The Seven Deadly Sins Master Ruthlessly Shatters Taboos

Author: Tetsuto Uesu
Illustrator: GoHands

Volume 1

Prologue – The Thursday on which Fated Paths Crossed
Chapter 1 – Reverse Kichijouji’s <<Hungry Wolf Brigade>>
Chapter 2 – The Lives of the Wolves
Chapter 3 – At the Centre of the Special Ability Zone
Chapter 4 – Towards the Bottom of Deep Darkness
Chapter 5 – The Way of the Hungry Wolves
Epilogue – Committing a New Deadly Sin

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6 Responses to The Seven Deadly Sins Master Ruthlessly Shatters Taboos

  1. Anonymous says:



    Do you plan on putting this on baka-tsuki whenyour done translating?

    Also second volume is coming out soon. And apparently the series is called overdone.



    Support Uesu and Purchase Overdone volume 2


    • zxzxzx says:



      I don’t have plans to translate this any further given that the TL group you linked intends to do it. I’m not keen on doubling up on work again.

      I don’t think I’ll put it on Baka-Tsuki either just because it’s only the prologue. If anyone is interested in continuing the project on Baka-Tsuki though, I’d gladly give them what I’ve done.

  2. DaytimeBry says:



    This feels more like a tease than a teaser. You really don’t think you’ll be able to translate the rest? At maybe give us a summary of what happens in each chapter so we won’t feel like we’re sitting here in the dark. Anyway thanks for translating what you have so far.

    • zxzxzx says:



      I’ve heard from the Shinmai crowdfund group that they plan to start translating it in December. I’m already doubling up on their work with Shinmai and I don’t intend on doing that for any other series again. The only reason I continue translating Shinmai is because I can’t bear to leave it unfinished after how far it’s come.

      • Anonymous says:



        Oh man so the only way to continue reading this is by paying them then?

        • zxzxzx says:



          Afraid so. As much as I’d like to keep fan-translations free for all to read, it’s a waste of my time if I have to double up on someone else’s work. For Shinmai, fair enough…I’m already pretty deep into it, but this…not really.