Umm, Oppai! I have returned…

We all know where that line is from and I hope we get to see it in the anime. With exams over for now, I’ll be back to translating. Next up is is Life.1, however I’ve made plans for various other things IRL so I won’t be going through it too quickly. Life.1 is also about 1.5 times as long as V18 Life.4 but at my current pace it’ll likely be done within 2 weeks or so. Since I don’t want to be posting it up in 30+ separate parts of my usual size, I’ll be releasing it in 8 parts.

HighSchool DxD BorN? I’m fairly excited for the DVD/BD specials. Overall, I felt that the season was rather rushed, but otherwise alright. The ending left me with mixed feelings because of what happened (and what didn’t) but I think the prospects of a fourth season are pretty good. I’m disappointed that there was no rating game against Sitri as well as Chichigami-sama. It seems there was a lot of ‘foreshadowing’ about the events of the next season, some of which was welcome but deviated far more from the LNs than I expected. More Raynare was good, I was alright with how they introduced Bilingual given that the RG wasn’t in it. Welsh Blaster Bishop showing up was a surprise, I don’t mind that as long as S4 handles it well, seriously, if V9 & 10 stick close to the LNs whilst accommodating for BorN’s changes that’s fine with me. Certainly a drop in quality and enjoyment this season compared to the past two but just thinking about V9-10 getting animated is making me excited. I can’t wait for V11-12 if that’s coming soon as well.

I got a number of suggestions recently which I’ll be working on soon. I’m on break till the end of July so I should be able to get more done.

About zxzxzx

I'm an IT professional who likes computers, anime, tennis, travelling and photography among other things. I often read LNs, manga or watch anime in my spare time if I'm not translating something. I'm a strong supporter of freedom of speech, human rights, and I generally support a left-wing stance on most political subjects.
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4 Responses to Umm, Oppai! I have returned…

  1. ironwill13791 says:



    There was no Zoom Zoom Iyaan. 🙁

  2. Kemm says:



    The only thing BorN made clear to me is that the anime studio has dire planning problems (most of the issues referenced with the season come precisely from the fact that they are doing 12-chapter seasons) and totally hates LeFay, Chichigami and Kunou.

  3. toaneo07 says:



    coool, you finally returned, cool!

  4. Leam IX says:



    Nice to see you again ZXZXZX. Take your time for the translate and do your best 😉