Site suggestions?

Looking to improve my site. Let me know where this site can be improved, suggest some features, I’m open to anything.

Here’s a list of suggestions already made or ones I’ve thought of:

Email updates (Sign up in the sidebar.) – Following my blog would only alert you to new posts at the moment and since I publish my translations on ‘pages’, you’d have to keep checking the page to see if there are updates. I’ll be trying out a mailing list soon.

Updates via Twitter or Facebook (Don’t think I need this if I have email and RSS) – I don’t use either of these very often but many people do which I’m fine with.

List of short codes for comments (Try out the new comment editor!) – I’ll make a page or edit the comment functionality so you can have different text styles and spoilers.
SPOILER CODE: [spoiler title='Title']Text[/spoiler]

Reference links (Now active!) – When I put translation notes into the text, you have to scroll down to find the corresponding note manually so you’ll lose your reading position or have to read them afterwards. I’m planning to make them show up whenever you hover your mouse over, this way it also keeps your current reading position.

Site Stats – (Link’s in the menu now.) As you know, there’s a little box which tells you how many visitors I get but there’s actually a lot more info than that. I use WP Statistics, WordPress’s statistics as well as Google Analytics. So there’s info like most viewed pages over time, country, age, gender, etc. (Google is a stalker).

Boosto! Comments (Will fix the bugs and features when I have time.) – This was tried out briefly but it still needs more work so it’ll be back soon. More info about it here.

Summaries (On hold.) – Some people don’t remember what’s happened in a certain volume or story. That happens to me too. Since there’s going to be a re-reading of LNs as per this schedule, I plan on doing summaries as we go.

RSS Feeds ( – Have updates from my sidebar show up in the RSS feeds.

Comment submission box on top (Done.) – The comment submission box will be moved to the top instead to being at the bottom. This will make it more convenient as you won’t need to scroll down to the bottom.

Mobile Site (Working.)- A better viewing experience on mobile devices.

Edit Comments (Now active.) – In case you make a typo or want to make some amendments, you can edit comments for 15 minutes after posting.

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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16 Responses to Site suggestions?

  1. greg says:



    link updates/news of the light novels that your working om

    • zxzxzx says:



      Thought I had that info in the “Latest Update” sticky post on my home page? I generally give an estimated day that I’ll release a part or update there.

  2. JS says:



    I don’t have alot of time to find “facts” on DxD. I would like to go to a page and look at the latest news for the last 6 months and not a speculation on ,,,”whatever”. A good example of this is baka-tsuki forum had said that the author’s twitter account had said we would get books `17, 18, and 19 months ago, but I had to wait till somebody said it was 100 pages back on the thread to read it for myself. An the Dxd wiki is not a whole lot better, if it isn’t on the front page its like finding a needle in a haystack. Thanks for reading my gripe.Js

  3. plr says:



    I think it would be good to put images on the part of the text where they appear

    no se si lo puse entendible XD

  4. Adridezz says:



    Just signed up for the email hopefully it works well. Glad to see your back as well

  5. Harry Haran says:



    zxzxzx welcome back bro , i just want confirm with u that r u insterested in translating mahouka pl i hope u can consider this

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve had many people asking me about Mahouka koukou no rettousei but I won’t be doing it as it has been licensed by Yen Press.

  6. rickiminato says:



    Heló zxzxzz for the sugestión i choose the facebook and the site stats, i yeah do you know about the high school dxd extra?
    I saw yesterday and this short story tell the story of the children of issei and the true about the god of the bible.
    Issei has a nickname the oppai god and his children don t like it

  7. DxDDDDDDDDDD says:



    Reference links – When I put translation notes into the text, you have to scroll down to find the corresponding note manually so you’ll lose your reading position or have to read them afterwards. I’m planning to make them show up whenever you hover your mouse over, this way it also keeps your current reading position.

    View post on

    idk if this is google play books specific but the epubs im using aren’t made specifically for google play books so im guessing it’s about the formatting…if you’re the one that handles this sort of thing, can you make it so that the reference links pop up like this instead of jumping all the way to the end of a section/book and having to flip back

  8. Kiz says:



    I think email update would be fine
    Also, WELCOME BACK!!!!