didn’t existed, title match between serafall and grayfia. Unlike dxd Ex it’s timeline is that of past!!!
Hey guys kinda off topic here. It’s been a while since I’ve been on this site (last time was the day of the release of the ending of HS DxD V24). HS DxD was my first experience of anything Japanese (apart from Anime, Death Note gets the medal for making me love anime, manga, and LNs) and it has been awesome. I can’t wait for Trancendal Reason to come out but in the meantime, I started reading and watching wayyyyyy to much manga and anime. And now I’m finally out of stuff to watch. Can you guys plz recommend me some stuff? Coz I just recently entered this epic world of anime. Ohh btw if anyone wants to know my opinion I think Tokyo Ghoul Manga is LIttttttt and so is the anime of Code Geass, and of course death note.
P.S. should I start reading SMnK I’m kinda torn coz my friend says it’s like a wannabe HS DxD and is way more fan-fare compared to actual lore and plot.
I would recommand you to join sites like myanimelist, animeplanet, and other site. (Well myanimelist is best as it has large userbase and more feature. But its some feature are currently down (but will come live soon)).
And if you want any recommandation from me then try
1- Baka to test to shoukanjuu- its a very comedy anime. Give 1st 5 episode a try. Dont drop before watching 5 episode (as in 1-3 episode there is a fight and then after comedy starts)
2- Aho girl – 10 episode 10 min each. Pure comedy
3- koro wa zombie- smelling harem comedy around a dead man.
thx man. really appreciate it.
I think I’ll start with Aho girl.
Hey, everyone. What are your thoughts on the final episode of Hero? Man, the fight was good, and the ending was really touching, when Issei finally confessed to Rias. And they WILL definitely make a fifth season. The foreshadowing/cliffhanger ending made that clear, with Azazel and Indra. They can’t leave it at that
Couldn’t even bring myself to watch Hero due to the new, ugly character designs
At least the plot stick to the original root,You must have problem with with your fucking ugly eyes.
You must have very low standards.
Then what the hell do you expect Old style animation?Don’t like it then just dropped it,stop making yourself like a fool
Hey zxzxzx have our japanJap to Chinese translator changed cause on wiki somebody send a link that it started idk but the new translator is not leaf27sky rather someone else and translated Transcendental Reason: and life 0
Pls confirm above information waiting for your reply:)
Yeah, i know about it. It doesn’t change the fact that I’m waiting for the entire volume to be complete first though.
So what are your current planning regarding dxd volume 25 ??
So are you waiting for Japanese to Chinese translator to complete whole volume first and then you will start translating it??
^Can you provide the link?
Hey Oppai Dragon,
Love your profile pic, you like TG as well? and What did you think of the ending of TG re?
P.S. How do you add a profile pic?
Hey Mehul! Sorry for late reply but yeah I am a big fan of TG and as you can see my profile but not more than DxD and to get this profile you need make an account on WordPress ( don’t apply same cause it will cause lot of confusion)
Are you still at 30% of Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha V8 or it isn’t updated?
I can wait so don’t take this comment as a criticism.
If you view the desktop version of my site, there’s a sidebar on the right hand side which lists a rough aim to complete the volume by the end of July.
Can u send me raws of highschool dxddi ll try nd translate it as good as possible or other series to help you
Hey mate, I already sent you an email yesterday. If you’re interested in getting onboard, send me a reply to that email.
Yea i m intrested and can u send me the mail again i didn’t get the last mail
Done… Check your spam filter just in case
Shit got real … or true(shin) …
Hey zxzxzx long time no see it’s oppai dragon.
Hope you are keeping yourself fit and fine
Please enjoy your break.
Btw what are your opinion about dxd hero!!
So far I think it is a faithful animation.
It’s late idk but best of luck for exams?
They’ve been true to their word and I’ve been enjoying Hero so far. I’m simply grateful that we can see this much animated.
I heard that they are making a sequel to High School DxD named Shin High School DxD. will you also translate that novel series?
An answer to that question was given on March 22, 2018.
All you had to do was scroll down and read the comments to get your answer.
Seriously, people need to look for the answer before asking the same already answered question over and over again.
Thanks for the update and I hope you will translate Madan ou to vanadis since no one is going to translate it
Well, I have no idea on how fast it will be translated, but there is a group supposedly working on it.
Group is called “Kondee Translations”
So, I don’t think zxzxzx needs to take it on.
That group has made very little (negligible, dare I say) work on Madan, even though they’re supposedly Patreon-supported.
Anyway, I doubt zx is going to take on Madan at the foreseeable future, since he’s still got Shinmai and Seikoku in works – and potentially the sequel to DxD.
I personally hope he’ll take it on though, as his translation quality is amongst the best I’ve read, alongside Mahouka translators. But yeah, I’d say it’s rather unlikely he will.
Are they still in work? There has been VERY little work on those two. Hey zx deserves breaks like everybody else, especially since its done for free, but the TL speed has been steadily dropping. I’m questioning if he will need less than a year for the next DxD volume to be done. He’s doing three projects on paper, but it feels a bit like even one is more than can be handled right now.
What the hell are you talking about?
It took about 2 months for volume 24 to get translated? Thats as fast as TL gets barring the extreme outliers like JS06. Any slow down’s ZX has while TLing were caused by having to wait for the Chinese TLs to finish or unavoidable life. And they flew through 24 too. If he translates Shinmai in the meantime, that likely gives them the chance to finish 25 so he can go max speed through it.
Thanks for jumping in, that’s exactly what my plan is 🙂
What did you mean by are they still in work? If it’s zx, I believe he’s said his reasons for the break. Translating takes time, and with real-life stuff, it’s not common to have breaks in progress. But during his active period, zx showed a steady pace, and excellent translation quality; I actually prefer him that way – steady, with excellent translation.
When will he he start translating again? Once he’s available to, I suppose. A bit of update (not translation, but your status – translating or not) every now and then would be appreciated though, Zx! And yeah, this is rather late, but I hope your exams went well.
If it’s about the other group, the one that translates madan, well… you can go to their website and see for yourself, I suppose. My only say is: I hope we’re not experiencing setsuna 2.0.
With a bit of waiting time for the next High School DxD volume there might have been a little time for a few Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha chapters, but I guess I’ll be waiting in vain for anything to happen, huh? Those were the days when the time between chapters were mere days instead of several weeks. I miss those times dearly.
Are you going to start volume 25 anytime soon?
You know, you could have scrolled down the home page of the blog just a tad and seen where he said that he needs to take a break to focus on his school final exams.
I personally think that there will not be any significant progress on volume 25 until mid July at the earliest.
Have patience, it will get done when it gets done.
Pestering the translator is unlikely to get it done any faster.
Will yo translate SnRk prologue and chapter 1 after finishing shinmai maou chapter 1 ?
No. I’m planning to finish the entire Shinmai volume at once.
Sorry for the trouble but At first you always put a red sign on the words that can’t be translated so could you try do that from volume I don’t know may be 21 to upcoming
? What are you talking about?
Are those guys at Shinmai translating group legit ?? They’re asking 10 bucks for translation. So I was wondering if they were the real thing.
Anyone translating slash dog vol.2 ?
JeruTz has plans to do so I believe.
The wait for vol 25 of Highschool is going to hard but I’ll be fine.
Hey zx, have you think about translating manga also??
I’ve translated two chapters of the Gurren Lagann manga. I’ve translated a bit of the DxD Devil’s Job spin-off manga. It’s a lot easier than LNs as there’s much less text to deal with. The main reason why I don’t do it though is because there’s a lack of people to help out. The most time-consuming thing for me is actually to scan, clean and typeset all of the RAWS and I’m not very good at redrawing/typesetting. I would probably consider doing more manga if people were willing to assist in those areas. While I could also join an existing team, they’re probably not going to be working on what I want to read.
Thanks for the PDF and please enjoy your break and best wishes for your exams!!☺
Even I’m affected by the mobile caching on pc now.
@zxzxzx i was wondering 2 things 1) when do you plan on translating vol 25 of DxD no rush just asking and do you plan on translating Shin high school dxd ( true high school dxd) love your translations i hope you keep up the DxD translations means a lot to read my favorite series
in regards to shin dxd 3zx has stated he will decide whilst doing or after finishing volume 25 he stated this in March and other below the last few days have asked the same question
regardig volume 25 it’ll come just give it time
Holy shit, ZX.
I read 22 exactly a year ago today, good timing!
Thank you zx
Hey I wanted to say thank you for translating testament of new sister devil it’s hard to find raw even if I could read it witch I can’t sadly your awesome for doing this keep up the good work
Is it update on 23 or 25.
…in hope page is 25 and above cmt is 23
Hello zxzxzx. Thanks for translating Highschool dxd. I need to ask you that are you going to translate the the sequel of HS DxD, according to ishibumi tweet, Highschool dxd sequel (Shin highschool dxd) is going to release in july, so will you going to translate it. Please translate it. I think after vol 25 translation it will be next. Thanks.
he has already stated in march that he doesn;t know until after he finished volume 25
I for one hope he does though
This is a question for zx. What did you think of team rias vs team vali match. Just curious
[spoiler title='Spoilers']Slightly disappointing, mainly because it feels as though a fair portion of the match has been left out to make room for Ise vs Thanatos. Overall, it was interesting to see a few of the match-ups, but I would have liked to see the battle continue. Although Rias was exhausted, I don’t feel that she had to surrender. She could have just rested while her team members continued to fight and protect her.[/spoiler]
Thanks Zx
DOH! A spoiler alert would have been nice.
Heh, I always wait for the whole LN to be done and posted to BT before reading it, as I like it being all on one page (the “full text” option) and not reading it piecemeal, but that is just me and my stubbornness.
Not really a big deal to me to find out a couple of details early. 🙂
Thanks again for translating for all of us fans, zxzxzx.
Oops, sorry!
HI ZxZxZx,
I just wanted to say thank you for continuing to translate Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha. I know it’s a lot of work, and just wanted to say thank you for taking your time to translate for those of us who cannot read the raw novels. The LN’s have been one of the few things that have helped me keep my mind off of thing since my wife came home from the hospital after her stroke. Anyway, thank you again and keep up the awesome work!
Thanks mate. Sorry to hear about your wife 🙁
Could you pls send me a link to make pdf
Uhm, what do you mean?
Hey zx are you enjoying DxD Hero so far?
Yeah, it’s a good and faithful adaption, and I have nothing against the current art style. It looks like we’ll get to see V10 content soon, and I’m looking forward to that.
Hey zxzxzx will you be able to give update tomorrow??
Was it really necessary to ask that???
But at same point I wonder if zxzxzx was making fool of you lololol:-}
Btw z can you provide me the link to make PDF
really???? STOP it. go pay someone to do it then go annoy the crap out of them.
@jabbathehutt fyi I have already read volume 24 a long time back and basically know each and every thing about volume 25 so I don’t need to pay someone. I was just asking to help zxzxzx by making PDF
Oppai dragon, Jabbathehutt was not talking to you, they were talking to : ).
If you have not noticed, the posts offset under the post that they are replying to. Being as Jabba’s post was not offset to the right of yours, it is not a reply to you, even if it is below yours.
Oh!! I misunderstood it ,sorry jabbathehut but make sure to use @ to avoid misunderstanding
Zxzxzx due to some reasons I have been finding difficulty in visiting your site as sometimes it shows desktop view on my mobile and sometimes mobile view on my pc . I have tried removing cache files from both sides but it didn’t help anyway, could you please help me???
And yeah some random names along with email id automatically come on area where we need to write our name and email id to post comment.
Do anyone else facing this problem or is it me only please help.
It’s not so much the cache on your side, rather it’s the cdn cache that’s bugging up. If you use a browser with a ‘reading mode’ like Firefox then it might work better.
Thanks for info I’ll surely try it
thanks for the update
will you be continueing with the new series of HS dxd after volume 25?
This was already asked and answered on March 22, if you want to know, I would suggest you scroll down and read the comments.
thank you yes I found the information 3zx will decide after he finished volume 25 allright 🙂
Are you done with proofreading? Will you be able to complete it by today:)
Stop bugging him! He’s gonna upload when he’s ready to upload. Stop pressuring him, stop rushing him, and stop asking for updates. As they say, never rush perfection.
As they say patience is a virtue.
[Cough] Take your time translating Highschool dxd
you could always buy the raw yourself and pay a professional jap > eng translator to do it for you.
since you are not doing that STFU
I have heard that volume 25 is the last volume for DXD before it will contine as a 2nd series will be continueing to translate the 2nd series as well if that is in fact the case?
Can Send somewhere THEbJapan Wiki below the comment
When you update the progress can you also put date like you do for completed chapters?
I’ll only do that when I’m certain I can finish something by a specified date. Lately, that isn’t the case, so I’m not going to put date estimates.
Would it be possible for you to give update today and thanks for the response in advance:)
Do you really have to ask me that? I just need a few hours to proofread, so it’s not going to be far off.
Sorry if that comment hurt you
Maybe I am confused, but I thought they were asking for the date of the updated percentage to be attached, something like: Chapter 5 ~20% done on April 4, 2018 and then when you update the percentage it would be: Chapter 5 ~75% done on April 20, 2018, ect.
I can’t say as I see a reason to do that though, what would be the benefit? It just seems to allow people to whine over the length of time between updates with specifics rather than generalities.
Yes, that’s what I was asking for sole reason to know the estimated time it will take rather than bugging him every now and then because if you know that it took him 1 week to complete 50% then the chapter would get complete around another week or 10 days.
I don’t think I’ll do that though. It doesn’t make sense for me to. My free time can be sporadic. One week I might be able to do half a chapter, and another week I might do nothing.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
Keep up the good work zx! Can’t wait to finish reading Life 5
Atlast the horror of 60% is over!!!!
To the people that keep on asking for updates, Life.5 is the longest chapter in the v24 so just be patient and stop bothering the translator. If you really can’t wait go check the Chinese translation for v24 because it recently just got done. If you can’t read Chinese then don’t forget that Google is your friend.
Why people keep defending the Translator?? He’s a grown person to my understanding. So like a grown person he should just take the heat and move on. That’s it ! He doesn’t need people here sucking up to him everyday. I’m pretty sure he’s capable of handling the hate otherwise he wouldn’t be translating at this point. Compared to some other translator out there who gave up because of the pressure that comes with it. So yep ! I get angry when he takes 9 months to finish a book, but ehh I don’t care at this point, I even managed to finish other books that had piled up in my library. So good day to you all and good luck in finishing the book .
@OppaiDragonFan I’m not defending the translator, I’m just fucking annoyed that every time I try to read the comments hoping for some information about the series or the progress of the translation all I see are comments about people whining and asking for updates.
If your such a grown up man then don’t keep fucking asking for things that are being given to you for free and just shut up and wait.
Lastly, FYI the translator can really take the heat unlike you who gave up in waiting for the translation. It really shows who is the child and who is an adult.
I have been telling since beginning that it’s easily 30+ update . Everybody have their personal life same goes as to our translator zx!. We know he is not getting paid for it even and then also he is giving this much of time towards translation. To be honest every time I open this blog it gives feeling of regret to not having help him for even a single sentence in translation.
To everybody pls stop interfering in his life
Hi! It thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your work and please let me apologize on behalf of all those that are impatient. Please do not let it discourage you. You do not owe anyone anything. Have a nice day!
If its taking this long that i think the chapters gonna be pretty big…. I’m kinnda looking forward to it
And guys i know that the no 60% is a little you know what…….but its not like he’s Pecifically getting paid for it….as for i know he’s doing it at his spare time……and we can expect him to just give up his life and translate it for our sake and give translated materials every hour…………we’ll i do hope he does….lol
Come on guys guy, give the dude a break atleast he is at 60%. Its irritating to constantly see it i know, but remember he still has other things to do or he is reading it over over. So be a supportive fan base a just be paitent it will come
I was just asking since he usually updates pretty frequently and it had not moved in a while. Figured it might be finals week, it is here in the states.
Oh come on man it’s Sunday today you got plenty of time to update that (%)
Pls update it man, Reply if read pls
I have plenty of other things to do on my weekends, such as spending time with my family because it’s Mother’s Day.
Let it go.
You are badgering someone doing a service for free in their spare time. If they don’t currently have spare time to work on it, it will wait until they do. Life happens, people get busy with more important things. They do not owe you explanations or constant updates. So put on your grown up pants and be patient.
You should be grateful that it is getting translated at all, much less as fast as zxzxzx has been getting it done. There are plenty of other series that I would love to see translated as well that are currently “dead in the water” either with no translator or no update going on years.
Finals week?
Finals week ??
Hey zx over there, not even it turned out be 60.01%.I really started to hate that number 60. Tell me weather you’ll be able to give update tomorrow ?
Reply but not sarcastic as previous comment pls
Pls have patience likewise I said it is a big update (30+) pages and it even took chinese translator whole month and four days to just translate only life5 and isn’t it interesting that zxzxzx translated 60% in comparable less amount of time. If zxzxzx you are reading this tell me weather it would be possible to translate till ~20/5
Zxzxzx if you read this( idk if you read each comment here cause its my first commemt here)then please update any percentage if progress is made and thanks for all efforts done.
There isn’t much point in having that there if I don’t update it, right? It is accurate.
Sarcasm ?
Zxzxzx can you please tell that in which volume was it mentioned that 4 maous are changing to 7 maous
I believe it is first mentioned in volume 21, it is hinted at in the conversation between Azazel and Sirzechs in the beginning of the novel and laid out a bit more in the final chapter in the conversation between Ajuka and Shiva.
I think it was mentioned for the first time in DxD EX,Azazel talking with one of issei kids.
Thanks for responses
Beautiful chapter? Beautiful, how? As in, it’ll get in the feels or something? You got me curious and excited!
It’s structured well, and it conveys a somewhat different perspective than the usual because it’s primarily in the third person.
Hey zxzxzx just a doubt that what’s difference between Satan and maou
Maou is Demon Lord, nothing more nothing less.
Satan is a catchall term for whoever is the singular leader of hell. Most commonly Lucifer but theres a ton of religious stuff complicating it.
Similar but an intrinsic difference means Satan is an innaccurate translation, especially in DxD with 4+ Demon Lords.
Who are your favorite characters Zx?
Sairaorg is the best male character there will ever be in my eyes, and Issei’s growth and charisma can make me cry on command.
Meanwhile due to being the first to propose to Issei and Shirone mode giving the best of both worlds, Koneko usurped Akeno as my favorite girl long ago.
Issei has been an amazing character to watch the story unfold from, and in terms of female characters, I’ll have to say that my favourite is Kuroka at the moment. She has a playful, mischievous and naughty side to her that I find quite tempting, but she can also be a bit of a lone wolf when she’s sad or serious which makes her quite adorable. I’m enjoying the way things are progressing between her and Issei in this volume.
Yo, Zxzxzx, just wanted to say: Greetings from Brazil, bro. You have no idea, but the DxD fanbase here in bigger than you think! xD
Hey ZX
According to the info i just came across, high school dxd will end with volume 25. However, it will be continuing directly with new series
Shin High school DxD
Will u be translating that as well in the future?
Plz ignore that post. I found his response in older posts
Could someone provide me a link to watch the new season?
Try google-ing Kissanime or 9anime, I believe both sites have it, the subtitles differ at each site though.
There’s also a website named Kickassanime. Check it out
Hello Zxzxzx
I have two questions that i want to ask you,don’t you think you are to fast right now with traslitions,what i mean is that even chainess didn’t translated vol 24 yet.With this speed you are going to catch up with them.
Second one,did you buy japanese vol 24 and you read it from there or you waiting for chaniness translation.
Thanks for your hard work
I asked ZX yesterday, the Chinese translators are making steady progress and are at the climax of Volume 24, ZX is advancing at his own speed following them.
Dude are you complaining or thanking him for fast translation…i’d like to thank him
I feel like I’m going at a good pace. I have both the Japanese book and the Chinese translation.
Thanks for answering my questions.
And i didn’t read first vol of slash dog is it good,what i mean is it good at character progression like DxD or?
Well there are only two volumes so far so it’s hard to say, but I think most DxD fans will enjoy it, especially because it’s linked to the DxD universe.
I think i will give it a try
Excuse me when is dxd update be available cause yesterday it had 85% complete sign
ZX is advancing at his own pace, if you look above you it says he plans to finish on April 17th and its the the morning of the 16th for ZX right now, so a bit more than 24 hours assuming nothing comes up.
Zxzxzx is a packet of surprise you don’t know what’s coming up next and when
Ohhh the date doesnt appear in mine… only shows ho much % is completed….well thanks for the info
ZX, youre getting through 24 really fast, hows the chinese tl progressing?
They’re currently translating Life.5 and they’ve had regular updates which is good. It means I can progress at my own pace and not have to wait around.
Damn thats the climax of the volume, looks like I’ll have both Hero and Volume 24 at once in a month or two.
Thanks for translating.
I know there’s nothing to do about the topic or news for Light Novels, but I just wanted you all to know about these infos from the pre-screening of Hero’s premiere:
>the design works really well in animation
>some quite prefer it since it’s cuter including Ishibumi (DxD Author)
>event was just about sold out
>girls were once again present at the event
>animation quality was drastically better than anything Passione did before AND the previous seasons
>they got that creepy vibe from s1 back with the hero faction and that guy with the darkness sacred gear
>Yuki Kaji (Ise’s VA) said he became a bit obsessed with the oppai dragon song at one point, he loves dubbing the series, one particular scene left him with a sore throat from yelling for days (LOL)
>Ishibumi and Kaji never expected the oppai dragon song to be put on iTunes,
>there was a bit of a cheer when the Issei vs Sairaorg spar hit its climax due to the animation
>the ED song is good
>there difference in tone between the fanservice/comedy and action/plot is very nice, it’s unsettling in a good way like the LN at times
>Ishibumi said the first and foremost target of Hero during production was LN fans (Yey! Ishibumi going to spoil LN reader fans)
>Ishibumi made the staff read all the way up to the newest novels so there wouldn’t be any inaccuracies (LMAO~)
Just an FYI, it seems that the first episode of the 4th season, High School DxD: Hero has aired for all those that are interested in watching it.
Which episode are you talking about episode0 or episode 1 which will be aired soon
Well, it is numbered as 00, but it still is the first episode labeled High School DxD: Hero, is there any specific reason that it wouldn’t be considered the first episode of season 4?
Because it’s basically retconing BorN’s timeline. As explained in the side-story, High School DxD EX, BorN’s timeline is an alternate timeline, where the Chichigami god never appeared before Issei, and Issei’s kids from the future came back in time to fix everything.
That’s why Hero will have 13 episodes instead of 12.
Where in EX does it explain that Born is a diferent time line? I don’t remember…
One of Issei’s kids told Azazel about another timeline where the Chichigame god never appeared for Issei, and in BorN, he never appeared. So yeah, that’s very specific, really. That’s the whole reason why Ishibumi made EX in the first place, to retcon the mistakes made in BorN.
Last 3 episodes of born were shit
Hello, this is my first time commenting. Thanks for your work, this is my favorite novel, and I wanted to tell you are amazing since quite a long time ago; anyway, I have a question regarding your site’s appearence on my phone as it sometimes appear as if I was using a pc, and to see if its only me or not. Sorry to bother you but it really affects how I read chapters sometimes.
I see, it’s probably a bug to do with the way my site is being cached. Sometimes a refresh will fix it, though sometimes it won’t. Unfortunately I have looked into it in the past and there isn’t much I can do about it.
I see, well I tried refreshing the page but it didn’t work, so maybe it will fix itself later on, thanks.
I’ve purged cache on my side and I’ll try adjusting some of my settings.
It works now, thanks a lot! and sorry for replying until now.
Always thank you for your work on the translations
Zxzxzx the way you are showing update like wise using percentage method really helps a lot.
Hey everyone, I’m looking for a Volume of DxD, that I saw quite some time ago, but I can’t remember exactly which one is it.
The Volume has a part where Issei talks about his Underworld bank account and how f***ing rich he is thanks to the Oppai Dragon Show, and how Grayfia manages the account for him. If you could tell me the Volume (and Life) I would really appreciate it.
Volume 14, and probably somewhere in Life.1.
Thanks, man. I appreciate it!
It is also covered in the short story “My First Errand [Ophis Volume] in “part 2”.
Some hasbeen people asking about shin highschool dxd translation already but i didnt know what is that? Is it completly diff novel or somthing like dx
Not sure yet, but from the context, it appears to be a possible continuation with a new name and a reset of the volume numbers. No one on this site will know for sure until zxzxzx finishes translating vol. 25, which will be a while as we have to wait for the chinese translators (who are still working on vol. 24) before we get the english translation.
If you find out information else where, please do NOT post it here, no spoilers allowed.
Ok thanks for answering my question
They are just resetting the volume numbers because the lght novel has reached 20+ volumes already
Will you also be translating shin high school dxd when it releases?
Scroll down and read the comments, this has already been asked on March 22 with an answer. So I don’t think he needs to answer it over and over again.
Olá Tenha traduçao de dxd 24 antes de partir para outro trabalho?
If you’re saying what I think you’re saying, then yes.
Fast Translation thank you for your hard work zxzxzx hope you always healthy
आप बेवकूफ शिकायत करना बंद कर देते हैं और उसे अपना काम करने दें
Hey zx!!
Want to ask a question out of topic but which sport do you like the most??
I enjoy watching and playing tennis.
I thought it was cricket as I have read that your country respects cricket a lot and mind not if I ask you will you please specify or tell approx date of dxd v24 life 1 update
Yeah, just personal choice. All I can say at this stage is that it will be some time in April.
zx several dummy accounts have been used on this comment section though i will not go into detail the full aphabet guy and aditya agarwal are most like the same person based on the flattery and personal questions asked. This is just a warning to not listen this guy infact ignore all gossips and rumors
Yes, I’m well aware as all geolocations point to the same city. Nonetheless, thanks for the reminder.
Why not post all the names of fake account? or simply give him a warning so that he can stop doing all those fake/spam stuff.
I don’t think I need to bother with that. These things generally sort themselves out in time.
Just for clarification, I’m not the ‘full alphabet guy’ that you were talking about.If you still don’t believe me, you can ask Zx for my geolocation.
Thanks for picking up Shinmai Maou once again
Hey zxzxzx will you not translate shin hs dxd volume1
Like wise I told you he will not answer your query like he is ignoring you. He is an bastard. Trust me he is not a good person and you oppai dragon are also a bastard waiting for him to reply
No need to call me bastard you freaking head, zx is not that kind of person you better understand that and zxzxzx by the way are you ignoring me???
Reply it I’ll understand
Yes, I was because I can’t answer your question. Honestly, I didn’t even want to know about the whole volume reset thing until I personally finished reading v25, but it was inevitable. I love High School DxD, but I’m not going to make promises before I’ve even got a chance to read v25 for myself.
Really sorry mate
Hehehe I told you that zxzxzx was ignoring you ??.
Dye your hair blonde you ignorant fool oppai dragon!!
heya 3ZX I just noticed a potential issue on the HS DXD BT main page the following info may be incorrect
Ravel Phoenix (レイヴェル・フェニックス, Reiveru Fenikkusu)

Rank: High-Class Devil
Role: Bishop (Free)
Species: Pure Devil
Power: Immortality, Aerokinesis, Pyrokinesis
There has been no indication that Ravel herself is in fact a high class devil only that she is a daughter from the high class Phoenix Family there has been no information to say that she has recived the evil pieces which indicate here as a king and high class devil
I would more likely concider her to be low class even though she has rateing game experience she never truly battled in them as her brothers servent just watched. she may be mid class but I doubt she is high class
sorry to throw this at you and all but I have no clue hpow to bring this to the right people
I believe it is implied as inherited ‘nobility’ by being a pure blood Devil automatically makes one a high class Devil. Being born into a noble house is enough to classify someone as a high class devil – having one’s own evil pieces is not necessarily an indicator. For example, Lady Phoenix and Grayfia are not mentioned to have their own peerages despite being high class devils. They have inherited the title from their family. It’s the same with the ‘ultimate class Devil’ status which applies not only to the individual, but the entire family.
ok I will keep that in mind
also thanks for the early release of life zero , nice teaser 🙂
Mea culpa, I forgot about Lady Phoenix. But the status of being a ‘high-class’ or ‘ultimate-class’ devil is inherited through the family as you can see in volume 23 for example. Diehauser was born into the high-class Belial house and was automatically a high-class Devil. Roygun’s punishment for using the King piece affected the entire Belphegor house, causing them to lose their status as ‘ultimate-class’ devils, and return to being ‘high-class’ devils. It doesn’t always appear to be an indicator of individual strength.
What do you mean entire family?
If Vali have a child that child will be an ultimate class devil? I don’t think so
It seems to be the case based on what Roygun said in V23 Life.3.
All nobles(72 pillars) are born as high class devil..
Lady Pheonix does have a peerage she just never gets into rating games. That’s why Ravel is free to go to Issei’s school. She was traded by her brother ( Rizer ) to her Mother ( Lady Pheonix ).
Hey zx,
Thanks for your hard work and faster updates.
Do you translate from Chinese or Japanese?
As Amtro(LoN) affiliated with Shinmai translation group said we got DxD : V24 (Life 0) earlier because she gave you the raw. Is that true?
I rely on both – Chinese for primary translation and then Japanese for translation checking and to make sure that honorifics and etc are correct.
I’m not familiar with MknRec and it wouldn’t have affected my release anyway.
Thanks for your response. Looking forward to your future release.
I knew Amtro was Lying.
Amtro is correct, but I wasn’t aware that ‘she’ was called MknRec. Amtro gave me raws which helped, though I ended up buying a copy to support the author anyway.
Who is amtro?
Most hated guy in Mahouka, Shinmai and some other translation community. In short : No one likes him.
Hey zx
Stupid yet a question do you think volume 24 is more lengthier than v23
Believe it or not, all DxD volumes are of pretty similar length. 200-300 pages, even though later books feel like they have 10X the content of early books. I dont own either book yet so I cant tell you which one is slightly longer though.
Roughly the same I think.
I thought Seikoku was next? Did you take a break and do some DxD and accidentally do it all?
It was supposed to be next, but it was a long chapter and so I started doing Life.0 at the same time. Life.0 is relatively short so it’s done first.
I was just a bit shocked due to still feeling drained from 23.
Hey Zx,
Thanks for your hard work. Take as much time as you want to translate. And इन भिख्मन्गो के बातो पर ध्यान मत देना।.
I think you use to say such thing in front of mirror starring at you
F**k off you ass hole, it’s you who is “bhikmannga” cracking for sucking dick
Get rekt asswipe
you said the next dxd update would be april ,but now its 21/3 ….if i was gay ,i would totally fall for you xD
Hey zxzxzx whoo bro what happened I think you need a break. If you keeping giving update at this rate you will soon end up with bad health……..just kidding ( I’ll never wish that though)
But I’ll really appreciate your work infinite times
Found this on Shinmai Translation group
Is there a minimum payment for me to receive the translation?
No, there is not, you can pay as little or as much as you wish and you will still get all the translations that had been done and every update hereafter. *Update due to people questioning the legitimacy of this project we’ve set a minimum of $10 to receive full access to the translations and all future updates*.
Question: Is this site really legit?
Hey Zxzxzx,
Instead of paying them….I will donate you…after you start translating Shinmai maou…I don’t trust them.
thanks 3DX for the PDF just as awesome as allways.
and please ignore the haters I appreashate the work you do I can can read this novel 🙂
opps DX what was I thinking it’s XZ my bad :/
Thanks for your hard works zxzxzx
Hello zxzxzx.
i was just wondering if you were planning on continuing the translation of the shinmai mahou series.
i don’t know if the other site is legit and I prefer your translation as well.
also I’m sorry for my bad English, english is not my main language.
keep up the good work!
If you don’t mind waiting, I plan to continue in the coming months. Maybe some time around May.
Hey zxzxzx thanks for translating volume 23 and please when will you make pdf
This week.
Hi zxzxzx thank you for volume 23.
And a question. You plan to translate the new Slash Dog novel?
JeruTz is currently revising his original Slash Dog translation to match the new light novel version.
Thank you very much for volume 23 🙂
This is just a question if anyone knows is the author of dxd going to turn ex into a movie i can’t as a season if he is not that is fine i just the first 3 season to be remade to the light novel since they didn’t
Hi zxzxzx,
I saw that there have been few negative comments recently. It’s very unfortunate that some people just don’t appreciate the fact that you are investing your free time to translate. They are also ignorant of the fact that as soon as Chinese translator finished V23, you restarted the translation(Only those who follow both leaf27sky and zxzxzx would know this).
I want to say that you have my full support and the same of DxD community at large. Please continue to do this great work and don’t mind those negative people.
A little query to ask
Have Chinese translator completed volume24
Hey ZX, is the Shinmai Maou donation translation site legit ?
I think it is…but it’s not something I’m familiar with so use it at your own discretion.
there are many errors present in their translation
Dang! Last time I checked there were 94 replies and now 127. Y’all know me I don’t write long messages I just come here for the usual updates. But as I read few replies I saw hindi language has been used afew times. So z I just want ya to know not all Indians are dickheads. ?? And now…..any updates for season 4, vol.25 and/or slash dog ?
Hey j novel club is giving free membership for 3 months limited to 500people. If you want to read any of there novel or try some new novel its the time!!.
(Note: I am not doing advertisment for j novel club. I just thought to tell other if they dont know)
Hey zxzxzx 2 useless question-
1- do you watch anime or read manga and novel? If yes which is your fav?
2- why do you translate novels. Dont you ever get thought that it took soo much to translate. I mean minimum 5-10 hr per volume. You can do other thing like watching movie, reading other novel and try anime or american series like friends, play games, more photographyetc. I mean translating novel is not that fun as compare to other activity so why people do it. If you want to read dxd then just read it in chineas(althought it might not be that fun reading in lang with whome you are not that comfortable) Or drop and read other licenced novel. To sum up all the useless thing i want to ask whats the motivation in doing this.
Plz dont give useless answer like it if for youu fans, i like doing it(as other activity are more fun) etc.
(Now i got bored from writting useless. It is totally useless so from next my comment(if any), there will be something new)
Well if other people agree with my ques and had wasted there useless time to read this useless and boring comment then hit dislike (so that i come to know how many people read it).
zxzxzx and translate novel. huh! dont joke. he is just wasting our time by taking 9 months for 1 novel. VERY GOOD SPEED.
now i am expecting some idiots hateful eyes watching me and bombarding me like
1 ‘at lest he is doing, be patience’. well i lost it today. who take 9 months means more than 270days to translate 200pg. danielyang and other translation speed is far more better than you..
2 ‘just wait like we are waiting or get out of hear read other novel’. well i will not get out.why? because i like dxd. and i had wait enough. NO MORE.
3 ‘he has his personal life’. I know. but other translator also has personal live but they also do
4’he is doing it for us. not for profit and other thing’. i know this. but if you decide to do some hobby like this then you should at lest panctual.
why are you trying to do 3 project if you cant do 1 correctly
what i believe that you should do dx while denialyang should do dxd Or just leave translation dxd. nothing is better than 8month wait for a volume. and i am sure someone eles will pick it or we will happily wait manga to caught up with ln.
what will you do now zxzxzx. refuse to replay and you will delete my comment.
Finally someone with brain came to understand my words nice thought crimson maou….
We are not 9 months but a year late??
sorry to take your name to write comment. i read your comment and thought that in this ocean of moron, i found someone whose working of brain is fine but inactive. from now on i will use Mushikun.
बकवास बंद
You know hindi tooooo!!!!
That means we could even converse in Hindi
Hello I’m indian
Wow you know Hindi too !!!!!!
Just how many languages do you know?
wow man u know hindi too that was totally unexpected but that reply from u was cool !!!!
He’s already doing it for free and you still complain
If u dont like the speed of the translating then go do it urself or fid another blogger who translates faster then him asshole
we can find. But translator do not pick project which other translator are doing you asshole. have you seen any project being done by 2 active translator.
Just see the speed of daniel Yang who is doing dx. in 4 months 2 volume(if i am correct)
try doing the translation yourself instead of complaining like a bitch. In the meantime, If you’re so high and mighty and cant wait for a free fan translation, go find some hentai to jerk off to wanker
Yes, there are many of them. I would appreciate it if you could find a few more for me.
Plainly you are an utterly ignorant tool and fool.
Let us start with at the beginning of translating this novel, he was waiting on the chinese translation first, he can’t translate the chinese to english if there isn’t a chinese translation yet can he? Then we can move on to where he informed everyone about needing to stop translating for a time period covering his exams and trip. No one should be complaining about a volunteer taking a break. Yet here you are.
Daniel Yang has been working on DX3 since before July of 2017, and is not done yet, so GASP! that is more than 9 months for a light novel by a different translator! Math is hard for someone like you I know.
Have you supported the actual author of these books you love so much that you are willing to whine about not having it already by buying the actual legally published books so they will be able to continue the story? I doubt it. Your type would rather complain about the speed of something that you get for free.
Go buy the japanese books and pay a professional translator to translate from japanese to hindi instead of being a tightwad whining about the speed of something free.
Well, he’s only got one more volume to catch up to, so I don’t think he late by any means.. There are so many wrong with your statements that inducing headache is the least problem in it..
Just a year late? and you already cannot endure it? try to be a madan no ou to vanadis reader and you will know real pain (no offence to setsuna I’m still grateful to him for asterisk and madan)..
Even the one who take donations also lied to other people like the one who took donation for madan they said they will finish a volume in a month, but how many months are there and only two chapters finished.. Mercenaries are mercenaries after all, they got money and not producing is a norm right now, they don’t have passions for it and readers still fall for it.. I’m struggle to see if zxzxzx leave someone will not take an advantage and put prices for it to be translated.. I’d rather learn japanese and buy the volumes than support the mercenaries..
What I’m saying is get off from your high horse and back the translators, Don’t kill the passionate fan who willing to help us (also fans) in bringing something to share.. I already had a fair share of observation of how some of the toxic fans brought down the passionate translators with their nonsensical and high handed reasoning, they made it like the translators owe them or something.. Being critical is good and I’m sure zxzxzx will appreciate it, but there’s a way to do it.. And I’m damn sure your way of being critical is wrong..
1. I watch lots of anime. You can find my MAL profile on my About page. Clearly High School DxD is my favourite anime as it got me into translating the novel. I’m not as interested in manga as I don’t have enough time for it. The only thing I read is One Piece at the moment.
2. Correction: It’s a minimum of 40-50 hours per volume for me, probably more. My motivation: I enjoy it, it keeps my language skills sharp, and I get to read the novels that I love. Part of why I do this is for the community though. When I decided to get into this, I decided that I wanted to give back to the community for all that it had done for me. I get to watch subbed anime, translated manga, and translated light novels – none of that comes free. For every episode and chapter, someone worked to translate, typeset, encode, etc. People just like you and me. I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy everything if not for those people, and so I want to return the favour.
Hey zxzxzx
Since when you started translating dxd light novels
About 3 years ago.
its not translating, its wasting.
correct sentence is since when you started ******* our time to wait for dxd light novel. his answer is from the time i decide to see some fools begging me for something but then also respecting me
You surely won this time really
Can’t think better
And not begging ” chutiya katna”
what is the meaning of chutya katna. which lang? Spanish?
Sorry about all the trolls. Thanks alot for translating the world’s best novel ZX. Dont forget its juat a few people making a dozen accounts because they get a kick out of being asses.
Well said ” read dxd”
Some people don’t understand how much time and patience it needs to be a translator
Btw zxzxzx have you heard about volume 25 ichibumi himself said that it was one among best novel part he wrote
I’m aware of it but I don’t read spoilers or anything that I haven’t translated yet.
I’ll remember that you don’t read spoiler s
When does it fully reveal that bina is? So far it is only hints and spoiler. When is it gonna be in the light novel?
Very soon.
but for us after 10years if zxzxzx is translature
Don’t you think 10 years are not sufficient
How many pages does an average topic or life covers in a light novel of chinese raw
It varies all the time. I don’t really keep track either.
Hey zxzxzx happy Holi
Have you started working on update pls reply
It doesn’t really matter does it?
Yes it did matter a lot as you took whole 2 month to translate novel that too even not complete. This translator is such a shitty brat.
crimson maou if you don’t like it then just leave , you are reading this for free you entitled little brat .
Also you never seen the progress of other translators and some of them take a year for a lone volume you ignorant fool
If u dont like the speed of the translating then go do it urself or find another blogger who translates faster then him asshole. We all want faster translating but unlike u we are sitting patiently and not writing i-want-attention comments like u. So stfu and have patience or leave.
Hey zxzxzx
Are you intentented to translate dx4 or it would be done by danielyang
No plans for it at the moment.
Hey zxzxzx senpai
My question was that after you complete your translation of V23 you will be uploading it to baka-tsuki so experts out there will recheck your translation and also do they charge for for it as you upload it to their site
Baka-Tsuki is simply a hosting site that provides a platform for sharing. Each project is generally autonomous and it is unlikely that further edits will be made based on my past experiences. There are no ‘experts’ to speak of, just people like me who upload their work, and the editors who fix spelling, grammar, formatting, and other things. See here for more info. There’s no charges involved, and really, there shouldn’t be because it’s an open community.
thanks for the info and a silly query that roughly how many pages usually a life contain in original light novel
In my accordance it must vary from chapter to chapter
Hey zxzxzx I would like to thank u for your great work . I and my several friends are big fan of high school dxd and they really admire your work
And by the way waiting for upcoming high school dxd 24 volume
Hi Rahul I am from Jaipur where are u are from
Hey zxzxzx greetings from this side
I have been reading all your post since a long time and while exploring your blog i came to know about request section which I was not familiar with. I have a friend of mine who have great knowledge about light novel . I saw many novel on that list so I told my friend to help you but that moron name himself as ZYZYZY in request comment section so I was really shameful for that for using name like that
Now I wanted to ask what it all needed to be a translator and in my accordance you use Chinese translation
Can’t it be sorted out using Google translator or Bing translator to convert japanese into directly English.
I didn’t mean to write it this long lol and
Can we expect next update on timeline which you have given
If it were that easy, I wouldn’t need to do anything. Languages are complex beasts that a machine cannot understand and translate well. People usually need a fairly high level of proficiency in both languages to translate a novel. That might involve self teaching for a few years or taking classes for several months to gain the foundation required.
Zxzxzx did you took some language lesson or use software to translate novels
I learnt Chinese for several years as an elective in high school, and I self-studied basic Japanese for a while as well.
Hmm…… read this today. We really learn something new form everything like i just learn that i am a moron from this comment. well i had changed my name
Well about machine translation-
I had myself done it on a lightnovel name outbreak company from both bing and google translation. Then i compare that with human translation.
Accourding to story the page i translate contain a sentence which was from other world and machine translation has translate that too in english and made a sentence without any meaning. Becide that rest of the page was only somewhat understable. Google translated meaning was overall better than bing but bings grammer and use of words were better. In both translation there was no beauty of litrature compare to human translation.
My overall experience has improve human translature reputation, and was not to use machine translation to translate novel. Use it only if you had 1-2 volume left whisetranslature is also not active and you only want somewhat idea what had happend in the end.
Well i had also learnt about another machine translation(forget its name) which was paid but said that it can translate correctly. It said that it work just like other machine translation but after machine translate it a human check and correct machine grammer and mistake. So it take 5-15min per page and was paid. I had never use that(why? IT IS PAID)
What i think that it has been 9-10 year to google translation and now it is what it is (that is ‘ok’). In future 15-20 year or maby sooner i belive it will take place of human translatior(bad for translature who carrer is this, tech relly improve very fast).
Well sorry for this long, useless and boring comment. Well no body will read as it is down so it dosent matter(i had wast 5min of my life!!)….. hope it dosent help.
One more useless thing-
You said that zyzyzy is shamefull according to you. Means zxzxzx is also some what shamefull for you….
last useless thing. i wanted to know how many people wasted there useless time to read it. So whoever read it hit ‘dislike’
Hey zxzxzx as you are from Australia
Can you suggest some best places to visit around in Australia
I especially learnt swimming for Grand canyon.
I think I’m in love with Australia
I think you’re getting confused…
Kiba lol zxzxzx is not a guide so just stop asking such questions
Grand canyon is in USA
Hey damn kiba how dare you to take same pic of mine and same email of me.
It’s something private that belong to me.
Bro don’t use my email id anywhere you want pls
Hey zxzxzx bro tough I don’t have any right to ask you but can you please give an appropriate reason for delaying dxd v23 this much
By the way thanks for translation of novel this far.
If you read this message then please please?? reply
I’ve got family from the US staying over and I need to show them around so I don’t have time to do any translations for a while.
Zxzxzx we all understand so please take your time for translation and a request please complete whole light novel in next update.
Btw I also wanted to come Australia its my dream place.
Take care
Hey zxzxzx please give time duration for next update please and my question was to how to buy japanese raw light novel
It’s on this post isn’t it? I might actually have to delay it.
You can buy physical copies from a local retailer if you have one (e.g. Kinokuniya) or online from
Hey zxzxzx I wanted to ask weather dxd dx 3 translation has started again or not and who does translation of those?
Last I checked, DX3 was almost done. You can find it on daniel Yang’s blog –
Thank you
Seeing first time that a fan translation is behind a paywall. They are charging minimum $10 (US) from each person to get access for the translation of “Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha” . I am totally shocked tbh…. and if you going to share some content from it on public site(like 4chan) guess what they are banning the access which was provided after paying them.
Just wanted to share what I felt……
Hey zxzxzx
It’s your fan here . I am always fascinated by your work .
I just wanted to make a request along with translating next life please update some brief topics also
Hey zxzxzx
I wanted to ask weather AxA comes before ExE
and will both powerups greater and stronger than DxD
My guess is as good as yours. I don’t read spoilers so I have no idea what goes in V24 or DX4.
Hey zx
I’m new in this blog just wanted to ask some few question
1.Which country do you belong to?
2. I recently find update of life : youth, junior,interview and impression so next life : seating belt is big enough like youth.
3.are topic like singularity,apollo& vidar etc brief topic like ‘ interview’, ‘ junior preparation’ etc.
I didn’t mean to write this long but thanks for all work till now
Hey mate, I’ve deleted your duplicate comment on the other page. I’m Australian as you might be able to tell from some of my other posts. The ‘Life’ chapters are usually long, whereas any other chapters tend to be short. If you take a look at the chapter listing on Baka-Tsuki, you’ll notice that the sub-chapters are usually indented to show this.
Thank you
I thought you’l not reply that’s why I made a duplicate comment sorry for that
By the way thanks for translation and solving my silly queries
Thanks for your hard work!
Zx can u try doing shinmai maou no keiyakusa vol 8 if you have free time ? Thanks btw please don’t get bothered by my comments I’m a fan wannabe
Please pick Shimai Maou no Testament after High School DxD
And thanks for all your hard work!
Hey zx
While browsing across internet I found dxd ex
Is it related to dxd main course volume or was it just made for dxd season 4.
Pls reply
EX has already been translated.
Spin-off novel by Ichiei Ishibumi bundled with the Blu-Ray special editions of the Season 3 Anime, High School DxD BorN. Set in a time-travel setting between post-Volume 14 present timeline and thirty years into the future.
Translation can be found at Baka-Tsuki
Bro is it going to act as script for season 4
No. It’s already been announced that season 4 will cover volumes 9 – 10.
Heres an example, there were atleast 5 sites doing this shit back then, theyve all been replaced with actual info in searches now luckily.
Yeah, I remember that. Back before a fourth season was ever announced, those rumours were flying all over the place and many believed them to be true.
Guys like me belived it true BTW thanks for info
Sorry for saying youre a troll btw. Im the hot blooded type.
Hey zxzxzx
Thanks for work till now
Please give a timeframe for next update I will gladly accept it
I didn’t bother updating the post because I’ve been working on it all day and it’ll be ready in a few hours.
heartfelt thanks zx for the dxd wish i also know Japanese sigh!!! BTW great work
Bro!! There’s nothing better than to come home from a long day of work, and find out that you posted an update on DxD. I freaking Love you !! Thanks for the translation!!
Hey zx it’s your fan here . I really wanted to thank you for all work till now . You r simply most amazing person I have seen. The way you complete your work on light novel (dxd) is great. Just keep the work on.
Hey ZX, Thank you for what you do. I don’t see anyone else doing what you do much less offering there help. We really appreciate what you do. Keep up the great work
How much volume of DXD has been animated??
Season 1 – Volumes 1 & 2.
Season 2 – Volumes 3 & 4.
Season 3 – Volumes 5 to 7 (roughly).
Season 4 – Volumes 9 & 10 (planned).
Since Ishibumi wanted to make 6 seasons, it would be like:
Season 5 – Volumes 11 & 12
Season 6 – Volumes 14 to 16
Has the release date been confirmed yet ?
It’s confirmed to be coming on April. But the number of the date isn’t known yet.
Season 3 didn’t go the cannon route though with the timelines and such. So I wouldn’t consider it in the same timeframe of the other seasons. Season 4 would probably explain things better or differently in season 3.
Season 4 basically comprises volume 9&10
It won’t be explaining shit happened in end of season 3 anymore and this is confirmed by ichibumi himself on his twitter account
So Chinese have finished AND we are still waiting. Zxzxzx do the world a favour and leave the translations to someone who actually wants to do them
Congrats, you have just revealed yourself as the worst part of the translation community. The part that does nothing at all and feels entitled to get Translations when they want them for free regardless of the personal situations of the translators and talks shit to them thinking it will actually help when it actually makes them feel like not doing it at all.
Don’t you ever get tired of being a giant zit on the taint of humanity?
Be happy that he is translating it, I do not see other people clamoring to be allowed to translate it, most likely zxzxzx would love the help if anyone would step forward to do so.
There are a bunch of series that I would be ecstatic if ANYONE was translating, Absolute Duo, IS, Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica, etc. and useless you (who has been blocked from posting several times already) constantly whine about the translation speed.
You want it faster? Buy the raw and pay a professional translator to translate it for you, otherwise just quit posting and be patient.
You’re back! After all this time. The comments section was kinda lonely without you being here. Why show up after all this time? Is it because you were busy?! Does that mean you have a life? You?! Out of all the people have a life? Seriously? Hahahhaha! So how’s “life” going for you? How are your parents? Are they proud of you yet? Do your parents a favour and leave them alone. Give them to someone who will actually loves them as parents.
I find it funny that people seriously think that they are better while insulting other. Ah don’t get the wrong idea btw I’m not the same as that guy, I’m simply someone who feel annoyed when I scroll down the comments section and see insults like this. I mean it is clearly this guy was just seeking attention just leave him be and he will never bug us again
its not about feeling better than them, it’s about shutting them down quickly and showing that people like that are in the minority. All it takes is one comment like that to make a translator feel that it isn’t worth it and either quit or go on hiatus (I’m not exaggerating, this happens). Some guy decides to be an asshole and be edgy it ruins it for the rest of us.
Zxzxzx pls ignore such kind of disrespectful people(Maurice).
Zxzxzx pls take as much time as you need to finish.
ya know, you could ask nicely.
“could you drop the series so another translator I know who’s interested pick up the series?”
if you asked him like that maybe he would even dignify you with a response. maybe then you could have that magical thing called a conversation. >_>
I mean I get where your coming from, Zxzxzx is on the slower side when it comes to TL speed. especially when there’s insanely fast TLer like Bakapervert, Js06, or Yoraikun out there. but at the same time you DO NOT need to be a dick about it.
there’s this thing called polite conversation you know. sure it might not help you get your way all the time, but hey, at least then you know you tried your best and presented it in the best format possible so the other person has a chance to change their mind at a later date.
personally I would possibly rejoice for bakaperv taking DxD off Zxzxzx’s hands. not only for my selfish desire of update speed increase but knowing that it’d free up Zxzxzx to TL his other series he’s working on hopefully giving him less stress. (provided him TLing DxD isn’t a form of de-stressor) but such things are for the TLers in question to work between themselves, and NOT for us to be the ones deciding things for them. occasionally we could propose ideas for them to use. (such as series requests and whatever other ideas we might have)
but the point is you catch a lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
Honestly I agree with you.
“Zxzxzx is on the slower side when it comes to TL speed. especially when there’s insanely fast TLer like Bakapervert, Js06, or Yoraikun out there”
I think you are being a bit unfair here. Actually I think zxzxzx is on the faster side of the translating spectrum. Yes, he is going to look slow when you compare him to outliers in speed like Bakapervert (who just announced that his RL job is going to cut down his translating time for the foreseeable future, btw) but that is like comparing speed of a black lab to a greyhound while the average is a dachshund.
I don’t mean to belittle any translator, but when I look around and see how slowly a lot of series are being updated, I really feel that zxzxzx is much better than most.
Haha, thanks mate. I love your dog speed analogy 🙂
You are welcome! 🙂 Glad you liked it, it came to mind because my uncle has a lab, my sister adopted a champion race winning greyhound, my other sister has a whippet, and my parents and grandfather have dachshunds. It was a blast to see them all running around chasing/playing at the last family get together.
ZX, did the chinese TL finish? If so did they move on to Dx4 or 24?
They have finished, and are now working on volume 24.
If the other translation site complete the volumes of shinmai can you please make the pdf file? Just to know.
I don’t have access to the other site so I won’t be making PDFs for them.
There is a group that I thought died, but stills continue to crowdfund shinmai 🙁
Glad to hear u r taking up DxD again. Though I also like seikoku no ryuu kishi DxD is higher on my list. Thanks always for ur hard work
Cant wait for my Fix.
Btw, anyone have an epub of 22? One of my friends refuses to read anything but epubs.
E pub
Can you send the name of the blog where I can find Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha V8 please.
Here you go =
Although Volume 8 is not complete yet.
Ok thank you
This is shame, that somebody requires money from fan-translation.I think that this is against fandom rules.
They’re profiting off an author’s work…specifically a light novel, so….yes, I think they could be arrested for what they’re doing if the author ever caught wind…or at the very least have their website shut down. Don’t quote me though, I’m not 100% sure on this.
I don’t think it’s bad that they profit from translating specifically, but keeping the Translations behind a paywall is the problem. But if they just take donations or have a patreon or do sponsored chapters to increase the speed of translation then I don’t think that’s bad.
I think its real, they have samples before and this started way back 2017
I’m glad to hear that you will be resuming High School DxD translations soon. I will be looking forward to it! Thanks for all the hard work and good luck!
As always thank you for your work zx.
Appreciate your work, but please don’t let that donation required Shinmai translation de-motivate you. Your translation is the only one most people are going to read and we do appreciate you doing it….honestly, I forgot about their site.
Keep up the awesome work, man! Happy new year!
Zxzxzx are you gonna resume High School DxD?
I have a question on draganar academy is this novel follows the same numbering in English version as original Japanese series because description in Amazon is different. For example in volume 13 Lost and found description is written that – in the final battle of 500 year festival Oscar dragon Tristan gone berserk in final showdown . So according to your translation I have guessed that it will happen in volume 7 so why is it shown in volume 13 of English version book or this is his any mislead by publisher??
I have read that description in Amazon on volume 13.
I believe you’re reading the description for volume 13 of the manga. Only the manga has been published in English, not the light novel.
Thanks for help
Thank you for the update!! You are doing a grat work
Wrongly replied 🙁