Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi

Expand here to see PDFs of previous volumes.

Author: Shiki Mizuchi
Illustrator: Kohada Shimesaba

Previous Volumes (Baka-Tsuki)

Volume 1 Afterword
Volume 2 Afterword
Volume 3 Afterword
Volume 4 Afterword
Volume 5 Afterword

Volume 6 [PDF]

Prologue (TJYYEO@B-T)
Chapter 1 – The Return of Rebecca Randall (TJYYEO@B-T)
Chapter 2 – The Baron of Sonic
Chapter 3 – The Return of Anya
Chapter 4 – Chevron Royal Family’s ‘Iron Rule’
Chapter 5 – Oscar’s Deeply Laid Plan
Chapter 6 – Ansarivan’s Five Hundred Years Festival

Volume 7 [PDF]

Chapter 1 – Eco’s Bright Dragon Crystal
Chapter 2 – Ice Blue Princess Vs Elfin Dancer
Chapter 3 – The Night Before the Battle, The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 4 – Ashley Trapped
Chapter 5 – The Fight of the Sacred Knights
Chapter 6 – The Birth of a Demon
Chapter 7 – Uranus and Pluto

Volume 8 [PDF]

Chapter 1 – Bad News and the Return of Veronica
Chapter 2 – The Dark-Eyed Girl
Chapter 3 – Peaceful Life and the Sound of Approaching Military Boots
Chapter 4 – The Academy City’s Underground Labyrinth
Chapter 5 – Kriemhild’s Song
Chapter 6 – Attack of the Demonic Dragons
Chapter 7 – Ash and Eco’s Determination
Chapter 8 – The Knight Who Drives a Maestro On

Volume 9 [PDF]

Chapter 1 – The Ancient Magic Ship Escavaron
Chapter 2 – The Nation-Saving Hero
Chapter 3 – The Academy City Aims for Reconstruction
Chapter 4 – The Beginning of a New Life, and an Investigation of the Omen
Chapter 5 – Celes’ Confession
Chapter 6 – Destination, Imperial Capital Arkham
Chapter 7 – Uriel Strikes Back
Chapter 8 – The Battle of Hévin-LeCoultre ~Battlefield~
Chapter 9 – Cassandra of Corruption
Chapter 10 – The Battle of Hévin-LeCoultre ~Roar~

Volume 10 [PDF]

Chapter 1 – Ursula’s Visit
Chapter 2 – Lucca’s Past
Chapter 3 – The Holy Forest ~Ecbald Autonomous Region~
Chapter 4 – The Elves’ Great Secret
Chapter 5 – Routine Daily Life and the Omen in its Shadow
Chapter 6 – The Dark Elf’s Revenge
Chapter 7 – The Calamity of Albion
Chapter 8 – Twin-Winged Oratorio

Volume 11 [PDF]

Chapter 1 – Ash’s Determination and the New Student Council Organisation
Chapter 2 – Rebecca’s Graduation Ceremony
Chapter 3 – Ash’s Little Sister
Interlude – Linda’s <Seikoku>
Chapter 4 – Aries’ Onboard Party
Interlude – Linda’s Miscalculation
Chapter 5 – The Princess of Darkness and the Mechanical Dragon

Volume 12

Chapter 1 – Magic Metal Mithril
Chapter 2 – The Boundless Overia Sea
Chapter 3 – The Dragon’s Tail, Labrock
Chapter 4 – Festival of Darkness
Chapter 5 – The Outcome of the Bidding Contest
Chapter 6 – The Truth of Labrock
Chapter 7 – Murciélago’s Roar
Chapter 8 – Tempest of a Dragon’s Tail


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172 Responses to Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi

  1. Moist says:



    Are you still alive translator g?

  2. Moist says:



    I absolutely am loving this series and i hope i will live long enough to see it all translated xd. keep up the good work.

  3. Quantum says:



    Yo, zxzxzx!


    (First things first, I just wanted to lyk that this comment of mine is a little on the long side, hahaha. So if you’d rather skip it I won’t blame you, but if you could, at the very least, check out the ending of it then that would be awesome. Thank you, my friend.)


    Thank you for all your hard work! I did some research, and I found out that you had been translating DxD before you ever picked up Seikoku. However, you went ahead and started translating Seikoku even though you already had a ton of work on your plate beforehand. Whether you had a vote with fans or made the decision yourself, I just wanted to say that I seriously appreciate you doing this!! I’ve been waiting on this series for a loooong time now.

    I first read this series back when Baka-Tsuki had just finished V11, which was around, idk 6-8 years ago or something like that, but unfortunately, for whatever reason, they stopped… Anyway, after YEARS of waiting for some kind of update without any luck, I actually ended up forgetting about this series entirely. Fortunately, though, due to a few lucky circumstances, I suddenly recalled this series, which then led me to this website! Honestly, I could not believe that someone had finally picked Seikoku up again! I am truly grateful.

    So look, my guy. I know it can’t be easy to juggle all of these series at once, and yet you still do it for your fans! You even make sure that each and every update you complete is done with great attention to detail and genuine care, which then leaves us with high-quality releases! Tbh, it’s a little freaky how good you are at this balancing act. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you just didn’t sleep in order to keep up with everything, hahahaha. Tbh, I admire you for continuing to march forward while not dropping any of the series for the other two. That takes true guts and determination, my friend. However, even with how excited I am to read more Seikoku, I still think that you should continue with all three series at your OWN pace.

    Please do not misunderstand, I am not trying to tell you what to do. I just believe you should be able to do things your own way without having to worry about what others think/want. I’m only saying this because I truly believe that all these “advid” readers complaining about how long it’s taking are in the wrong. Demanding something from someone without even offering to help in some way or another is just totally wrong if you ask me… Please do not feel pressured into focusing on one series over the other, just because there are some impatient people out there.

    Although, I must admit that I do understand their frustrations since I too enjoy binge-reading a series from beginning to end, and I also dislike whenever I am unable to finish a series just like anybody else. However, no matter what, I still believe it’s wrong to not be more understanding about the situation as a whole. Especially whenever they have no understanding of the other party’s own circumstances… (Let’s not forget that DxD was the original project and the other two series are just add ons…) Still, I do hope you can forgive their rudeness and continue releasing these god-tier translations!

    Maybe I should reiterate just in case… Please take your time, my friend. Try not to allow any of those negative comments to get to you! You do not need to increase the rate of the translations just to appease others. It’d truly be a shame if you overworked yourself to the point you became sickly. It’d also be a shame if the quality of your translations took a dip due to the added stress from overworking yourself. You’ve been doing great thus far, so keep it up!

    In the future, though, if there ever comes a time when you need a break/vacation, then just treat yourself and take it, lol. Worry more about yourself, yeah? I mean, let’s be honest, shall we? Without you, then none off these series would ever get the English translations they deserve. Remember, regardless of what others say/think, your health is much more important than any LN translation. Getting plenty of rest is essential to one’s health…. Sorry I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, I just really dislike when people pressure others for their own benefit… I find it truly disgusting.

    Well anyway, thanks again! I’m rooting for you to finish each of these series at your own pace. Oh, also, if there happens to be a way to support your work, I’d be glad to help! Unfortunately, I can not help with the actual translations nor the editing since I have absolutely no experience in either department… However, if you happen to accept monetary donations, then I can do that!!


    (P.S. This is my first time on your website, so I have no idea if you accept donations or not, lol. Still though, if there’s any way I can help, then just lmk, friend! Once again, thank you for all of your hard work! Your EN translations are one of the best I have ever read. Tbh, they’re even better than some of the official EN translations for other LN’s and manga’s.)

    • zxzxzx says:



      Hey Quantum, thank you for the kind words. Much appreciated.
      High School DxD has been picked up by another translator and the most up to date version can be found here:

      I just came back from almost two months in South Korea and Japan as my first holiday in four years! Hadn’t been able to travel prior to that due to COVID-19 and work commitments. Feeling old as I type this, but I used to have a lot more spare time on my hands for translation though not so much anymore as I’ve progressed with my life and career. Unfortunately work has piled up while I took time off so I’m straight back into it again. I don’t have any routine plans for translation at the moment, but will keep my blog and the ORC site up in case the opportunity arises again.

      • Quantum says:



        Ah, I totally understand, my friend! I had assumed it had to be something like that. It’s great that you were able to take time for yourself, though! That’s all that really matters. Working yourself into an early grave just so people can read a few LN’s just isn’t worth it! Especially, if that isn’t what pays the bills, ya know? Thank you for all the translations you have done so far!! They have all been utterly amazing!!

        I think you made the right choice by doing this. I won’t lie by saying I’m not a little disappointed about Seikoku no longer being translated anymore, but I 100% respect your decision! Plus, no one here can complain since any one of us could try learning Japanese like you did, so that we could be the ones who translate the LN’s! Hahaha.


        Actually…. That may not be such a terrible idea…. Would it be alright to ask you a few more questions? If you’re alright with that then awesome, but if you feel uncomfortable about answering any of them then feel free not too!


        Before the questions though, please allow me to apologize in advance if some of these questions are uncomfortable and/or confusing to you. I can try rewording them if that is the case. And sorry for just blasting you with that many questions outta no where…. Lol. I don’t mean to be annoying nor do I mean to be disrespectful.


        1. Do you know if anyone has decided to start translating Seikoku again?

        2. If someone wanted to start doing translations for it, how would they go about doing that? In other words, would they need to talk to you first so that there’s not multiple people translating the same chapters?

        3. This may be an dumb question, but which kind of writing is used for Seikoku? I’ve read that there’s like two or three different types of writing in Japan. I know that one of them is called Kanji, but I’m not sure about the other one(s). If you can’t tell I know very little about Japanese writing, hahaha. If I am able to learn, I would like to make sure it’s the ccorrect form of writing so that I don’t screw things up, haha.

        4. This question may sound a little odd, but…. How did you learn how to translate Japanese? I mean, for all I know it’s your first language, but that’s besides the point, lol… I’m asking if I wanted to learn how to read it and also how to translate it, what would be an effective means to be able to teach myself?? Like is there a method that you used to learn how to translate as well as you’re able to now?

        5. This question is related to the previous comment that was absurdly long… I’d still like to donate to you when I have more funds available, so does the USD donation thing in your about profile still work??

        6. This is my last question for now.. If need be down the line, would it be alright to contact you again if I happen to have any other questions? And if so, is this website an effective, and more importantly, appropriate way to get in touch with you? (I’m asking if it’d be okay to get in touch with you in the future, and if so, is there a better way to do that or is this website better for you to use?)

        • zxzxzx says:



          Nah all good mate.

          As far as I’m aware, no one else has picked up Seikoku given it’s quite an old series now. I haven’t actively searched, but my usual indicator is Novel Updates:

          I’m not fussed at all if anyone decided to start translating it, rather I’d be quite grateful that someone was willing to pick up the work. I felt a bit nostalgic after seeing your comment though so am 20% of the way through V12 Chatper 4 lol. Maybe I’ll post it sometime soon.

          When you’re learning Japanese, especially for reading/writing, it’s pretty much unavoidable and essential to know all three scripts – hiragana, katakana and kanji. A typical sentence is a mixture of hiragana and kanji, while katakana gets used for foreign language words such as “Escavaron” or “Avalon” to retain their phonetic sound.

          Way way back I used to use apps on my phone to memorise the hiragana, katakana and kanji, and then building on that just some natural absorption through anime, TV shows, manga and such to pick up on structure and grammar. Though of course I also used proper books like Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese for grammar and sentence structure. Nowadays I’m less focused on the reading/writing aspect and generally just watch YouTube videos on conversational Japanese as that’s most useful to me when travelling. Definitely takes a lot of time, at least it did for me as I was balancing it with other things and never really had a set study schedule.

          Donation links still work but no need to go out of your way to donate. I earn well enough now and am content.

          I’ll email you so you have my email / other contact.

  4. dukkabi says:



    I want to see you as soon as possible

    It’s already completed in Korean standard

  5. Neu143 says:



    When will be the next update

  6. Wyatt97 says:



    Please Keep with the traducction


    You made an amazing Job

  7. NP says:



    Keep up the good work in translating! Its great to see this series translated!

  8. iron says:



    thank you for your hard work. Hope to see a pdf of vol 11 when you get the chance

  9. Anonymous says:



    You rock man

  10. David says:



    I came here just to say thank you for your hard work! I really like Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi, so I treasure your doings. Please, continue with the translation!

  11. Anonymous says:



    Thank you for translating this novel, I hope you translate all the volumes

  12. exsnake says:



    Thanks for the vol 10 pdf. Here comes Linda at last!

  13. exsnake says:



    Thanks for the hard work. Do you have a pdf for vol 10?

  14. Silver says:



    Really happy someone is still translating this, thank you very much for the hard work!

  15. ZackGriffen says:



    Yeah!!!!! so glad that Volume 9 was finished. I left this blog when it was at like chapter 4, and now when i come back Vol9 is done!!!! Thanks so much for translating this series! Recently I’ve been trying to learn Japanese kind of for fun, and kind of as a possible job opportunity. Does anyone know were i could get the raw Japanese files of this book from for practice?

  16. BlackPepper says:



    Thanks for translating this novel!
    I’ve always wanted to finish this story!
    God bless you, stay safe.

  17. Luiz says:



    I found a japanese (book store) site with better pictures for all the books, it’s Booklive:

  18. jeremy says:



    Todo lo que ustedes suben esta en ingles?
    PD: primera vez que veo este sitio

  19. anonymous says:



    I can’t wait to read volume 10 soon, by the way I found a petition for any Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi fans for season 2 or reboot Anime! and Thank you for publishing volume 9! zxzxzx

  20. Hari says:



    Are you alright?

    Also when will the next update come any clue?

  21. adam says:



    are you ok? just wondering whent he next dragonar update is commin

    • zxzxzx says:



      It’s not too far away. I’ve been able to make more progress than usual now that I’m working from home.

  22. Anonymous says:



    Thank you for your hardwork for tranlation.

    can you tell me did ash’s father ever show up in this series?


  23. Anonymous says:



    Thank for translation


  24. Anonymous says:



    Does anyone know when volume 9 of seikoku no ryuu kishi will be updated again to chapter 3, or even its projected completion date? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. 🙂   (also, is there any way to get a text document of the original Japanese novel? if so, could someone tell me?)

  25. Anonymous says:



    how do i make pdfs?  do i need word?  im cumputer stupid

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yeah, you can essentially copy and paste everything in to a Word document and print/save it as a PDF. Alternatively, you can go to the Full Text page of each volume on Baka-Tsuki and print it as a PDF.

  26. Anonymous says:



    “I picked it up at around the beginning of volume 6. I should also mention that the PDFs are somewhat out of date. A few editors recently (in the past year) combed through old volumes and made some improvements which are not reflected in the PDFs – that text is only on Baka-Tsuki at the moment.”

    do you have any plans to make the revised pdfs availiblle here?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Not at the moment as I’m fairly preoccupied with my own work. However, anyone can generate PDFs, including you – so feel free to do so if you’d like to help out.

  27. Anonymous says:



    Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi

    yeah im up to volume two and it just seems like someone used google translate to do it. when did you pick it up? around what volume?

    • zxzxzx says:



      I picked it up at around the beginning of volume 6. I should also mention that the PDFs are somewhat out of date. A few editors recently (in the past year) combed through old volumes and made some improvements which are not reflected in the PDFs – that text is only on Baka-Tsuki at the moment.

  28. Anonymous says:



    i just wanted to say somthing, thank you for translating dragonar academy and i mean no offence by this, but the sentance structure is really weird and confusing sometimes.  “His face is hot as if flame is going to burst out from it.”  <——for example this one seems to read really weirdly, i am unable to explain what i mean proporly…just wanted to bring it up.  thank you for your translation.



    • zxzxzx says:



      I don’t think that’s exactly what I would’ve written as something like that should be “his face was so hot that flames were about to burst from it” in terms of grammatical correctness. That might have come from a previous volume before I started translating. If you’d like to let me know where you see such things, I can go and fix them.
      In any case, the author does enjoy using similes to describe various things and it’s just a part of his style.

  29. Anonymous says:



    Do you also publish the illustrations of the novels?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Illustrations for volumes that I have translated are available on their linked pages here, and are also inserted into the text where they belong.

  30. Edvinas says:



    when you will be able to translate volume 9?

  31. Maurice says:



    Thanks for finishing Vol 8. when do you expect to have the pdf/epub ready I know it reads soon and I know your busy just asking.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ll probably make a PDF this week. I don’t make EPUBs though, usually someone else makes them and I re-host.

      • Maurice says:



        Hey Z thanks for updating Vol 8 with pdf. Yeah, I know you don’t make epubs it was just for example.  Please keep them coming when you have time.

  32. Anonymous says:



    Really love seikoku no Ryuu kishi

    Please continue to translate this light novel


  33. Anonymous says:



    Are going to continue to translate seikoku no Ryuu kishi

    Please do and appreciate your work

  34. Ayush says:



    Zx are saying that you will start translating SnRK after finishing dxd volume 25??

    • zxzxzx says:



      No, at the very least, I’d want to finish DxD volume 25 and all of Shinmai first. It’s going to be quite a long wait, and I don’t mind if another translator wants to pick it up, but when I do come back around, I want it to be my sole focus.

  35. Maurice says:



    Hey Z sorry to bother but are you still planning to continue Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi @ some point or has someone else already picked it up. If so do u know Who ? bye.

    • zxzxzx says:



      No one has picked it up. I’m not planning to work on it right now either. I’ve got too much on my plate.

  36. ZackGriffen says:



    Hi, I was wondering if anyone here knew were i could find a summary to Seikoku no ryuu kishi volumes 8 and up.  Thanks!!!!

  37. Anonymous says:



    Hello zxzxzx just a question after finishing  shinmai V8 are you going to start translating SnRK V8 ???

  38. rex says:



    i really don’t know how to do translate , but i like it this story ,so when new chapter out of this novel please notify me .

  39. AYONOMOUSE says:



    When is volume 8 gonna be finished scanlating? does anyone know?

    And does anyone know if the manga will have a 14th volume or not

  40. Anonymous says:



    Any idea when volume 8 will be uploaded????


    • zxzxzx says:



      Not in the near future. I think I’ll shift focus to Shinmai Maou for a while to quickly finish a few volumes.

      • Ironman628 says:



        Thank you for your hard work! Your novels helped me get through things while my wife was in the hospital, and now I’m hooked! Did you get your donation system sorted out? Glad to hear you’ll be TL’ing a few Shinmai volumes next! Looking forward to them! Thank you again.

  41. Anon says:



    Thank you for translating the light novel 🙂

  42. Rexzer says:



    when this new volume gonna out ? please reply  T_T

  43. Jjch102296 says:



    I how volume 8 of dragonar academy will come out soon. I would like the translations of dragonar academy and high dxd. I don’t like Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha as much as the rest.

  44. Dtar says:



    Does any1 know where the anime ended off so i know where to start reading?

  45. smashbrolink says:



    Hey, ZX, thanks so much for continuing this series!
    Even if it’s slow, it’s still my hope that it will eventually see itself completely translated.
    If you plan to drop it at any point, though, then could you at least pass the word around to other translators that it needs support?
    It would be horrible if this ends prematurely. Even with the ending spoiled and Ash not really choosing anyone, I still want to see the romantic entanglements and struggles in future volumes.

    Thanks again!

  46. Maurice says:



    Hey Zxzxzx when should volumes 7 pdf be available when you get time.

  47. Anonymous says:



    thank you, now to wait for the pdf



    will you be pumping out dragonars faster this year?

    i have no basis of why u would but i remain hopfull

    • zxzxzx says:



      Not in the short term as I will be trying to finish off the Shinmai Maou series over the next 2 years (assuming I can maintain a rate of 3 volumes per year), alongside the High School DxD series (aiming for 2~3 volumes per year).

      • Anonymous says:



        thats disapointing i was hopping to be done with volume ten by the end of the year


        ph well nothing i can do

  48. Madman says:



    Hey zxzxzx I am going to ask question to you yes to you where are you looking at

    So my question was have started translation of seikoku? As you have finished with with dxd.

    Pls reply , wait why am I spelling pls instead it should be please. So what I was saying that if you read this comment then pls (aah why am I spelling it again ) reply along with you reaction after reading this comment




    Cause I’m a MaDmAn???

  49. 0


    It takes about how long to post ” one ” ” chapter ”?


    It’s just a doubt.

  50. Gabriel banks says:



    I really hope you can get past translating volume 13 because ive managed to find english version of thirteen somewhere but cant get volumes 14 to 20 in english and im glad that someone is still trnaslating these books because i would have died if i knew i wouldnt be able to read the rest

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thanks, I’d be really interested to know where volume 13 is if you can recall.

      • Anonymous says:



        Vol 12 is the end of the fight with Oscar and Ash and i think vol 13 is an edited version/ edited ending to the series as the english version has finished but i dont actually know how vol 13 plays out in the original light novel

  51. DeathZark says:



    Hey zx, thanks for all your work so far. I was just wondering that by when do you think that the translations of this Light Novel will be completed??? I just can’t wait to read it all the way to volume 20.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Whew, tough question. I can’t really give an answer to this one. I reckon it’d be years before I get to the end.

  52. HighschoolDxDFan says:



    Thank you Zx and hope you had a wonderful Christmas. and hope you also have a happy new year.

  53. HighschoolDxDFan says:



    Hello zx if you see this i just want to know where i can find volume 1 through 5 at.

  54. AnomnyMoose says:



    Hope this gets more updates. I really want to download the PDFs

  55. Anonymous says:



    When will you start the next chapter


  56. Izunyan~ says:



    Yay! This is getting translated :3

    I’m just wondering how you get the raws though

  57. Anonymous says:



    i hope i dont get a troll response, sorry for bugging you but when will the next chapter of dragonar academy go up?

  58. Daastan says:



    thank u very much for your hard work in High school DXD , Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha and 
    Seikoku no Ryuu Kishi.Looking forward for next chapter of Dragonar academy and next Life of vol 23 of DxD

  59. Ayush says:



    When you are going to upload chapter 3 of volume 7 ? Just curious.

  60. LeonK says:



    How long does it normaly take you to finish a chapter?

    Just curious

    • zxzxzx says:



      It varies depending on length, but for the past few, it’s been about one to two weeks during my free time.

  61. LeonK says:



    Will you be updating  the new chapters, and if so when

  62. Christopher says:



    The series of this LN is great, keep continuing ^^

    Thks for translate ^^

  63. 0


    Is there a chance of there being an epub version of this series? PDFs don’t play very well with e-readers.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve never made epubs nor do I use them so I don’t think I’d do a very good job. Feel free to make your own though.

  64. 0


    Is it worth reading this series?

    Thanks for translating this series :))

  65. William says:



    I am wondering, when u are going to put the rest of the chapters on your website.

  66. windrunnerex says:



    The pdf links are unable to be viewed, is there a reason for that,

  67. Mike says:



    Hey does anyone know how the light novels end. I’d like to know who ends up with whom? Use spoilers tag if u know please 🙂

  68. ashhblake says:



    when’s the next chapter gonna be posted please hurry #waiting 🙁

  69. Ash blake says:



    Dont get me wrong i am just curious.

    I appreciate your work on the previous volumes and i thank you for that.

  70. Ash blake says:



    Are you stikl working on this project or have you abandoned it.

  71. Drake says:



    Thank you so much for this work. I’m really enyoing to read this. I’ll wait for the whole Volumee 7 and, again, thank you so much for your work 😀

  72. Anonymous says:



    Just wanted to say thank you for translating this series. After watching the series for the first time last year it became one of my favourites and I looked everywhere for translated copies of the light novels and found nothing, so thank you for your efforts it’s greatly appreciated.

  73. Anonymous says:



    keep up the good work 🙂

  74. Anonymous says:



    where do i get the pdfs for this light novel? volumes 1 through 6?

  75. Maurice says:



    Thanks for Completing V6 Can’t wait to Read it please make pdf asap Zxzxzx. Have a Goodday.

  76. ahh says:




  77. Charles Lister says:



    I love the work you do please keep it up. Once again thank you.

  78. Anonymous says:



    i am so curius about volume 10, it looks like lucca is making her move,,,

  79. Artemis says:



    I was wondering if you might know of a few more people to help out with this? As I know your busy and there is so many books still left to translate. Perhaps one or two more would help?

    • zxzxzx says:



      Well, I haven’t been actively trying to look for anyone, but I think it’s fair to say that if someone was interested in it, they would’ve picked it up before me, or they might’ve contacted me by now. Not everyone has the time nor capability to translate, and that’s what makes the community small. There are a limited number of translators, and just finding one or two people to help out isn’t such a simply task.

      • Artemis says:



        Ah ok. I get what you mean. Just sucks about the wait times and I get why there is wait times. I just hate waiting you know aha. I become impatient waiting for the next chapter since we reached a more interesting part of the series since it’s started to pick up. Also it sucks that the light novels are not done in English it would make things so much easier but oh well. Thanks for doing this thoe I really appreciate the effort you are putting in

  80. Anonymous says:



    Thanks for the great work can’t wait till you finish the other volumes

  81. Sarksz says:



    Just curious are u gonna translate this till final volume 20 or stop at some point? Thanks for the new chapter btw

  82. Paul S says:



    when are you gonna start translating the rest of Seikoku No Ryuu Kishi and Highschool DxD novels again?


  83. arandomdude6 says:



    i know i will rain on your parade here, but the official releases have already reached volume 9, with volume 10 to be released on august 2nd.

    • zxzxzx says:



      Yeah, that’s the manga though. From what I recall, the tenth volume of the manga is roughly equivalent to where I’m up to with the light novels.

  84. Crusoe says:



    Thankyou very much for translating the series, i’ve been waiting for years 😀 for this series to know what’s going to happen after the last translated chapter!

  85. Krishna says:



    I was hoping that someone would pick up the translation. really!! great work

  86. mayurijugdement247 says:



    Hai zxzxzx,I would to know where the rest of volumes 1-5,will you upload please? I would glad you do.Thanks 😉

  87. jonathan harley says:



    Thank you so much for doing this show!!! I am so desperate to kno how it progresses. I read the manga but desperately wanted to ln series to read.



  88. Jixzar says:



    thanks for the translation! do you have pdfs for these series? thanks! 🙂

  89. RougeReader says:



    Thanks fo translating this.. I had given up on this since TJYYEO stopped his translations. Thanks you again for picking this up.

    I see that you also have Shinmai Maou in your tabs but its been put on hold. Do you plan to continue it? It one of my most favorites probably more than High School DxD so please do tell..

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’m rather busy at the moment, which is why I’ve had to put Shinmai on hold. I may continue with it, but that would at least be from August onwards.

      • jonathan harley says:



        Take as much time as you need sir. You have my sincere thanks for all your help. Im just exceedingly grateful and appreciative of what you do.

    • jonathan harley says:



      Same. I am so happy this has been reborn and revived to be translated. Seriously appreciate all the translator’s hard work and service to are community of fans

  90. Jay says:



    Thank you so much for doing this !!! i love the anime and only have the manga available and being published. What manga volume / chapter does this correspond to?


    Thanks again for posting and all the effort that was involved!!

    • zxzxzx says:



      No worries, I’m afraid I don’t know which manga chapter this corresponds to as I don’t have the manga.

  91. Allan says:



    Não gostarias de trazduzir a novela de tokyo Ravens vol 14? Gosto muito de tokyo Ravens mas demoram muito tempo para traduzi-la.

  92. luke says:



    hows this series going?

  93. Brett says:



    Need more.

  94. annahana says:



    it is realy nice that you will translate this novel becaus its one of the novels that really need a good translater like you . i know that it will need its time to translate this novel becaus the style of the autor is not like your past novels.  thats why i wish you much luck in the translaton and hope fore a wunderfull translation of the novel