So this has been planned for quite a while and I’m finally starting it now. Ishibumi’s recent twitter post has informed us that volume 21 of High School DxD will be out next month in March. I’ll be finishing V20 very soon, then resuming Shinmai Maou, but I’ll probably have some time for one volume of another novel before I get my hands on a source for V21. So here’s a poll of the 35+ novels which were on my requests page.
I’d just like to gauge the popularity of the various novels which have gotten onto that list to help me decide on what to translate next. Of course, I reserve the final decision as I’ll have to find a source and raws, as well as its current status and how much catch-up reading I’ll need to do. I know I’d have a hard time picking something out of that list, which is why I’m sort of shifting that on to you 😉 But, due to limitations of my polling plugin, you’ll only be able to choose two novels when you vote, so choose wisely 🙂
Edit: Let me know if you do have any news about the status of some of these novels. I wasn’t bothered to look them all up. The reason why I’ve removed some novels is because they’re either already up to date and do not require my attention or there’s already a translation team making good progress on it.
Edit 2: I will not be adding anything else onto the poll now. I’m going to assume that if it wasn’t already on there, it’s not going to get enough votes. Thank you for updating me on the status of some of these novels. I’ll leave this and see how it goes now before I compile a shortlist and then make a decision.
Edit 3: The votes have pretty much plateaued and have become stable so I’m closing this off early. Sorry for the disappointment GATE fans, I have the same problem as Skythewood so I won’t be able to do it. So top 10:
- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica
– Stalled project on B-T
– Skipped/incomplete volumes for translation (2-3, 9-11)
– Both Japanese and Chinese raws available - Sekai no Owari no Encore
– Idle project on B-T
– Five volumes released. One and part of the second are translated.
– Japanese raws available. Taiwanese published volumes 1-3 on my bookshelf. - Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
– Not a B-T project yet
– Web & light novel. Two or three volumes released. None translated?
– Japanese raws available. Chinese has 2 volumes. Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo?
– Currently being translated
– Less than 4 incomplete volumes
– 3 active translators- Seiken Tsukai No World Break
– Teaser project on B-T, not updated for a year
– One volume complete, out of ten released
– Japanese raws available. 7-8 volumes available in Chinese - Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi
– Halted project on B-T
– Five, partial sixth volumes complete, out of twenty released
– Japanese and Chinese raws available for all volumes - Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!
– No B-T project
– Web novel, translated by various groups/people
– Light novel as well?
– Japanese raws probably available, Chinese has 2 volumes - Infinite Stratos
– Stalled B-T project
– Eight of ten released volumes translated
– Japanese raws available. Chinese up til v9 - Magi Craft Meister
– No B-T project?
– Five LN volumes, originally a WN.
– Japanese probably available. Chinese up to v3 I think - Fate/Apocrypha
– Is a project on B-T
– Five volumes, currently being translated by Eternal Dreamer/Nanodesu & CanonRap. Last update October 2015.
– Japanese and Chinese available.
I’ll let you know what I end up deciding on soon…
Light Novel Popularity
- !**Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There ---REMOVED (21%, 1,165 Votes)
- Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica (6%, 362 Votes)
- Sekai no Owari no Encore (6%, 315 Votes)
- Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (5%, 279 Votes)
- Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo? (5%, 263 Votes)
- Seiken Tsukai No World Break (4%, 217 Votes)
- Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi (3%, 191 Votes)
- !**Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan ---REMOVED (3%, 179 Votes)
- Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru! (3%, 163 Votes)
- Infinite Stratos (3%, 153 Votes)
- !**Date A Live ---REMOVED (3%, 148 Votes)
- !**Musaigen no Phantom World ---REMOVED (3%, 144 Votes)
- Magi Craft Meister (2%, 133 Votes)
- Fate/Apocrypha (2%, 128 Votes)
- Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de (2%, 116 Votes)
- Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend (2%, 103 Votes)
- Zero no Tsukaima (2%, 95 Votes)
- Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai (2%, 92 Votes)
- Fate/Prototype (2%, 89 Votes)
- !**Campione! ---REMOVED (2%, 89 Votes)
- Hidan no Aria (2%, 86 Votes)
- !**Oda Nobuna no Yabou ---REMOVED (1%, 81 Votes)
- Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei (1%, 77 Votes)
- Hundred (1%, 77 Votes)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (1%, 73 Votes)
- Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan (1%, 69 Votes)
- !**Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai ---REMOVED (1%, 68 Votes)
- Absolute Duo (1%, 65 Votes)
- Rune Troopers (1%, 55 Votes)
- Konjiki no Moji Tsukai (1%, 52 Votes)
- Kenshin no Keishousha (1%, 51 Votes)
- Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi (1%, 46 Votes)
- Hyouketsu Kyoukai no Eden (1%, 39 Votes)
- Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku (1%, 38 Votes)
- One Turn Kill of The Dark Partisan (1%, 33 Votes)
- Risou no Himo Seikatsu (1%, 30 Votes)
- Hybrid X Heart (1%, 29 Votes)
- Swords and Wizards (0%, 27 Votes)
- Commushou no Ore ga, Koushou Skill ni Zenfurishite Tenseishita Kekka (0%, 25 Votes)
- Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki (0%, 22 Votes)
- Asobi ni Iku yo! (0%, 20 Votes)
- Shiro no Koukoku Monogatari (0%, 19 Votes)
- Kanojo ga Flag o Oraretara (0%, 19 Votes)
- !**The Reunion With Twelve Fascinating Goddesses ---REMOVED (0%, 18 Votes)
- Yomigaeri no Maou (0%, 17 Votes)
- Ore to Kawazu (0%, 16 Votes)
- !**Magika No Kenshi To Shoukan Maou ---REMOVED (0%, 8 Votes)
- Majin Tenseiki (0%, 6 Votes)
- Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai (0%, 6 Votes)
- H+P ‐ひめぱら (0%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 3,535

Poll closes on the 1st of March , UTC +10 at midnight.
RIP years too late.
Who’s doing GATE??
Plse translate Hagure Yusha No Estetica.Best one dere awesome(no clichè wimpy hero)
either date a live or Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo
Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo
Is ENCORE is restarted by codezero or by someother translator
Code Zero is just doing it at his own pace. I discussed it a bit with him just recently but I won’t say anymore. Patience will pay off 🙂
Funny thing Is that dragonar academy manga has caught up to the fifth volume of the LN so picking seikoku would be like a bridgehead between manga and LN
Seikoku pls :3
If I had to recommend which of the top ten to recommend that you translate, it would be either seiken tsukai no world break, arifueta, or Isekai Mahou ha Okureteru . There are several reasons for this. One is that the sexual content for Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica basically involves rape for a lot of it and is extremely offensive towards women. Second, Sekai no Owari no Encore has already been claimed by Code Zero. Third, Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi is basically child pornography. Enough said. Fourth, the pace of the writing of new Infinite Stratos books has slowed down to like one every two years and will likely be abandoned by its writer before ever being finished and translated to english. Fifth, Magi Craft Meister sounds like a pretty boring series from the title. Sixth, Fate/Apocrypha is already being translated. And finally, seventh, seiken tsukai no world break, arifueta, and Isekai Mahou ha Okureteru are all really good stories whose translations have stalled to a snails pace or stopped completely.
First, please remember zxzxzx held a poll. People voted for the series they liked. The results came in and you can see what people wanted. GATE beat everyone by a huge margin. Its a pity there weren’t any Chinese raws for the remaining vols available or else there wouldn’t be a need for this still ongoing debate. If people voted for something, they did so because they liked them and are not fools.
Second, please stop giving lame reasons for why zxzxzx shouldn’t choose a novel. He’s also not a fool. Your comment points to one thing only – ‘please choose one of the novels I’m recommending!! They are awesome!’, which is alright. But seriously, saying things like a LN involves something which to my knowledge it doesn’t, is offensive towards women (no it isn’t, the male lead is not just some wimp, and TBH if what you’re saying is true then almost half of the LNs in Japan must be offensive towards women. I mean really, after all the time viewers complain of having a loser for a male lead, when they actually get an aggressive one, he’s offensive), and have you seen Seikoku no Dragonar (see the anime, not just the cover illustrations of LN, you’ll find that it’s not what you’re thinking), no possible future volumes (no one knows the future) and sounds boring from the title (like seriously!!) are just lame reasons to get your preferred LN chosen.
P.S. : To zxzxzx, regarding moderation of comment. My original reply was put for moderation again. So, I edited some words and posted it again. Turns out, moderation is for comments with questionable words, I guess!!
Yeah, I just noticed the comments that got held. I have a keyword filter for a few words so that’s probably why.
Edit: ‘porn’ was probably what triggered it.
Okay I might have gone over the line with some parts of my comment but I will stand by some of my statements. First of all with Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica. I have seen the anime and I can tell you that there is definitely a rape element. I mean, I don’t know what you call a guy forcing a girl to cum against her will in your home country but in the U.S. we call it rape. Furthermore, ripping off the bathing suits of over a hundred girls on a beach is called 100 counts of sexual assault. Also in the case of Seikoku no Dragonar, and yes I did check the light novel for pictures (just look at novel illustations on volumes 1, 2, and 4 on baka tsuki as examples) when someone in the U.S. shows pictures of naked children in suggestive situations, we call it distributing child pornography not appealing to a lolicon fetish like the sespool of immorality that is the Japanese anime fanscene. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against sexual content on tv and in literature. Furthermore, I am a big fan of harem novels, just not the ones that cross the line by endorsing actions that society calls a crime.
You can’t be serous about this? Have you read or watched like I don’t most Light Novels or animes? They all have some sort of ecchi to them. Its all a show and for you to honestly get this upset is amazing.
Hmmm, if you’re talking about the thing in the 2nd episode, he used his powers to force them to urinate (in both the sub and dub version) and ripping out the bathing suits was part of the competition. Like he said, if he didn’t do it, then the 100 participants would have done it to him. And just to clarify, I don’t condone what he did, but it is just anime/fiction and is definitely not what you’re making it out to be. I honestly, can’t argue about the point on the cover images but I’ll say this don’t judge a book by its cover. Sure the LN might have chosen a wrong way to go about it, but like I said before it’s really not what you’re thinking.
And like IndividualEleven said, about 80% (or more) of the Japanese content have ecchi in them and its just a show. If what they showed was what they believed, then every Japenese guy would have had a harem. Also, did you know, the things you pointed out originally. GATE had all of them (maybe except the child part) and it was the most voted series.
Well whatever, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. We’ll see what zxzxzx chose soon enough as it is and I really don’t see the point in continuing this.
It looks like Encore was updated today by someone. They did a chapter on it today. Don’t know who though.
Yeah, I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing more frequent updates of it 😉
Well that’s good to hear. Looks like your list got shorter.
I’m voting for Infinite Stratos and Seiken Tsukai no World Break personally.
I would argue not to translate Arifureta. Despite the translation releases practically stopped, the current translator has not announced that they’ll drop it. There’s no need for extra tension between fellow translators IMO.
It wouldn’t do anything if the new TL-er is doing the LN version which only has 2 volumes out at the moment. (3rd coming on the 25th.) Also, LN>WN in terms of writing quality and the beginning desperately needs to be redone cause the original translator(s) couldn’t bother to edit shit making it hard to recommend to anyone I know since we like seeing basic understanding of grammar.
Infinite stratos
I hope this is not too much to ask but please do Ryuu Kishi
Fate. I really wish that you decide to translate either one of the novels that are currently up. Aside from that, thank you for helping others enjoy stories that they normally woudn’t be able to read aotherwise.
I’m hoping for a choice between 6,7, and 8. 6 will definitely be time consuming. And what’s cool about 8 is there are only 2 more volumes that need translating and you can move on to another series. But then again, 7 is a really interesting series that I would love to see more updates in.
Hey Triple Zx,
If you do decide to translate Hagure will you start with Vol 6 since Vol 1-4 are covered by the anime? It was rough reading Vol 5 then have to skip 6 and read 7 n 8. Was missing some key information. Thanks for everything as well and can’t wait for your decision. Glad your back from South America.*
Lol South America actually.
Oops did I say Africa? I meant South America
No no no, not covered by “adapted” by. No matter how good an adaption is, it can never replace the Source Material, Gotta start at 2 so the rest of us can actually read any of the translated volumes.
If I do any novel, I’d continue from the last translated point, regardless of whether it was adapted by the anime.
Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi definitely deserves a full translation. but i guess people don’t bother translating it because the series is not so popular even tho it’s awesome and because there are 20 volumes.
Maybe it’s because last part of anime didn’t go well?
I am start reading the LN after few episode out and enjoying the LN. But to many things compressed in the anime for last part.
I wish someone would do Kenshin no Keishousha, no one seems to be working on it. I really enjoyed the story in that one. Gosh, I feel so nostalgic, I’m gonna go read it again. It has been a while.
Out of the top 10, I would like Seiken Tsukai No World Break, I’d also like Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi. I haven’t started Sekai no Owari no Encore, hmm they all seem good choices but I think Seiken would be my pick.
Hagure hasn’t been cancelled yet. The author put priority to Shinmai due to its popularity. He has said that he would like to resume Hagure in the future once Shinmai has calmed down.
Yeah, the author’s already thinking of planning the remaining arcs of Hagure. We might see a new vol this or next year. Let’s be honest, with a new novel (Shinmai Maou) and two anime seasons of said novel, it would not be possible for him to devote his time to other works. The authors are also heavily involved with the anime production of their LNs. But now with the end of the anime season with no new seasons planned yet, he can focus on Hagure.
And there are still 5-6 vol of Hagure left to be TLed. If chosen, it would be a long time before all of them are TLed and there’s a very good chance that we might see a new vol by then.
Yeah, the author’s thinking of planning out the remaining arcs for Hagure and we might see a new vol this or next year. And let’s be honest, with a new novel (Shinmai Maou) and two anime seasons of said novel, the author would not have been able to devote his time to other works. The authors are also involved heavily in the anime development and production of their LNs. But now with the end of the two seasons and no new season planned yet, he can focus on Hagure.
Also, Hagure has 5-6 vols left to be TLed. If chosen, it would take a long time for them to be TLed completely (zxzxzx’s top priorities are HSDXD and Shinmai), so there’s a great chance that there’s a new vol by the time the TL is done.
P.S. – I posted this comment before and it seems it was put for moderation???
Not sure why D3M. Seems fine now though.
Dayum so much hype, I am so conflicted right now between Hagure, World Break and Dragonar/Ryuu Kishi, so happy all of them made the cut, though I cant choose between the 3 since all of them have great stories to tell and yet none of the trans is complete, but anyway in the end all of us are winners whichever is chosen, now lets just wait
now don’t be like that , the series aren’t related xD
Never realised Encore has got a taiwanese release — searched and found the info only after you said it. Info on it is so hidden, that it took me a long time to turn up positives. It isn’t available at my bookstore too, so I never realised.
I guess you don’t have much experience searching for chinese raws? Arifureta : 平凡职业成就世界最强. Isekai Mahou : 异世界的魔法太落后了. Search these names, and there’ll be some raws.
Good luck
Sorry, I was just a little surprised
Oh thanks! Yeah, I don’t. I usually append ‘chinese’ or some other keywords onto the japanese title so see what comes up. Sometimes I take the kanji part of a title and try it on chinese search engines.
Hi there, first of all, allow me thank you for all your translations so far.
I couldn’t vote since I didn’t check the site.
I hope you’ll translate ‘Sekai no Owari no Encore’. It’s been dropped for a while and it’s just amazing. It’s really good. Don’t translate ‘Hagure Yuusha’, while I like it, it’s been a while since the last japanese release. (I think the author dropped it, or at least won’t release another volume for a while.)
EDIT: wow, I love your comments section. It’s first I can edit my comment.
If you take Sekai no Owari, it’ll be the second novel you continue translating from where CodeZero left. (like High School DxD.)
Regarding the mondaiji translators, only one, Firebird, is really confirmed to be working in the project. From what I recall Magref has dropped (or is still going?? Firebird said he dropped it but Magref has a post stating he might be working on chapter 2), as for Eclipse. They dropped off the face of the planet I assume due to Real Life. They registered to translate Volume 11 chapter 1 in English back in September 2015.
Firebird is considering translating chapter 1 because of how long it’s been since it was registered and there has been no word on progress for the chapter.
Well, at least it’s making progress. That kinda knocks it off my list now given that there’s at least one person working on it.
Ya for Hague. Maybe now we will know what happens in Volume 6 since it was skipped. The anime covered Volume 1-4 and Volume 6 is kinda an important volume.
hagure yuusha novel author haven’t released any volumes for past 4 years, so I think reading this novel knowing we may never know the ending is just like KAZE no stigma novel so I hope u select a novel in publishing currently
Yea you may be right but Zx isn’t picking this up as another translation. He wants to translate something while he waits for his copy of Vol 21 of DxD. Its not like he’s gonna use this as another project along with DxD and Shinmai.
Everyone wants to have their LN chosen. While the poll acted as just a guideline for zxzxzx, it still showed what people wanted. Hagure being at the top after GATE implies that people want it to be TLed, even if its stuck at Vol 11.
And who knows, zxzxzx might take up two novels from the list but still they won’t be the top priority. zxzxzx’s top priority are HSDXD and Shinmai Maou.
And I might be wrong but, availiability and ease of TL would be some of the few deciding factors for zxzxzx to choose a LN. If he finds Hagure easier to TL and chooses it, then Yay!! for me but if he chooses another, well then there’s always the future…
And can someone calrify, is it official Hagure’s cancelled? I mean sure, the author didn’t work on it after he started writing Shinmai Maou. But is it officially cancelled?
UPDATE: Hagure’s not officialy cancelled. At least from what I found on jcafe24. The author has put the LN on hiatus because of Shinmai Maou and has said he was thinking of planning out the remaining arcs for Hagure and there might be a new vol this or next year. But don’t quote me on that…
Am i too late to wish Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage/spirit blade mountian ><|||
I’m hoping for seikoku no Ryuu Kishi because I think it’s one of the most underrated and neglected series on BT and I want to see volume six done with. It features the sexiest girl in the series
yep i think so too. +1 for seikoku no ryuu
I hope u choose SEKAI NO OWARI ENCORE and I don’t need to tell u that it’s quite interesting and u just have to continue from where it’s left off plllll
Yay!! Hagure Yuusha made the cut. Now I hope you finalize it too.
Apart from the vols you listed, the vol 6 of Hagure also needs to be TLed. Most of them have their prologues TLed though.
i chose infinite sttratos because there was a lot of fans who were pissed that baka tsuki haven’t translated v9 or 1-, vol 9 was partly translated, but not completly & no one has even try to translate vol 10, so i was hopin that triple zx would translate volumes 9,10 & later volumes of infinite stratos’s light novel series
did volume 10 ever come out? never found raws or illustrations about it
Apparently it did. At least that’s what I’ve found according to wiki and etc.
oh yeah , apparently it came out last year on july according to wiki , but i never found any actual evidence of it’s existence that’s what i meant. someone was also translating volume 9 but stopped as well. coincidence? looks like we got a mystery on our hands
Hi !
I voted for Absolute Duo, a series that has been dropped, but it was very good in my opinion (especially the female protagonist, unusual for the genre).
I think, however that some of the above LNs have already translators / groups of translators who are working on them.
Zxzxzx I think you should remove Rakudai since it already has translators working on it, so you can lower the quantity of candidates, just in case you didnt knew
Thanks, will be removed.
It would be interesting to translate Antimagic or Infinite Stratos, they have been dropped…
Antimagic was dropped because it got a DMCA, so I doubt anyone will try to translate it anymore.
would like to point out that Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There is currently being translated by the translation group skythewood
Skythewood stopped because he translates from chinese raws and they ran out. I think that zxzxzx also TLs from chinese, so it could be that he can’t TL it anyway and everyone is voting for GATE with it getting nowhere
Pretty sure there were people on the translator’s site offering the chinese raws so I’m assuming skythewood just dropped it at this point. They even linked to this poll.
Please translate Seikoku no Ryuu-kishi or Seikoku no Dragner. The translation are stuck on first ark. This is same as anime story minus the last book where the protagonist back to Albion Forest.
The terminology almost same as DxD with including dragon. Also harem possibility.
Regarding Campione and Date a Live, I’m pretty sure both series are up to date. They were removed from B-T but pdfs are still available. I would emphatically support Campione for future translation but to my knowledge there’s no new material to translate.
Yeesh! What a list.
Regardless of whatever wins the top 5(10? 20?) spots, most/all of the leaders right now are pretty much disqualified or in awkward situations.
You already know the crazy situations with Gate and Hagure Yuusha, Rakudai Kishi was updated on Baka Tsuki just 3 days ago (5 volumes out of 9+1 isn’t up-to-date but thats pretty much a stable project), and apparently someone is working on Mondaiji-tachi but… (Volume 10 completed 2 weeks ago! Yay! When was the update before that? November? Oh….. and theres a second ‘season’? Oh……..)
Regardless of what situation they’re in, I’ll give them a fair look before I decide whether or not I should pick it up.
Yeah, afaik both Campione! and Date a Live are up to date so I’ll take DAL off as well now. I really enjoyed Campione! too so I’d be all in to see the future volumes translated.
Man!! I do hope Hagure makes the cut. It might have been cancelled but it does have an interesting story (expected from the same author as Shinmai Maou) and Akatsuki is an amazing, badass and one of the few harem-deserving male leads. And, I think 4 volumes left to be TLed anyway, so it would be finished soon.
Regarding Rakudai, at least for now, it is being regularly updated, so you could cancel it.
Boooo, no shimoseka ;/
Arifureta has barely any changes to the web novel version so its not really needed to be translated. Hagure is also canceled so there won’t be any updates. I really prefer Encore since it is popular.
Just cause Hague is cancelled doesn’t mean he can’t do a volume of it here and there.
If a novel is cancelled, I don’t see any reason to translate it, even for fun.
It’ll be literally a waste of time for both the translator and the readers.
I’m talking about Hagure no Yuusha.
@NovelReader: +1, I’m all for Encore.
Particularly now, since it was serialized. Even if the manga art sucks a bit, it’s still good. If zxzxzx don’t take it, I hope that at least the manga will go further than volume 1.
It could still use the re-translation. The original WN translations are so poorly edited that I can’t recommend them to anyone. :-\ Also, even if the content is the same, it’ll still have gone through an actual editing process when compared to the WN.
Hagure LN is cancelled? Like MM! ? (The only LN i know that cancelled is mm! Due to author’s death)
skewed or not I wanna read both GATE and Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica that series is being translated but its jumping around in translations. Either way both of these series are good choice though I picked Hagure Yauusha no Aesthetica because I’m currently reading the manga for GATE.
Forgot to give me a kickass name on here lol. Well hmmmm idk lets go with Heero805 haha homage to the first anime that got me into the otaku life.
Hi there. Thank you ever so much for translating highschool dxd. The LN is soooooo much better than the animation and I couldn’t wait everytime you were updating the volumes. I voted for Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica as of all the other LNs that is the only 1 I know. And I don’t know where to find any of the LNs. Considering a lot of sites are blocked by our isp’s in south africa
Thank you again and you do excellent work
Tch, Mondaiji is in fifth place huh…..
well if by some miracle it ends up in first, I have the PDF files for volumes 1-10 in English with Japanese and Chinese Raws for volumes 10-12 and Last Embryo volume 1. I don’t know If I will get Japanese Raws for volume 2 but I know I can get Chinese Raws at least. Don’t ask me how. XD
Also there were some short stories that were not translated into English for Mondaiji, and some short stories to come the author mentioned. I have two of the short stories in Chinese raws also. But yeah once again only if you feel like translating mondaiji.
Thing is that DMCA for Mondaiji was WEIRD. It only asked for the illustration pages to be taken down on volumes 1-7 and 9, and for French, Indonesia and Portuguese translations to be taken down (Then again there was barely NONE only volume 1-2 was taken down for each), not Russian OR English….
Sum it up. One translator is DEFINITELY working on volume 11, though at a slow speed. X’D poor guy is translating right from the Japanese text and he also does two other light novels, so due to difficulty and Real Life Mondaiji is shelved a bit.
Baka Tsuki was only asked to take down volumes 1-2 in all languages but English and Russian, and the illustrations pages for all but Volume 8, 10-12 and Last Embryo 1-2.
Someone correct me if I am wrong at some points.
i voted for Gate also
Date a Live, Oda Nobuna, are currently being translated
F/APO someone is already translating this currently on vol 3 from 5
F/Proto no raws for the novels
Thanks for that. Oda Nobuna I’ve removed, and Date a Live I probably won’t do anyway given its current status.
As for the two fate series, I think I actually have the raws for them.
you’re wrong , no one has translated any of apocrypha fate for over a year, barely half has translated part of the first chapter of Volume 3 and that was months after anything,
it is true, the speed of translation seems to imply that it is not a serious project, in fact it shows that the last part was translated by CanonRap actually risen 5 October
and once more how awful translation speed is noticeable that never end
and are only five volumes, for years, in fact many years barely has begun volume 3 is an offense to all fans of the series Fate, already at that speed no nothing translate
the only one who got it right was Nanodesu that file volume 1 and volume 2 full but even that, considering he has not done anything ….
It is painful and worse than are other good series that have not been translated as strange fate fake or fate prototype blue and silver although the latter believe that if you are translating but since there blog or a fixed place to read because they are not
although I wish your fate translate apocrypha, I’m not an idiot to require something to someone and more when I do not have the right, at most would say that when you finish DxD volume 21, which will be many, many months this time, you reconsider translate light novel series of Fate.
Well, thanks for keeping me in the loop. I didn’t know about that.
Something you’ve got wrong is the fact that NanoDesu and CanonRap are collaborating in translating the series, V1 was translated by CanonRap and V2 by NanoDesu; now the ball is back to CanonRap to translate V3.
I see. I did notice on the nanodesu site though that CanonRap would do v3 while the other did v4.
Can You Add Shiinamachi-senpai no Anzenbi to the poll @zxzxzx ( tho i still don’t think it will be picked up since gate is dominating the poll )
Novel updates : link
LNDB : Link
Sorry, already said that I wouldn’t be adding anything else to it. I’ve had a few of those and the ones that I’ve added after the poll started aren’t doing well anyway.
it’s okay and thank’s for replying to this random leecher zxzxzx
Well the poll is pretty skewed now with Sky directing all the gate fans to come vote for it. As much as I enjoy Gate I would much rather see something that isn’t as likely to get picked up by somebody else get translated first.
Well, I told him it was fine. And for anyone else, they can feel free to direct the fans of any series to this poll.
wait.. if gate wins and there’s no new chinese translate… what will happen?
Nothing. I’ll be making a top 5 or 10 list from this poll and will see which ones are viable to translate.
please be careful as several of these items on this list were DMCA’d as they were up on Baka-Tsuki’s site…. not sure if that means anything to you but here is the most recent Light Novels DMCA’d on their site:
DAL, Itsuten, Haganai, DYD, Index, LH, Mondaiji. Nobuna, Arisu, Nareru SE, Kuusen, Sakurasou, Shana, Slayers, Chaika, Ero-manga, Spice & Wolf, Baccano, Black Bullet, Accel World, Index, Oreimo and Papakiki….
That would drop a few more items off the list as well. I don’t know all these abbreviations so i stuck them all on here.
Also 35th anti magic academy is still going to be translated by Krytyk if it is NOT DMCA’d soon. He said on his site he is waiting to see what happens before he puts it back up on his site, but before Krytyk “made it disappear” it was up to date.
I hope he does continue it
Its the series i voted in this poll after all, but it doesn’t have much of a chance
Thanks, I also saw this list a few weeks ago and I probably shouldn’t be saying this but I honestly don’t care. If someone wants to knock my site down, I’ll just host it elsewhere.
From what I’ve found for your current top ten results (up to Rakudai), there is no chinese raw for Sekai no Owari no Encore, only japanese. Phantom World japanese raw can’t be found at all (thus no chinese raw). The chinese raws for the rest of them can be found. I guess you can cross the two…
Wow, thanks for that. I’ll guess I’ll have to take that into consideration when I make a shortlist of the top voted novels.
In the case of Phantom World I think the reason there are no jap raws is because PW isnt exactly a “Light Novel” but more like a full novel. From what I heard its very hard to find full novels online even more so if they’re not so popular.
But thats just my opinion of course. I could easily be wrong
no “Tasogare-iro no Uta Tsukai” fans out there 🙁
a fan of Ar Tonelico or simillar song-based story here
Ryuugoroshi no Sugosuhibi stopped. Could you take look at it. And also soda sis on natsu translations site. I think it has intriguing summary. I have raws of “corpses are under sakurako san’s feet”
Sorry mate, not adding any more to this poll now. Will have to be next time.
Wow.The amount of Gate voters are surprisingly high.
Cause they came over from SkyTheWood blog cause he stopped trans. wish they wouldn’t do that cause it hurts the voting. Hague hasn’t been trans in awhile and Gate has like a lot of chapters already started.
Well, that’s fine. I gave the green light. There’s nothing stopping a horde of fans from any other series to come over.
“Sky Redirected People who liked GATE to this poll leading to the over whelming vote’s on this poll “
I really hope that at some point translate into English the of Yomigaeri no Maou,
I personally liked and not e able to advance beyond the cap 23
P.D. Sorry for my bad English, not if I understand but I find it easier to better understand the English to express it.
Those GATE fanboys.
Inou Battle pls….
please pick hundred and shiro no koukoku monogatari. They have dragon people and badass MC’s. There’s more I’d vote for since all the series on this list is stuff I want to see more of but these two are a must especially since Setsuna86 had a friend that was going to do Shiro but cancelled because of complicated circumstances. 🙁
If you end up choosing Arifureta, please translate the web novel, since that is the format that has the most progress. To my knowledge, it currently has 168 chapters, with 129 of them translated.
As for my second choice, I really want to have Hagure Yuusha translated. I always wondered why the translators decided to skip volume 6, since v7 and v8 are fully translated.
I’d prefer if he translated the LN. The WN is still being translated even if it’s at a crippled snail’s pace. The early part of the series is poorly translated which makes it a hard series to get into for people that can’t stomach shit editing/translations. So I think it’d be better to start with the LN for the sake of better writing and translations.
Arifureta ( WN ) was completed at 179 Chapters and Arifureta’s LN just out a while ago with 3 LN right now.
Arifureta ( WN ) was completed at 179 Chapters and Arifureta’s LN just out a while ago with 3 LN right now.
No, it’s not. They have run out of Chinese Raws since they’re Chinese translators.
Yea but that doesn’t mean ZxZxZx can get the raws as well guys. Sky has been trans for awhile and he can’t get them now so it may be hard for Zx as well.
Pretty sure they dropped it rather than can’t get the raws. While it started with their inability to stockpile raws, there have been people giving links for the raws in Chinese.
no, i think they didn’t drop it, because when wenku8 is still alive, chinese translation is still at volume 4.
They can’t get raw ’cause the chinese translator didn’t manage to translate fast enough to go to past volume 4
ecchi – ecchi – ecchi – ecchi – ecchi – ecchi
Please ‘Risou no Himo Seikatsu’. Prozess is quitting translation soon so he won’t be able to do the remaining volumes.
Will be added.
no the resurrected demon king, SEIJU NO KUNI NO KINJU TSUKAI, knights and magic, or majin tenseiki T__T
Knight and Magic is still being translated by Baka Dogeza. It’s just one month since the last release…?
Yomigaeri no Maou…. well, it’s stalled. A good series afaik, hope someone will pick it in the future.
For Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai, I just know the manga. Never read the LN. :/
Fuck everyone voted for Gate ^.^. Its getting licensed soon enough…let someone else translate that. There’s hardly any other light novels translated so I wanted Sayonara and Magi Craft meisteir >.>
Please shut up about license, I’m having enough of that crap already
Magi Craft Meister is already picked by someone else.
I don’t think Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai has a manga so I don’t know what you think it is but the ln is stalled to no idea what happened to the translator
All will be added. Except Knight and Magic since its up to date?
Voted for Mondaitachi and SRKJ.
Itsuka plis , no tienen pagina de facebook
I thought GATE was being translated by Skythewood? Did something happen that made him stop trans?
Well, I got redirected from Skythewood to go here. They told us to vote for Gate if we love that series. So….. project abandoned?
Lack/incomplete raws.
Weird.. but me I’m all for Hague due to the previous Trans skipped some novels like a mad man lol. need to know what happens in Vol 6.
Not sure if you know, but Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend is currently being translated by 2 people at Nanodesu. I believe the earlier volumes have more or less stalled and I’m not sure what’s up with that translator, but the second translator who works on volume 5 (anime covered up to vol 4) is still active.
Ah yeah, forgot to notice that one. Saekano already translated by NanoDesu TL afaik.
Nanodesu already removed the Saekano translation. If you have it can you please share it via google drive? Onegaii~
Alright, that’s good to know. I’ll look into it more if it does well in the poll.
I’m voting for Isekai Mahou and Magi Craft Meister.
One is a deep abyss where no light could touch, while the other is android who needs love 🙂
Btw, shouldn’t Commushou already being translated by Meow?
And Taimadou Gakuen should be already translated by Krytyk.
Wait; Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan is still updated every week on BT. Why do people voting for it?
Btw, nvm about Magi Craft Meister; it’s already picked by falinmer. So my vote is only valid for Isekai Mahou. 🙂 MCM
Yea, I just noticed it. My bad.
I’m not sure about the status of those. I’ll check if they do well enough in the poll though.
Ore to Kanojo ga Geboku de Dorei de Shuujuu Keiyaku <- A translator has picked it up and is seemingly working on it (
Hidan no Aria <- Also picked by a translator and being worked on (
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica <- the translator of this one comes and goes as he pleases; there’s still volumes 2 and 3 (more or less covered by the anime) still unstranslated (except prologue) and volume 6 (except prologue) has been confirmed to never be translated under any circumstances by that translator. Otherwise, prologues for volumes 9 and 10 are already translated and publication is stalled in source at volume 11 as the author is cenntering himself in his other series, Shinmai Maou no Testament.
Ore to Kanojo blablabla hasn’t been TLed for months, so I think it’s safe?
For Hidan no Aria, well, the latest chapter was released less than a week ago, Definitely should be removed from the poll.
Thanks for letting me know Kemm! Ore to Kanojo and Hidan no Aria don’t seem to be getting many votes here so I won’t worry about them for now. There’s probably something I could do with Hagure Yuusha no Estetica though.
Even though i voted for Infinite Stratos the problem maybe if i remember correctly from back then was that it wasn’t stalled from the translation team but i seem to remember that the writer changed publishers at v9 then that was the last i heard from that, but maybe the option is to go to the I.S. wikia and ask the devs there, i’m sure they could give you some more info if needed. 🙂
I just looked it up, it seems to be getting yearly volumes right now. Also they changed at 8 not 9.
V8: 4/25/13
V9: 4/25/14
V10: 7/25/15
yeah i just had another look myself on the wikia, and it was the publishing company that was doing things behind the writers back and that is why he stopped writing for them then, but yeah i seen they have links for other volumes that are not on BT, shame they haven’t posted them as i have been dropping in every few months since v8 was finished to see if any updates had been done, maybe i should have looked at the wikia as well, but yeah thanks for the reply 😉
Ore to kawazu pls
mmm i see, i hope you have good luck in you future
Hey bro and u know high school dxd manga why i cant find chapter 33+ ??? 🙂
Once the manga got licensed the guys that was doing it stopped, also if you want to really keep reading and support the writer you can buy your own copies from Amazon now.
^ As mpz28 said, it now has an official english release.
One Turn Kill
PLZ. 🙁
One Turn Kill of The Dark Partisan… Please :’v
Yep ^
I’ll add it on soon.
I don’t know what exactly happened to infinite stratos , but i think BT pretty much dropped it . volume 9 was never translated and volume no idea if it ever came out last year as they said
Date a live is up to date with the volume 13 outside BT so don’t bother
would be nice to see Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi . can’t find it anywhere
Like most things, it went out of fashion. It was popular for a while, died, and then by the time it came back, no one cared anymore. Cant blame them much either, somehow or another the anime made Ichika less dense.
Ohh damn, I have to vote for ZnT. It’s the series that got me into anime after all. Other than that, Encore all the way. I believe that’s the series Code-Zero started translating when he wanted to take a break from DxD (quite ironic tbh).
ZnT probably needs it the most. Author died, and now a new guy is going to finish the last 2 volumes apparently, in fact pretty sure 21 is releasing in a week. We have 18/20 volumes translated so it’d be a faster job than most. I’m honestly shocked its so far down the list, This was like the #1 series a few years ago.
Other than that I have to give my last vote to Hagure Yuusha, our last translators had tourretes or something and just jumped around the volumes 1,4,5,7,8, no one can read this due to 2,3,6 not being translated.
Honorary Mentions: Worldbreak for being the best anime adaptation last year, Absolute Duo for being dropped, Hundred for being dropped, and Ryuu Kishi for being dropped for so long.
I really hope u can or would take up Sekai no Owari no Encore its already almost 11month past since vol 1 got translate and the raw already reach 5vol
Really hope you do Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi. No updates for more than a year and the LN has already ended. I’ve read the spoilers for its ending but I prefer to read it in detail properly someday.
Where can I find spoilers for Seikoku?
I already gave up on its translation.
In BT of course. Translation is only up to vol 6 chapter 1 but there are 20 vols in total
We would all love it if you continued Hagure with Volume 6. I hate that we go from Volume 4 n 5 then skip Volume 6. I know i would love it if you did Volume 6 for us. Thanks Again ZxZxZx for the translations. Also what about Swords and Wizards or Hybrid x Heart as well.
Well, I’ll continue off from the earliest point that I can. I’ll add the others to the lists.
Would love it that if you did Arifureta, you’d do the LN versions since they aren’t translated and the original translations for the series are so god awful I can’t recommend the series to friends. 🙁 Third volume comes out next week too in Japan.
Just a few notes that might make this easier:
Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan – This has a pretty good team rocking it on BT.
Gate – Thus the JSDF Fought There – skythewood has the first 4 light novels translated until they lost the Chinese source to arrest and general craziness. Would be good to pick up from there likely. (Also see sky posted here, prepare incoming horde. I’m sure he’s tired of them. LOL)
Magika No Kenshi To Shoukan Maou – bakapervert has this completely translated to date and waiting for the new volume from this month to come out.
The Reunion With Twelve Fascinating Goddesses – Translation is up to date as well at this point. Waiting on 3rd book to be released.
Also, due to DCMAs BT won’t host Date a Live, Campione, and Kuusen (Even though there is no english license) if that matters.
Thanks for that, I really appreciate it as I haven’t read most of these novels. I’ll take Magika No Kenshi and The Reunion With Twelve Fascinating Goddesses off then. There’s no point to having them there. As for the others, I’ll keep them for now and see how things go.
Would you mind if I direct a truck load of people who are fans of Gate to this poll?
Whatever, go ahead 🙂 This whole thing just erupted way faster than I expected it to. Okay, just saw some else’s comment – so you’re GATE’s translator? What’s happening with it right now?
Missing the raws for a chapter in volume 5, and raws for 6-10.
By raws i mean Chinese raws, since i can’t read japanese.
Hmmm, I might not be able to do much either as I’ll be relying on a Chinese source too.
I didn’t know you translate Chinese to English. I thought you were ready to do any one of the titles, especially gate since I ask you about that one specifically.
It felt a little irresponsible, but oh well, as expected of the internet. Best of luck.
Thanks, don’t worry about it. I’m trying to learn Japanese and am planning to do a course when I go there sometime next year possibly. Whereas I’ve learnt Chinese for a quite a few years.
I really hope Itsuka Tenma wins, I really like that author’s novels.
Plus, there are a lot of novels on this list which are already being translated with good progress.
Oda Nobuna No Yabou already has 3 translators. And they’re almost up to date with the latest releases. It would be best if you didn’t consider it as a potential translation project.
Thanks for letting me know.
Just to clear it, Vol.13 is translated, but being edited, vol.12 is not translated and not likely to be finished any time soon, though it IS being worked on, by dedicated and talented people, and there are vol.14 raws from bookwalker and image copies of the file, and those are not likely to be translated for a while until vol.12 is translated and vol.13 is edited, which will probably be a while.
And to clarify its going to take a while NOT because the translators lack skill or passion, but because its 3 volumes of raw novels that are being translated and thats it.
Thanks, that’s all good then.
Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei pls
Voted. Also hasn’t Campione been fully translated up till the latest novel? I don’t believe the author released anythinf after volume 18. And thanks for doing this. Appreciate your hard work!
Yeah, afaik anyway since I’m up to date with it. I wouldn’t mind doing the new volume when it does come out, though I’ll probably consult with zzhk first to get his opinion and what his plans are.
Regarding Campione, may I know why it is removed? Is zzhk planning to work on it? 🙂
I’m looking for something which I can start pretty much immediately, and Campione! is already up to date. I’d like to do it if another volume comes out, but I’ll be discussing that with zzhk of course.
Oh. I see. Thank you very much
Oda Nobuna, Arifutera, Magi Craft and a few more (I think) are currently being translated 🙂 unless you plan to work with the current translators?
Thanks for doing the translations!! XD
It all depends on what their current status is. If it’s making good progress on B-T or elsewhere, there isn’t really a need for another translator.
As the translator of Oda Nobuna no Yabou who just spent 3 hours last night translating I have mixed feelings about this poll to be sure.
Well, it’s certainly popular. But now that I know about its current status, I’ll be taking it off.
Sorry, I didn’t have much of a clue about its current status as I just added everything that was on my request list onto this poll.
Don’t worry, my mixed feelings weren’t directed at you, you just got a request and stuck it on the poll. It was more that it was at the top of the poll…
I agree with all of them except Arifureta ^.^ harem is just terrible
No Hidan no Aria?
Don’t think that one was on my list. I’ll add it to the list and poll if you’d like though.
You’re killing me here! There are so many on that list that I want to be translated lol