So someone mentioned this in a comment and I’d like to know what most of you think. If Sekiryuutei is preferred then I’ll use that, otherwise I’ll stick to Red Dragon Emperor.
Edit: Updated Fake Hero, Joker and Life.4 to “Sekiryuutei” and “Hakuryuukou” except for one instance where I felt that “Red Dragon Emperor” was more suitable.
Red Dragon Emperor or Sekiryuutei
- Sekiryuutei (87%, 380 Votes)
- Red Dragon Emperor (13%, 57 Votes)
Total Voters: 437

It’s easier for me to read it as Sekiryuutei as I read really slow.
When I see Sekiryuutei I’m just going to read it as Red Emperor Dragon because it’s easier to pronouns than Sekiryuutei
Sekiryuutei (y)
Thanks for translating so fast! I know we all appreciate it
if possible could u make it into pdf file after complete? THANKS ALOT FOR TRANSLATING THIS!! LOVE IT SO SO MUCH!
You translate so fast
I worship you
Sekiryuutei!!! It sounds more awsome
where can i donate to this awesome dude?!
his about page
I must say that jap is nice and all, but when you feel like english would fit better – use it.
For example, when Sairaorg says how Red Dragon Emperor turned Crimson, english is much better choice as it gives that “Badass/shit is getting serious” vibe.
In that case, even if he uses the Japanese term, it’s still possible to notify readers of the Red vs. Crimson thing using Translation Notes. Someone would be able to understand it even if it’s not specified, though.
@Bananowji: In that case, even if he uses the Japanese term, it’s still possible to notify readers of the Red vs. Crimson thing using Translation Notes. Someone would be able to understand it even if it’s not specified, though.
Everybody that reads the LN’s are use to the Japanese names so i’d say keeping them as that would be fine 🙂
Man do what you want, your translations are awesome you dont need to care about small things like this. In my opinion you are the fastest translator I have ever seen. Just Keep up the good work 😉
Sekiryuutei, it just sounds cooler when referring to the Ise-Ddraig combo. Same for Hakuryuukou.
Thank you to consider my request.
I answer to myself. Again thank you for my request into consideration.
Seems, all those who love the LN agreed with me. 87% 8)
Please keep all this porper noun. For me they sound like poper noun. And I think it’s the same for everyone who love to read DxD.
I’m fine either one, as well. But I do understand the sentiment of wanting to stick the original Japanese term since it’s in something that is part of Japanese literature. And plus, yeah, it’s also true that we’re mostly used to “Sekiryuutei” and “Hakuryuukou” than they were to their fully English-translated counterparts.
But yeah, again, I don’t really mind either way. I’d be happy if it were to changed to “Sekiryuutei,” but as I’m kind of 50-50 on this, I decided to not vote. Man, there should honestly have been option for that, too, in the Poll.
Actually depending on the setting both would be fine. Because whouldn’t depend on the speak personality.
sekiryuutei would be perfectly fine
We are more familiar with the title being “Sekiryuutei” since all the previous translations followed the same trend. It’s kind of awesome that you take this kind of things into account ! *thumbs up*
aren’t they literally the same exact thing? why even bother? Also, Red Dragon Emperor sounds more badass.
More used to seliryuutei from the other translations