If you’ve read the chapter titles, you’ll know that there’s an upcoming one called ‘Parents’ but also Life.1 before that. So far, there are a lot of references to parents so I’d like to know what you’d prefer. Let me know if you have something else. Poll closes Sunday 22nd @6PM my time (UTC +10).
How should 'parents' be shown?
- Okaa-san / Otou-san in every instance (43%, 172 Votes)
- Okaa-san / Otou-san when used in dialogue. Mother / Father when not in dialogue. (28%, 111 Votes)
- Okaa-san / Otou-san when used in dialogue. Mum / Dad when not in dialogue. (16%, 63 Votes)
- Mother / Father in every instance (7%, 29 Votes)
- Mum / Dad in every instance (6%, 25 Votes)
- Other. (1%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 403