Succession planning is a thing that rarely happens in the world of fan-translation, but I’m happy that it has gone well for High School DxD. As the title states, we have a new translator among us who goes by the name of Leo. I’ll initially be helping Leo out with the translation of volume 25, but mainly as an editor, along with a few others who have been steady at work editing the older volumes of the series. Please be nice and give a warm welcome to Leo. Leo will be posting directly to Baka-Tsuki.
I’ll still be around, chipping away at the High School DxD short story collection, as well as my other projects.
On a different topic, and for a reason that I will not disclose here, I’d like to gather some opinions on what you would ideally want if an English release of High School DxD was ever to be printed. One of my personal dilemmas is the cover – the original Japanese LN has an extremely plain soft-cover, while most of the cover art, synopsis, etc. is actually on the wraparound jacket. However, I have not seen a western LN release mimic this – almost all have the cover art, synopsis, etc. printed directly onto the soft-cover.
Which would you prefer?
- A soft-cover with the 'actual' cover printed directly onto it (59%, 264 Votes)
- A plain-looking soft-cover like the original, with a wraparound jacket as the 'actual' cover (41%, 187 Votes)
Total Voters: 451

zxzxzx, I assume you’re focusing on finishing Shinmai now. What will you do after that? Will you be choosing a new series to translate?
You’ll find out soon enough.
Hey @zxzxzx
1.Is there any progress on the project you were talking about earlier.
The printed version of the English translated novels.
I mean when(approx) will we able to see it?
2.And you said something about JNC, are they going to take over dxd once the final editing(to their standard) is done on the previous novels?
So far I’ve negotiated pricing and some other details with a printing company. What it’s waiting on now is for me (or someone else) to edit volume one to a high standard. I’d say that the timeline remains unchanged at this point, so early next year.
I spoke with JNC and wasn’t able to get myself to agree with how things would proceed – so I won’t be doing anything with them.
Thanks for the clarification,
I joined your workshop and i can see that some one is already editing volume one. Hope to see it soon.?
Reasons not disclosing meaning: you’re wondering for when you start printing and licensing? Hoping you’ll be an independent 3rd party!
Haha, had to ask. You’ve done a great job. Never read any comments in the past, so I’ve never known of the complaining.
The reason why the originals had the print on separate covers was to hide the books as normal books, if you know what I mean (wink wink).
Been glad it’s been avoiding/rejecting licensing, too . Wouldn’t mind if it was you as a 3rd pty haha. Maybe the author (being a generous and funny guy), knew adaptations wouldn’t do justice! One of the few authors that writes a story well, like sukasuka’s and 35th plat.
Scratch few since a “few” is indeed quite a lot ?and
Yeah people might as well just learn like leo, you and others instead of crying considering the licensing companies tend to be slower (won’t name) than translations done by you and others, and even though they’ve licensed novels (great purge on BT ~5 years ago and onward) it would be better to just learn and buy the originals to support the author/original publisher directly.
You do know that yen press is about to release volume 11 this year?
The manga and light novels are not the same thing. The manga is ending with 11 volumes, and only goes as far as volume ~5 of the light novels.
Will Leo or you still making pdf’s/epubs for the finished novels once they’re done or will that no longer be offered with the passing of the torch. Will Leo be picking Up Shin DXD then?
Well someone (if not him) will make pdf. So dont worry about it.
Someone will still make PDFs/EPUBs, even if it’s not me or Leo.
I will miss your translations zxzxzx… But if that’s your decision, take care, be happy and thanks for all the effort!
For the cover I prefer to print the original cover in the soft-cover. For my opinion is better, less paper, less costs and more beautiful to see them, but the buyer need to care them more.
Thank you so much for your work Zxzxzx for your DxD translations.
Happy to know that you have found a successor who is already doing a great job!
Can you please do Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica?
Good luck with your life zxzxz and Wellcome Leo.
Just my personal experience here.
Any book that I have gotten with a wraparound cover, the wraparound cover get wrecked. It gets caught on things and torn, slides partially off the book and gets wrinkled and torn, etc. while the regular printed covers stay in pretty good shape overall.
@zxzxzx To think you will no longer be translating DxD vol 25 is crazy i do hope you and Leo together work on Shin DxD together so it lightens the work load for you both. I hope this doesnt mean that after DxD vol25 he might be done translating DxD, you dont see a lot of translators stay with a series that long anymore but @zxzxzx you did and i thank you for that. I hope one of you or both of you translates Shin DxD so more people can see the greatness DxD is and will read it more. Again thank you for translation of DxD welcome Leo hope you will help make DxD and shin DxD something great for English readers.
Leo translating from Jap?
Your work will always be missed
Thanks for translating dxd novels till now.
Welcome to the new translator leo.
Great to see that Shin DXD will continue and that hopefully whole light novel series is translated
I will continue to help proof reading and editing if need
As one of many fans with english as my first language i will help and LEO as much as i can.
Welcome LEO and lets work hard to keep SHIN DXD going for as long as possible hope that the entire series gets translated.
As zxzxzx once again thank you for your contributions and hope that you continue helping Leo where need.
I get that this is for vol25 but since u have more help now and you see the love people have for DxD will this mean you will be translating Shin DxD or is that unknown
good luck with passing on your wisdom to the new guy. Also one question, will you be doing shin highschool dxd or will he do that as well?
Can we please have Phoenix resurrection?, Maid of the House of Pendragon, Having a Mad Tea Party!, A Gifted Person’s Sleepover Party, Go West!, Superhero Trial, Flower Arrangement of the Princess, Class Change, Familiar Master I choose you!, Pavilion Kingdom, Dark History of the Hakuryuukou, Red-Haired Camel Princess, Riding a bike, Sunday of God, Powerful Punch, Asia and the blue Electric Dragon, This week, he messed up?, the rest of the delusion magazine night material collection of Asia, Xenovia, Koneko Kiba&Gasper and Akeno and the Fantasia SS translated ASAP please?
first of all let me thank you for all the hard work you put into translating, i took a blow when i read you were stepping down but later read that because you have passed on the torch . you will be missed
now about the cover, i have already cast my vote, but since you are asking that so did you already get the permission from author to print it in english and sell it? if yes thats good
I cannot express in words how much work you have done and how thankful I and many other readers are. Since Leo will be in your care, I will assume that everything I read will be top-notch and the best work out there. Although all good things must come to an end, we have a new young hero. If Leo were to be criticized then I don’t know what kind of person would do so but again thank you for your service.
Thank You for taking your Time to translate High School DxD! I’ll still follow your site even though i don’t read Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha or Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi.
It would be awesome if an English version was ever printed but that would be either more time consuming or equal to translating the raws but depends on whether or not you’re going to Self-publish. You need a lot of Funds to cover printing cost for 1 and would need to pay out staff members too for there time and efforted. It’s great if you decide to start this project and I would buy each copy as it came out and hope you offered digitals as well. As much as I want to see this in a western release I would prefer to see you continue to Translate the New Series more than having an English publication since you already do an English fan-base translation for Us that is ending very soon.
PS Welcome Leo-san
As fellow translator of the series, I would like to say thank you for your service until now ZX. The help that i’ve received from you and many others including Code has been great and i wish you the very best in your next endeavour.
And if you’re reasing this, welcome Leo and thank you for picking up the translation. we all wish you the best.
I wish you best for your future. Goodbye my friend.
zxzxzx, sorry to see you leave. I wish you best for your future.
Can you provide us a link to the blog of the new translator?
They’ll be posting directly to Baka-Tsuki.
Also, will he translate from Chinese or Japanese? If he translates directly from Japanese, then the translation time probably can be cut down significantly.
JP->EN. Don’t expect faster translations though, it’s still going to take time.
Welcome leo-san