Passing Yet Another Project Along

This post is mainly about Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha (aka Shinmai Maou no Testament). A few weeks ago, I was approached by a new translator who was interested in helping with translations for this project. Our new translator goes by the name of “MasterPaster” and I can confidently say that they’ll do a great job just like mrleoo01 has with High School DxD.

I’ll be remaining on board with the project as a TLC and editor – if anyone would like to help with editing, please let me know! I’m a bit particular when it comes to editing, so I spend a lot of time on it, and frankly, it’s a bit hard for me to juggle TLC/editing for two projects, on top of doing my own translations. An editor does not have to know Japanese, they just need a good grasp of English since I can help out with any translation queries. As I write this post, it’s been six hours since I started a shift as a First Responder (on standby 95% of the time) during which I’ve been editing the prologue of volume nine – yet still only halfway done 🙁

Anyway, I’m glad that someone has shown the initiative and generosity to continue the project despite these translations being a double-up of work that the crowdfund group has already done, so thank you MasterPaster, and I look forward to working with you!

If you’d like to follow the translations as they come out, head over to MasterPaster’s blog. The translations will eventually make their way over to Baka-Tsuki as well.

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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32 Responses to Passing Yet Another Project Along

  1. Ouroborusdragon says:



    Guys if you are looking for shinmai maou no keiyakusha there is another translator
    Website =

    He have completed translation till volume 10 full only two volumes are left but he is slightly inactive these days

    • Kemm says:



      There’s, however, an issue with volume 11: due to the ToS of the host, they can’t translate it without maybe infringing them, so they are considering either rewriting or plain skipping it (which means that someone else would have to translate that one, as well as any other infringing chapters).

  2. MrWi000 says:



    Hate to break it to you, but MasterPaster became inactive for some reason, thus Shinmai’s translation status on Baka-Tsuki became idle.

  3. Al says:



    zxzxzx says: Sure I can send him an email, but he’s already told me that he decided to quit so I’d rather not bother him unnecessarily.

    Al says: thank you zxzxzx that is ok I just didn’t knew. I you happen to know another translator that is willing to soldier and finish the series please recomend, cheers.

    P.s: I couln’t reply on the threat so I started here again.

  4. Al says:



    Hey zxzxzx big fan of your work, I have a question regarding masterpaster whom you passed testament of sister new devil to. He started strong but has suddenly stopped and hasn’t answered as to if he will continue or not think you can help the fandom contact him?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Sure I can send him an email, but he’s already told me that he decided to quit so I’d rather not bother him unnecessarily.

  5. Baranok says:



    Wow…apparently their site is no longer available.  Wonder what happened there.

  6. OppaiDragonFan says:



    Man is it true that master won’t be translating Shinmai? That’s the series I was looking forward to the most. 🙁

  7. Anonymous says:



    The Crowdfund guys are releasing their translations as public and they said they will unlock all the chapters after translation has been completed

    • WarRaisers says:



      Do you honestly believe that?

      • Anon says:



        they are releasing them. They already released volume 9 and volume 10

        • Anonymous says:



          Well its already finished translatingg and they are still not releasing even just a chapter of the main series. And still continue with their teasing for months. People on their discord have been asking for when they would release the prologue in volume 11 and they been saying it “soon” for months. Well these days they are saying that hardwork it not free so cough up atleast 10 bucks for the chapters. Its so disappointing that I cant even finish the first novel that hook me up in reading.


  8. Anon says:



    Has Masterpaster dropped the project?

    It’s been quite a long time since the last update, and there’s been no word from him…

  9. Vikrant Thakur says:



    Hey my man! Thanks for the update.

    Also, I don’t have a good knowledge of Jap but my Eng is really good. I’m currently the head debator in my uni. If you guys need help with the editing, like tenses,adjectives, etc and general outline and stuff like that I’d be happy to help. Just email me. You can send me a small script and I’ll edit it for you to see how it works.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Hey, come over to Slack (follow the link on the sticky post of my homepage) and I’ll add you to the editing channel for Shinmai.

  10. Ares says:



    Hey thanks for the update and I was just wondering if when your done editing the chapters well they go up on here too

  11. mrmb says:



    I only know the meaning of basic japenese words but i have a great vocabulay wgen it comes to english i can help in editing i would love to work on highschool dxd.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Hey mate, I don’t think I’ve seen you around much on Baka-Tsuki or my blog. You can head over to the Slack workspace I’ve made by following the link on my homepage – it’s where we can discuss things in more depth.

  12. yourstruly96 says:



    Thanks for the update.

  13. Allen Lewis says:



    I am in the initial stages of taking a self-study of Japanese. Although I cannot yet be a translator, I would like to offer my services as a proof reader and editor for you. I would prefer to edit Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha or High School DxD, as they are the stories that I am the most familiar with, however, I am willing to help with any project that you wish to assign.

  14. ViperSlayer says:



    Thanks for all your hard work. Do you think the translator can pick up Useu’s other LN that you did the teaser for? I’m not a big fan of the donation group. Mainly because it seems that they think I go around insulting them when I haven’t set foot on any of their sites or discussed/read about Shinmai anywhere but here. At this point they’re making me seem like a big jerk when I haven’t said anything to them in years. I find that pretty funny. That’s besides the point I’m glad we’ll still be getting translations of this series.