My thoughts on BorN Ep 7 & BorN Ep 3 (Dub)

Hi there,

So after watching this week’s episodes of BorN, here are my thoughts.

In regards to episode 7, I feel like this episode would please the LN lovers the most out of the season so far as it’s almost exactly as described in the LN. Sure, the cosplay scene was somewhat different but I still think it satisfied the ecchi part of the show quite well and also played a fair role in terms of character development. Issei x Xenovia was nice too, glad to see that they didn’t take that out. And who is not hyped for JD??? I was hoping to see it next episode but from the preview, it doesn’t look like it’ll be happening.

Now I’ve watched the dubbed version of both season one and two so I saw no reason not to continue. As with many others, I feel like the original version is much better, in terms of the interpretation of some lines and also the VA. Ddraig in the dub sounds much less powerful which annoys me the most and the rest of the cast is decent. BorN has new VAs for Issei and Akeno which I really feel made it worse. The previous VAs embodied their character’s personality much more. Ddraig sounds better in this season so far but Issei’s voice has annoyed me at times because it sounds really out of character.
One thing I have noticed in BorN which I don’t think I did or realised in the previous seasons is the scripting which makes DxD sound a lot more dirty than it actually is. One such line was in episode 3 from Tannin which is truly unforgettable and had me cracking up. “pound that pussy”. Seriously. and “no pun intended” – yeah right. I bet the editors are having one hell of a good time with this. Also Rias’s moan could’ve been much better.

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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33 Responses to My thoughts on BorN Ep 7 & BorN Ep 3 (Dub)

  1. Overlord Michael says:



    Episodes 10 and 12 of Season 3 ruin the plot but most of first time anime adaptions almost never follow the original plot (examples Sailor Moon and FullMetal Alchemist)

    • anifreik says:



      I think you meant Eps 10 & 11, since 12 hasn’t aired yet. But yeah, Anime Original content does tend to take you away from the plot. The thing that is driving most of us fans crazy is that in Season 1 & 2, they followed the plot of the LNs almost exactly, to great success. Why in the hell do they think with Season 3, that this formula needed to change? Don’t give me the crap line about “too much material in three novels to fit.” If you can shoe horn in over three episodes of original content, you could follow the damn plot. Let’s face it, TNK screwed the pooch this time around.

      • Overlord Michael says:



        Typo but I’ll be right about the episode 12 when it comes out this weekend

        • anifreik says:



          No argument here. Do you agree that the way to break the curse on Rias will undoubtedly be via “Love Confession” which will totally undermine the plot point that it’s supposed to happen at the Gremory/Bael ratings game, which for some ungodly reason won’t happen until Season 4, should that actually happen to get made.

    • Anonymous says:



      It turns out the reasons for the Born changes was so Ishibumi could create HighSchool DxD EX.

  2. Arti says:



    Thats exactly why I stopped watching after 2 episodes of season 2, the anime doesn’t do the books justice. They make it look TOO eechi when the story actually has a really great plot to it.

  3. anifreik says:



    So. I just got done watching Ep 8. Meh. They really should have budgeted for a double cour. After all, knowing they were going to be doing three LN’s this time, the shortest of which is longer than any of the ones making up the first two seasons, 12 episodes just isn’t enough. The whole thing is just too rushed. Too much left out, what’s included is just run through so fast it leaves you saying “Was there just a fight?” Even the fight with Diadora was only, what, five punches? This whole season has just been so disappointing…

    Thank god for zxzxzx. 😀

    • zxzxzx says:



      I agree. It could’ve been so much better if it was a two cour but as long as I get more seasons, I’ll be satisfied. I’m going to be thinking about JD the entire week now.

      • anifreik says:



        Yeah, for me, JD may be the only redeeming feature of the entire season. A fourth season depends entirely on BD sales of this season, and I don’t know, maybe they’ll sell like onigiri in Japan, I just know that I won’t be buying them stateside.

        • Danny says:



          Hey, just wanted to say thanks to you zxzxzx

          Also I stopped with this season of DxD the moment I saw the Fenrir fight and the lack of detail.
          Genuinely disappointed in how they changed the order of events and cut out character development.
          They have no excuse to why they didn’t do a two cour, the series is popular enough….all I know is BorN has completely put me off watching or buying the anime

          Sorry for the rant…just needed to vent.

          • D says:



            Well, I heard a rumor that they skipped a lot in the anime because of the dubbed version of the second season.

            I guess it’s really better to just read the LN.

            btw thanks zxzxzx for the translation.

  4. Andhros says:



    Didn’t Ishibumi-Sensei say in twitter and blog that he was happy and involved in the production of this season. I know he hinted that certain omissions were due to television show length and could be added in the home release. (Please add Mil-tan, Please add Mil-tan…)

    • Anonymous says:



      Ishibumi confirmed on his blog that there will be extra scenes in the BDs, as well as specials like season 1.

  5. 54IFU says:



    The developing relationship between Akeno with Barakiel and her past (+Issei) seems lacking to me. Also WHERE IS THE CHICHIGAMI!!!!
    The first six episode are bad to me except when Issei reach Balance Breaker. But that also lacking scene when he blowing barrier and far mountain with Dragon Shot.

    • D says:



      I totally agree with you.

      They skipped most of the good stuff in the LN and somewhat even changed the events. Guess I’ll just have to read the LN for now hoping that season 4(if it will come) will follow the LN and not to skip the good stuff, if ever they want to have higher sales that is.

  6. LazerX says:



    The episode seven was quite interesting imo. Sairaorg’s one-upping of Zephyrdol was quite nice. The only thing I was looking forward to that i didn’t see was the whole Mil-tan section. Other than that the episode was quite okay. My favourite part was Odin’s appearance.

  7. Code_04 says:



    I’m not all too happy with the fact, they skipped volume 5 for now, because I don’t know how they want people to know the activation time for Issei’s Balance Breaker, but everything else is extremely satisfying to me. In the next episode the thing I look most forward to will be Kiba vs Freed.

  8. Danisz says:



    The anime is decent, but I think that skipping a lot of the content from LN is not a good move. I was hyped for the Gremory group vs Sitri group but they just skipped it. That’s not very nice. They focused too much on ecchi this time (in my opinnion). In 2nd season fans said that there weren’t enough ecchi scenes. It must be hard to balance these. They should just focus on plot almost entirely, it would be great. Also I would like to ask you triplezerox when you finish V18 will you start doing V19 right after you finish V18?

    • Gary29 says:



      It’s the same amount of ecchi as the LN, plus some taken out. It’s just that volume 6 has a lot of ecchi scenes.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I probably will. But will also take a break shortly as I have exams next month.

    • D says:



      In y opinion they shouldn’t have just made 12 episodes per season if they want to satisfy their viewer, mostly us that have read/reading the LN.

  9. n3ri says:



    If you want to see bad VAs, then you have to watch the German dub of DxD. The shy Koneko speaks loudly and her voice sounds really energetic. It’s just awful.

  10. matt says:



    So i watched too episode 7 of BorN:what annoys me the most is the messed up timeline(in other words the Loki incident before the Diodora one).
    That said, i truly hope they haven’t messed up the JD coming up:also i wonder how they’ll explain the coming out of bilingual since they totally skipped the rating game vs the Sitri group(and also Issei’s release from JD as,if i’m not mistaken,there hasn’t been any scene in which the “oppai song”was shown.
    All in all,i’m looking forward to see the rating game vs Sairaorg Bael:hope they set it up properly(as in that Issei reaches true queen form and confesses to Rias)

    • Gary29 says:



      JD will NOT be messed up. Bilingual should debut (officially) next episode, we’ve already got the explanation for how he developed it. The Oppai Dragon stuff already started with the documentary, the song will be coming up. Also the RG vs Sairaorg is next season.

      • Meatfeast says:



        But how are they going to do the Oppai Dragon Song? I mean Issei went to the Underworld to record it before the Diadora rating game right so I don’t know how they are going to do it, unless I guess it isn’t Issei who is singing it but someone else?

  11. Avento says:



    my only complaint about that episode is that they took out mil-tan when vali came to warn issei about diadora. I was really looking forward to that scene