New CSS – what do you think?

Since there’s only about half a month until the new year, I thought I’d start making some visual updates to my site. The most obvious would be the sliding menu which has replaced the old static image I had there. The normal menu has also changed slightly.

A major thing I’d like feedback on is font and line spacing. The font has been changed so that may affect readability. Is it better or worse than before? Any suggestions for a font to use? Font size? I’m still trying to find something that’s comfortable.

There are also minor changes everywhere which probably aren’t worth mentioning too much. Aside from that, I’ve been putting off “Boosto Comments” for a while. Hopefully I’ll be able to fix it up and have it working by next year.

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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12 Responses to New CSS – what do you think?

  1. shadow_rizki says:



    It looks good. At least its not as plain looking as before.

  2. Kemm says:



    It looks neat. I didn’t recognize the site when I got here.


    Thanks, as always, for your work, and for this so convenient image changeover.

  3. sivarT says:



    I could go with a bit larger font. I say this only because I’m usually on my tablet, where I do most of my reading anyway. It’s fine for size viewing it on my computer. I have to say I love Equa’ suggestions. I’m used to marathon reading with a black background and a medium/light blue text. Even with the brightness turned all the way down, white backgrounds are painful after 8-12 hours (typical volume) of dedicated reading. Thank you for your continued work, although my eyes thank you for not overworking.

  4. Kiz says:



    Looks cool and professional too

  5. Resurgence says:



    The site looks much better now. I can read without having to put on my glasses. :p

  6. Equa' says:



    It looks much better! Btw, I’d like to make a suggestion. If it isn’t too much of a pain to do, can you add a second CSS with black background color and white font text (I’m rather a night reader and the white background hurts my eyes ><) and then leave the choice to the readers to chose between the first or second CSS?

    Thanks for all your works!

  7. anmol ankit says:



    new designing of websites looks more fantastic, so keep up the good work, and also thanks for the translation….

  8. lykaon says:



    The new site design looks awesome. Thank you for all the work you put into your translations.

  9. oh may gah!! says:



    it’s pretty good i think

    • Allen Lewis says:



      The new site looks a lot nicer. Thank you for all of your hard work in translating High School DXD and Shinmai Maou.